Friday, May 9, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 v*-*w*^r*w r BELCASTRO AND McSHAIN FEUD TOPS MAT CARD SUN*MON «TUE ON SPORT« 111 Promoter Mack Lilian!, always anxious to please the wrestling fans, has answered their many re­ quests and signed Pete Belcastro, the Wild Italian from Weed, to meet Danny McShain, Hollywood roughneck, in the top mam event at Medford armory Monday night. These two met a week ago last Monday and, although McShain won, he was given a thorough going-over by Belcastro. The two men resorted to everything they could think of and even carried the match into the laps of spec­ tators. Ever since Belcastro has been after a rematch but McShain refused to go through with it. After considerable dickering and insistence on the part of Lillard. McShain accepted the match and I now Belcastro will be out gunning for sweet revenge come Monday night. Last Monday night, when Bel­ castro issued a challenge to Mc­ Shain from the ring, he offered to donate his share of the purse to some chairty chosen by the wrest­ ling commission, but in order to get McShain to agree to the bout. Lillard arranged for the winner to take all money set aside for i this fray. A supporting card of two matches of six 10-minute rounds each will be arranged today with one of the principals to be a new­ comer in the person of Jim Hef­ ner, making his first appearance in any southern Oregon ring. -------------•------------- HILT NEWS E V E R Y Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS EVERYONE 15c College Students Nominate Officers The regular meeting of the As- sociated Students of the Southern Oregon College of Education was held Friday, May 2, for the pur­ pose of nominating student body officers for the following school year. The following individuals were I nominated: President, Kenton Robbins, Bob Sharyon and Austin Haddock, all of Ashland; vice president, John Childers, Talent, and John Pratt, Ashland; secre­ tary, Marie Kerns, Lakeview. Jean Leonard, Medford and Esther Wade, Ashland; treasurer, Rose­ mary Dolan, Grants Pass, Joe Spayde, Ashland, and Kenneth Thompson, Portland; social chair­ man, Verne Johnston, Medford; editor of the Siskiyou, Beryl Cun­ ningham, Ashland, and pep pro­ moter, Chester Robertson, Eagle Point. Campaigns of the various can­ didates will be concluded on Campus day, Thursday, May 15. ------------- •------------- • Miss Phylis Dozier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Dozier of Ashland was married to Glenn Huffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Huffman also of Ashland in Reno, Nevada. Mr. Huffman is a Logger at Lincoln. • John Broady went to Portland the middle of the week on busi­ ness. I LITHIfi 7^ (Continued from page 5) Mrs. Walt Foster, Axel and Ekwall, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wright < rd, and Mrs. Roy Hewitt and children Rosalie and Charles of Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ekwall. • Mrs. Stella King entertained with a birthday dinner for Mrs. Fred Bayliss Sunday. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bayliss and son Billy. Mrs. Flor­ ence Clark and daughter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. William Tallis and son Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohlund. • Friends and relatives were shocked by the death of Gino Cec- catto Monday about noon follow­ ing a heart attack. Mr. Ceccatto had worked until 10 o’clock and not feeling well, had gone home to rest. • Among Yreka visitors from Hilt Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. A. Baumgartner, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson and son Buster, W. A. Gran and son Billy and Horton Geroy. • Ben Ollom returned Thursday morning from the hospital in San Francisco. • At the invitational track meet in Yreka with Grants Pass and Jacksonville, Horton Geroy enter­ ed in the limited division, took first place in the pole vault, third in 160-yard low hurdles and third in the 8-pound shotput. Ernest Dutro, entered in the unlimited, was anchor man on the 880-yard relay team and placed third in the 440. • Mr. and