Pa^i ^Ikai <Ä(U Memorial Day Is near at hand Our departed loved ones we shall reverently remember flow well Volume X ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1941 we’d appreciate the chance to Number 20 place a skunk cabbage on the grave of Hitler. Clinic in Medford for 1 1 1 i Rudolph Hess I n xmrarlng front (’rippled C hildren pages of ull the newspapers at present. Each editor and columnist A clinic for the crippled chil­ aie offering their solution to the dren of Jackson county will be HISTORIC All is In readiness for the open­ why of it all Our guess is ax good held in Medford May 21 and 22 ing of the spring ceremonial of ax the rest, and we have none. In the health unit office at the HERITAGE the Tllluh temple in Ashland. Bat- court house. 111 urday afternoon. This important This clinic is part of the Crip­ Congressional sources have re­ The”Keep Oregon Green" meet­ Shrine event will be held at the pled Children's program of the vealed that Medford has definitely ¿^/iTHOUT THRIFT ing recently called by Governor Ashland armory on Oak street state public welfare commission. been included on the war depart­ Sprague must have had a relig­ with Millard F Grubb, illustrious Arrangements have been made for ment’s list of army cantonment THE PURITANS ious background Since the meet­ |M>tentatc of Hillah temple, presid- the clinic by the crippled chil­ sites to be used in the event the ing Oregon has la-en soaked daily bfl WOULD HAVE dren's services of the state public army is expanded. with the moat ''greening’' thing on PERISHED ON The day’s program will begin welfare commission, the Jackson According to plans, the camp earth. with a l o'clock golf tournament county public welfare commission would accommodate something THAT 'STERN AND on the Ashland course, planned 111 and the Jackson county public over 30,000 troops and __J would ROCKBOUND COAST. Over in war torn England there for by a committee headed by health unit. cover about 75,000 acres. The are a King and Queen braving all Earl T Newbry Registration and Admittance to the clinic is by army already has opened tempo­ the dangers of constant air raids, business sessions will Is- conducted application, which may be made to rary constructing quartermaster's working. Buffering and standing it tin- armory until i M p m ‘he Jackson county public welfare office in the Medford armory to T THESE HARDY WORKERS f by all classes in England's great­ when a social hour will begin The commission. do advance planning and make with the biblical names - '■ est crisis Down on a tropical is­ traditional feast will be held at Doctors L. S. Lucas and Rod- surveys of the Antelope area NATHANIEL,NOAH,DANIEL, . land we find a man who 'swapped' 6 o'clock in the basement dining erick E Begg will be the examin­ where the proposed cantonment JOSHUA, GIDEON, ELI, ICHABOO- ■ throne for a wisp of hair, • se­ room un in sheila, fire, Morrow and the hor- able for the camp at present and Driver’s License THE SEVEN GOOD AND SEVEN Paul D Green of Eugene will be rors of war. actual construction will depend marshal of the parade featuring FAMINE YEARS,—A/Vh WHAT HE upon the extent of army expansion v / / Renewals Soon Hiltah Temple’s drum corps, pat nd DID ABOUT IT. and the influence of war develop­ Many have been the inqulrii-x and band. The route outlined for Persons 70 years of age or old- ments. regarding the whereabouts and do­ the parade will be south on Oak er will be required to take the The project has been sponsored ings of ex-editor Hall who turned to Main, west on Main to Plaza, Oregon driver s license examin- by the city, county chamber of fisherman Up until now we have east on Main to Third, west on auon when they renew their driv­ commerce officials and much has had little to offer in the wuy of in­ Main to Oak and north on Oak er s license this year, it was em­ been done to assist the army in formation, but the following can! to the armory. pnamzed today at the secretary its planning. Reports indicate that received at the Chamber of Com­ The general ceremonial meet- ox states office, Renewals will be options have been acquired on a merce last week has at last brok­ in/« will begin at Kill p m with due after June 30 and the new large part of the proposed site so en the silence surrounding the a concert by the band followed by licenses may be used after June that there would be no delay in fishing docks. a drill by the Klamath Falls drum 15. securing the necessary land should and bugle corps Military evolu­ Drivers who were licensed for th cantonment receive final offi­ tions will then be presented by the the current two-year period, 1939- cial approval. Hillah patrol under the direction ----------------------------- •------------------------------ 1941, and who are under 70 years of Captain Ham Stinebaugh, after of age, will not be required to which the initiatory work will take the examination, it was said. Help Asked for Scout gin. with exemplification of However, those who have never first and third sections Thin been licensed to drive in