SOUTHERN OREGON MINER___________________________________________________ Page 5 Friday, June 13, 1941 1 About People You Know • Among stinl«*iit h who have i>- turned home from college tor Hum­ mer vacation» are Dale Kacgi, Caroline Hander, Marilyn Uhrist- livb, Joe Whitsett and Charlotte Short. • Henry Miller underwent an ap pndretomy Tuesday morning • I >i ami . viih i ' F Tilton liuvr returned home from a vacation trip in California. • Horn to Mr ami Mm Dale Mortis June 7, a daughter • M ihm Kathryn Parker, student at Eastern Oregon College of Edu­ cation at lai (¡ramie, has enrolled for the aurnmer term nt Southern Oregon College of Education She Is a cousin of Mm. C C. Dunham and in staying nt the Dunham home Her home In In Heppner. • Mm T I, O’Harra, Mm II D Mitchell and Mm M I* O'Hurra attended the Htutc convention of Oregon Federated Woman's c I u I m held at CorvalliH hint week • Mr and Mm. Fred Fraine of Co|M*<>, Calif were transacting business here Tuesday. For Father'» Day—mice gift», low price«. J.V.W. ft and 10. • Mr and Mm Gordon Tripp have returned from a brief vacs- tlon trip to Eugene and Portland • Mr and Mm lairkin Grubb were Yreka visitors Sunday. • I >r and Mm It E PoetM ami Mr and Mrs Dean Pieper attend­ ed a chamber of commerce meet­ ing In Klamath Falla Tuesday evening • Mr and Mm Karl Nlms were in la»s Angeles laat week on STUDENT PILOTS Attend the Church of Your PASS EXAMS Choice, Sunday business • Mr ami Mm J. D Pearson of Medfoid have moved to Ashland Don't forget Father, Munday. Tira, Nuapenilcre, Moa, Candy Greeting Cards. J.V.W. ft and 10. • Mr and Mrs Merritt I'aria and llev. W. -I. Meagher, Pastor aon of Davenport, la, and Mrs Dean Wendell and sons of Hteam- Mass at H a m Sunday. boat Springs, XJolo are visiting ______________ e Mi ami Mrs Frank Warren • BOM t" Mi ¡uni Mm J P Briggs June 0, a daughter • Lyndel Newbry has arrived home from OSC to spend his va­ Dr. George W. Brwe, Minister cation with Mr. ami Mm. Earl Newbry Sunday school at 9 4ft a m with • Mr ami Mm Emerson Pratt of Steilacoom, Wash visited several ' A O. McGee superintendent in days with Mr and Mm. C. E | charge. Pratt Morning worship at 11 o’clock • Dick Putney, student at (JtU', Evening worship ut 8 o'clock. has arrived home for his summer vacation • Won! has been received of the death of Mrs Gladys Can th re 111 last week .at Dunsmuir. She In the , daughter of Mm. Frank West of Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Ashland. fourth and f Ari­ ject of sermon. "Resistance.” Wednesday 8 p m, union tem­ zona is visiting her sister, Mrs A perance meeting. Miss Ethel Hu­ E Messer transacting business here Monday. ber speaker. • Dee Newton of Medford was _____ __ __ » ------ • ONLY ONE DEATH FROM "TICK" FEVER REPORTED So far this year only one death Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar in the state has been reported from Rocky Mountain spotted fe- ' , Holy Communion 8 a. m ver, commonly called tick fever, ' Church school 9:30 a m. reports the public health research Morning prayer and sermon 11 department of the Oregon Mutual Ufe Insurance company The al­ a. m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. most complete annihilation of thia disease la a tribute to the prevent­ Wednesday Choir will meet Friday at 7:30 ive work being done by the public p. m health workers of Oregon. You are cordially invited to This disease formerly was very prevalent In all parts of eastern worship with us —•----------- Oregon. Foursquare Church Catholic Church Fourth and B Street« Rev. Shearburn, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m H. O. Butterfield, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People's meeting, 6:30 p m. Evangelistic -service 7:4ft p. m. ! Week night services Tuesday and Friday evenings at 7:45. Prayer meeting precedes these i two services. Young people in I charge of Tuesday service. First Methodist Church First Baptist Church J. R. Turnbull, Minister Church of the bi azarene Bible school 9:4ft a m. C. E Corry, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Sunday, 8 p. m , church service. Wednesday. 8 p. m„ prayer praise and Bible study Church of Christ Second and B Streets ('. Alton Brostrom, Minister Bible school 9:4ft a m Program led by Mrs. Rogers L. U. Gresh­ am. superintendent Morning worship 11 o’clock. At 7 p. m , meetings of the College and High School C. E. societies. Evening service at 8 o'clock. Neighborhood Church Congregation al Trinity Episcopal Church . .»