SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, May 23, 1941 LUCK TO THE Taylor R. Williams Palace Cafe AI TIIOKIZED DEALER Western Auto Supply Co. BEST WISHES I Lie 7/ ' ■ UL ia F l L/ oll ■ UÄPPINECC HEALTHmi PROSPERITY TO THE iiiiiuMfflMBl ASHLAND CREAMERY iralin CLTO Most of you have been our guests. Many of you we know personally, To all of you we wish LIFE’S BEST. MR. and MRS. H. B. HURST. THE LITHIA THEATER May your every umbltion be fulfilled, mid limy life flow along smoothly for you now mid during the ymrw to come. Greetings Graduates VARSITY THEATRE Accept sincerest greetings and good wishes from JORDAN’S HOUSE OF COLOR 10 North Main Street Wick Furniture Company Postal Tel.-Cable Co. HARRISON PARTS COMPANY Extends greetings to the Class of 1941 MAY 28 IS COMMENCEMENT DAY FOR MANY STUDENTS HERE Ashand You hove u right to I m * proud of your achievement, gradu­ ate», mid we a» fellow mem­ ber» of your community are proud of you. We are proud, too, of our record of nerving thin community them* many year». R. L. CROSBY Texaco Service MARGERY ADOLPH WILLIAM ALVES SHIRLEY ANDERSON MAKGARETTE BARNTHOUSE EDITH BAUGHMAN JOHN BERGSTROM RICHARD BERNINGHAU8EN NANCY BRIGGS BOB BROILI HIED BURGER JOHN CADY ROBERT CAIJ.AHAN BARBARA CARY FLORENCE CLARK ETHEL CI .A RY GAYLORD COX CORRINNE CROFT I.LIZ A Hi: TH DAWSON DONALD DELISLE DOROTHY DEIJ8LE MARY ANN DEUSMAN WILLIAM ELHART RICHARD FXJSTER NATHAN GALE RALPH GILLMORE LELA GRIFFITH DONALb GRIGSBY ANITA HARDEN JOHN ISENHOWER ANNA MARIE JESSEL GERRY JORDAN R. L. JOHNSON GLADYSKANNASTO ARTHUR KENT ROBERT KERR KENNETH LEBOW MANLEY LEGGETT ROBERT LIMA PHILIP LINDSAY GLENN LUCAS JACK MERRITT «ET1T MIDDLETON JEAN MOSELEY BETTY MYERS MARGERY NEWTON RICHARD ORMOND WAYNE PETERSON ROBERT RANDLES IVAN RANDLES LESLIE RAY PHIL RITTER CLARA ANN ROBERSON LAURA MAE ROSS VERA LOUISE SEGSWORTH BETTY SMITH EMMY LOU SMITH JAMES SMITH HAZEL STOCKSTILL THELBERT TUCKER EARL WARREN ROBERT WEAVER RICHARD WESTERBERG ROSS WILLARD WILIJAM CLARK WILLITS BETTY WIMER CARL YOUNG RAY BLACK Talent (graduates VIRGINIA KEITH RUBY WELBURN RUBY DOBBINS AGNES LACY TH ARON HILL LIDA MAY BAYLOR EARL SOMMERS BOB KEITH KARL SLACK LOIS THOMPSON AUDREY LOCKWOOD BENNIE MORROW MARIE SCHULER MILDRED WORK MABEL ROM ING Eli DORIS CURRIE LEDA KLIMEK DORIS WELBURN Your diploma is more than a piece of [laper—it 1» the key to your future. We hope that it will be a future full of success and happiness. From the folks at MAGGIE’S CAFE SENDING □ UR GINCEREGT GREETINGS TO TUG CLASE ufl94l! FROM HIRAM’S METZ-RICHARDS 5c-10c-25c and $1 Store Ashland, Oregon To all of you, 1941 graduates, we say “Good luck and god-speed!” LEO’S BARBER SHOP 49 North Main Kay’s Beauty Shop and Nate’s Barber Shop Phone 6511 Greetings from Roy Frazier SIGNAL OIL STATION Ashland, Oregon Congratulations, class of ’41. We are mighty proud of you, and with our congratulations we offer our very best wishes for your success in your chosen field. M. C. LININGER ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP &SON Greetings from C. E. Huffman We have known you as student»; we now know you as young men and young women who are alsiut to take your places in the world. We sincerely wish you every happiness mid success. J. C. PENNEY CO. BEAGLE & RITZINGER Union Oil Dealers