this state And Campfire Funds class of candidates will begin or those whose license was not A financial campaign for funds traditional trek across the burn­ renewed during the current per­ to continue work of the Boy Scout ing sands on their pilgrimage to iod, must take the examination. and Campfire Girls organizations Nobody likes to feed u dead Mecca. Application forms for renewals I in Ashland is scheduled for next ------- •------- horse, and I don’t blame 'em are now available at offices of Monday. May 19, according to state police, sheriffs or the secre­ Gerald Wenner, campaign chair- but gosh the fish are awfully HIS MOTIVATING HERITAGE OF OURS HAS MADE AMERICA Ashland Ministers tary of state’s offices in Salem I man. Efforts of the two organiza­ reticent about biting this WHAT IT IS AND HAS RESULTED IN HISTORY’S and Portland. Licenses this year tions will be pooled for a whirl- Have Surprise Sunday early in the season GREATEST AGGREGATE OF INDIVIDUALS' THRIFT — will cost $1.50, the additional 50 I wind one-day campaign commenc­ This Sunday in all the churches cents going into the newly created ing with a breakfast meeting at < Signed ) II7| BILLION IN LIFE INSURANCE OWNED BY which are cooperatin in the "At­ motor venicle accident fund to 7:30 a. m at the Lithia hotel. You Know Who 65 MILLION AMERICANS TODAY. tend the Church of Your Choice pay hospitalization expenses of in­ The plan of a joint campaign has Next Sunday" campaign, will be digent persons injured in traffic proved effective in the past and observed what the minlsteni have accidents. saves the community the strain of Recreation Hall To termed "Surprise Sunday.” The Those wishing permits or licens­ at least one additional annual surprise is to be presented at the to drive cars may get in touch campaign. Open Here Saturday es time of the morning worship ser­ with the traveling examiner who Thirty-four men have volunteer­ John S. Eaton opens to the pub­ will be on duty at the Ashland ed to work on the day of the vice at 11 o'clock There is con­ siderable speculation among peo­ lic Saturday at 107 East Main city hall from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m., campaign, according to Wenner, ple ax to what the surprise may­ Yesterday morning 56 excited street one of the latest and newest May 23. and a good response from the be, but not one of the ministers pupils left Ashland for the region­ Brunswick Balke Collender bowl­ public should assure success be­ will give out the faintest hint. fore dark. A COMMUNITY CHEST al musical contest to be held in ing alleys. Installation of the four The Ashland Ministerial asso­ Tacoma Two Greyhound buses alleys was made by M. F. Turner The campaign committee head­ To the Editor: ciation, which planned the pre­ ing the drive consists of Gerald the large group of of Portland who has been mechan­ When a drive lx launched for Easter and post-Easter cooperat­ transported their ic for the Brunswick people sev­ Wenner, chairman, T. J. Norby, sponsors. laudable organizations that must ive program of church attendance, students and eral years The new Ashland alley Frank Van Dyke and Norman planned to stay in The group enlist the support of the commun­ Is hoping that next Sunday the I embraces all the newest features, Kerr. ity for their excellence, the advis­ htirche.s will be filled with inter­ Olympia last night leaving from one of these being a new sub-floor, Business and professional men ability of a Community (.’heat ested worshipers The sermon sub­ there at 7:30 this morning for first used in this installation. meeting Tuesday evening in the “Buddy” Poppy Sale looms large Bui like Mark ject for discussion in each churct Tacoma. In opening this modem four al­ The events in which Ashland ley hall, Mr. Eaton presents to council chambers of the city hall I Twain's bromide about the weath­ will be "Citizenship and the voted unanimously for a one-day Planned By Veterans er. nothing ia beihg done about Cross," giving recognition to those will be entered are: the men and women of Ashland a Chorus- Friday 3:36 pm. at clean place where this popular fourth of July Celebration for M young people who have come of The Veterans of Foreign Wars Ashland, featuring a rodeo, parade We realize that before a com­ age during the last year. Jason Lee Jr. high school and healthful sport may be in- and fire works. and auxiliary will conduct their munity cheat could be started Soprano solo- Sat. 10:03 am. dulged in. The meeting was called by R. annual Buddy Poppy sale on May here many problem» would have at C.P.S. auditorium. Thursday nights, according to I Flaharty. president of the 23 and 24. The committee, Mr. and New Books At to be overcome The first and Tenor solo- Sat. 1:14 p.m. at Eaton, will be for lady players Chamber of Commerce, and after Mrs. Floyd Crosslin, plan for a most important problem is obtain­ C.P.8. Residence Hall. only. However, they are welome at a vote was taken favoring the big sale of the poppies this year. ing effective leadership As a Public Library Boys' Ensemble- Sat. 