---- - --- Full Gospel Temple E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. R. E. Schmidt, Pastor Twenty-two students enrolled in the Civilian Pilot Training cours­ es at the Southern Oregon College of Education have successfully passed their ground school exam­ inations The following 10 primary students took their final ground school examination from Inspector Leach, of the general inspection division of the Civil Aeronautics Administration: Charles Jack Ha­ nd, Ashland; Chester Leonard Robertson, Eagle Point; Donald Ray Gillespie, Donald Reynolds Homer, Warren Alexander IJgget Houston Rutledge Pitts Jr , Don­ ald Curry Stanley and Harold Hu­ bert Stevens, Medford: Mary Jean Barnes Phoenix, and Frank I-eigh- ton, Blake. Camas, Wash The following -12 secondary stu­ dents successfully passed their fi­ nal examinations from Assistant Ground Schoo] Supervisor Uttle, of the Civilian Idiot Training ser­ vice:: Myrle Claire Adams, Merl Elbert Beagle, Edward Lewis Cate. William Milton Hawkins. George Robert Jensen, and John Raymond Pratt. Ashland; George Eugene Gates Jr., Rolland Norris Rinabarger, Keith Devone Swish­ er and Walter Ernest Wiltermood, Medford, and Milton Kenneth Mc­ Auley and Allen M Macabee Jr of Klamath Falls. Final flight examinations are being given at the Medford air- port. Upon successful completion of these flight tests, the primary students will receive their private pilots' licenses and the secondary students will receive a 2S rating on their private pilots' licenses and a certificate of competency for having completed the restrict­ ed commercial course. —•------------- Don’t forget Father, Sunday. Ties, Suspenders, Sox, Candy, Greeting Cards. J.V.W. 5 and 10. I . | j Hazel Barton of Salem, Palm­ istry reading at Mrs. Jrasel’s, Apt. 3. Two weeks only. • Mrs Dooms visited in Medford Wednesday. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. C A. service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all ser/ices. ------------- •------------- WITT-YEO Miss Dorothea N. Witt, daugh­ ter of Mrs. Roy Mayson of Yaki­ ma. Wash and Robert Yeo. son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Yeo of 1 Ashland, recently were married in Yakima, the ceremony being performed in the chapel of the Presbyterian church of that city. | Mrs. Yeo has been teaching art in 1 the Medford hig'i school and Mr. Yeo taught social science in the Granta Pass high school They are spending the summer in Ashland. First Presbyterian Church Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. Free Methodist Church East Main Street John R. Poet, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in charge. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Junior meeting and Young Peo­ ple's meeting at 7 p. m. Evening worship at 8 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening at 8 o'clock. You are welcome to all services. • • The Miner for Quality Printing. STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY to coast A lij'lit, clean, convenient place to shop for good things to eat, and we will save you money every day of the week. A Few Prices in Effect from June 6 to 13 DILL PICKLES—t alco, i j gallon jar 27c KNIGHTS SWEET PICKLES—Pint 27c OLIVES— Picnic size lOe GRAPE JUICE—2 quart bottlra 53c BLENDED GRAPEFRUIT mid ORANGE JUICF—16 ox. 28c STAN Din PEARS—No. I Un 22c SEGO MILK—Save the coupons. I tall cans Sic POTATOES—11. S. No. I, 18 11* NB| 100 lbs...................»1.35 BOItENE LAUNDRY SPECIAL Want Size 13c; Thrift Size 28c Regular Size 19c; (I bar» 25c —THE PLACE— 61 No. Main St. FREE DELIVERY Plaza Meat Market in Connection QUALITY MEATS for LESS Phone 4771 Free Delivery Thousands of travelerswill take time out this year to know Amer­ ica better. "Grand Circle Tour" fares permit you to start your trip anywhere, see America from coast to coast and return to your starting point for only ... »90 I ROUND TRIP —in chair cars and coaches H35 ROUND TRIP in standard Pullmans (plus »45 for a Pull­ man lower all the way, »34.50 for an upper). You can travel as many as 9,000 miles, and by going on one of Southern Pacific’s Four Scenic Routes and returning on a dif­ ferent S. P. route, you II see m ice as much on your Grand Circle Tour of America! S-P I Selby Chevrolet Company The Friendly Southern Pacific See your local S.P. agent or write tA. ORMANDY. Gen. Pau. Agent. 2 Pacific Building, Portland. Ore. i Ashland Oregon