Friday, May 16, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON' MINER Pace 6 The Gettysburg Ad tire»« Available for Framing WHO’S NEWS INSTALLMENT !» Hj-PhiHips' W!.L «..«■ THE STORY SO FAR: Dusty King and Lew Gordon had built ■P a vast string of ranches in the West. King was killed by hts powerful end un­ scrupulous competitor. Ben Thorpe Bill Roper. King's adopted son. wss deter­ mined to avenge his death In spite of e e opposition by his sweetheart. Jody Cor­ don. and her father. Roper's successful raids against Thorpe's Texas holdings wiped him out of the state. When Roper visited Jody one night, she almost con­ temptuously called him a cattle thief • • were on the flats of the Little Thun­ der, far away Here, struggling through a soft blinding snow, they ran off five hundred head, and a few days later three hundred more. They Christmased in company with a herd of lifted steers somewhere between Three Sleep and the Little Powder; and New Year's found them sifting the pick of Lasham's cattle out of his Lost Soldier range. By the end of January they had moved three thousand head—the very cream of the wintering stock. Repeatedly they had driven cattle incredible distances in impossible time. Yet he knew his work had only begun. AU their hard riding would fail of effect unless he could strike such a smashing blow as would cause a split between Lasham and Ben Thorpe. And Roper had a plan—rash in scope and method, but savage in ef­ fect if it could be fulfilled. Already he had enough riders in sight to strike this last desperate blow. But the men available to his purpose were wild-eyed fighting kids who could not be driven and could scarcely be led; Roper could not captain his campaign alone. So now he fretted in Miles City, seeking three or four outlaw leaders who would make his preparations com- plete. Still studying everyone who came into the bar. Roper broke open a THIS determination un- and gunman. changed, he now turned hit attention toward Thorpe's ranches tn Montana. Jody was secretly visited by Shoshone Wilce. one of Roper's men. who warned that her father's life was tn danger. • e WEEK THE I'AI’ERS OF PRIVATE I’l'RKE Dear Mom: What 1 can't understand about the army is that know matter whut I say is the matter with me the doc­ tor gives me the same pill At first I thought it was just a mistake but now I no dif­ ferent becuz yes­ terday when I complu till'd of an ulserated tooth I got the same pill I been getting for heudaches, crumps, soar thro to and a sty. I wish you would send me some pills of any kind. It don't mat­ ter what they arc so long as they are different from the one I get here and I am inclosing one so you won't duplercatc it. • • • I don't think the druft army takes sickness serious und in a way I can't blaim it becuz men have been show­ ing up for sick call by the hundreds on account of there are so muny beautiful nurses in the camp hospi­ tal and it is the only way to get near them. All these guys get is an­ other pill so I gess to gel into a army hospital you have to have at lease a broken leg but I think they would first try a pill on me for thut two. • • We have had some nice warm days witch is a gr.ite relief becuz ever since I was drufted I feel like I have been in the Klondike and I never knew it wuz so cold outdoors in winter befoar. But the ground is thawing out and so is the drill ser­ geant and everybody is happier than at any time since our numbers came out in that glass bowl. We see rob­ ins most every day now and we have let the fire go out in the stoves which we get in the modern draft camp and some of us are even tak­ ing our uniforms und shoes off when we go to bed. ¿1^ "Walk Roper shrugged again, wants no fight with me " By LEMUEL F. PARTON "You're going to force the fight (Consolidated Feature»— WNU Service ) yourself! That's what you've been waiting here for, ever since you X’EW YORK. — Birthday inter- views with venerated patri- came to Miles City Any moment archs of this land are usually given Lasham may walk in that door—” Marquita sat staring at him hope­ to bland optimism. though tho heavens be lessly. in her eyas a fixity of devo­ Morgenthau, 85, falling, It's will little note, nor tion which his taciturnity seemed to 1 long remember what we suy an old Amer ­ Gatti on World increase. Against his will he was llile . . .” ican custom. becoming something that was hap­ Without Blinder» Those were modest words Lin­ Henry Mor­ pening to Marquita. coln spoke ut Gettysburg—and genthau Sr., just turned 85, has been He remained silent; and, in a lit- they proved wrong. For Ameri­ an exception. We haven't seen his tie while, she went away. cans do remember, still live for customary chat with the reporters An hour passed, while Roper, the ideal he expressed that