SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, May 16, 1941 Page 5 NEWS FROM WANTED: Middle-aged lady as companion for lady of 60. Light Lincoln School housework. Must be good cook and able to stay nights Phone By S< IIOOL STI DENTS Medford 3798 after 5 p.m. Room 6 challenged Room 8 in a 2 t p game of baseball. The score was IIILT NEWS 2 to 1 in favor of Room 8 The MISS BIIAV DBMKKVKH game lasted about half an hour. May Di—II a. m.: "Citizenship and the Magnetism of the Croa«." I IKST ANNIVKKNAKV The referee was Donald Beagle. John 13:32. (Surprise Sunday!. It was a very good game. • Judy l^oulse Bruy celebrated her first birthday at a party given The second grade had a music by her grandmother, Mis. Frank program. They marched and sang. Trinity Episcopal Ward. Wednesday May 7 at her First Methodist Rose Mary Ross and Patrie and home Pink sweet peas and white Patricia Hollee played the piano. Church Church columbine, a lovely white birthday Neomah Baugh was the announc­ Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar cuke decorated with pink and Dr. George W. Bruce, .Minister er. white roses ami lit by one tiny Kenneth Montgomery brought Holy Communion 8 a m ^TIunnHy^Kun71^«7ioör*rneetsHt pink candle carried out the color a turtle to school. It likes to walk Church school 9:30 a. m. 9:45 a. rn., Allen O McGee, gen­ scheme of the decorations and morning prayer 11 around the room The children Ail <>f th<- little loik« entered eral superintendent. Preparations a. Sermon think it is a wood turtle. Colleen m. are now being made for the com ­ Into the games, with the prize for Wednesday and Thursday. Holy Krinock brought a smaller turtle. winning the guessing game going ing Children's day program. It looks like a wood turtle too. Morning sermon at 11 o’clock: Communion 9:30 a. m to Huth Rosecrana. Favors were Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m The girls of Room 6 were chall­ given to each little guest and subject. "Citizenship and the enged by the girls of room 5, May cuke, ice cream and cookies were Cross." The adult choir under the Friday. to You are cordially invited leadership of Miss Maxine Con­ 12, 1941 It was a very Interesting enjoyed by all. us game. The umpire was Mary At­ Those attending were Donna over will sing an anthem. This is worship with ----- •------- , _ kins When the game ended, the lamge, Mary Brown, Kav and “Surprise Sunday" observed at the score was 14 to 3 in favor of room Craig Williams, Shard Smith, morning service in all the cooper­ Foursquare Church six. Huth Pedersen, Iioris Wall, Ronnie ating churches Epworth and Wesley Ix-agues Black. Karen and Gene Gllberg. Fourth and B Street* Patty Henderson, Shirley Black, meet at 6:15 p m Rev. Eduard G. Skultety, Pastor week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Farmer and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Diane Ward. Rosalie Graves. Ruth Subject, "The Christian Religion Sunday school 10 a m. H. o. Rector. ami Donna Rosecrana, Ixnigie and its Tributaries." • Bobby Hinch visited with Don­ Evening sermon at 7:30 o’clock Butterfield, superintendent. Newman, Howard Nelson and Jim­ ald Farmer Friday night and Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. my and Vallee Goldenpenny, all Young People's meeting 6:30 p Saturday. of Hilt, ami Mike Tryer of Duns- Wednesday. Scripture lesson is Revelation, 22nd chapter. m. Mrs. E G Skultety in charge. • Miss Marie Walker was a busi­ Included Meadarnea Walter Bray, • Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m ness visitor to Klamath Falls Don Ward. VOTM Tvrir Don Week night services Tuesday Tuesday, Rosecrana, Frank Graves, Arthur and Friday evenings at 7:45. • Mrs. Mark True attended a Gllberg and Judy's grandmothers. Church of the Prayer meeting precedes these meeting Wednesday in Grants Mrs lx»la Bray of Hornbrook and Nazarene two services. Young people in I*ass of the state federation of Mrs Frank Ward, hostess. garden clubs and also attended charge of Tuesday servies. Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor —•------------ the banquet Wednesday evening • The I Adies club met Thursday Fourth and C Streets at the Redwood hotel and the afternoon at the club house with BELLVIEW NEWS flower arrangement meeting af­ Mrs John Kallvet hostess The Church school 9:45 a. m. terwards. MRS. WAKEKN SIFBEKT afternoon was spent at bridge, Morning wo rati ip 11 o'clock. • The Bellview P-TA will hold a with Mrs. Frank Ohlund winning Subject, "Citizenship and the SHOWER HONOREE cooked food sale Saturday at the high prize and Mrs ldoyd Lu per • Mrs Henry Stenrud and M ru Ashland Groceteria to raise funds low Others present were Mes- Cross." Junior meeting 6:30 p. m. A R Kincaid were hostesses at for a 4-H scholarship and to help tlarnes Ray Elliott, Mora Bailey, Young people's meeting 6:30 P- a miscellaneous shower Monday the expenses of the cafeteria Holmberg, Florence Clark, W afternoon at the Stenrud home, • A scholarship for 4-H summer Frank Gravim, Walter Planka, m honoring Mrs. Warren E Siebert People's meeting 6:30 p. m. V-mal Nebeker, Fred Hay nisi, at Corvallis was given Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. (Miss Louise Martin), a recent school Harry De Jamett, and a guest Henry Lanini from the grange bride. W ednesdayr from Hornbrook, Mrs Bradley to Wendell Reynolds by the The afternoon was spent in vis­ and Refreshments were served at the P-TA, Joan Helm by the Upper iting and the presentation of many First Presbyterian lovely gifts to the honored gue«t. Valley Community club. Barbara close of the meeting • Mrs Josejfh Ijuigcr of San also is planning to attend after which refreshments were Helms Church Bernadlno and Mrs Floyd Dia­ the two weeks course which opens served by the hostesses. in June. mond of lx>s Angelek were dinner Janir« II. Edgar, Minister Those enjoying the afternoon • Jack Williams returned Satur­ guests <>f Mr and Mrs Bill Tallis were Mesdames Elmer Byrd. Try Our Milk and Cream Thursday evening as they came day from a week's visit at Mo­ Sunday acnool 9:45 a. m. Claude Conley. R D. Reynolds. desto, through enroute to Washington. Calif, with Mr. and Mrs. Worship service 11 a. m. Dr. Herman Helm Albert C. Joy, J M. Crow. AN ASHLAND PRODUCT • Mr and Mrs Fred Bay H im at­ John K. Howard, guest minister. Wade Wallis. I. E Deadmond. Vai tended ibe funeral of Tom Harri- • Mr and Mrs. Lee Wallis and No evening services until fur­ Inlow. J E. Gowland. Beth Ham- son at Medford Thursday after- ther notice. aker. George Helms. Edwin Dunn. son Bobby were dinner guests noon. Donald Korth. James and Louis Sunday of Lee's parents, Mr. and • Mrs Florence Clark, Mrs. Stel­ Mrs Wade Wallis. Pankey, and Carolyn Byrd. la King, Zoe Favero. Renee Chi- • Mrs Melvin Conley returned to Neighborhood Church Clover Leaf Dairy ozzo, Alvia Jeanerette, Nilde Car- • Mr and Mrs. A R. Kincaid her home at Dunsmuir Saturday vellln and laiura Zanotto attend­ Congregational and daughter Eunice were Med­ after spending the week with her Phone 6732 ed the musical recital at the St. parents. Mr and Mrs. R. D. ford visitors Saturday. Boulevard and Morton Streets Mary's academy in Medford Fri­ • Earnest Applegate, Mr and Reynolds. Clarence F. McCall, Minister day evening in which Doria Clark Mrs Chester Applegate, Helen and of Hilt was taking a part Church School 9:45, Mrs. Glenn Vernon Kruger, Mr. and Mrs • Mr. and Mrs Earle Temple of I Prescott, superintendent. Vincent Lanini and son Henry. Sacramento visited friends in Hilt Worship service at 11:00 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry and over the week-end. Sermon Subject: "Citizenship Harry .Pearl and Mary Jean Hen­ • The Women's Society for and the Cross.” ry made a trip to the Mount Crest Christian Service held a bazaar ------------ »----------- cattle ranch near Hilt Saturday Prices that will save you money for groceries. at the club house Friday evening, where Mr. French, county 4-H which Included motion pictures Prices are advancing every week. club leader, helped the Dead In ­ Church of Christ presented by Mrs. Fred Bayliss, a dian club members with sheep lovely display of fancy work, a Second mid B Streets and cattle judging fish pond, grab bags, refreshments ('. .Alton Brostrom, Minister • Mr and Mrs. John Arnold and pop com. Much work and Cottage Grove and Mr. and 9:45- Bible School. L. U. Gresh­ from long preparation went into the Mrs. Curtis Boyd. Mr and Mrs A good family *• AE White Satin making of a success of the enter­ am, General Superintendent. Clas­ Miles Farmer and daughter and prise by the ladies of the com­ ses for every one. grade. 