1:42 p.m. all times. Buddy poppies are made by the an executive com­ starting point the matter of a at Grant Elementary school. Eaton plans to engage the ser­ celebration, The following list of new books disabled veterans in government mittee was named to handle the Community Cheat is worthy of recently have been added to the Tonight there will be a Direct­ vices of an expert bowler who will | details. Heading this committee hospitals and the entire proceeds the consideration of civic organi­ public library: ors' banquet from 5:30-7:00. At instruct and assist beginners. will be John Daugherty assisted from the sale will be used for zations. Anderson. Children in the Fam­ 10:00 o'clock there will be a com­ by Dr. R. E Poston. Karl Nims. the relief and welfare of disabled The various humanitarian fund ily; Bemelmans. The Donkey In­ plimentary dance for students and Ivor C. Erwin and C. P. Talent. and needy veterans and their de­ campaigns, ax now conducted, tax side; Buchan. Mountain Meadows; directors at the Winthrop hotel Outlaws Lose Tilt The group enthusiastically ac­ pendents and for upkeep of the the patience of those who solicit Buck. All in a Lifetime; Chiang. They will leave Tacoma Satur­ With Hornbrook 9 cepted the offer of the local Trail VFW home for orphans of war and those who give. No sooner China Shall Rise Again; Chittick, day evening again spending the Riders to provide an afternoon veterans at Eaton Rapids. Mich. The Ashland Outlaws, recently has one drive been finished than Ring-Tailed Roarers; Churchill, <~ night in Olympia and resuming Slogan of the committee is, another one has been launched All in Fun Omnibus; Draper, En­ their journey homeward early organized baseball team under the and evening rodeo in the new cor­ “Wear a VFW Buddy Poppy on managership of Ernie Francis, lost ral grounds now being completed. Enthusiasm for helping and for tertaining Is Fun; Farson, Behind Sunday morning. to Hornbrook of the Siskiyou A carnival will probably be in­ Memorial Day." giving wanes with each campaign. God's Back; Furnas. How Ameri­ ----------- •------------ league Sunday 9-6 in a game cluded among the entertainment Why not make one concentrated ca Uves; Goffln, The Trail of the TWO ASHLAND MEN TRAVEL BIG INDUSTRY IN features, but definite arrange ­ played at Hornbrook during which request for assistance and be done Plow; Gruenberg, We, the Par­ HONORED AT OSC time a strong wind swept across ments will be left up to the com­ SHASTA-CASCADE AREA with It? It is reasonable that ents; Harrison, Doctor in Arabia; Chosen as two of the 68 stu- the diamond Francis, in center mittee. That travel in the Shasta-Cas­ those who are called upon time Hilton, Random Harvest; Hughes, With the exception of the rodeo cade Wonderland is fast becoming dents pledged to Phi Kappa Phi. field, carried the big stick for after time to make solicitations The Big Sea; Kraus, Winston would give more gladly of their Churchill; Leyson, Flight Training national scholastic honor society, Ashland, scoring two hits and two which will be financed by the a major industry is shown by the Trail Riders, the expenses of the fact that $1 out of every $6 pro­ time If they had any assurance for the Army and Navy; McKin­ this week, were George Swarts- runs out of four times at bat. A report that the team might celebration will be underwritten duce din the area comes from that, once finixht-d, the job was ney, Garden Clubs and Spades; ley, senior in pharmacy, and Jack tourists vacationists or travelers over for another yenr. Similarly, Miller. White Cliffs; Munk. The Peterson, junior in science, both join the Siskiyou league has been by the business men. nullified because of the cost on the highways. those who are called upon time Economics of Force; Poncins, of Ashland. PI BIJC HEALTH GROUP On the basis of sound charac­ involved. The Shasta-Cascade boasts of after time to give would be re- Kabkxma; Rorick, Mr. and Mrs. Francis has issued a call for ,CELEBRATE PROGRESS being the only region in the Unit­ lleved to know that having given Cugat; Saroyan, My Name Is Ar­ ter, personality, scholastic achieve­ once, their responsibility in that am; Shute, I^andfall; Smedley, ment (ranking within the upper more independent games and has Over 100 members and friends ed States where you can pick direction would be at nn end for You’re Only Young Twice; Snow, one-eighth of their class and no announced that his club will in­ ! of the Jackson Co. Public Health oranges on Christmas day and ski another year. And it is a xnfe Battle for Asia; Stuart. Caravans failures) and energy displayed vade Prospect again next Sunday association were in attendance at on the Fourth of July. Ranger guess a Community Chest is likely for China; Thom, Everyday Prob­ in extra-curricular acUvities, Jun­ in an effort to break the tie ex­ | the Thursday noon luncheon at the Barton o fthe Lassen park service to stir more gratitude from a lems of the Everyday Child; iors, seniors and graduate stu- isting between the two teams. I court house