SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, May 30, 1941 About People You Know • Waive Ender* I* visiting In Hau • Mrs is>uls Monroe of Portland visited last Week with Mr. and Francisco and Lrs Angele*. • Mr* John Collins and children Mrs o A McCoy of Klumuth Falls are viaiting with • Vim I- Barrett of Arlington Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R E Stav­ Mi* Bessie Landing • Mrs .Minnie Okeson Is leaving en* this week soon to visit with relative* In Min­ • Bill Snyder was a Grants Pas* visitor Monday. nesota • Mias Alice Thompson of Bend • Harry Chipman attended the ia visiting her parents, Mr and Medford-Redding baseball game Mrs F. E. Thompson, before lea­ In Medford Saturday evening ving tor summer sch<*>l at Bell­ • Miss Genevieve McGee and Miss Anita Cisike, teachers at Klamath ingham, Washington. • Mias Clara Pederson virrited In Falls, huve arrived home for their summer vacations. Bly over the week end. • After a visit In Mobile. Alaba • Miss Loraine Stevens, who ma, George Ward ha* returned to teaches at Malin, is visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs W J hl* home in Ashland • Mr* W. S Stcnnett and Mrs Stevens, before leaving for summ­ Hazel Fern* attended the Rebekah er school at OSC. Lalge convention in Baker laat week 1 BELLVIEW NEWS • Jimmy Buughmun, teacher at I Marshfield, Is visiting In Ashland • Mra. Amy Spafford returned la-fore leaving for summer xhool to her home in Portland Sunday • Mr and Mr* Win E Waite ufter spending a week viaiting of M<*lesto, California visited here with her parent*. Mr. anti their Hon George Berglund for a Mra. John Farmer and other rel­ atives week. • Mr. und Mr* D H Kerr have • Milton Hamilton was graduated returned home from L>* Angele* last Saturday evening from the • Mr* Ford llunnell and daugh­ Adventist Academy. The graduat­ ter of Bend visited with Mr and ing exercises were held nt Medford Mrs Gearhart several days this • Mr* I E Deadmond entertain­ ed the home economic* club of week. • L. D W Meservey ha* returned the Bellview Grange at her home home from an extended trip to Thursday afternoon The group worked on apron* for the baz.zai his old home in Michigan. • Born to Jackson A Bits* and which will be held thia fall. Those Mr* Bliss, formerly Mia Beatrice attending were: Mra Geo. Helm*, Lockhart, on May 20th, a son Mia Geo. Nichola. Mra. Willi* Mr Bliss ia on the high school Byrd, Mra Henry Carter, Mr* faculty at Scio, but at one time J E Gowland, Mr» Walter I »avia. both Mr. and M rs Bliss were Mra. Clair Kincaid. Mr*. Vai Inlow Haynes, Ashland high school instructors Mra Richardson, Mrs Mr* Henry Stemud, Mr*. Glen • Miss Nellie Perrine, teacher at Bennett of Medford and Mr* Ros­ Rogue River, has arrived home coe Applegate, chairman of the to spend her vacation with her club father. C. J Perrine • Mr* Harry Farmer of Neubie- • Those attending the Northwest l»rr. Calif I* spending aeveral day* Hhrine Council in Seattle were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Travis, Karl Nlms, Hal Willi* Recton McNair, Millan] Grubb and Sam • Mr* I E Deadmond wa* a din­ Jordan ner guest of Mrs Eliza Hicks in • Jim Bldgood and Sam McNair Ashland last Friday attended the Rexal) convention • Mr am! Mrs D F Korth and in Portland last week e Mr and Mr* Charles Tilton of sona, Jimmie and Donnie, and Mr. Klamath Fall* w<-r< Suiid.iv amt Mr* W A Martin made a guests of Dr and Mr* C.F Tilton trip to Yreka Sunday afternoon. e p.mi i' • niiowei atudent at • Mr and Mr* William Turner Multnomah Bible 8ch<*»l in Port­ and daughter Ruby entertained at land, has arrived home for hi* a one o'clock Sunday dinner the summer vacation following guests: Mr. and Mrs. • Mr and Mr* Colver Anderson, Ward of Rogue River. Mrs. L. E who live near Grants Pas*, visited Kearnes and Mra. Ed Ricker and scven»I days with Mr and Mr* son Clyde of Grants Pass. Gordon A O McGee the first of the Week Craber and Wm Hinch of Ashland. • Mr and Mrs S J Jandrrau The afternoon was spent in visit­ with their sons have left for Ken­ ing. edy. Texas where they will visit • Barbera Helm. Patrtca Bell. their daughter. Mrs Alton Newell Bernice Recton, Norma Weanus. • Mr* J A Morgsn I* now In Vida Beer*. Henry Ixinine, Lyda the Community Hospital recover­ Catherine Davis, Christina Gary ing fn»m an operation performed and Keltz will graduate last Tuesday morning from junior high at two o'clock Cleaning Special SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS 35c ! FOR $1.00 FREE PICK-UP STANDARD CLEANERS Attend the Church of Your Choice, Sunday Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets First Baptist Church J. R. Trinity Episcopal Church Turnbull, Minister 163 East Main Phone 62X1 ----- •----- • WANT ADS • STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY ----- •----- FLOUR (Very good—milled from eastern Oregon wheat) 49 pounds ........... $1.05 I 'Shirt Sleeve* Days ARE HERE! 70c 80c LOG CABIN MAPLE SYRUP, pint 19c, quart 38c, 4 gal. 76c gallon >1.68 HONEY, 5 lb. pails 35c, 8 oz. bowl 10<- 1 pkg. BIS-KIT MIX and 1 lb. POWDERED SUGAR 29c FINE FOR SHORT CAKES! K « & ENTIRE FAMILY From KARO SYRUP, gallon size, BLUE LABEL RED LABEL....................................... _... POST TOASTIES—2 packages for........ *2 FRANCISCO • The Miner for Quality Printing. Bible schixil 9 45 a rn. C E Dr. < laude E. stay re, Vicar Corry, superintendent. Holy 7?ornmunio7r7r^rrrL Morning worship 11 o'clock Church school 9.30 a m. Wednesday 7:30 p. rn., player AUTOMOBILE! - FIRE Sermon and Holy Communion, praise and Bible study. Subject CASUALTY - LIFE "The Board* of the Tabernacle.” 11 am. First Presbyterian Holy Communion Wednesday Monthly bunine** meeting I N S U R A N C E Thursday 7:30 p. m., choir re- 9:30 a m. Church Choir will meet Friday 7:30 P I)«-|>endahle Protection at hearsa). Jame« H. Edgar, Minister m. Reasonable, Rates You are cordially invited to worship with us, Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Church of Christ ------ •------------ M. T. BURNS Worship service 11 a. m. Dr. Second und B Streets ON THE PLAZA John K. Howard, guest minister. C. Alton Brostrom, Minister No evening services until fur­ First Methodist ther notice. 9:45- Bible School. L. U. Gresh­ Church am, General Sujierintendent. Clas­ Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE ses for every one. INSURANCE ADEQUATE? Free 11:00- Morning Worship. ^Tiunda^achooTTiUj^a^i^nien Special music by the choir. O. McGee, superintendent. See Methodist Church 7:00- Meetings of the Christian The morning sermon is at 11 Eant Main Street Endeavor Societies. o'clock by Dr. Sydney Hall, dis­ John R. Poet, Pastor STEVEN R. 8:00- Evening Service. The choir trict sujierintendent. Special Music and Message. will sing the anthem, "Hark, Hark Sunday school at 9:45 a Monday4: Christian Endeavor My Soul” and Mrs E. O. Smith Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in Skating party. and Mrs. Paul Byers will sing the charge. Wednesday: Choir Practice. PHONE 4721 duet, ‘Master, the Tempest is Morning worship at 11 o’clock • Raging." Junior meeting and Young Peo­ The evening service is at 8 ple's meeting at 7 p. m. Evening METROPOLITAN LIFE the sermon subject being worship at 8 o'clock. Neighborhood Church o'clock, INSURANCE CO. "I Have a Rendezvous with Life.” Mid-week prayer meeting Wed ­ Congregational The fourth quarterly conference nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Boulevard and Morton Streets will be held next Monday evening You are welcome to all services. Clarence F. McCall, .Minister with a covered dish dinner honor­ ----------- •------------ ing Dr. Hall on this his last of­ Sunday, 9:45 a m. church ficial visit to Ashland school Mi»s Marjorie Stratton, Full Gospel Temple Prayer meeting 7 30 p. m. Wed­ acting superintendent.. nesday. E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. Regular worship service 11 a. R. E. Schmidt, Pastor m. Foursquare Church Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Unbeatable Morning worship 11 o'clock. Fourth and B Street* Catholic Church C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Rev. Edward G. Skultety, Pastor Pair Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor ning Evangelistic service to fol­ Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. low at 7:30 o'clock. Services: Mass at 9 a. m. Sun­ Butterfield, superintendent. C. A. service and choir practice day Sunday school after mass Morning worship 11 a. m. 7:45 Tuesday evening. conducted by Sisters of Sacred Young People’s meeting 6:30 p. | Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday Try Our Milk and Cream Heart Academy, Medford. Skultety in charge, evening. m. Mrs. E O. ....................... Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. AN ASHLAND PRODUCT Everybody is cordially invited Week night services Tuesday to all services. Thursday afternoon. • Mrs Mary Hash, chairman of and Friday evenings at 7:45. the Home Extension Unit, ha* Prayer meeting precedes these Young people in called a special meeting to be held two services at the grange hall June 6 for the charge of Tuesday service. ---------•------------ purpose or making out reports Clover Leaf Dairy and taking care of some special TALENT NEWS Phone 6732 business before the last meeting WANTED - Clean cotton rags. (Continued from page 1) which will be held in the park Miner Office. rfWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ■ * I * * I* * sometime in June. a few weeks at their ranch south • Mr. and Mrs Dexter Woods- of Talent. worth and baby have returned to • Word has been received that their home after a month's visit John Kelty who has been employ­ with Mr. Woodsworth's mother ed by the Southern Pacific in the and Mrs Woodsworth's parents northern part of the state was at Los Angeles. recently married at Eugene and • Mrs Mary Hash and Mrs. Carl will leave soon for Anchorage. Al­ Henry were in Medford Monday aska Robert Kelty, recently dis­ A light, clean, convenient place to shop for good attending an all-day meeting for charged from the army with a things to eat, and we will save you money every all officers of the Home Extension transportation company in Hon­ Units of the county. The program olulu H.T., was also married rec­ day of the week. for the coming year was planned ently. The Kelty boys were form­ at this meeting SAME PRICES FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK: er Talent residents • A large crowd was in attend­ ance at the picnic and closing of • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols DIAL 4131 FREE DELIVERY school last Friday. Mrs Reynolds who operated the Talent lunch room this past winter sold out to the retiring president of the P.T.A. was presented a lovely gift by the a Medford party who will soon take posession. ghiup. DAINTIES MINIATURE CHOCOLATES • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Estle of • Mr. and Mrs Noble Green who Chicago, Ill., left Monday evening have been living in the Thompson for San Francisco after spending property near the school will soon Extra good, assorted move to I’hoenix where they have a week at the J. V Seitz home. purchased property. 50c value for 20c or 2 for 35c • Many members of the Bellview • Mr. and Mrs H. L. Adkinson grange attended a meeting of the and Mr and Mrs H. Barkley of (While They Last) Applegate grange last Friday Oklahoma are guests of Mr. and evening. Mrs. Art Black Large Assortment of CANDY B.ARS and GUM, 3 for....... 10c • Mrs W J. Rosen spent Tues- • Mrs. Alice O'Bryne who has day in Medford with her son and been teaching in California has NESTLES CHOCOLATE for Cookie*. 2 cakes ............... _..25c family. Little Lee Rosen came returned to Talent for the summer FARMINGTON SWEET MILK CHOCOLATE, 1-lb. bar 16c home with her for few days visit. vacation. COFFEE -PLAZA FRESH GROUND, 3-lb. pkg. 59c ------------•------------ • The Miner for Quality Printing. • I • Subscribe for The Miner today. HILLS, FOLGERS, GOLDEN WEST, MAXWELL HOUSE and SCHILLINGS COFFEE—lib. 28c, 2 lbs........................... 55c your family with a vacation at the HOTEL MANX — San Francisco's fineit located hotel . . . Powell at Union Square ... in the very heart of the theatrical, Ratet from reitaurant and shopping dittrict. MANX WILL I'AY CASH For clean cot­ ton rags. Bring them to The Miner office today. Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Subject: "Memorial Day and the Cross." Junior meeting 6:30 p. m. Young people's meeting 6:30 p- m. People's meeting 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. 4 Reward SAN Church of the Nazarene DELIVERY “If it can l>e done, we can do it" HOTEL Page 5 $ 4 END 21c POTATOES—50 pounds No. 2's................ 33c LARGE GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for.................. . 10c ORANGES, New VALENC IAS, 220 size, 2 dozen for 35c ALL FRESH VEGETABLES at Market Prices S®»*"- RAINBOW'S SHREDDED WHEAT—2 packages for team- * Remember the Place—61 North Main St. st Paxton, on the elamorou, Feather River, where you can pan for gold and I- ' ■» -•»y for your vacation. Ralet from $2 HOTEL SAN CARLOS invites you to Monterey . . , California's most historic city . . , overlooking Port Orel, on ths Blue Bay of Monterey, Ratet from $2.50 HOTEL CLUN I E with its famous "UltraModern Coffre sbof>;‘ at Sacramento, Capitol City of California. Ratei from VEY (Alsy £ A4. I f A r n ia M . 41.50 TOY HOTEL»» we lend you deicriptive folder) I N » T-1T (| T I o N S E R V I Ñ Neat shirts are essential now if you wish to enjoy the distinc­ tion of a carefully drt^sed man. Send your shrits to the Ashland Laundry where your shirts look neater and stay clean longer. STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY DIAL 4131 61 NORTH MAIN FREE DELIVERY ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 : 31 Water St “For the Ideal washday— Just call, That’s all.” Plaza Meat Market in Connection QUALITY MEATS for LESS Phone 4771 Free Delivery R