Friday, May 9, 1941 Page 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RABBITS AND SKINS Poultry, rabblta, rabbit skin«. Write poet card for prices Price« very high now. Baby B Co., 935 8. W. Pront, Portland, Or«. OPPORTUNITY BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN 3eFF'8' DVAIAMfTf' At> WAb ALSO SEEN BV SATA STIMMER ONÜNEP OFY-iE CWÜÎOM Cf we /NEXT MORNING YVit GOOD CtTUCNS OF PfTT , FALLS WERE ABTONIBMED ID RTAD A SWiTLINQ AP ON me AMUSEMENT OF THE CLAR i Q n “- LAND SAKES, MARIA 'HirT sure is a WilllMOTOR BBAUTT COLtlfll Established 1918 — MAIn 392». Free tool« and uniform« included in our new «pedal low rates on tuition. Why not have a lifetime profession? 1590 Second Avs. Sssttlo, Wash. Trine. ALWAYS PLENTIFUL FOR JUDO. MOLER-TRA IN EG BARBERS MOLBB HARBER COLLEGE »37 B. W. Third Avs. Portland, Ore. NEEO EXTRA CASH? Grow mush, rooms In cellar shed; mall te us; wkly. pay. Writs Western Mashrooas Co., Portland, Ore. 'WARNIN' FER FAIR!- TRUCK PARTS H-avy-duty Motors, axel« par tn. bodlea, tire«, hoists and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th 4 S E. Hawthorne. Portland. Ore. FILMS g PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portland s larg­ est retail kodak finisher. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Quality Picture Co. Box W3573, Portland, Oregon. n.nt J.., M LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG She Expect* to Change Her Address _ _____ _______ _— POOR LALA'S APPROACHING INCOME TAX HEARING HAS HER IMAGINING ALL SORTS OF THINGS 17 A. COAST DAIRY ranch on Salmon Ft. highway, 5 mi. from ocean. • r. modern houae. barn, herd young reg. Jersey milk cows. $0500 cash or term«; or trade for Improved valley farm. All clear of debt». Alfred Jafferies, Bo«» Ledge. Ore. THE CINCH GOPHER TRAP AND THE CINCH MOLE TRAP will catch more gophers and more moles than any other known method. For sale by ail hardware dealers for fifty cents. Pacific Royalty Works, Forest Orovs, Oregon. •SERVICE STATION. GROCERY STORE, camp ground with 8 cabins; 35-acre irrigated ranch; located on ' Columbia River highway at Irrigon, Ore. No trade-in Mrs. Trank ILslcht, Irrigon. Ors. S’MATTER POP—The Enemy Was Sure Puzzled ^ElUTHIN B 7 A' KIM HlDE.^ jBEHtlD MUTHIH I AH' DO < F NOTHIN' TO I L Mtî I K| By C. M. PAYNE I S catter -.V ♦ « V • \ • 7 y z / . t t t * ar I ¿ 1 r /ZA A,’/' / ■ÍS !¿-> A EM •' A BARGAIN—320 a. Blaine co., Mont.; level rich soil, fenced, good well, St ml. r. r. 81350 cash: term», trade. Wilbur Oumpert, 646 16th Ave., Long­ view, Wash. ATT k, i \V, 'A' MESCAL IKE FOR SALE 49 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM, IM­ PROVED LAND. Excellent for dairy, truck garden. i mile to highway. 18000, term». J. J. VokaL Bl, Bed­ ding, California. Horse Power Marian—Mabel says she’s wildly in love with her new car. Martin—Just another case when man is displaced by machinery. v ¿7^ I. J And After That, What? ■? s. l hvntley rNervou$ Restless- la I Fit* I Illi IN* Mil IV I Cranky? Restless? Can't sleep? Tire easily? Because of distress of monthly functional disturbances? Then try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound. Pinkham's Compound is famous for relieving pain of irregular periods and cranky nervousness due to such disturbances. One of the most effec­ tive medicines you can buy today for this purpose —made cprcizUly for women. WORTH TH YING I Selfish Fear What each man feared would happen to himself, did not trouble him when he saw that it would ! ruin another.—Vergil. By J. MILLAR WATT POP—The Best Procedure DON’T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-REM EVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY »When you feel gseiy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as million» do —taka Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning - thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night’s rest or interfere with work the next day. TYy Fsen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, younelf. It tastes good, it's handy and economical... a family supply FEEN-A-MINT io* WNU—13 19—41 Sin of Omission A wrong-doer is often a man that has left something undone, not always he that has done some­ thing.—Marcus Aurelius. 1 H r Tf IU1 Today’« popularity of Doant Pills, after many years of world­ wide use, surely must be accepted as evidence of satisfactory use. And favorable public IIMPL opinion supports that of the able physicians TOLD who test the value of Doan’« under exacting laboratory conditions, These physicians, too, approve every word of advertising you rea