Science hu« developed an edible |>»|>er. Now we won’t mind so much to eat our own words. 111 Tlic Nautical tag game being j played between England and Ger- | many la really proving disastrous- I ly real. PLANS PROGRESS Factory wage rates are reported ' to la * the big heat on record; yet FOR JULY 4TH the preparedness parade is held OUR DEMOCRACY — 111 taick by picket *. 111 Personally we'd like to ace a repetition of the old atory "Hub- a-Dub-Dub, three men in a tub" (in mid Pacific) with the occu­ pants a trio of labor leaders and their BRIDGE« burned 111 A Klamath Falla citizen waa heard to say, “We did not try very hard to get the cantonment After all a soldier draw * only $30 (X) a month " We figure an 20.(XX) southern Oregonians and northern Californians. Chairman John Daugherty said that committees would start func­ tioning within a short time, fol­ lowing drafting of final plans, i Emphasis will be placed on a, morning parade, a two perform- : ance rodeo and horse show, swim-, mlng ami bathing events, a bund, concert and other features. Ashland's Trail Riders which Is sponsoring the rodeo and horse show, are arranging special drills and attractions for the afternoon and evening performances on the Fourth. It wus indicated. The rodeo itself Is to I m * on an amateur basis with non-profcaslonal riders and wild range stock being used Uthla park is to be thrown open to old fashioned picnic and basket lunches. Additional tables ami eat­ ing accomiMlatlons are expected to I m * installed next month to handle the crowds. Efforts are under way to pre­ sent a wrestling match in con­ nection with the celebration sched­ ule Promoter Mark I.lllatd has been contacted to bring mat glad­ iators here but definite arrange-1 ments have not been completed. S()(’E Again offers Pilot Training The Southern Oregon College ■ has once again been chosen uy I Loe Civil Aeronautics Admimslra- ' lion to otter civilian pilot tiairung to qualified students. The college nan oeen granted a quota of thirty primary students and ten second­ ary students. In order to quality tor Hus naming, a student must lie able to meet the fowlUng re- quirments; (1) he must be between uie ages of 19 and 2b (2) he must be an American citizen (3) he must have had at ieaih one year of college training (4) he must l>aaa a physical examination from a Civil Aeronautics Administration flight surgeon. The applicant must also provide insurance coverage which will satisfy the government authorities and pay a small course fee i • Chipman Praised In Feature Story Harry Chipman. propietor of i Chipman's Smoke House and the s | m > i is editor of the Southern Ore­ gon Miner was piaised highly for nls courage In a feature story ap- I»earing in last Sunday's Oregon Hiutnal | The article, titled "Temporarily I Down Never Out" and Written by Pearl Riggs Crouch of Ashland, j described Chipman's splended fight against Infantile (analysis and his courageous work in the building up of his successful business here —•------------ TALENT NEWS • Dr. Arthur Taylor of S.O.C.E delivered the commencement ad­ dress to the seniors of Talent high school Wednesday night. The grad­ uates wore the traditional caps and gowns Lois Thompson was valedictorian and Virginia Keith the salutatorian. • Mr and Mrs. Lewis Colwell of Phoenix were callers in Talent Bunday evening • Mr. mid Mrs. John Hamilton of Medford visited relative« in Talent Sunday. • W. G. Barrick mid family of Azelea, Oregon have moved into the Crawford Property which they recently purchased. • The community is deeply griev­ ed by the sudden death of Mrs. Ben Clark who passed away early Sunday morning Ail of her child­ ren were present at the bedside except a daughter living in South Dakota and one living in KlaniAth county. The funeral services were held at 10:30 Thursday morning at the Lltwiller funeral home and interment was at the Stearns cem­ etery at Talent • Mr. Elmer Cook and Russell Parks spent several days at Fish Lake last week. • Mrs. Rosetta Merrick of Ix»s Angeles, Calif, was called to Tal­ ent by the illness of her .vister, Mrs. Elizebeth Breese, who suf­ fered a stroke last Friday. Billy Breese, a grandson, of Fort Klam­ ath was also called. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cofman are reshingling their house this week. • The ladies of the community club met last Wednesday after­ noon ami elected officers for the coming year. Those elected were: Mrs. Charles Long, president. Mrs. Edna Holdrige vice-president, Mrs. Vie Mason, secretary. Mrs. Ira Williams gave a talk about her trip last year into Mexico and other places of interest. • Mr. and Mrs. George Thurston of Humburg, Calif, are spending (Continued on page B) IN THE GREAT LAKES ALONE IS ONEHALF OF THE FRESH WATER SUPPLY LAKE, RIVE fl,STREAM — AMERICA IS BLESSED WITH FRESH WATER. IRRIGATION INCREASING STEADILY EFFICIENT RIVER AND LAKE DOCKS. £ ta TE( COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL PUMPING STATIONS, WATER SYSTEMS, FILTRATION PLANTS, DOCKS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY-ARE