day; this year, but when and if it Is re­ drinking slowly, played his so) ita ira “Thut government of the people, corded we may be sure he sees what and watched the door. he sees and isn't trying to slick by the people, for the people shall Then suddenly Marquita was things up. Not that he's a pessimist not perish from the earth." • • • back. She came behind his chair to or defeatist. I remember meeting speak close to his ear in a panicky him on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, a Ttia Gettysburg addrass, in Lincoln's handwriting, la one of uur new >et. ' "Hires whisper. "He's coming! He’s com- few years ago and was tremendous­ Great American Documents " Other a ing along the walk—” ly impressed with his faith, ardor are the >1111 of Rights and the original "AU right." and fighti.ig spirit. Star Spangled Hanner. In Francis Scott "Walk has two of his men with Key's handwriting All are handsomely He ktowi a lot about wars printed, full llze. In acpla on cream an­ "You him," she said rapidly, and trouble. Il waa our Civil tique paper. Inciudra a 4 page leaflet giv­ haven't a chance, not a ghost of a war that brought him here from ing the histories of the documenta. For chance. I can't bear to see you the set. send your order to: his native Mannheim, Germany. killed! I know you don't care any­ His father was a prosperous thing about me. If you did I'd go cigar manufacturer. Civil war HFAI1FK HOME IKHVtCB anywhere in the world with you. tariffs put him out of business SM Mlsth Ave. Nxw York City But now you have to come out of and the family name to this Enclose to cents tn coin tor your here—quick—by the back way. I'U country when Henry Morgrn- set of TIlltEE G11 KAT AM Kitt CAN do anything—" thau was nine yeara old. He DOCUMENTS. Roper turned his head to look up was a lawyer at 23. turned to into her face, very close to his. real estate and finance, and had There was more to this girl than his money-making over at 55. there was to the rest of her kind. with time, means and mental Even now he was unable to recog­ equipment to turn to the human­ nize that Marquita was capable of Off New York city the Western ities. to philanthropy and good a sincerity of purpose, and a pas­ hemisphere "safety belt" or neu­ works in general. Now he has sionate preoccupation in ber pur­ trality zone, established nt the a son In the cabinet, children, pose, not to be expected here "I Inter-American conference in grandchildren and great-grand­ wouldn't step aside two feet," he Panama in the full of 1939, was children and the unflagging en­ told her. "to pass Walk or any man. set nt the 60th degree of longitude, ergies which are the reward of I teU you. Walk won't fight!" or about 750 miles out, says Path­ an abstemious life. finder. Suddenly she whimpered. Bill If there's a dark side, he isn't In general, however, the zone's Roper saw that three men had come afraid to look at it. He was back width is irregular, varying any­ into the front of the Palace Bar. from Europe in 1933 with the simple from scverul hundred I hoap the war is over before next where The first of the three, a dark, lean conclusion that the world was head­ man with wide, bowed shoulders, ing into another war. "There Is, winter as I am strickiy a warm miles from the mainland at the If California coast to about 1,200 was Walk Lasham. in Europe," he said, "no honest, weather fighter I am afraide. Marquita caught Bill's head in her moral desire for peace." In 1913, there is ever a expedishunery foarce miles cast of Florida. arms, forced up his chin, and kissed his friend Woodrow Wilson made this war covers so mutch territory him. He was surprised at the unex­ him ambassador to Turkey, which that it has al) climates and I hope pected softness of her lips, hot post he held until 1916. Thereafter, my division gets sent to Africa and against his mouth. Then abruptly he helped pick up the pieces, in not to no place where there is snow Marquita stooped, and as she sprang the ruin and chaos of the middle and ice. The more I think of the BY YOUR LAXATIVK-RKLIKVK away from him he felt the weight of east. He has been both observing past winter here in camp the more CONSTIPATION THIS MOOKRN WAV his gunbelt ease. She flung over and studious and unhappily for I appresheiate what G Washington • Whan you faal |>Hy, haadai hy, loqy her shoulder. “It's for your own easy-golngoptimists. singularly clear­ went thru at Valley Foarge. We duo to doggwd-up bowala, do ax million» didn't cross no river in no open boat do-take Faen-A-Mint at bedtime. Neat sake!” Her face was white, fright­ sighted in his prophetic look ahead. with a horse in the middle to inter­ morning thoiough, comfortable relief, ened. helping you start the day foil of your He half started up, in