*11— Pvf—* *11—1 Jl*l Dr. W. W. Howard of Medford is reported to have said, "Ax fur as hearing In concerned. the male in certainly the stronger of the I wo sexes " The doctor doesn't know the female of our family 1 1 In the News "Woman leaves for nine-story chair dentist plunge ** I'lacing a lot of confi- deuce in "pulnless extraction" we would say f f f With enough crude oil in reserve und stored in plugged oil wells al) over the United Htutes to lust the world n century, the oil barons ure crying a possible shortage the first step in the inevitable raise In gasoline prices Volume X *7» /7/u/ Stfi, 9tl ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1941 $350 RAISED IN USO DRIVE Talent P-TA Reports Successful Season The annual reports of the Tai- : ent PTA indicate the conclusion of a very successful 1940-41 season i Major projects carried out during the year were the making of 30 i band capes for the high school band at a cost of $100 and the financing of the hot lunches at the school. The alumni homecorning and the junior-senior banquet also were activities sponsored by the P-TA Study topics discussed during the year included “The Commun­ ity in which we Live,” "Study of Public Health," and "P-TA and Democracy ” Officers of the organization dur­ ing the past season were Alice Joanis, president; Jennie Baylor, vice president; Irma Parr, secre­ tary, and Parathena Terrill, treasurer. Number 23 C OF C FORUM SET FOR TODAY According to ommittee reports Chamber of commerce forum last night, $350 has been raised luncheons for both members and towards the $500 quota set as non-members of the local booster Ashland's part in the nation-wide club were scheduled for continua­ drive of the United Service Or­ tion this week, according to an ganizations to raise $10,765,000 to announcement from Dr. Walter staff and operate 339 club houses Redford, forums chairman. First which the government plans to of the monthly series is slated for build near army training camps. this noon at the Plaza Cafe. The United Service Organiza­ Formerly planned for oce a 111 month, the purpose of these Drath has taken one whom tions for National Defense, Inc., America 20 or more years ugo has been formed by a federation luncheons is to better acquaint the membership with the current looked U|s>n as the world's mean­ of the following organizations: activities of the organization. The est man Ixsiklng back through YMCA, YWCA, the National Ca­ luncheons themselves are to be the haze of years. Kaiser Wil­ tholic Community Service, Jew­ held from an informal standpoint helm seems a LUtie Ixird Fon tie- ish Welfare Board, Salvation Ar­ and are open to the public. Short roy compared with the present my and the National Travelers Aid association. talks on pertinent subjects of local war lord of Germany. interest will be given, • restricted Thomus E Dewey, active chair­ 111 to not more than five minutes in One cheerful tid-bit in last man. aaye of the movement: length. "The government has a broad week's news wax the report of the Dr. Redford is emphasizing the closing of Ckunp Nordland, the program to relieve the monotony fact that attendance is not re­ big Nazi camp in New Jersey of the essential routine in naval stricted to chamber of commerce where thousands of so-called Am­ bases and army camps But I nev­ members but that all persons in­ er saw an American boy who ericana staged patriotic rallys terested in community betterment wanted to spend his whole life in --beneath waving swastikas programs are cordially invited to a camp When night comes at the > > > end of a ten or twelve hour day Ashland’s 1941 Fourth of July attend Reservations are not ne­ The Axis leaders arc in the hr has a right to a little private celebration financial drive will be cessary. The sessions will start huddle again, but there Is no doubt life . . .In camp, by and large, launched with a special "send-off promptly at 12 noon and will be as to who is calling the Migliai* when he wants to leave the reser­ breakfast" next Tuesday morning, completed by 1 o’clock. ----------------- •----------------- vation, he has no place to go and > > > according to an announcement by nothing to do That is unfair Fur ­ John P. Daugherty, general chair­ It seems that labor is really man this week. calling for ashow-down when it thermore. it is thoroughly unwise." The finance committee, com­ continues to ctrilA in defiance to Operation of the clubhouses will posed of W A. Snider, H. S. provide contacts between soldiers the government Itself Church-goers in California, Ne­ Goswick. Lloyd Selby, Pete Nut­ vada, Oregon, Washington and und sailors and people of the' I L > ter, Fred Taylor and Hal McNair, provisions for relig- | Idaho will join in a nationwide With Real estate gaining alt­ community, will meet at the Plaza Cafe at 