BUILT BY BONDS AND THE AVERAGE FAMILY HAS MONEY IN THEM, THROUGH INSURANCE AND SAVINGS FUNDS. (’raters Break Even Boys for Beaver In Last Weeks Games Jétate Selected The Medford Craters split even in the week-end baseball series when they luckily downed Redding California, 2-1 in a ten inning clash and then lost out to Bend in an Oregon State League game 2-0 at Bend Sunday. The Redding game was played in Medford Sat­ urday night. The Medford Rogues of the Southern Oregon League remained unbeaten when they won over Crescent City 10-4 behind the pitching of Ashland's Paul Hess. The Craters played Weed at Medford last night and will meet Kelso, Wash., of the Timber league in the Craters' park Saturday nite at nine o'clock and again on Sun­ day afternoon, beginning at 1:30 A limited number of women students who can meet the above requirements will be permitted td enroll in the primary course. Any student who is interested in the civilian pilot training course should make application immedi­ ately to Marshell Woodell, coord­ inator of Civilian pilot training at the college. - -•--------- • M. L Kathan, instructor of Industrial Arts in AHS leaves .to day for Corvallis where he w* *ill take up further studies in Indus- SOCE TO OFFER SUMMER WORK Pre-scheduling for the first sem­ ester of the summer school which will open with registration on June 9 at the Southern Oregon College of Education, has already begun. Students planning to reg- ' ister on this date must submit an official transcript prior to regis­ tration. Highschool graduates who wish to earn a term's credit as well as out-of-state teachers who wish to earn required credits for certifica­ tion to teach in the elementary schools of Oregon may register either for the first session or for | the post aession, which begins on I July 21. Advance students wishing to i begin the fourth year of work, j which is required for the bachelor I of science degree in elementary I education, will find a wide variety 1 of subjects ooffered. Upper division courses as well as required subjects in art, music, education, psychology, health, lan­ guage and literature, science, soc­ ial science, history, geography and political science will be given. Spe­ cial recreational courses in phys- ■ ical education, including tennis, golf and swimming, will be offered for credit. • During the first summer session regular work may be taken at the Lincoln Training School as well as special summer courses in diag­ nostic and remedial reading, teach­ ing of art and music and pre- I primary education. Students planning to register are urged to do so on June 9 because of the short length of the summer term. Failure to register on this date will necessitate pay­ ing the regular late registration fee. ------------•------------ Jnior High Graduates Receive Diplomas Graduation Exercises for the Junior High were held Thursday afternoon in the junior high aud­ itorium with 112 graduates rec­ eiving diplomas, the largest class in the history of the school. Harlalee Wilson, salutatorian, spoke on "The Place of Education in National Defense" and Verna Petersen, valedictorian, spoke on "The Woman's Place in the War." Dr. G. W. Bruce gave the invo­ cation and closing prayer. Mr. ' Earl Rogers presented the class and Mr. Hal McNair presented the diplomas to the graduates. Verne Dollaridi» Accidently Killed Verne Dollarhide,47, met death accidently last week, the victim of a dynamite blast on the Austin Barron ranch eight miles south of Ashland. His body was found last Saturday and it was believed that the accident had occurred the previous Sunday. Thinking that he had gone to Ashland for several days, the fam­ ily of his employer was not alarm­ ed by his absence until his aband­ oned truck was found in the mountains A search was started which resulted in the discovery of his body by Harold Haines, a bro­ ther of Dr. C. A Haines of Ash­ land Funeral services were held at the Mountain View cemetery Mon­ day afternoon with Rev. Wallace of the Apostolic Faith in Medford in charge. He is survived by his mother and sister.Mrs Ethel Pink­ erton, both of the Siskiyou ranch and a brother Ross Dollarhide of Lakeview. ------- •------- Three Graduates at U of 0 from Ashland Three graduates at the Uuiver- sity of Oregon are from Ashland. Marilyn Olive Christlieb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Christlieb, has majored in physical education and will receive the degreee of bachelor of science. John Oliver Thompson, son of Mrs. Francis Thompson, has ma­ jored in business administration and will receive the degree of bachlor of science . Gordon Wilbur Tripp, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Tripp, has majored in music and will also receive the degree of bachelor of science. John B. Harr, although a res­ ident of Jacksonville, was a grad­ uate of AHS He will receive the degree of bachelor of science in education. Commencement exescises will be held June 8th in Me Arthur Court. ------------ •------------ "WHO DO" CLASS MEETS WITH MRS. RALPH