Page 2 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, June 13, 1941 Exercise Ends Bulge» That Give an Old Look NEWS Washington. D. C. NEW TYPE CONVOYS Behind all the guessing and specu­ lation over convoys aroused by the President’s fireside chat is this one basic fact. The old-fashioned form of convoy already is outmoded, and. as Roosevelt indicated at a recent a» set By LEMUEL F. PARTON press conference, it will not be used. (Consolidated Features — WNU Service» But the new-fashioned form of con­ voy already is in use and will be XTEW YORK intensified. heat that is This is convoy by airplane patrol, jerkers. It is an alumnus of their using airplane carriers and nearby guild who develops a 57-passenger islands for bases. The destruction transport Middle Age Starts at Middle. Ex-Soda J er her of the Bismarck showed how effec­ plane, gait- ’ T'HAT discouraging matronly tive this airplane convoy could be. Nou> Pourt Out ed at 350 * bulge ut tin* waiat! You puah Airplanes flying above the water miles per 57-Man Planet It in, girdle it in, but out it pope— can sight the submarine below the hour, and unless you exercise it iiwuyl water miles away, whereas a sur­ gets an order for 40 of them, right Or is your aporia I problem fntty face vessel cannot sight a submarine away quick, The man from behind hips or heavy legs or u drooping more than a mile or so away, the counter is 36-year-old Jack Frye, bust? Therefore you can expect to see a president of the Transcontinental & 0 0 0 network of United States airplanes Western Air. Inc., for the last six Our 33 page txioklet hai esercii«! to remrify Ih'»« (U:utc fault*. l'><> Trlli )x>w criss-crossing back and forth across years. lo coi ree! pouf posture (aulii <>( khout- the north Atlantic, assisted in part He has been merging air com­ deri. bust. anni, walitllnr Ulve« es«r> by surface warships, but extending panies the way he ambidex­ curi to relleva tool troublei. consllpation. all the way to Ireland. trously merged raspberry flips— narvoul tenilon, alio a daily roulina tor 8. S. Terror, the navy a thè rntlro body. Scnd ordir tor your up through the depression years The Pacific Fleet. first vessel particularly designed as booklel to: to the status of a high-rating With this settled, the most impor­ Strikers and pickets outside the huge North American aviation plant a mine layer from the keel up. Is aviation mogul. His new plane, tant strategic problem being dis­ Ln Inglewood. Calif., which was closed light when C. I. O. workers called shown getting Its final touches In the largest commercial land cussed in backstage navy circles RK.WKK IIOMK SFIIVKX walkout while demand for higher wages was being considered by National preparation (or Its launching at Phil­ plane ever projected, will have a is that of bringing the mighty Pacific 111 Minna St. Man Fraarlsro, Caltf. Defense Mediation board in Washington. The plant has $'¡00.000,000 worth adelphia navy yard. Il displaces flying range of 4,000 miles and a fleet from that ocean into the At­ of orders for planes for the U. 8. and Great Uritain. Enclose 10 cents In coin tor your 6,000 tons. ceiling of 30.000 feet. He says his lantic to prevent Nazi seizure of the copy of REST KXKRCISM »<>11 fleet of 40 of these planes could mid-Atlantic islands and to be ready HEALTH AND UEAUTY hustle 16.000 troops into Alaska for other major eventualities. in 36 hours. )S Every detail in connection with Born in Sweetwater. Okla., Mr. such a shift has been discussed. And while there have been some Frye grew up and did his soda­ hot behind-the-scenes arguments, jerking in California. He nicked the one thing upon which the ad­ each pay check for something for 4 mirals all agree is that the fleet the kitty, to buy into aviation. His first investment was in a series of must be kept together. To split 4 it into small units and send some flying lessons. He and his instruc­ of them to the Atlantic, in their opin­ tor then bought a battered old war ion, would be disastrous. Battleships veteran Curtiss Jenny and made it must have their accompanying the nucleus of a flying school and cruisers, destroyers, etc., and they an aerial taxi service. Blind Impulse cannot be divided. Standard Air Lines came later Unhappily, in the scales of hu­ when two students, Paul E. Naturally, the idea of the fleet min judgment the clear dictates Richter and Walter A. Hamilton withdrawing from the Pacific is of reason are too often outweighed joined young Mr. Faye in estab­ enough to raise the hair on the heads by the blind impulse of the pa»- lishing it, operating between Los of most people on the West coast sions.