Mrs .Nelson Watts moved to Chico this last week-end. Mr. Watts and Jim Sawyer ac­ companied by Del Bagley moved their furniture down by truck Fri­ day* and Russel Williams drove Mrs. Watts and the children down Saturday. • Donald Henderson celebrated his eighth birthday Monday with a party given by his mother, Mrs. J. Henderson, assisted by Mrs. George Reigel. Games were play­ ed. Those present were Lawrence Geroy, Bruce Williams, Sherry Bradfield, Shirley Black, Sally Ryce, Wylen and Dickie Reigel, Bobby Sawyer, George Kallvet, Wilma Brown, Patty Henderson, and Gene Gilberg. Cake, jello and candy were served. • Mr. and Mrs. Walt Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lange, Louis Layne and Floyd Darling attended the baseball game at Yreka Sun­ day. • Kenneth Kennedy of Dunsmuir is visiting in Hilt a few days. • Al Jeannerett suffered the loss of part of a finger in the tie-up machine in the box factory Tues­ I day morning. • MaEmma Geroy of Medford came home with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gran and son Billy and her bro­ ther Horton, following the show in Medford Sunday evening, returned to Medford Monday. • Richard Laustalot of Weed ited relatives and friends in over the week-end. By I TOl.D YOU SO a Official word from the district WPA office assures Ashland that the government will not take away any money from the high school athletic project, Walter Phillips field, and that the job will be rushed to completion as soon as possible. It's only four months and 10 days before the opening game with Lakeview here and the WPA crew will have to hustle if we are to sit back in a comfortable grandstand and watch our grid machine perform on its own turf. * f » It’» a wire shoulder that's Bob Hardy from keeping breaking into the pitching du- tie*. of the Beaumont Export­ er* in the Texas league. Hol» is a local product and belongs to the Detroit Tigers. f 1 Several Ashlanders who made good on the grid and maple boards tor dear old AHS are now making good for the Southern Pacific Among them are I’hil Keeton, Headrick Baughman. Cliff Brom­ ley, Larry Gill. Dick Hitchcock and Hod Dunn in the train ser- vice and Carl Harris in the en- gine service. < < r 1 Although Bill Read of the Medford Tigers has been In the hair of Ashland high ath­ lete's recently, this column must take off its hat to him. Last week he pitched a no-hlt, giune against the no-run Grizzlies to blank them 5 to 0. f f f Leighton Blake. Grizzly track coach, says he's sworn off attend­ ing meets in which his team takes part. Recently when he was con­ fined with rubella, his charges went to Jacksonville and won their first meet of the year. < / < Earl Schilling, bakery baron, acted the role of umpire in Sun­ day's ball game and left a very bad taste in the mouths of the visiting Prospect players and aid­ ed Ashland in an 11 to 8 win, according to the Prospecters. ASHLAND TEAM HALTS PROSPECT Friday, Saturday Remember Her Sunday! When she was a seven-year old «chool girl at Detroit. Mich.. Joan Leslie, Warner Bros, film star, sold Buddy Poppies for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. For the 20th annual sale, to be held luring the week preceding Memor­ ial Day, May 30. Joan, now a Holly­ wood motion picture actress, has >een selected as the National Buddy i’oppy Girl. Miaa Leslie soon will he seen in the leading feminine part opposite Gary Cooper in the Warner Brothers screen epic “Ser­ geant York." Medford Netters In 6-1 Win Over Juniors Medford junior high tennis play­ ers downed Ashland Juniors 6 to 1 on the Medford courts Wednes­ day afternoon. Jimmie Bartelt and 1- antis. playing number two dou­ bles for Ashland, won the only match for the locals when they defeated Faden and Knips 6-4, 2-6. 