BILLINGS Members of the "Who Do" class of the Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Billings. Friday afternoon. May 23. Mrs. E. G. Davis presided at the business meeting at which the annual election resulted in the re­ election of all the old officers to their former posts. Those contin­ uing in office are: Mrs. E. G. Davis, president, Mrs. J. E. Cham­ berlain, vice president and Mrs. Maude Marske. secretary-treas­ urer. Mrs. Mabel Russel Lowther led the devotional meeting on the topic of "High Priestly Prayer". During the program hour Mrs. Ralph Billings gave a very inter­ esting and descriptive talk on her recent eastern trip. Mrs. G. H. Yeo and Mrs. G. S. Vestal assisted the hostess in serv­ ing refreshments. ------------ •------------ The fortunate boys to attend Beaver Boys State June 22-29 at te OSC campus have been selected | by the American Legion. Where­ as only three boys were sent last year, the Legion is sending five this year. They are as follows: Bill Green. Lawrence Barger, Jack Merritt. Bill Van Vleet and Bill Blackmer. Alternates were Chet Fowler, | Bill Cooke, Dick Finnell. Fritz Buehling, and George Mack. The' selection committee was composed of Dr. Arthur S Taylor. Theo J. I Norby, B. C. Forsythe. Dr. w Crandall and Oscar Silver. The Ashland public schools ----------- •------------ closed this week. Although the MRS. HELEN DENNIS students were dismissed Wednes­ Funeral services for Mrs. Helen day noon, they were required to Dennis 87, who passed away return Thursday afternoon for Thursday evening, were held at their report cards. The High the Lltwiller Funeral Home Mon­ School commencement with 67 day morning. Dr. George W students graduating was held Bruce officiated. She is survived Wednesday evening in the Junior' by a sister-in-law in California, a High School auditorium. At the Ralph Koozer. city councilman first cousin in New York, and a same place the Junior high school second cousin in Portland. Mr. , Commencement with 112 gradua­ ning company here, was elected Dennis passed away in 1937. ting was held Thursday afternoon. ning oompany here, was elected School will open in the fall on president of the Pacific Highway association last Saturday. trial Art. Mr. Kathan expects to September 8th. With the proposed troop can­ ----- —,—•------------ return September 1 and resume tonments at Medford and Eugene, his work as Instructor in the High HILT NEWS it is felt that the increased dem­ School here. • The Sewing Club met Wednes­ ands upon it as a military road day afternoon at the home of Mrs. will give it priority for early Im­ Walter Bray. Those who gathered provements. ------------•------------ for a pleasant meeting were Mes- ‘ dames F. R. Williams, Diamond CHURCH DINNER HONORS Newman, Donald Rosecrans, Don­ SUPERINTENDENT HALL ovan Ward, Earl Wall, Kenneth The First Methodist Church I Nelson, Roy Clevenger and Johnny will give a covered dish dinner Smith. Dainty refresments were honoring Rev. Dr. Sydney W. Hall served. and wife Monday evening June 2. • Thursday evening marked the The dinner w *ill be in the social close of the term at the Hilt El­ hall of the church at 6:45 after ementary school and thirteen which Dr. Hall will conduct the young folks received treir diplo- fourth quarterly conference. i mas at the graduation program. This will be the last official visit The primary and intermediate of Dr. Hall to the Ashland Church grades presented an operetta en­ as District Superintendent; so all titled "Flowers of the Nations.” members and friends of the church • Mrs. Frank Ohlund was hostess are invited to attend. It is request­ when the Ladies Club met Thurs­ ed that those attending the din­ day at the Club House for an af­ ner will please bring the necessary ternoon of bridge. silver in addition to their covered Mrs. Elliott won first prize at dish. bridge and Mrs. Bayliss second. Delicious refreshments were 1 served. • Mr.and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, Sonja Lee and Dixie Lee Johnson. | Betty Alexander and Gino Pros­ per! of McCloud were week end , guests at the O. Bemheisel home. Mr. Johnson is filer for Herbert Rasmuson of Me Cloud Lumber company. • Walter Cldvenger, Russel Will­ iams. Irving Mendes and Donald Hord were in Ashland Friday eve­ ning, • Mrs Fred Bayliss and Mrs Flo­ rence Clark were in Medford Fri­ day. • Mr and Mrs. Edward Ekwall and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Foster | and Claude Wright were in Ash-1 MAXINE CONOVER startling 'and Fridav evening. • Gera'd Gooodwin was taken to the Whittle personnel with a phone the Yreka General Hospital for, call ordering up a swiss steak. ... pardon, wrong number. | an appendectomy Saturday. JOHN CALLAHAN really turn­ • Mr. and Mrs. O. Bemheisel and 1 family were Ashland and Medford ing on the S. A. when disguised Rec page four for Information of valuable Bride’s Book—free. I (Continued on Page 4) as a gal the other day. SO YOU’RE GOING TO BE MARRIED? School Activities End For Another Year Koozer Heads Pacific Highway Association