Friday, May 23, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page X I& NEWS FROM Washington School Bj St IIOOL Sil DENTS AHS HETMEN S. 0. CHAMPS Roger I>ahl is moving to Med­ Coach Leighton Blake’s Ashland ford and Patsy C.omes is moving high tennis squad won the south­ to Bremerton. We hope they en­ I ern Oregon high school tennis joy their new homes. championships Tuesday afternoon Evelyn Smith visited the airport when they won a 4-3 decision over Sunday She saw a vegy big plane Medford high to keep their unde­ I with many people on it. feated record of six matches. Tuesday we celebrated Vida IXalay. Charlie Jandrvau and Childrees................ birthday. She treater! Bud Provost, singles, and Jack us to chocolate cookies and we Merritt and LaMar Ormond, dou- had a very happy time, bles, are playing at Reed college studying in Portland for the state Cham- We have enjoyed about a number of our bini pionship. friends and several of our boys Provost was out of the lineup have made bin! houses. with Medford due to an exam but We have had several bouquets the Grizzly racqueteers managed of wild flowers and can tell quite to come out on top after losing a number of their names. the first two matches —Room 1 Scoring, Ashland players named Norma Davis has had a tonsil first, follows: Jandrvau lost to Cooley, 6-2, operation and will not be back at school until next fall. We miss her. 6-2. The second grade children have Finnell lost to Clemens, 6-3, brought several moths and cater­ 6-3 pillars to school. The caterpillars Merritt over Smith, 6-2, 6-0 Ormond over Pope. 6-2. 6-3 made their cocoons and went to sleep. There is a little hermit crab Bell lost to Jones. 6-4, 0-6, 6-3. who lives in a snail shell, and a Jandreau and Finnell over hair snake in a jar of water. Smith and Cooley, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. Julia Norby visited at her j Merritt and Oormond over Cle­ grandfather's home for several mens and Jones. 6-3, 6-3. days and came to school from , bon club meeting Friday. The there. Ten boys and girls in the second meeting was called to order at grade have little brothers or sis­ 2:15 by the president. Foster ters who will start to school next j Wolfe. Billy Beebe talked about September. They came to the pre­ robins Emma Ricks talked anil read about humming birds. Then school clinic last Friday. we talked about blue jays, wood —Room 2 ducks, crows, English sparrows We are. planning on having our | and house wrens. picnic this Friday noon. We are The sixth grade from Washing­ looking forward to our picnic very ton school will visit the junior much. We have chosen sides and are high Friday, 10:30 to 12 a m. The purpose is to get acquainted with having many interesting races the program and building. We will with our time tables. So far, the I be the freshmen there next fall. points on each side are quite even. Room 7 The losing side must help prepare The Chickagami Camp for our picnic, which is causing girls are very proud of their Fire new us to work much harder. song books, "Song of the Fire ” Jack Underhill is a new pupil Miss Avery has been working on in our room. He is from Clover­ these booklets. dale. Calif., which is near Santa (•atari nq We. the Camp Fire girls, wish Rosa. We are very happy to have I to thank every person who helped LUPE VELEZ Jack in our room. make this lovely song book. We made some recipe booklets Leon Errol - Chickagami Camp Fire Girls for our mothers. We each brought ¿•Donald Woods Miss Cora Mason of the city a recipe, then copied each one to library told us about the summer put in our book. We had 39 re­ vacation reading club. She told us cipes in all. The covers were of the story of "The Children of the three-ply wood. We had our choice Sea." We were very interested of burning the words for the because we had just been looking cover of "Recipe" or "Cook Book." over shells, clams, sea-urchins, etc. We then stained and varnished which the teacher had brought them. We thought they were very back from Crescent City beach. attractive. W’e are sorry that Jean Under­ We have completed our geo­ hill and Dawn Witt from room graphy booklets. six have the measles. We hope RADIO'S FRIENDLY ENEMIES We wrote interesting stories of I they will be back in time to go to I cotton, silk, fur. leather, linen and BRING YOU FILMDOM S our picnic. rubber. The public library has given The covers are made of material room six several books on South I cut out either like a sunbonnet America to read. Some of the girl or an overall boy. books are: The Silver Llama, We learned the poem “Wynken. Presents for Lupe, Mario and the Nod. ” We like it Blynken and Chuna, Green and Gold, and South very much. America Roundabout. We think it We have a circus on our sand- was very nice of the library to table. It is a tw’o-ring circus. On lend us these new books. it we have clowns, policemen, a Room 6 tight-rope walker, a teeter-totter The Washington school had two i and many animals. very interesting visitors who were We have drawn many pictures representing the Junior Red Cross of animals and also a circus wa­ Miss Roberts and Miss Vera gon, drawn by horses. We have Humphrey of Medford told us studied the homes and habits of about the other schools who had many of these circus animals. made things and sent them to We read a very interesting story other schools. A school in Alaska Jac about a kangaroo. A kangaroo made several interesting things. jumps from 20 to 30 feet at one One was a hand-made sled which jump. The front legs are much Miss Roberts prizes very much. shorter than the hind legs. It sits They also had baskets from Sa­ on its long, heavy tail while rest­ moa Islands and Japan. We have ing. A large kangaroo will weigh an opportunity to join the Junior 200 ponuds. A baby kangaroo, Red Cross. They