instant HERE'S a tale of a professor fear with the rowing but that was CHAPTER XIII normal energy and pep, feeling like a anger, but the girl was running who grew old writing a history about the only difference 1 gess but million! Feen-A-Mmt doesn't disturb mom. your night’s rest or interfere with work tha down the room. He saw her put of civilization. Late one night he fin­ do not think I • am • squawking Bill Roper sat alone at a rear ta­ • next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing something under the bar. and he ished it. Then, after a brief survey ble in the Palace Bar, in Miles City gum laxative, your—lf. It testes good, it's We have lots of visiters now and knew it was his gun. of the result handy and economical... a family supply —the young, turbulent center of a Roper rang his whiskey glass upon Thorndike Now of his ardu­ I wish you would come up next Sun­ vast raw range, the possibilities of day. Nellie Arm ­ the table, trying to catch a bar­ Hold» Intelligence ous labors, which were still unknown. stead wuz up last tender's eye. If Lasham had not Can’t Be Tcited he heaved a For three months Roper had rid­ They first struck at Muddy Bend. great sigh Sunday and Kitty j seen what the girl had done, one of den through the bitter Montana win­ O'Neil wuz up and threw the history in the fire. War’s Survival ter. It had been no trouble for him deck of cards and laid out a hand of them could bring him his gun be­ Saturday and I matter? ” asked his "What's the fore it was too late. But the bar was War will disappear, like the to sweep together a dozen malcon­ solitaire. had a close call thronged; the bartenders were work­ wife. dinosaur, when changes in world tent cowboys who hated Lasham or Now one of the dance hall girls "There isn’t any civilization,” he as they both mite conditions have destroyed its sur­ Thorpe, or both. Already they knew came to his table, slipping uninvited ing fast, in the thick of the evening have come on the replied. rush. vival value.—Millikan. Bill Roper's name. into a chair. This was a girl whose same day. The The bar-flies had made room for Dr. Edward L. Thorndike, Against their common enemy attention bothered and embarrassed cafcrterrla for visitors Is wonderful Walk Lasham at the end of the bar, author of the famous Thorndike these youngsters could be led, wild, Roper every time he came here. just like those nickle-in-the-slot Help to Relieve Distress and Lasham and his two cowboys intelligence test, probably reckless and crazy for raid; and Her name was Marquita. places and while the food may not had their heads together now. con­ wouldn’t say there isn’t any in- Roper had led them as Texas had be no better than in the army it is He didn't know what attracted her sulting. lelligence, but he does say in- taught him. fancier looking and the cooks take to him; he didn't know what attract­ One of the cowboys, a man with a telllgrnce can't be tested, a< - His new northern wild bunch faced ed any particular woman to any more panes with it. Eating don’t in­ scar across his face that distorted cording to news reports of hit PERIODIC conditions in many ways bitterly ad­ particular man. It may be that his terest me so mutch no more mom on his mouth in the manner of a hare address before the American verse. Here in the north were no very disinterest was what caught account of I have been doing kitchen Philosophical society al Phila­ lip. went quickly behind the bar. ousted cattlemen, no established , her attention first, and later gave work so mutch I can't think of eats delphia. Dr. Thorndike’s apos­ hunted beneath it, and returned to Try Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable population to which he could look for him the desirability of the unobtain­ without thinking of washing dishes Compound to help relieve monthly tasy no doubt will set up some Walk. Roper saw Lasham's long pain, headaches, backache and help. The Canadian border was far able. or pealing potatus. I got to peal face set He said to himself, “Walk new measuring standards. ALSO calm Irritable nerves due to away, and no market awaited the potatus agin tomorrow witch I don't She spoke to him now in a quiet, knows . . . ” monthly functional disturbances. If we don't learn much, about understand becuz their must be hard-pushed herds on the other side. lifeless voice. “Why don't you like Pinkham's Compound la simply Walk Lasham was Addling with keeping out of wars and such, it* marvelous to help build up resist­ plenty of other soldiers who are as What Montana bad that Texas did me?” ance against distress of '•dlBlcult his empty glass on the bar and the isn’t Dr. Thorndike's fault A pro­ days." Famous for over 00 years! good at it as me but I keep getting not have was a concentration of