SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, June 6, 1941 About People You Know • Mr and Mix Joye Swaitsley aud Mrs. R. W Swart »Icy attend­ ed the graduation of Bert Swarts- icy at Oregon State college. • Mr and Mrs A V. Thompson and daughter <>f Redding were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs C. B Grubbs. • Frank Moore, non of H I. Ms An- gelce. • Guest» of Mr and Mr» I. E R uhhc II lust week Were Mr and Mr» Fred Ruakell and »on of Port­ land and Merle Russe 11 and Mrs. Anna Sherman 1.1 Watsonville, Calif • Ml»» Maxine Conover, who him taught in tlie Junior high school the past two years, has gone to her home in Wallsburg, Wash for the Hummer She plans to take advanced work in music at Whit­ man college the coining year • Boni to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culp Muy 30, a eon • Mr» Guy Croaby of St Helens, Ore. is a guest at the George Icenhowcr home • Beryl Bemdngthwaite, who at­ tended schixil in Ban Jose last year, is spending the summer with Mr and Mrs M I* O'Harra • Miss Ruth W' io I» ls Angeles. Calif Sunday church schixil meets at nesday evening at 8 o’clock. Second and B Streets I were dinner guest» Sunday of Mr. 9:4ft a. in Allen O. McGee, super­ You are welcome to all services. C. Alton Brostrom, .Minister and Mr» Harold Bohn intendent. At 10 4ft a. m. the an­ ----------- •------------ • Mr» R E Beil and son, Sam- nual (Children's day program will Bible school 9:45 a m Program mie and daughters, Rosemary and be given by the Sunday school Full Gospel Temple Patricia were visiting Mr and children and the young people’s led by Mrs Rogers L. U. Gresh­ am. superintendent Mr» It E Bay. Evening worship at 8 o’clock. K. E. Schmidt, Pastor Ad- Special music. Sermon by C. • Mr. and Mrs Geo King from • <--------- nan Sias. Prospect were visiting with Geo's Sunday school 9:45 a. m. At 7 p. m , meetings of the mother, Mrs Malinda King last Morning worship 11 o'clock. E C. College and High School Trinity Episcopal Friday. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ societies. • Mr and Mrs Marion Page and Church Evening service 8 p. m. Music ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ son from Kingman. Arizona are Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar by male quartet. Message by C. i low at 7:30 o'clock. visiting with Mrs Page's parents, C. A. service and choir practice Adrian Sias. Mr anti Mrs Willis Rector. Holy Communion 8 a m. 7:45 Tuesday evening. • Mr» Mary Hash made a busi­ Church school 9:30 a m. Fresno. He attended the Talent Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday ness trip to Klamath Falls last Morning prayer and sermon 11 school. evening. week and while there visited with a. m • Mrs Ruth Helfrich of Eugene Everybody is cordially invited her daughter and husband, Mr. Holy Communion Wednesday. I called on friends in Talent Tues­ to all services. and Mrs. Robert Rxstenbaum 9:30 a. m. day afternoon Mrs RxMenbaum returned ilome Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 • Mrs. Ben Webster left Sunday • Ray Ramsey of Klamath Falls with Mrs Hash to spend the P ■ for Kimberley, Ida to visit her visited in Ashland Tuesday. week The Rosenbaums have re- You are cordially Invited to1 mother who is ill, and other rela­ cently moved to Klamath Falls Worship With us. I tives there. from Willow Ranch. Calif • Elmer Cook made a trip up to • At a recent school board meet­ for 32 years. L W Tame's ranch on Dead • Barbara and Joan Helm, Wen ­ ing the directors voted to send Indian Monday. the 7th and Nth grad<-a into Ash­ dell Reynolds, and Henry l^nine • Word has been received here of land for the next school term. left Monday for the 4-H club the birth of a daughter to Mr. and The regular annual school meet­ summer schl at Corvallis They Mrs Gilbert Davis at the Gorgas ing will be held the 3rd Monday went to Medford and joined the hospital, Balboa. Panama Canal night this month, when our direct­ other county 4-H club members Zone The baby has been named ors and school clerk will be elect­ and all went by special bus to Claudia Elizabeth. Mrs Davis is Corvallis. ed. the former Margaret Ward of • Mr and Mrs M A Ring are Talent, a daughter of Mr. and new telephone subneribers, their TALENT NEWS Mrs. Claude Ward. Mr. Davis is number being «48 F. E Russel employed in the division of muni­ its • The Community club held and Herb Mixire will use the 449 annua) guest day party Wednes­ cipal engineers. US government. line. • June Conner who operated a • Mrs. C. E Price who has been day afternoon A fine program of beauty parlor in Chiloquin spent music was enjoyed by those pre ­ visiting her gnuid[>arents. Mr. and I Sunday visiting her parents here Mrs Joe Randles and her parents, sent. Each lady gave a favorite • Mrs. Glen Brown and children America’s No. 1 Package— quotation. This was followed by Mr and Mrs. Guy Randles in Ash­ of the Shaw Bertram Lumber refreshments of ice cream, cake Seaforth for Men, $1 land returned to her home in Los company are spending a couple of Angeles. Monday, accompanied by and coffee. Visitors from Medford, weeks with her father, Ben