—Sir James Frazer. Angeles and Phoenix, Ariz. As However, the navy has worked out one thing led to another, as they a plan whereby it is confident that bought and merged companies, the West coast would be in no real his associates moved along with danger. him and became executives of The plan is extremely important ■V YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVX the T.W.A. Mr. Richter shared because it illustrates the new type CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY his last notable acquisition of of warfare made possible by the Rep. M. Edelstein ID.) of New • When you feel gassy, headachy, logy aviation stock, when, in April, long distance bomber. Also it gives York city who droppe d dead on floor due to dogged-up Ixnvels, do millioM 1929, T.W.A. took over about 7S,- the key to Roosevelt’s convoy plans. do-take Feen-A-Muit at bedtime. Nest Roaring waters of the Y’oughioghenny river, sent far over Its banks of house corridor after leaping to hi* 000 shares of the Lehman Bros, morning — (borough, comfortable relief, Finally it illustrates what the Nazis by a three-day continuous rain, washed out the tracks of the P. A L. E. feet to answer statement made by holdings in T.W.A. at two points helping you Hart the dey fiill of your could do to the United States if the railroad and sent this freight train plunging into the river at Dickerson Rep John Rankin of Mississippi that normal energy end pep, feeling lilre a above the market. plan were reversed in the Atlantic. Run, about 30 miles from Pittsburgh. The three-man crew was riding "international Jewry" waa creating million! Feen-A-Mint rloein't dliturli Mr. Frye has kept right on flying in the engine cab and narrowly escaped death. your night's real or interfere with work the Key to the plan is Hawaii and the difficulties in the money market. neat day. TYy Keen-A Mint, the chewing Aleutian islands. The admirals are as well as designing and financing gum laiative, routtflf. It tastes good, it’s reasonably confident that long dis­ airplanes, and in 1934 set up a rec­ handy and economical... a family supply tance patrol planes ranging out ord in crossing from Los Angeles to Newark in 11 hours «nd 31 min ­ from Hawaii in the mid-Pacific and from the Aleutians in the north utes. Thirty-six years is young for Pacific would be sufficient to spot a mogul. Last January, he married any Japanese ship approaching Helen Varner Vanderbilt. Reasonable Facts American waters. And air torpe­ It is not necessary to retain OMMANDER Edward Ellsberg’s does of the type which crippled the facts that we may renson concern­ new novel. "Captain Paul,” the Bismarck could do the rest. In fact, ing them.—Beaumarchais. the entire Bismarck incident has fictional narrative of the life of John been a striking demonstration that Paul Jones, is another reminder of . ..... Amer lean long-distance bombers plus island Another Writing penchant for Help to Relieve Dlstrost of bases have revolutionized warfare in doubling in Man Doublet at both oceans. A Fighting Man *r‘ting Azores and Canaries. fighting We Now if you transpose the map of have had Gen. Lew Wallace, with PERIODIC the Pacific onto the map of the At­ "Ben Hur," "Captain King” and all lantic, you will also get an idea of bis other bell-ringing stories; Maj. why Roosevelt bore down so heavily John Thomasen, of the marines, au­ Try Lydia E. Ptnklmm's Vegetable on the importance of the Azores, the thor of "Fix Bayonets,” ’ and many Compound to help relieve monthly pain, headachei. backache and Canary and Cape Verde islands in other books and short stories I and A1.HO calm Irritable nerves due to his fireside chat. For the Azores one of the best writing I men of the monthly functional disturbances Pinkham's Compound la limply are the Hawaii of the mid-Atlantic, country, regardless of weight or marveloua to help build up resist­ while the Canaries and Cape Verdes class; and of course Maj. Gen. ance agalnat dlatreae of '‘difficult days." Famoua for over 00 veaml might be compared to the Aleutians "Hap” Arnold of the air corps, au­ Hundreds o( thousands of girls and —in reverse position. women report remarkable benenta. thor of the long string of "Bruce” Whoever holds these stepping- stories. stones across the Atlantic can sweep As to Commander Ellsberg, that ocean with naval patrol planes bis New Book is one of an in- WNU—13 24 41 and bombers, just as the U. S. fleet creasing number of his Imprint can sweep the Pacific from Hawaii Time of Life which get loud applause from and the Aleutians. A long life may not be good the critics, His spectacular feat If we hold these Atlantic islands. in raising the submarine S-51, enough, but a good life is long then we hold the gateway to the off Block island in 1925 first enough.