49 lbs. ■ Mr. and Mrs Dan Farmer and 100 lbs - - 11 00- Morning Worship. munity. daughters from Dorris. Calif were • A number of Hilt folks attend­ Special music by the choir. visiting at the Willis Byrd and Drifted Snow, ed the county track rnwt in Sermon: "Citizenship and the John Farmer homes over the $1.44 25 lbs. Yreka Sat unlay afternoon in Magnetism of the Cross " Swansdown week-end. which two Hilt boys were entered 7:00- Meetings of the Christian • Mr and Mrs Roscoe Apple­ ...58c 10 lbs. 49 lbs. - In events. Ernest Dutro, unlimited, Endeavor Societies. gate. Mr and Mrs. Chester Ap­ was anchor man in the 880-vard 8:00- Evening Service. plegate. Earnest Applegate. Helen 70c relay team which won first place, Special Music and Message KARO SYRUP—10-lb. Blue Label.......... and Vernon Kruger, Mr. and Mrs. took second in the 440 and fourth Subject: "The Christian's Report Leo Potter and children. Nancy 80c White Label ................................................ in the pole vault. Ikie Geroy, in Card." and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Glen the limited class tied for second Monday: Christian Endeavor Bennett and Mr. Bennett’s mother 25c LADY W ASHINGTON BEANS— 5 lbs place tn the eight-pound shotput, Skating party. from Medford were picnicking in EXTRA FANCY LARGE LIMAS — 21/ 2 lbs. 25c fourth in the 160-yard low hurdles Wednesday: Choir Practice. Lithia park Sunday. and took second in the pole vault. Thursday: Mid-Week Prayer • Mr and Mrs Arthur Hamaker RED MEXICAN—I lbs...................................... 25c Ikie suffered an injured ankle in and study service. visited Saturday evening at the POP CORN—Large yellow—it pops; 4 lbs..... 25c ------------ •-----i------ the pole vault event and was A. R. Kincaid home. taken to Yreka General hospit­ • Mr and Mrs Richard Williams • Sammie Bell has been quite ill al where the ankle was put in a I were Medford guests Thursday from septic sore throat the past and Friday evenings and drove to week. Dunsmuir to visit relatives on the • Mr and Mrs R. E. Bell Jr. of Hills, Folgers, Maxwell House, Schillings—lb. 28c week-end. Klamath Falls spent the week-end • Gino Ceccatto, who died of a at the R E Bell home Two pounds.......................................................... 55c heart attack Monday, was laid to • Mr and Mrs. D. F. Korth and SAN KA — Can .................................................... 33c I rest Saturday at Yreka sons Jimmie and Donnie and Mr • Mrs. Joe Foggiotto and her and Mrs. Warren Siebert were little daughter went home from dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and BAKERS BREAKFAST COCOA—1-lb. tin 19c the Hilt hospital Monday evening. Mrs W O Martin BAKERS CHOCOLATE, unsweetened, '/2-lb. 19c • Mrs Bernice Sage who was ill • The Upper Valley Community at the Hilt hospital two days last club ladies put on the banquet 38c week is much improved and soon Saturday for the Daughters of the will be up and around again. BOTH FOR Nile at the Masonic hall. A nice • Mr. and Mrs. W. Gran and son sum was realized from the dinner Billy were shopping in Medford and the ladies were highly com­ Farmington Sweet Milk Choc., 1-lb. cake....... 16c Tuesday afternoon. plimented on their menu. Jumbo size Bakers Milk Chocolate with • Mr and Mrs Harry Farmer Patronize our advertisers Roasted Almonds, Milk Chocolate, Plain x» from Neubieber, Calif., spent the About People You Know • Mi' and Mrs Don Bruce have returned home after a visit to several |H>|nts in Washington • Mr and Mrs Elwood Hndburg went to Dunsmuir Sunday to