celebrating 23 years reports 246 inches on the average for snow in the Lake Helen re­ imputation that is weary of asking Washbume, Land of the Good dents are chosen for Phi Kappa I of progress. and giving in seemingly endless Shadows; Wells, North of Singa- Phi, highest goal of scholastic Local Golfers Take During the program, the history gion. so don’t put your skis away achievement at Oregon State, drives. of the association and public until after the Fourth. pore. ------------ •------------ Juniors, selected among the high- Match From McCloud health work in Jackson Co. was OID TIMER ----------- •------------ est ranking members of the class, The Ashland golf team took a reviewed and officers elected. The • Subscribe for The Miner today. will not be eligible for initiation 23 to 10 victory from McCloud on new officers are: Mrs. J. C. Weills • Mrs Hallie Endicott of Turner New Drive-In Mart until enrolled as seniors next fall. the local links Sunday after bat­ president: Mrs. Elwood Hedburg, visited several days with her In the traditional way of noti­ tling a strong wind and rain. vice president: brother, Cliff Thomas, and wife. Opens on “C” Street Mrs Charles fying them of their selection as Indies of the Ashland club pro­ Barnes, secretary; Mrs. Alex Opening of the new "Drive-In r new members of the society, the vided dinner for the visiting team Sparrow, treasurer: and Miss Market” on C street has been set new pledges were “tapped” as and their ladies. Helen Bullis, seal sale chairman. R. W. HATCH for this Saturday, according to they entered the door of the men’s Ashland journeys to McCloud Members attending from Ash­ Gene Hopper and A C Nininger, gymnasium for honors and awards Sunday for a return match and and Companion land were: Mesdames C. F. Tilton well known Ashland business men convocation. anyone interested in participation Marcus Woods, Phil Stansbury, Are Invited to Be Guests of the who are owners of the grocery de­ is asked to contact Jean Eberhart and Miss Patricia Geiser. Southern Oregon Miner partment. The market will offer TWO ASHLAND STUDENTS at the college. a complete line of staple and fan­ Chuck Sturgill, manager of the To See Their Choice of cy groceries ax well ax high grade HONORED AT OREGON STATE Ashland course, reported that 501 GUILD MET THURSDAY the Following Trinity guild of the Trinity Ep­ meats. Hopper states that there i Two students from Ashland, had played the course during iscopal church met in regular sess­ will be no sensational price cuts Don Halfhill and Earle Chamber- April. Varsity Theater ion yesterday. Reports of the re­ for the opening day. but that low­ lain. sophomore and junior, re­ Programs: cent Episcopal convention held in est possible prices will prevail at spectively, in engineering at Ore­ PATRICIA HASTINGS WEDS (Friday and Saturday) all times. gon State college, were among the Miss Patricia Eleanor Hastings, Corvallis were given by Mrs. C. E. W. D. Huber, owner of the meat 35 new members initiated to Psi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sayre and Mrs. Fay Catlin. This “DR. KILDARE’S CRISIS’* market, claims it to be one of the Mu Epsilon, national honor society Hastings of Ashland, became the was followed by a business meet­ PLUS moat modern and sanitary mar­ in mathematics, at a formal ban­ bride of Mr. Orth Miller, son of ing.. PAUL BEARE taking a horse­ "DANCING ON A DIME" ,----------- *------------ kets in southern Oregon. Handl­ quet recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of FRTENDLV ( LASS HAS PARTY back ride Tuesday evening by ing of meats will be under the Pl Mu Epsilon membership re ­ Central Point, May 8 at the Meth ­ courtesy of the Trail Riders. (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) management of Bill Gilling, as­ quirements are proficiency in odist church in Reno. Thev were ’’’be Friendlv class of the GEORGE HULL viewing with sisted by Bill Ritter. “SECOND CHORUS” mathematics and high scholastic accompanied by the bride*!» par-; Church of Christ met last Friday The new market is housed in a standing in other classes, with a ents and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth1 evenin'? at the home of Mr. and ■little boy’ enthusiasm the nearly modern 50x70 foot concrete build-1 3 0 average for all-school and 3 5 Bums of Dunsmuir. They will | Mrs. Ralph Foster. Following the finished bowling alleys. Please Call at The Miner Office ing and is located as to afford In mathematics, based upon 40 make their home in Bums where | business meeting and games de­ EARL SCHILLING claiming a for Tour Quest Tickets convenient parking space for cars as the highest possible grade point Mr. Miller is employed at the j licious refreshments were served perfect trump hand in pinochle I average. was ‘on the level*. Three Flags servie station. by the host and hostess. J near the store. ASHLAND HOST TO SHRINERS 4 7a Say-Aid £ay¿ 9tl MEDFORD LISTED AS CANTONMENT SITE FOR ARMY OUR DEMOCRACY AHS MUSICIANS TACOMA BOUND 1-DAY FOURTH PLANNED HERE ----- •----- ----- •----- i ----- •-----