7 30 ' religious festival on June 6, 7, and lous worship, clubhouse facilities, itude in Medford's little boom, all educational Tuesday morning and is expected 8. in support of the United Service cultural services. out-going visitors may soon be Information and to have completed its calls by mid­ Organizations program of spiritu­ service, transient aid required to clean the mud from to soldiers and sailors on leave morning. The breakfast itself al and recreational welfare for their shoes when leaving the city and to visiting relatives and will be provided by the executive America’s defenders committee which is meeting also, 1 1 1 friends. The occasion is to be known as to map out final plans. We haven't yet heart! of any of USO Sabbath, it was announced J Edward Thomeon, chairman Business of a routine nature at Eighth Region headquarters the defense holder-uppers going • ‘Roy Lindner and Bruce De- Medford magician for July 3-4. plan of morale building among that the home town women are Mera, both of Ashland, were Other concessions are expected the armed forces. all charming But few of them The Medford Craters take to among the 14 men to leave Med­ within a short time to be handled In many churches special sec­ can dip their pens in honey ns did the road Sunday where they will Hugh A. Matter, public rela­ thJ Down South editor who wrote meet Hills Creek in an Oregon tions representative of the Union ford Monday night for service In by A A Snider, chairman of this tions will be set aside for men in the army under the selective ser­ committee. uniform. In some cases they will concerning a bride in his town an Slati league baseball game at Oil company, and an authority on vice act. Daugherty called another meet­ march in units to worship. Ex­ follows: the proposed Alaska-Argentine Hills Creek The Craters are try­ At the farewell ceremonies in ing of the executive group for' emplifying the hospitality of the "The bride Is a woman of won­ ing to line up some northern highway, spoke Tuesday evening Medford. Dr. Arthur S Taylor of next Wednesday night in the city projected USO service clubs, derful fascination and remarkable California loop nine for Medford before the Ashland Lions club the Southern Oregon College of families everywhere are planning The speaker discussed the im­ Education and a veteran of the council chambers attractiveness, for with a manner next Wednesday night. to entertain service men at noon­ portance of the 18.000-mile Alas ­ as enchanting as the wand of a world war, stated that while the Plans are afoot to have Billy day dinners after church. This siren and a disposition an sweet an Calvert, University of Oregon ka-Argentine highway and stated techniques of war have changed, is being urged particularly in the odors of flowers, and a spirit catcher, join Medford at Hills that it was 96 percent completed the fundamentals of service re- communities near training centers. ax joyous as the caroling of birds, Creek Sunday. Although Calvert's in South America and nearing main the same Ted Lockhart, opening observance will Baccalaureate services for the be The and a mind an brilliant as the glit­ (tatting average while with the completion in Central America. exalted ruler of the Ashland Elk's held in Orthodox Jewish Syna­ The 1,500-mile section which will tering tresses that adorn the brow Webfeet thia season wasn't so lodge, headed a group of lodgemen graduates of S.O.C.E. were held gogues on Friday evening, June 6, of winter, and with a heart as good, he usually came through join the United States and Alaska who presented the selectees with Sunday afternoon at the college and continue through Saturday. Is of particular importance to the mnall American flags. gym. Dr. George W. Bruce of the At 10 30 p. m. EDT on Saturday purr an the dewdrops trembling in in the pinches. future of Alaska where we have -------- •-------- First Methodist Church was the there will be a radio "Call to the a wreath of violets, she will make The Rogues will face Grants been unable to check a declining speaker of the afternoon using for Faith” over a net-work of the the home of her husband a para- i Pass at the Medford high school his topic. "The Grip that Holds.” National dim- of enchantment where the park Sunday afternoon in a population largely because of Broadcasting Company Rev B. F. Peterson, pastor of with prominent heaven-tuned harp of Hyman shall Southern Oregon league game. In I transportation difficulties, accord­ clergymen from the Nazerene Church, gave the send forth those sweet strains of the other SOL tilt, Crescent City ing to Matter. Ashland was represented at the all three religious groups partici­ Mr Matter is a founder-member felicity that thrill the sense with I will travel to Rogue River. invocation and the benediction. pating <>f the Pacific