are coming back when bom, is only an inch long, Thursday to get our money so we and is blind and helpless. It stays can have a Junior Red Cross club. in the tiny pocket and lives there I MARY MARTIN for nearly eight months, until it WOODCRAFT THIMBLE (’Ll B Th. Merry M«c. .nd is about the size of a cat The Mrs. Anna Parr entertained the kangaroo eats grass. It is found Woodcraft Thimble club at her only in Australia. home Thursday of last week. Mrs. We have been studying about Anna Messer, vice president, was sea shells and fish We have many in charge of the meeting. Next shells and rocks from the ocean. meeting will be June 18 at the It is all very interesting. home of Mrs. Mabel Roberts. —Room 3 raraaintt Pittar» Jacquie Donne Lowe had an ap­ pendectomy last Thursday. We are happy to know that she ar­ rived home Monday. We are writ­ ing letters to her today, as we don’t want her to get lonely. TO THE LADIES: Room five tied room seven Mon­ Constance Bennett Matched day afternoon. We will know the mean Cosmetics winners after the game Tuesday. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY ) The Flying Eagles had bad luck More Fun-Less Cost! at the baseball game Monday. They hope to change the Grizz­ lies' luck Tuesday. —Room 5 The sixth grade will go on a swimming party Friday, May 23. We will go down to Helman Baths at 2:30 p. m. and go in swimming. It is just a swimming party, not a picnic. Room seven is planning to join the Junior Red Cross next Thurs­ day. The sixth grade had an Audu- Friday and Saturday! HJtTUMI ? ¡t’s terrific! it’s terrific! Love? ShÜ terrific! G-P Takes 2-Game Win From Grizzlies Hess Pitches Winning Opener for Rogues The Grants Pass high baseball team made a clean sweep of a double header against Ashland high on Fuller field here Wednm- day aftei noon The Cavemen won the first game 11 to 1 and the second 9-7. Both were seven in­ ning tilt». In the opening game Ashland didn't have a chance as the visit­ ors scored in every inning but the fifth and seventh Tommy Mans­ field, tn right field for Ashland, brought in his team's lone tally in the sixth stanza Charlie Jandreau started in the box for the Grizzlies but was re­ lieved by Russ Hawk who in turn gave up to Bud Provost. Joe Pet­ erson did the catching The second game was more even but the Cavemen's sticks again proved to have the greater power. Bud Provoat pitched the first three innings and Mansfield fin­ iahtd the job Peterson and ita I r- ney Riggs worker! behind the plate. Paul Hess, righthanded pitcher from Ashland, went II Innings on the mound for the Medford Itog ues Sunday when the Southern Oregon lu'aguc club defeated the Grants Pass Merchants 5 to 4 in the league opener at Medford Ths game was nip and link all the way through with Hess stilkiug out 16, giving 10 walks and six hits while Ostrom of the Mer­ chants gave up II hits, two walks and 11 strikeouts. Medford entertains Crescent City next Sunday while Rogue River goes to Grants Pass. • 4-11 CLUB I.E IDER AT COI.I.F.GE OF EDUCATION L E Francis. Jackson county 4-H club leader, was guest apeak- er at the Southern Oregon College of Education Tuesday morning when he appeared before a group of college students who are ex­ pecting to teuch in the near future. Mr Francis s[x>kc of the hcv eral activities of the 4-H program and answered many questions After having to scour the town concerning it He was accompan­ to find enough baseball players to ied by Ralph Billings, loyal sup­ make the trip to I*rospcct Sunday. porter of 4-H club work Ernie Francis' Ashland Outlaws lost the rubber game to the moun­ tain nine by a 12 to 8 score. According to Francis, many of the men who have been practicing regularly with the team would rather go on picnics and drives than to play ball on Sunday and it depends on the attitude of the men this week whether the ball club will continue for the remain­ der of the season. , Battery for Ashland in Sunday's game was L. Warren, Francis to Larson. Outlaws Drop Tilt With Prospect 8-12 Millard’s Motor Village Inn MRS. CROWSON HOSTESS TO LOYAL WOMEN'S CLASS Phone 7561 10 cents for another week, including Saturday, May 31 Friday, Saturday “I STOLE A MILLION With (’laire Trevor and George Raft Sunday, Monday and Tuesday LADY FOR A DAY” w Itti May Robson ami «tar »up|H>rtliig cawt REMEMBER Mrs. Anna Crowaon was hostess I to the members <>f the Loyal I Women's class of the Church of | Christ Thursday afternoon of last week. A program was presented following the business meeting Refreshment« were served at the conclusion of the afternoon. Fried Spring Chicken Dime nights through May 31 and EVERYONE Steak Dinners e »Alt.Y mid SUNDAY McCOI.l.ISTER-BROMI.EY Miss Phoebe McCollister, daugh- I ter of Mr and Mrs Chauncey Me Collister became the bride of Clifford Bromley, «on of Mr and Mrs. C. J Baughman. May 19 at Yreka. Mr and Mrs. Bromley are graduates of AHS and former students at SOCE. They wilt make their home In Dunsmuir K N T E R T A 1 N M E N I Phone Trull 20? for reservation« Private Partie«—Banquets EVERY NIGHT MK. A MRS. McFERRIN Proprietor« Matin««« Saturday und Sunday only FUNNIEST FEUD! FREE! „ Q faucet . )*•* """ ,M day her. * . v,»__ any*her O' <'•»"* (or GM-- , he hou «° p *™ I nNS of *ate ‘ v ou«»- ,.c- CLEAN CAREFREE^ GREYHOUND VACATIONS ctlcTR'C neve. S>- then nev another & EVERY Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS EVERYONE 15c Really relax on thia year n vaca­ tion by luxurious Greyhound Super-Coach, free from driving cares. Save % motoring costs. See your local Greyhound agent today. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Round Trip TAHOE CITY . . |12.45 YOSEMITE . . , 13.25 MONTEREY, Calif. . 13.05 PHOENIX . . . 3’2.50 DEPOT: 101 EAST MAIN ST. PHONE: »341 GREYHOUND Now on Display at your Dealer’s or your COPCO store