Friday, June 6, HM 1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 ROGUES KEEP TOP POSITION L Friday and Saturday! Mfl KMTURM “BAD MAN” with Wallace Beery riu* “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” with Dick Powell Friday Night Only FREE! To The LADIES Constance Bennett Cosmetics SUN* MON* TUE “HONEYMOON FOR THREE” with Ann Sheridan and George Brent VVed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAY S ADULTS 15c KIDDIES a Dime James Cagney in “HERE COMES THE NAVY” PLUS Errol Flynn in VIRGINIA CITY” DO YOUR EYES BURN? Murine—the | red ______ formula _ t proved of an eye special- i»t—containing seven safe ingredients to soothe andrefresh reddened deli­ cate membranes resulting from colds, close work, late hours, movies, wind, glare, dust. Free dropper with each bottle. At all Drug Stores. Refresh them with... I if fj Ul MAMIN WILBUR WHEELER Funeral sendees were held at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon for Malon Wilbur Wheeler, 84, resident of Ashland for 31 years and of the Rogue River Valley most of his life. He is survived by his widow, one son Alvin of Talent, one grand-child, and one sister. In January Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Dr. George W. Bruce was in charge of the services. • Miss Marjorie Freeman was the guest of honor at a surprise birth­ day dinner Sunday. Those enjoy­ ing the dinner were Marjorie and Vivian Freeman. Helen Westfall, Betty Smith, Barbara Jean Moore, Shirley Willard, Kathryn Sulsar and Lois Firestone. i Ashland's Paul Hess and the Medford Rogues remained at the top of the Southern Oregon base­ ball league by taking a 7-3 ver- ict over Rogue River there Sun­ day afternoon. Hess gave up nine hits, six walks and whiffed three He was backed up by 12 hits by the Rogues. It was the third lea­ gue win for the Rogues and the third straight loss for Rogue River. Grants Pass is one game behind the Rogues by virtue of their t to 2 win over Crescent City, the third place club. In the Oregon State league. Al­ bany remained at the top of the ladder by winning from Hills Creek 10-3 and Klamath Falls 6- 4 Klamath Falls is in second place and Bend. Eugene, and Hills Creek are tied for third place. Medfords Craters are one game ahead of Toledo although neither club has won a league game. Meanwhile, playing in out-of- the-league competition, the Cra­ ters whipped Kelso of the Timber League 6-3 at Medford Sunday afternoon. The Saturday night game was rained out as was a Wednesday night affair with Weed Medford, against Kelso. scored five runs in the first inn­ ing and one in the eighth while Kelso scored their three tallies in the first frame. HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS LITHIA ”*•••• R T A I N MENT¡’ 111 By I TOLD YOU SO Henry Louis Gehrig, probably one of the greatest figures in or­ ganized baseball, passed away Monday night in New York He had been ill for two years wtth am.vothophic lateral sclerosis, a form of paralysis affecting the muscles and spinal cord. He play­ ed his last bit of baseball in an exhibition game at Kansas CUy on June 12, 1939 and never donned a baseball uniform again Gehrig earned the moniker of • Iron Man" by playing in 2.130 consecutive games He made his major league debut in the New York Yankee lineup June 1. 1925. as a pinch hitter and his last big league game on April 30. 1939. I-arrupin' Lou wielded one of the big clubs in the Yankees' "Mur­ derers' Row.” batting in the clean-up position, and had an all- time record of 340 He would have been 38 years old June 19 The passing of one of the great­ est figures in baseball came as a shock to the world and, although he is gone, his memory will live on in the hearts of millions of baseball followers At the Medford Craters-Red- ding Tigers game at Medford May 24. one of the officials and several of the Crater players were over­ heard to comment on the poor at­ tendance. If the officials of the Medford Athletic association real­ ly want to pack their grandstand, why don't they try to book a best two-out-of-three series with the Medford Rogues? Speaking of the Rogue«, if Ashland's Paul He«« win« AMERICAN’ BIBI.E SOCIETY" < ELEHRATES ANNIVERSARY Four volumes of Scriptures ev­ ery minute, day and mgul, tor tne last 12o years is tne record ot distribution made by the Ameri­ can Bible Society, which cele­ brates its 125th anniversary in May. A total circulation ot ap­ many more game« for the proximately 305,555,100 Bibles, SOL club, it I« the het of thin I'estaments and portions, was re­ / department that he will be ported at the society s annual offered a Crater contract if meeting held Thursday, May 8, in this hasn't already been done. the Board of Estimate room in Phil Keeton. SP brakeman and city hail in the historic setting wnere tne society was organized. former AHS grid star, has in his Mayor LaGuardia addressed the possession the football used in the game imhland high meeting and the society's presi-. K anle the last time Keeton dent. John T. Manson, presided. defeated Medford hif h. The Bible society began its was Kiven the hall hy Coach Jack immediately following’ the work in 1816 _ in ___ the ______ upper ______ room _ Bliss ' of the