^aqe X SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, May 23, 1941 Fun for the Vahóle Family IMA< TOTO <"All efforts to get Gurguntua, the circus gorilla, and Toto, the Cubuo gorilla imported to be hla mate, to be frit-lids have failed." — News Item > Gurguntua (after one look)—Am 1 seeing Oilrigs? Toto- That's Just what I was ask- j log myself Gurguntuu—1 don't know what you are, but do me a favor arZ scram. Toto— Listen, Funny Face, I'm not here ot my own accord. Tills visit isn't my Idea. Oargantua Well, It certainly Isn't mine. Gee, but you're a hyrnely dame. Toto—That goes double for you. If 1 was as ugly as you I'd do something about it. Gargantua (sadly) There’s only one tiling you can do about it. and that’s join a circus By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP By RUBE GOLDBERG incent Fixe» It for Lala Toto—That's what I'm here for now! Gurguntua- So that's It! They're trying to co-star me! Well, they can't do that to me Toto Calm yourself. It's not my idea. Gurguntua - Nobody could get you here If you didn't want to come. Toto—A dozen men brought me here. Gargantua—You could have licked ’em all! Toto—You must have read Ar thur Brisbane. • • • 1 I , j I S’MATTER POP—War Style Change—Bite Enemy, if Necenary Gargantua Aw, go away, please! It was tough enough around here when there was only one of us. Toto—Didn't you ever think of get­ ting married? Gargantua—No, that's my press . agent's idea. • • • Toto—Two can live as cheap as one, Gargie Gargantua—Yes, but what do I care what I cost this circus. It's got plenty of dough. • • • Toto- - What you need is a nice wife. Gargantua Where would I find one? Toto—How about me? Gurgantua (with a look of horror) — I'm not monkey enough to marry a girl with a mug like yours. Toto—You're no Jungle Clark Gable yourself Gargantua Maybe not, but I've got prestige I'm probably the most famous gorilla In the world. Toto—You're Just another big go­ rilla to me. Gargantua—Where did you come from, anyhow? Toto—Cuba. Gurguntua —Now I know what caused all that unrest there! Toto— Llssen, you can't insult me like that. I wouldn't take you for a husband. If I was your wife I'd give you poison. Gargantua—And it I was your husband I'd take it. Both (in a fury) — You BIG GORILLA! • • • BANKING BY I IM FTABLE A bank has been opened in a rail road depot at New Rochelle, N. Y.. and it is at least a novel idea. The country has always wanted to sec a demonstration of how mongy could be withdrawn or deposited at full gallop by a man with his arms full of garden tools and his coat half of? Elmer Twitchell wants to know If the depot banks runs on eastern standnrd or daylight saving time. And there is sure to be the con­ fused commuter who Isn't certain whether he was to deposit $H Just before the 7:55 a. m. or deposit 7:55 Just before the $8 pulled in. • • • : ' | MESCAL IKE A Pretty Strong Statement mlhuntley 1 J- MILLAR WATT POP—Da»h It All! ! ' WNAT is the - matter WITH YOU - YOU ANSWER EVERY DO I REALLY QUESTION I ASK YOU WITH ANOTHER miPCTinNi The U. S. treasury announces that, despite metal priorities, it will con­ tinue to issue nickels. This country has got to have a coin that will do the work the penny used to do, or nearly so. • • • (R»lea»ed by The Bell Syadteaf. lac.) Suburban Heights Congressmen grow gabby at cock tail parties and spill Important wai information, it is alleged. And prob ably it's true. Congressmen are talky enough when they're cold so­ ber, let alone when they're on their fourth old-fashioned. • • • HTEAM TOWEL VICTIM There’s nothing that’s hotter Than barbershop water. —Merrill Chilcote. • • * Ima Dodo, starting her spring planting, makes the usual com­ plaint: “No matter how I plan a garden, it never comes up the way they do at the Flower Show." • • • GLUYAS WILLIAMS CAN YOU REMEMBER Away back when a tank was com­ monly accepted as just a fellow who could stand a lot ot lager beer? • • • During that prolonged drugstore strike in New York thousands of peo­ ple got a chance to get over indi­ gestion. ♦ "Now think bard, Mike. What was It you did wrong on that slide?" WAYS THAN ONE WHEN, ON A BLISTERING HOT DAY, HE FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH THE CAR THAT HAD AP­ PARENTLY STOPPED TO GIVE HIM A LIFT TO THE STATION, AND FOUND UTTER STRANGERS WAVING TO A FRIEND ON HIS LAWN A BLOCK BACK i s i H M U w n» m <•»> 6uM* • luiuan»