Geographic Society seventy-second annual commence­ Musical numbers on the pro­ the ecstatic pulsing of rhythmic I ment of Oregon State college June On Sunday. Protestant, Catho­ and at one time he surveyed the rapture.” gram were given by the college Pacific-Columbia section of the 2 by five students. Earned degrees orchestra, the Treble Clef Club lic and Jewish groups will continue OLD TIMER the celebration and in many cities Trans-America highway. He is at numbering 780 were awarded: and the college a capella choir. through USO committees and present on a trip to Alaska in the 677 bachelor's degrees, 95 master's ------------ • ------------ • Rex Putnam, state superinten­ ministerial cooperation inter-faith interests of the highway and ex­ degrees, and eight doctor of phil­ dent of public instruction, who osophy degrees sunrise services will be held at 6 pects to take many aerial photos was the speaker at the Southern William Hamilton Leever receiv­ p m., there will be a minute of of proposed routes. On-gon College of Education com­ ed a master's degree in science. silent prayer for those in the The annual election of the club, Slxty-one students were gradu­ mencement exercises, made the Bernard Lindsay Applegate re­ service erf their country. Miner office a pleasant visit Wed­ ated from the Southern Oregon which was held during the busi­ ceived a bachelor of art degree in I Improvement in Oregon's traffic USO was incorporated by the College of Educat on at the com­ ness meeting, resulted in the elec­ education. Ben Gody was one of accident situation for the first nesday. Salvation Army, Y. M C A., Na­ four months of 1941 compared to tion of the following officers: Bill mencement exercises held in the • Mr and Mrs J F Engel en­ the 145 graduates of the school erf tional Catholic Community Ser­ tertained at dinner Sunday for college gymnasium Wednesday Snider, president; Sid Reed, first engineering and George Herbert the same period in 1940 is shown vice, Y W C. A., National Jew­ their son, Ixiwson Engel, who afternoon Rex Putnam, state sup­ vice president: Harry Hurst, sec­ Swartsley was one of 21 to grad­ by the traffic death rate, showing ish Welfare Board, and the Na­ plans to take a naval flying course erintendent of public instruction, ond vice president; Pete Nutter, uate from pharmacy. Barbara Kay the number of persons killed in tional Travelers Association. at Pensacola. Fla Guests were gave the featured address of the third vice president; A. A. Snider, received a bachelor of art degree relation to the exposure to ac­ I The government Aid has appropriat- lion tamer; Elwood Hedberg, tail cidents, according to the word re ­ day, speaking on the subject, "Op ­ Jack Williams. Bud Silver. Ken- in secretarial science. ceived from the office of the sec- ed$15.000,000 to build 360 club neth Harris, Vincent Taylor and portunity." Of those graduating. twister; George Hull, secretary; houses adjacent to camps. The retary of state. 44 received diplomas in teacher Bill Savin, treasurer, and George BOY STRUC K BY CAR Victor Sander. The death rate so far this year USO will raise $10,765,000 by • Ix-lghton Blake, AUS coach, education while the other 17 re­ Goswick. John Broady and Percy ESCAPES SERIOUS INJURY public subscription to staff and Williamson, directors. has left for his home at Camas, ceived junior certificates. Don Robertson. 11 year-old Chi­ is 10.6 parsons killed per one hun­ operate the clubs for the first dred million miles of travel, com ­ Wash The commencement program loquin boy, luckily escaped serious year for the spiritual guidance • Snday dinner Ruent* of Mrs tiegan with a processional "Tann­ injury Tuesday afternoon when he pared to a rate of 12 for the same and leisure time activity of Amer­ Alice Ostrander, Eunice Kincaid, häuser March," played by the col­ dashed into the street in front of period last year. The decrease in the death rate ica's soldiers and sailors. Alee Ostrander, Eunice Kincaid, lege orchestra, after which Rev a car driven by Mrs. Paul Finnell. | indicates the improvement in driv­ and the members of the boys' Ernest J. Wine, pastor of the Ash­ The boy was badly shaken and re­ quartet, Bill Willits, Bill Alves, land Church of the Brethren, gave ceived many cuts and bruises from ing and walking practices of Ore­ and Earl Williams. The fourth the invocation. Then preceding the the accident; however none ap­ gon citizens because in spite of Residents in this area may ob- peared to be particularily serious. a strong increase in the use of member, Ralph Gillmore, was un­ address, three musical numbers able to be present. were given by the Treble Clef club tain driver's license renewals at The driver was held blameless, for motor vehicles, the fatality ratio • Mrs. C. R. Bowman left Thurs­ with Dorothy Wilder as