In­ “I like you all right,” he said, scar-mouthed man was watching fessor at Columbia for 37 years, he Hundreds of thousands of girls and dian tribes, principally Sioux and picked on and the mess sergeant women rrtxirt remarkable beueflta. "No, you don't You don’t even Roper covertly with, one eye from is the author of a shelf of books in ^VORTl^RYINa^ says it is part of my vocashuna) Cheyenne, deprived of their hunting see me at all.” under the brim of his hat Lasham the general field of the psychology training. grounds, and dependent for food He noticed now that she looked reached for a bottle, filled his glass. of learning. He has just about sur­ upon beef which the government different tonight; and after a mo­ tossed it off. Then he turned square­ rounded the subject of “How We was pledged to supply. It was to It is funny the garage ain't found Faulty Memory ment he recognized that this was ly toward Roper, and came walking Learn.” The question of what we this circumstance that Roper had no customer for my jallopy as it is Every one complains of the bad­ because there was no paint on her back through the big room. learn seems to be still wide open. turned. in good shape and had only been ness of his memory, but nobody of face. That would be because he dis­ Roper played his cards, his hands From Williamsburg, Mass., he The giant beef contracts which the liked paint—though he had no idea visible upon the table. It seemed to went to Wesleyan university, Har­ driven 200,000 miles and I told the his judgment.—La Rochefoucauld. government threw upon the market how she had found that out. Her take Lasham a long time to walk vard and Columbia and taught at man that I would knock $4 off my had inevitably attracted more than asking price of $45 on account of washed face was a perfectly sym­ the length of the room, Roper Western Reserve before joining the one kind of graft. The result was metrical oval set with black eyes a glanced at the lookout chair, where Teachers’ college faculty in 1897. three tires don't hold air long and Plan your stay at famine—pitiful, relentless. Starva­ the right handed doar is off I wish I little slanted, and her black hair, a salaried gun-fighter usually sat. He is 67 years old. tion stalked through the lodges of you wud call him up and ask him Portland's newest parted in the middle, was drawn It was empty now. the Sioux, the Cheyenne, the Crow to get $30 for it as I need money back severely, in the fashion of the Walk Lasham was standing in hotels, the . HE word is getting around that —and with it, Roper’s opportunity. and there is anuther delay in the mestizo girls of the Texas border. front of him. the founding fathers could Scouring the country, Roper “So you,” he said, “are the tough fight well because they were super­ army pay. She leaned toward him now, and turned up four Indian agents who Your loving son, spoke rapidly, her voice low and gunman that killed Cleve Tanner.” charged with vitamin B,. They ate were already badly scared. They Oscar. Bill Roper raised his eyes to Walk anything had overplayed their hands, and compelling. “Listen—I hate Walk P. S.—I wrote Olive Johnson but Get Courage in Lasham's face. “And you,” he said, Lasham, too.” handy and were now faced with a loss of life didn't get no answer so I wish you got the thia­ "Listen,” she insisted. “You have “are one of the dirty cowards that Bottle», Bauketi among their charges about which wud see if she has moved away or murdered Dusty King.” min of the B, to listen to me. Walk Lasham's in they could do nothing without re­ In Theae Day» what. Do not worry about me as homelike rooms A hush had fallen upon the room, town. which is to He came in this afternoon.” vealing their own corrupt ineffliien- 1 am all right except for tsvo from *2 SO per day unbroken by the clink of a glass or be found mainly in roughage. So. Roper thought, the time had cy. These men had connived with crushed toes where a Army saucer with bath. Broadway I the rattle of a chip. Lasham and Prof Russell M. Wilder of the Lasham in bringing about a condi­ come to move on again, with his fell on my foot. and Salmon Streets | Roper looked at each other through Mayo foundation is alarmed over our He didn't like it, • • • tion of tribal starvation; they were work undone. a moment of silence. shortcomings in this regard. He much. willing to connive with Bill Roper White uniforms have been uban­ He dropped his eyes to Roper’s says, “Continued deficiency of the “Well, thanks,” he said; "I’m glad to cover up their position in any doned for sailors in the ti. S. navy hands, and his own right hand start ­ thiamin content of American diets way they could. < to know.” when working on Bhip, and khaki "He knows you’re here—and what ed a tentative movement toward