visit friends. • Mr and Mrs Jack Young and Hal McNair spent several days in Sun Francisco thia week on busi­ ness. • Mrs Floyd Dickey has receiv­ ed Word In i father, E II Ralston, passed away in Plym­ outh, Ind, Tuesday morning At one time he was a resident of Ashland, having operated the Star theater. • Mrs Helen Puss and son of Alhambra. Calif visited several days with Mrs Frank Smith and Lucille Smith. ~ • Mis Esther Gates of Elkton spent the weak-end with her mother, Mrs. M A Spayde • Funeral services were held In tile Hornbrook Methodist church Saturday afternoon for Paul Har­ ris. a brother of Mrs Etta O’Brien of Ashland • Bert Swartsley of DSC visited over the week-end with his I11O- ther. Mrs R W Swartsley. • Mrs Ada Arant visited with her daughter Lucille In Salem over the week-end. • Mrs Gary Newton and Mr ami M rs Dick Tritea spent the week- end in Salem • Miss Marie Symington of Ham­ ilton, Mont Is visiting with her sister, Mrs J II Harker. • m > i . h Dorothy Frtdager «peat the week-end In Eugene with her sister, Jean Frldeger - a WSG AT GI NTER HOME Wesleyan Service Guild of ihr Methodist church met at the home of Mrs Hazel Gunter Tuesday evening Tile president. Miss Voda Brower, presided over the busi­ ness meeting Mrs Afton Hanna had charge of the devotions The group did Red Cross sewing At the conclusion of the meeting dainty refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Allie Willits Zl I.EIMA TEMPLE MEETING Mrs Lulu Franco was general chairman of the regular meeting .Saturday of Zulelma temple No 13 Daughters of the Nile The Bellview ladles served the lunch­ eon at the Masonic temple which was the opening event of the meiding. There was a total of 85 pn-aent representing members of Ashland, Grants Pass, Medford and Klamath Falls Queen Ruth Brownell of Grants i*aas presided over the meeting • MBS. (ORA E. BARN'FM Funeral services In charge of Rev .1 H Edgar wen- held 11 the J P Dodge and Sons funeral chapel Monday afternoon for Mrs Cora E Barnum. 77. She was bom DM 11 IMS In Yreka and pai-« d away al her home in Ashland on Muy 10. 1941 She was a member of th* Presbyterian church and the Eastern Star and ~ Rcbokah lodges She is survived bv two daughters, Miss Minnie Barnum of Klamath Falla and Mrs Lena Everett of Sacramento, Calif • THOMAS HILL Funeral services for Thomas Hill, 67. former Ashland grocer for 21 years, were held In Yreka Saturday afternoon at the Meth­ odist church Mr Hill is survived by his wife, three sons, Wayne and Glenn of Yreka and Harrv of Whittier, Calif four ' daughters, Mrs Thomas Meamber and Mrs. Olive Lane of Yreka, Mrs J W. Higley of I»s Angeles and Mrs. I>avid Bradfield of Ontario, Calif Attend the Church of Your Choice, Sunday STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY SUGAR FLOUR E CA 1.78 COFFEE Keep Smiling 29c XX w Cleaning Specials —just call the Ashland Laundry and forget your wash-day troubles. Why lessen your enjoyment of these pleasant spring days and endanger your health when . . . FOR AS LITTLE AS 48c A WEEK you can have the freedom and health pro­ tection that our laundry services offer. It’s cheaper than a cold and a lot more pleasant. CASH & CARRY FREE PICK-UP DELIVERY SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 : 81 Water St. “For the ideal washday— Just call, That’s all.” I / STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY 3 for 85c | 3 for $1.00 STANDARD CLEANERS 61 NORTH MAIN DIAL 4131 FREE DELIVERY 1(13 Fast Main Phone H2H1 QUALITY MEATS for LESS Phone 4771 ____ Free Delivery “If it can be done, we can do it” *\ and semi-sweet—a 15c value for POTATOES—50 pound bag No. 2................... 38c NEW POTATOES—6 pounds........................... 15c VIRGINIA SWEET POTATOES—3 lbs...........17c New Home Grown Cucumbers, Peas, Aspara­ gus, Spinach, Lettuce, Radishes and bunch Vegetables—3 bunches for.................... 10c Home Grown Strawberries, Gooseberries and Rhubarb for Saturday Chase & Sanborne Demonstration of Fresh Plaza Roasted Coffee and Ritz Crackers, All Day Sat. Plaza Meat Market in Connection