Friday, June 13, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 TALENT NEWS HILT NEWS Southern Oregon Miner • Mr and Mrs. Alva Smith re- • A number of friends and relu ¡turned home Friday from a two j Uvea motored to Yreka Thursday weeks honeymoon trip in Wash­ evening to attend the commence­ ington and other northern points ment exercises at the Yreka high Published Every Friday CHAS M GIFFEN • Mrs Elizabeth Learning and school. Graduates from this com­ at 167 East Main Street WIIJJAM SAVIN two sons, Edward and Robert, munity were Elisabeth Clevenger. ASHLAND. OREGON made a trip to Gold Beach over Barbara liouah. Barton Nelson, INiblishers ¥ the week-end and visited Mr and Gildo Cervellln, Sam Dunaway Jr . ★ Mrs. Elton Shafer. Mrs. Shafer is Margaret Coleman and Raymond Entered as second-class Coleman Raymond left some time SUBSCRIPTION a daughter of Mrs teaming. matter February 15, RATES • Doris Currier and James Gould ago to play baseball with the Ken­ 1935, at the poatQfficeat were married Saturday afternoon ; tucky Kitty league, so was unable (In Advance) Ashland, Oregon, under at the home of the bride's parents to be with his class at graduation ONE YEAR ...........>1 50 the act of March 3, 1879 The couple will make their home • The Siskiyou County Ministers’ SIX MONTHS 80c in Klamath county where Mr. association held a meeting Mon (Mailed Anywhere in the Gould Is employed. day night. June 2 at the Commun­ United States) • Talent grange met Thursday ity church. Those attending were night and obligated two new can­ Rev Howard G Eddv, Weed; Rev didates. Mr. and Mrs Guy Hayes, and Mrs W. R. Troutner, ML “THE TRI-TH WILL^ in the first ami second degrees. Shasta; Rev and Mrs M S Mc­ The program for the evening was Gee. Montague; Rev E. E. Malone. divided into two parts, one dedi­ Yreka. Maurice Cheek, Fresno; cated to Flag day and the other Rev Thomas J. Cuddy, Dunsmuir, to Memorial day. The program and Dr Edwin S Richardson of Count thirty seconds—one-half of a minute. was carried out along those lines Hilt and Hornbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Smith, the In that insignificant length of time fire destroy et grange's For Father's Day—nice gifts, newlyweds, were con­ $285 worth of property somewhere in the United ducted to the lecturer's station low prices. J.V.W. 5 and 10. • The Womens' Society of Chris States. In that time, fire attacked someone s home, and there presented with a gtft tian met Thursday at the the grange, a beautiful bed home Service of the hostess, Mrs. W someone’s store, someone’s factory, endangering li e from spread. The grange decided to Holmberg Installation services for and irreplaceable possessions. And during each ha make Sunday, June 15, “Go to ! the new officers were conducted Church Sunday'' and will attend | by Dr. E S. Richardson who also minute of every day, seven days a week. 365 days a the Methodist church. gave the scripture reading and I year, fire will continue to destroy $285 worth of prop­ • Mr and Mrs. McKinzie left prayer. After the business session Sunday for Lakeview where Mr. refreshments were served and the erty unless we do something about it. McKinzie is employed in a lumber "Hilt Tattler” was read by Mrs No one should say that he doesn’t know what to do. camp and a beautiful duet whs • Mrs Joseph Harrison was Gran, Basic fire prevention is simplicity itself. The Nation­ pleasantly surprised Saturday sung by Astrid Pedersen and Ber­ Bloomingcamp Those attend al Board of Fire Underwriters Recently laid down rules when her younger brother, H T nice ing were Mesdames John De Witt. Ready of Greenfield, Mo , whom for a successful fire prevention campaign in a teu she had not seen fo« 37 years, ar­ T Anderson. A Pedersen, W Holmberg. T Quamme. Harry De words when it said: “Look around you! Burn that rub­ rived. Mr. Ready plans on spend­ Jamett. A. H Samuelson, Frank ing a couple of weeks in sight ­ bish! Stamp out that cigarette before you throw it seeing through the valley. Ward, Walter Brny, Fred Haynes Enzie Wright. W Gran. Frank away! Keep gasoline out of the house! Fight fire be­ • Mr and Mrs. Roland Parks and Graves, Don Ward. Stella Roop. daughter Tommy arrived from E O Robinson. Ohlund, Ed fore it starts!” Sprague River where Mr Parks Wells, Dr and Frank E S Rick Fire, believe it or not, has killed more Americans has been principal of the school. ardson and Miss Mrs Bernice Bloom­ He will attend SOCE for the sum­ ingcamp. than all the wars in our history. And fire, today, is I mer months. • A son was bom to Mr and even more dangerous than in normal times. Fire men­ • Fred Hodapp who spent the Mrs. Walter Pianka late Wednes­ past two weeks at South Umpqua aces the defense effort. Fire in a key factory may stop employed with the COCs, return­ day at the Hilt hospital Both and son did splendidly and production of essential parts for days and weeks. And ed to the valley Friday evening. mother were able to g«> home Sunday The Home Economics club met fire, at all times, wastes materials, labor, energies— • Pianka spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Mabel Pen- Ricky with his aunt, Mrs .1 W King, and that most precious of elements—Time. land Tuesday. The YGA met at in Ashland Those institutions whose job is fighting fire are Bellview Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs Fred Bayliss went • Albert Anderson left Thursday to Browntown, Wash Monday redoubling their efforts. The National Board, for in­ for San Francisco for a week's They were to attend the Hereford stance, is using its full facilities, without charge, to vacation. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichols sold the home of Mrs. Anna Dickey help the army and navy departments prevent fire in their interest in the Talent cafe ladies were present. The army camps, navy yards, munitions plants, etc- It is to Mr and Mrs. I. S DeBond of Seventeen afternoon was spent with fancy Medford Mr. and Mrs. DeBond are work and visiting Mrs Edythe carrying on an aggressive, 24-hour-a-day fight against experienced in restaurant work. Hayman, Mrs. Mary Withrow, the saboteur. But, vital as this work is, it is not • Mr. and Mrs L. H Adkinson Mrs Edna Holdrige. Hazel Fems Carnegie. Okla., who have been of Ashland, Mrs Ed Robison, Mrs enough. Every American must help if fire is to be of stopping with Mr and Mrs. Ar­ Orma Goddard, Mrs Grace Gal- thur Black, moved into Simmons breth, Mrs Mabel Penland. Mrs defeated. And that means you! auto camp last week. Fred Rapp. Lydia Gardner, Mabel ★ ★ ★ • Mr and Mrs. r Dave — Bradley Duncan. Mrs Tom Bell. Mrs Roy moved into the house recently va­ i Levander, Mrs Clarence Mathes, cated by Mr and Mrs L W Tame Mrs Walter Enberg and Mrs. Saturday. Dickey, hostess, assisted by Ber­ Ashland’s Lithia park is the pride of the city and a • Mrs. Edna Holdrige gave a i tha Hayman. The next meeting birthday party for her daughter will be held at the home of Mrs joy to all who share its manifold beauties and conven­ Dons I Wednesday afternoon Those iences. There is scarecely another city park in the who were bidden to the party Hazel Fems in Ashland Mary Withrow, Bertha Hay­ northwest to rival it in naturalness of setting and in were man. Jean Simmons, Mrs. Clar­ both natural and designed beauty. This fact is ac­ ence Holdrige. Mrs. Frank Hol­ knowledged by experienced travelers, many of whom i drige. and Lucile Holdrige. Dainty were served. Doris include a much wider area than the northwest in pro­ refreshments received lovely gifts. • The ODO club met Friday at claiming the splendors of Lithia park. cattle sale at Yakima and join i the Hereford tour. • Mr and M ik Richard Williums and son Roy spent Sunday visit­ ing in Grants I'ass • Mrs Diamond Newman and Mrs Kenneth Nelson drove to Medford Tuesday. • Mrs M F Gcioy and son Hor­ ton and Billy Gran drove to Yreka Monday morning where Horton had the cast removed from his ankle which he Injured when pole vaulting at th« county track meet, • Mr and M ih Janies Purvis spent the week-end in A m I i I hik I with relatives. • Mr. and Mm George W i Igld and family motored to Medfol d Tuesday evening • Hilly Gran and Ernest Dutro went to work for Howard Trivcl- piece of Yreka Monday Thirty Seconds Of Destruction! Park Work Should Be Extended! i In view of what has already been said, it may seem a bit out of place to bring up anything unpleasant in connection with the park, and what is to be said is done with a finer civic center in mind and not by way of criticism. It is offered merely as a suggestion with the hope that others will find it possible to agree with the Miner. The approach to a town or city often is misleading to a stranger, for, as many of us know, some of the worst features of a community—shacks, automobile dump yards and, too frequently, trash piles, border the highways and railways leading into town. There is I nothing more than some unsightly old buildings bor­ dering the pavement opposite the lower part of Lithia park, yet they give the appearance of having not quite completed the job of creating a civic center. Were these structures removed and the ground landscaped it would greatly enhance the park, or the space could be made available for other civic buildings such as the Legion and Civic club houses. If the Miner is speaking out of turn we wish to be told about it, but it seems proper to bring this matter to the attention of the proper authorities with the hope that eventually something will be done about it and the fame of our celebrated park will be spread even farther. EXAMINER DUE 20TH A traveling examiner of opera­ tors and chauffeurs will arrive in Ashland Friday, June 20, and will be on duty at the city hall between the hous of 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. All those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars are asked to get in touch with the examiner i during these hours. Suggestions for June 15 ☆ Beautiful Ring A New Watch A Watch Band Tie Chain A Desk Clock * uStD Cat« say-- FIRST NATIONAL a/td you Chas. A. White Jewelry Store BUILD YOUR CREDIT REPUTATION for other Bank Loans... money for • Miss Charlotte Short, student at OSC last year, has arrived home for her summer vacation. • LeRoy Lindner has been trans­ ferred from Fort Lewis, Wash, to Camp Roberts, Cailf. • Mrs. Guy Crosby of St. Helens, Ore. has returned home after aI visit with Mr. and Mrs. George, Icenhower. any purpose when needed SAVE TIME & RED TAPE ' 41 Convenient Branches... ¿k ENJOY LOW MONTHLY.PAYMENTS T arranged to fit your budget Fishing Tackle Spotlights G. H. WINNER, Managar Wrench Sets, Etc, Taylor R. Williams AUTHORIZED DEALER Western Auto Supply OF PORTLAND FINANCE YOUR NEW OR USED CAR WITH THE LEADER!