Clark. her brother, Ivan, who will try to Ashland and the surrounding • William Wemmer who has been country attended. Forty-eight Billfolds 98c to $5 find employment there. operating the Log Cabin Inn • Mis» Helen Dunn will soon were present A fine bouquet was i south of town on the new high­ leave for the University of «'»41- awarded Mrs. Gardner, 88. of way for the past winter returned Sheaffer Pens and Pencils Ington at Seattle, where she plans Medford, oldest lady in attend­ to his timber claim on the Little to continue her course in secretar­ ance $1 to $10 Applegate last week. ial training. Helen will attend • The ladles of Talent Grange • Miss Harriett Bates with Mr the summer sessions ami will com­ held a cake sale Saturday at the and Mrs. L. W. Bates and son Big Y store in Medford. The hos­ plete her course next winter. Shaving Sets 50c to $3 Richard and Mr and Mrs. Ira At­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Randles pitality committee for the next well of Medford spent Sunday grange meeting consists of Mrs. and son from Butte. Mont visited with Loya) Bates and family in with Mr and Mrs. Joe Randies George Hartley, Mrs Elizabeth Klamath Falls Poloroid and Certifex Sunglasses Learning and Mrs Myrtle Babb. last week Arthur is a son of Mr. ------------ • ------------ $1 to $3 Randies and hadn't seen his father • Announcement has been made Me KEOWN-BIDGOOD of the forthcoming marriage of Miss Mary Chambers, a former I Miss Esther McKeown daughter Talent teacher, to William Wil­ of J. Scott McKeown of Portland, more Woods at Portland June 8 was married to James Edwin Bid­ at the home of Mr. Woods' par­ good, son of Mr and Mrs. John R. ents Bidgood of Oregon City Thursday • Harry Wooten recently sold his morning. Dr Claude E Sayre l-|M>un w I Mexico. in honor of the couple at a wed- I Shaving lotions 39c to $1 • Harland I xi we of the aviation ding breakfast before the cere­ Bill folds 49c to 8Ä corps at McChord Field, Wash, is mony. Those present were the hon- | sjq tniM rs | a papuajxo ire uo ouioq ored couple. Mrs. Harrv Carlton. parents, Mr and Mrs H. H Lowe Mr and Mrs S B. McNair. Mr. • Mrs Lyda Van Winkle of Je­ and Mrs Jack Young. Miss Mar­ A light, clean, convenient place to shop for good rome Prairie has been a guest of jorie McNair .Miss Helen Sperling her sister, Mrs Karl ~ __ ___ ___ Baylor and and William Hawkins. things to eat, and we will save you money every family the past week and attend­ Mrs Bidgood was graduated ed the graduation exercises. from Southern Oregon College of day of the week. • Relatives of Kenneth Miller re­ Education and Mr. Bidgood from X ceived word that he was drowned Oregon State college. They will Reward your family with a vacation at A Few Prices in Effect from June 6 to 13 near Fresno some time last week. make their home in Ashland the HOTEL MANX — San Frandaco’1 fineit ■ Mrs. Otta Miller, mother of Ken- where Mr Bidgood is employed located hotel . . . Powell <•/ Union Square ... in I neth, and family lived several at the McNair Brothers drug the very heart of the theatrical, ONE POUND BOX years in Talent before moving to store. PLEASE DAD Broady Drug Co Gifts For Father STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY Side Pharmacy Ratei from rtitaurant and »hopping diitrict. HOTEL SAN DAINTIES MINIATURE CHOCOLATES Special 20c—two for 35c *2 MANX FRANCISCO Cleaning Special 1NTIRI- FAMILY From $ 4 RAINBOW'S SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS END ■I Paxtcm, on lhe slamorou« Feather River, where you can pan for gold and hc'n "ay for your vacation. API Ralet from $2 35c 3 HOTEL SAN CARLOS invites you to Monterey . . . California'« most hiitoric city . . . overlooking Fori Ord, on th« Blue Bay of Monterey. Rale I from $2.50 HOTEL $1.00 CLUNIE with it« famous "Ultra-Modern Coffee Shop,” st Sacramento, Capitol City of California. Rater from THE HAH VEY M . FREE PICK-UP 41.50 TOY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTION SERVING “If It can be done, we can do It” YOU* DELIVERY STANDARD CLEANERS HOTELS (May we tend you detcripti ve folder) A FOR 'I 163 East Main Phone 6281 BUTTER—Grade A, pound ............................................... ........... 42c CREAM—one-half pint...... .............................................................. lftc DAIRY RICH CHOCOLATE MILK—Quart 12c •>»>C FI LL ( REAM CHEESE—Pound MILK—5 cans ................................................................................. 40e FISHER'S BIS KIT MIX—Fine for shortcake; package 27c GOOD FAMILY FUH K—19-pound sack ................... $1.05 HI HO BUTTER CRACKERS— pound box ISM- WHEAT TOAST WAFERS—pound box ISM- GOLDEN BANTAM CORN—3 cans 22c SELECT GARDEN PEAS—3 cans 22c MATCHES—6-box carton ................................................... 15c TOILET TISSUE—good; 4 rolls ............................... Iftc CERTO—3 bottlea ........................................................................ 43c SI RE JE1J.—3 packages 25c All canning supplies at lowest prices —THE PLACE— 61 No. Main St. FREE DELIVERY Plaza Meat Market in Connection QUALITY MEATS for LESS Phone 4771 Free Delivery