accom­ temporary offices established at young Robertson was said to have dropped, it was said. Motor vehi­ the City Hall in Ashland, accord­ run into the street from between cle use increased nearly 17 per day for Loa Angeles where she panist. ing to an announcement from the cent during the first four months will attend the graduation exer­ Following the address was a se­ office of Earl Snell, secretary of two parked cars in front of the of this year. cises of her daughter, Mrs. Davhl lection by the men's glee club, ac­ Bushnell Studio. ----------- •------------ state. The office will be open Moore The boy is a grandson of Mrs. companied by Miss Wilder, and here daily beginning Friday, June MRS. ENGLE HOSTESS TO another by the a cappella choir 6th. For the convenience of local Maude Renton at whose home he CHAPTER AC, PEO r with Duain Monroe and John Chil­ residents who wish to renew their has been visiting. i Chapter AC, PEO, met at E. R. HANDRAKER ders as soloists. driver’s licenses and who are un­ DOROTHY FRIDEGER TO BE home of Mrs. J. S. Engle May 24 | and Companion Dr. Walter Redford, president of der 70 years of age may renew PLAYGROUND SUPERVISOR Mrs. O. G. Crawford was in charge the college, presented the class their licenses by filling out the Are Invited to Be Guests of the The playground program at of a fine musical program, "Music and C. A. Brand of the Oregon application form and paying the Llthia park for the summer open­ in the Magic Month of May.” Southern Oregon Miner State Board of Higher Education fee of $1.50, it was said. ed June 1, with Miss Dorothy Fri- Prominent musicians of the city made the presentation of diplo ­ To See Their Choice of The only persons required to deger in charge. She received the were featured on the program mas. the Following take the examination under pro­ through a committee which included violin numbers by The recessional march. "Pomp visions of law are persons 70 years appointment WELDON HEARD buying a appointed by the park commission. Mias Maxine Conover, acompan- Varsity Theater and Circumstance,' was played by of age and over; those who are ied by Mrs. C. C. Dunham; piano nice little play suit, since the ap­ N. W. Heard is chairman of the the college orchestra. Programs: numbers by Mrs. J. W. McCoy; i pointment of the new playground not licensed during the period Llthia park board. ------------ •------------ July 1, 1939 to June 30, 1941, and selections by the Girls' Sextette supervisor. (Friday and Saturday) BERTHA MAY MU8CUTT persons with physical disabilities. i OUR HONOR ROLL of Ashland high school, directed JIMMIE BAUGHMAN whisper­ Funeral services were held Sat- The Oregon driver’s license ex­ "BAD MAN” Recent new subscriptions to the by Miss Harriett Hill, and a ing a weak "hello” to friends be­ urday afternoon at the J. P. amination consists of a test on Southern Oregon Miner: I presentation of her own composi­ cause of a tonsilectomy. "CHRISTMAS IN Dodge and Sons funeral chapel for the Oregon motor vehicle laws, K.P. Nlms, Ashland, Gary New-1 tions by Mrs Cay Hufman. Mrs JULY" FRANCES MILLER planning Bertha May Muscutt, daughter of an eye test, a test on ability to ton, Ashland. Mrs Walter Hem- Hufman played and sang the num­ a little night life since graduating bers, explaining to her auditors Mr. and Mrs Charles A. Muscutt. understand road signs, and the don, Ashland. Mrs F T Newhrv. (Sunday. Monday, Tuesday) to the day shift at the Palace ♦he themes for her songs which The child was born Nov. 19. 1933 driving demonstration. Sr., Ashland, Mi«s I tillan Newton. "HONEYMOON MAGICIAN EADS arranging and passed away at her home in Those who are required to take Medford, Mrs. E. F. Noble. Butte found their inspiration in Ameri­ FOR THREE" for a spook show for the 4th cel­ Ashland May 29. She is survived the examination are advised to in­ Falls. i ca's great northland, Alaska. by her parents, one sister, Bar­ quire at the local office and ar­ RENEWALS: At the close of the afternoon ebration. Please Call at The Miner Offlcs bara, one brother, Frank, and her range to contact one of the re~'i- Ralph Billings. Ashland, Wm. refreshments were served by the LIMEY WILLTAMSON. bowling for Tour Guest Tickets grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H i lar state license examiners in this Briggs, Ashland, I C. Irwin. Ash­ hostess assisted by Mrs. Laura a classy 95 and Lee Ryan wish­ I territory, land, and Florence Allen, Ashland. Webster, ing he could do as well. J Fitch. JULY 4TH DRIVE FOR FUNDS TUES. Western States to Observe USO Sabbath Craters in lA»ague Game at Hills Creek MATIER SPEAKS AT LIONS CLUB Two Ashland Men Leave for Army Dr. Bruce Speaks at SOCE Baccalaureate Ashland Students Get Degrees at OSC 61 GRADUATES IN SOCE CLASS Accident Death Rate Shows Decrease LICENSES MAY BE RENEWED