office of a printer on Nas- game The scores . *f both games sau street. Today, trom a six-story ■ that ” ’ season, 19 to 6 and ‘ 19 to 12, building on one of New York's I both in Ashland's favor, are carv­ busiest corners, the society grown : ed into the leather as is the year, to a national and international or- 1 1929. Keeton said the other day ganization, conducts its activiUes that he might consider giving the through 14 offices in the United ball to the AHS student body for States, and 32 foreign offices and its trophy case if he thought they distribution centers serving more would accept it. From the way the scores have read since 1929. they than 40 countries. Through all the busy years of | should be glad to have it in their expansion the American Bible So- > possession. —-------- •------------ ciety has adhered faithfully to its | original purpose, to promote a; SHANKS-FINCH wider circulation of the Holy . Miss Margaret J. Shanks and Scriptures, without note or com­ Mr. Charles A Finch were united ment. Thu involves three process­ in marriage at the First Presby­ es, translation, publication and terian cliurch May 24 with the distribution of the Scriptures. Rev James H. Edgar reading the marriage service Attendants were MORE DRY BEANS SOUGHT Mrs Marian Shanks and Mr. A. D. Shanks. Mr. and Mrs. Finch BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will make their home in Klamath Dry edible beans are another Falls. crop just added to those for which increased production will be sought this year, according to an­ nouncement of Secretary of Agri­ culture Wickard. More beans are needed to meet defense food needs, as they are so concentrated that they may be more easily shipped to other countries. As an incentive to farmers to increase their acreages this year, the department has arranged to support the market for small white, great northern, pea, and medium white beans until May 1. 1942. The price aimed at will be We were driving along, go­ approximately $5 per hundred at ing around a curve. We the eastern seaboard, which means saw a car! And the next $4 per hundred or more in pro­ thing we knew, we were in ducing areas. the ditch! An officer stop­ Oregon produces a relatively ped. He talked to the other small proportion of the national man a few minutes and let dry bean output, but some sec­ him go on his way But tions can probably increase their he wouldn't let us go! We acreages to advantage, acording had NO insurance and could to G. R. Hyslop, head of the plant not prove "financial respons­ industries division at Oregon ibility.’’ It took three hours State college. to fix the car, but it took ------------ •------------ two days to get a court WOMEN OF HOCE ELECT hearing. Our vacation was OFFICERS FOR 1941-42 ruined! My husband got insurance the very day we Election of officers of the As­ arrived home sociated Women Students at Are You Protected Southern Oregon College of Edu­ cation for the year 1941-42 was held recently.. INSURANCE Miss Jean Wall of Ashland was OF ALL KINDS elected president. Other officers included Miss Jean Leonard of Medford, vice President; Miss Grace Thrasher of Kerby, secre­ tary; Miss Kathryn Sulsar of Gar­ REAL ESTATE and diner, treasurer ,and Miss Nellie REAL INSURANCE McLain of Ashland ,sergeant-at- Rhone 8781 41 Eart Main arms I Billings Agency (LEANINC WITH MODERN PLANT il SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS OR ANY THREE FOR Friday, Saturday it OCLUSION: THAT HF AVY C*OI • r • DRlNKkWrARS NkMWUf, JirraWY D elusion : that camel hmu COFUr ISA STIMULANT WHICH LWKY 8RUSHSÇ AHL MAPe BROMTH* you up - iHv me « usiANet HAlROrnW CAMBI....................... so NueiUAiA-Tu G ood msalii « CAMÍL MAIR 8WSUIVAW MADE. H.VH niLTAILUrtW SIUewiAN SQUIRRWU. ___________ CAH1- VLAMS NAUGHTY, BUT NICE” with Dick Powell $ and Ann Sheridan ss®?» stimulate and ADDED ATTRAITION THINKING.. it isn ’ t the cigar THAI STIMO!ATLS TUOUC WHICH BftlNGY ABOUT CLLAHEW THINKING at. \ l ''1 /,& THl PI ISNOIWOOF III..! till MOON AFF6CTV CRUPT OR THE WEATHEH Dance Revue DELUSION! THAT PLAIN GELATINE ITSELF CONTAIN! NO FOOD VALUE.............. . PLAIN GELATINE IS A VALUABLE FOOD BECAUSE IT IS A PURE PROTEIN ANO HIGH IN MANYOFTHt AMINO ACIDS NECESSARY FOR I GOOD HEALTH. • Mr and Mrs Carl Schmidt of Oregon City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weitzel Monday. • Rev and Mrs Alton Brestrom left Tuesday for a week's visit In McMinnville. e M.ugau-t \\ hi:.- --f tael ville 1« visiting her grandmother, Mrs Lura While e Mr and Mrs. Everett Yeo ot San Jone were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs G. H Yeo. and Tuesday Sunday, Monday “BLONDIE GOES LATIN” Usual Blondie Cast Matinnca Saturday Handy Desk Models Bostitch Paper Staplers W ednesday and Thursday Use them in home, office or school Neater, Cheaper and quicker than old style paper clips DIME NIGHTS Southern Oregon Miner . lu4< or - f CARÊFR«" 6L6CTWC $X.OO COLLEGE CLEANERS Phone 6386 and Sunday only °* •j : S- —- 'n‘,oï. » then never onolher ’t^h" 0 _ OHLV o 35c FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 828 Siskiyou Blvd POPULAR DELUSIONS ... by MacConachin Now on Display at your Dealer’s or your COPCO store