—Benjamin Franklin. Atlantic. If Hitler holds them, he brought him to national atten­ controls the first step toward Brazil tion. His first book, "On the —and the rest of the way is easy. Today*» popularity Bottom,” told the story of the of ¡loan's Pills, after These were some of the things Eugene Phillips, 33, of Fort Worth, 8-51. Thereafter came "Pig­ THE many yran of world­ Roosevelt studied on the large-scale Texas, who heads list of winners In wide use, surely must boats,” "Thirty Fathoms Deep,” be accepted a» evidence maps of the navy department be­ the Revere award for best contribu ­ "Hell on Ice,” "Men Under the of satisfadory use. fore he made his broadcast. tions made by workers at the bench Sea," and many short stories And favorable public iIMPL Y 1 ODinion support» that Some of the 102 German and Italian seamen who sabotaged and to America’s defense plans. He was Another vital point he studied waa and magazine articlea. He ia A of the able physicians TOLD scuttled the vessels Eisenbach and Fella off the coast of Costa Rica, awarded first prize (15,000) for his not mentioned in his broadcast; be­ now a United States naval re­ who teat the value of Doan’» under emetine pictured when they arrived at the Canal Zone quarantine station prepara­ creation of a system for the blind cause no one is talking publicly serve officer. laboratory conditions. tory to deportation to Europe via the first Japanese vessel. landing of airplanes. about the fact that the British may These physicians, too, approve every word He was born in Hartford, in 1896, of advertising you read, the objective of have to withdraw from Gibraltar, the son of a Russian Jewish Immi­ which is only to recommend Doans Pills even from the Mediterranean al- grant. Young Ellsberg went to An­ as a good diuretic treatment for ¿¡«order of the kidney function and for relief of together, But in case of such a napolis, where he was graduated at the pain and worry it causes. withdrawal, a glance at the map will the head of his class. Jf wore people were aware of how th« kidneys must constantly remove waste show that these three sets of islands His eminence in engineering is that rannot stay In the blood without In­ —the Azores, Canaries and Cape comparable to his literary reputa­ jury to health, there would lie better tin- Verdes—could help to replace Gi­ derstinding of why the whole body suffers tion. He attended the Yale School when kidneys lag, and diuretic medica­ braltar. of Naval Architecture, after his tion would be more often employed. They sit astride the entrance to Burning, scanty or too frequent urina­ graduation from Annapolis and in tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney the Mediterranean, and long-range the World war got a fast running function. You may sufTer nagging back­ bombing planes based on those is­ ache, persistent headache, attacks of dlt- start into his career by refashion­ tiness, getting up nights, swelling, puffi­ lands could make it hot for any ex­ ing interned German ships for trans­ ness under the eyes—feel weak, nervous, peditionary force heading out of the all played out. ports. He is short, compact, square­ Use Doan's Pills. It la better to rely on Mediterranean for the Americas. ly built, with an outthrust jaw, and a medicine that has won world wide ac­ Ail of these are reasons why you claim than on something less favorably always stirred by keen intellectual known. Ash your neighbor! can expect vital action regarding interests. the Atlantic islands. • • • EVER an engineer, pietallur- CAPITAL CHAFF gist, financier or salesman, Every year Homer Cummings Walter S. Tower worked up in the holds “The Attorney General’s Golf steel industry to a $100,000-a-year Tournament” at Pinehurst, N. C., job. As president of the American an event started when he was run­ Iron & Steel institute, he tells the ning the justice department. Chief New York general meeting of that rule is: "If any man brings his organization that this country has wife, he’s never invited again.” steel enough to supply all possible Must Be GOOD President William Green of the Herr Hans Thomsen, head of the 1942 demands several times over. American Federation of Labor, pre­ German embassy in Washington, is Mr. Tower taught economic geog­ to Be At the National Nutrition conference held in Washington at the re­ sents the Preaident with an original taking vitamin pills. He quotes Milo raphy at the University of Chicago Perkins as saying vitamins are nec­ and was trade adviser for the U. S. quest ot the President 400 physicians and health officers were told that oil painting bearing legend, "A. F. Consistently Advertised essary to offset lack of nourishing shipping board. Has a Harvard M. A. "diet standards of 75 per cent of our population need to be raised to of L. 100 Per Cent for Defense,” withstand the strain of total defense.” (Left) Paul V. McNutt, federal secur­ Fifty thousand large color poster« element» in the depleted soli of and a degree from Pennsylvania. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS ity administrator; M. L. Wilson (center) and Russell Wilder of Mayo clinic. were reproduced for local unions. America. THIS WEEK Dead Kool-Aid / J DON'T BE BOSSED Axis Seamen Arrive at Canal Zone Wins Revere Award FEEN-A-MINT "io< C [FEMALE] COMPLAINTS r TfIUT 1 H L For Better National Nutrition N 100% for Defense D oan spills MERCHANDISE