the may have led to a certain degree of By delivering beef to the reserva­ substituted. The yachting influence butt of his gun. His spread fingers irremediable deterioration of the tions under these highly irregular you’re here for.” has just about disappeared every­ “I suppose he does,” Roper said. shook a little as his hand crept down. national will.” conditions, Roper's wild bunch could where. But he was grinning now, sure of "You're waiting here for Lash ­ His conclusion is one of many in little more than make expenses. But his ground. which it is insisted that we must the advantage was this—a beef herd am," she accused him. "You know • Like a beacon light on “Looks a little different to you NEVER BELIEVE ’EM WHEN come here. You're going to try look to the drug store and the gro­ delivered to an Indian tribe disap- he'll ! now, huh? ” THEY HAY: the height —the advertise­ it out—" cery for the real fighting urge. peared over night, leaving little shooting 1 “A coyote always looks like a coy­ Supply Sergeant.—Just your size, ments in newspapers direct Roper shrugged and was silent. Courage comes in bottles or baskets trace. A thousand hands skinned buddy. "Bill, it’s hopeless! Walk Lasham ote to me.” you to newer, better and in these fantastic days. out the beef, destroying the portions The smile dropped from Lasham's Buck Private.—I’ve got a date the fastest gunfighter in the of the hides containing the brands. is 1 Dr. Wilder is one of the country’s easier ways of providing face. “I'm going to give you every with a swell dame tonight. northl ” leading specialists on nutrition and Constantly changing horses, per- 1 the things needed or chance,” he said. His voice swung Old-Timer.—I’ll never enlist again diseases of metabolism. Born and petually in the saddle. Roper’s sad­ desired. It •hines, this in even rhythms, low and sing-song. if I get out of this. reared in Cincinnati, he was educat­ dle hawks swung across Montana. “I’m going to count five. Draw and beacon of newspaper Top Sergeant.—The quicker you ed at the University of Chicago, and They first struck at Muddy Bend, fire any time you want to; because finish this detail the sooner you'll advertising —and it will be Rush Medical college; practiced in picking up four hundred head of on five I'm going to kill you where be able to rest. to your advantage to fol­ Chicago and has been with the steers in the breaks of the Yellow­ you sit.” Mess Sergeant.—You’re getting Mayo-foundation since 1922. He was low it whenever you stone. Three days’ hard driving de­ "I don't think you are.” what the menu calls for. a medical gas officer in the World make a purchase. livered these to a village of Assinl- “One; two—" Lasham said. —A. B. Watac war. boine. Only four days later they (TO BE CONTINUED) Camp Shelby. CHAPTER XII—Continued Jody Gordon's eyes had darkened in the dusk, making her face seem very pale. "What do you want me to do?” Shoshone Wilce shrugged. "That ain't hardly up to me, Miss Gordon. But I'll tell you this: many's the time I've seen your father go stomp­ ing down the board walk right here in Ogallala, alone, and not even armed. That won't do. Miss Gor­ don. If I was in your place, I wouldn't never let him out of the house without his gunbelt is strapped on, and the iron free in its leather. And wherever he goes, there ought to be three or four good hard-shoot­ ing cowboys with him; because, if I know Ben Thorpe, he isn't going into any gunfight alonel" Jody peered at him intently. “What made you bring this word to me?" "I'm a Bill Roper man," Shoshone Wilce said. "God knows. Miss Gor­ don, stringing with Bill Roper has never done anything for me. But— well, I just thought Bill Roper would want you to know. I kind of got the Idea he thinks a heap of you. Miss Gordon." And now another pony came slash­ ing up to the corral. One of the load­ ing foremen had come in. “I got to be getting along.” Sho­ shone Wilce said quickly. She turned away, but instantly turned back again, and gripped Sho­ shone's arm just as be was sliding out of sight "Stay around," she ordered him “Stay here until—” “Miss Gordon." came the quick whisper, “Eve got to get on to Miles City. I—” “I thought so. Bill Roper’s some- where up there, isn't he? Yes. Well. I’m going to join my father there— I’ll ride with you in the morning." "Four hundred miles! And no coach until—" “Don't worry about that. It takes saddle ponies to make time.” “But—I’m afraid your Paw might think—” "I don’t know how Bill Roper ever used you,” Jody said with contempt Shoshone winced. "1 — I'll be around.” He faded into the shadows as Jody walked out of the stable, her eyes hard and bright in the dusk. America's ‘Safety Belt’ DON’T BE BOSSED T FEEN-A-MINT Toi FEMALE) COMPLAINTS T • • • BEACONS of —SAFETY—