2- 1. The last set was cut Bhort because of rain. Other Ashland scores, l- ■ Jerry Gastlneau's Ashland high cals gave the Mountaineers their I baseball nine split a double-head­ first set-back of the current er with Grants Pass high there season. Tuesday, winning the first game Leonard Warren turned in a 1-0 behind the two-hit pitching of swell game on the mound until he Charlie Jandreau and lost the sec­ tired at the end of the fifth in­ ond 4 to 3 when Russ Hawk did ning. At that time Ashland was the pitching chores for the locals, ahead 11 to 5. Here Jack Clark yielding three blows. took over and was relieved by In the first game Hawk slam­ Manager Ernie Francis after an med out a nice double and came inning and a half. Bert Larson, home on Provost's single to score catcher, did the best hitting for the Grizzly's lone tally. In the Ashland and collected three for other game, however, he walked five. Bobby Hoefs hit safely twice a batter and an error by Jandreau in four trips to the plate. at short stop paved the way for Hill of Prospect batted four for the winning GeePee run five ,one a circuit clout. ------------ •— Box score: H R E • Miss Della Stevenson. Mr Ashland .................. 12 11 2 Mrs. Jerry Nichols. Vivian___ 8 0 Lee Kerr and Miss Billie Bowman Prospect ..._........................ 10 ------- -—•------------ went to Crater I-ake Tuesday. NO PLACE TO GO” Silk Hose Boxed Candy 25c, Purses 50c, Silk Scarfs Boxes of Hankies and 50c New Print Aprons 29c Greeting Cards 5c and 10c J With Fred Stone and Gloria Dixon Plus “THE BIG STAMPEDE” & IO V W 5 “ON THE PLAZA with John Wayne ALSO THK NKWN AHS Netters Take KF To Hold Lead Sunday, Monday and Tuesday The Ashland high tennis squad kept its undefeated record intact and remained at the head of the Southern Oregon Tennis league last Saturday when they gave the Klamath Falls rucquctcera a trouncing to win all seven matches. The scores, with Ash landers named first, follow: w I th Charlie Jandreau dcfea ted Stride 8 8 8 Bud Provost took Swanson 6-2. 8 i Jackie Merritt won over Live 6-l, 6-0. LaMar Orinond finally won a mutch by defeating Brosterhous 11-9, 6-4. Johnnie Bell edged out Hamm Also by the score of 7-5. 3-6. 6-2 In the double* matches Provost and Jandreau won from stride and Swanson 6-4, 6-2 Merritt and Ormond defeated NEWS, CARTOON, SPORTS, Brosterhous and Live 6-4. 5-7, 6-1 I NISI \l < K IITS —> ' GRANTS PAMS <¡OI.FF.KS Matinees Saturday and TROUNCE LOCALS SUNDAY Sunday only Amid a strong wind and rain, the Grants Pass golf team easily defeated Ashland golfers 40to 10*a Sunday at Grants Pass The teams meet again here Sunday. May 25. Jean Eberhart turned in the best effort for Ashland with his score of 79 and Dr. Harvey Woods was second best with HO Karl Bennett, playing for Grants Pass, was top scorer for the day with 77 • Th<- Miner for Quality Printing. “THE INVISIBLE WOMAN” Virginia Bruce John Barrymore : Charles Ruggles and ; and many others “JUMPIN’JIVES” Musical Wednesday and Thursday DIME NIGHTS Handy Desk Models Bostitch Paper Staplers Use them in home», office or school Neater, Cheaper and quicker than old style paper clips Southern Oregon Miner Ball Club Sponsors Benefit Dance A dance, featuring King Tutt's four-piece band, will be held at the Chateau tonight for the pur­ pose of raising funds to support the Ashland baseball team. The money raised at the public affair will be used to buy balls and bats so that the organization might continue playing throughout the summer. The Ashland team, under direc­ tion of Ernie Francis, is made up solely of local material with no outsiders in the lineup to bolster the ranks. This social event cer­ tainly deserves the support of Ashland residents since an eve­ ning of dancing at the popular Chateau might enable these boys to continue playing baseball for the summer months. ------------ •------------- • Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Oeser, May 6, a daughter. DAY What Could Be More Pitting... AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT —than the tfift of some electrical ap­ pliance. Nothing can compare with electricity when it comes to adding comforts to the home or lessening the burden of daily housekeeping tasks. So for something that will really be appreciated for a long time, see your electric dealer. THRILLS and EXCITEMENT Medford Armory TICKETS ON SALE AT THE OWL CLUB : Ph. 2800 II6 East Main, Medford I Ashland Light Department Your SERVICE Department