Friday, May 9, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 NEWS FROM About People You Know Washington School By SCHOOL STUDENTS • Mi ami M im I (' Erwin left Hat unlay for 1 »evils Igikc where they attended the Oregon Mutual Fin* Insurance company conven­ tion • Mm Margaii-t Kurth of Ashland and Mr and Mrs W E Lan t is of Medford went to Crescent City Sunday. • Mrs Ida Thomas nml Miss Ag­ nes I Im Ison of Elkton were visit­ or» In A»hlund during music week. • Horn to Mr and Mis II I> Mitchell on May H n daughter • Mn v <> N smith and Mis.-r Emmy Isiu Smith visited In Eu­ gene several days Inst Week with George F iiiiic I n Smith • Jack Williams Is visiting with Mr and Mrs Hoy Crow In Mo- desto. • .Mi and Mis Ed Samuelson of Mt Shasta spent the week-end with Mm J L Samuelson. • Mi i i. in Ft I tuili nt at the University of Oregon, visited with her jmrents, Mr nml Mm I R Frideger “ the flrat of the week • Mr ami Mia Burdette ('entera of Medford were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Henry Orr • Mr» I»ella Steveriaon. Mr nml Mrs Jerry Nichols. L-e and Viv­ ian Kerr and Virginia Stevenson went to Klamath Falls Sunday where they visited with Mr. and ( ( ( ( ( ( Í ( ( ( ( ( Mrs II T Nichols and to Chilo quin where they visted F T. luidy • New residents from Mr-Cloud. Calif., are Mr and Mrs. M. B Philips and children. • Mrs Chris Peterson, who has been visiting in Fresno, has re­ turned home. • Mm J M Easterling, Mix. O. H Eusterling and Miss Pearl Eas­ terling went to Grants Pass Sun­ day. • Mrs George Ward and Marcenc Robison visited several day» with Mr. and Mrs. George Ward Jr. in Sacramento • M r. and Mrs Jerry Nichols, Vivian and br Kerr of Modesto Visited Mm. Della Stevenson sev- eral day». • Betty Gnu-e Robbins visited with her mother, Mrs W F Sears in Klamath Falls over the week* end. • Mr« E C Forties. Mm. Baldwin and .Mm Nelle Foster re­ ceived awards of lovely dresses at the Betty Jane Shop Friday after­ noon. • Mr. und Mrs Ix»n Robinson of Dallas are spending the week-end with Mn Robinson's parents, Dr. and Mrs G. W Bruce. • .Mrs II (.' Rude and daughter have returned from a visit to San Francisco For Mother’s I)uy Say It With Lovely Bonnie Moseley has come back from just having the poison oak. We are glad she is back. She has been gone a long time. Br/nnie and Lonnie Moseleys' little sister Fem came to schrx>l to visit us Friday. We enjoyed her very much. Paula Ostrander brought a mole to school Monday afternoon. She passed it around the room. Room four has just completed a unit on animal study. We have studied about animals in North America We used the balopticon and our teacher told un about them. We each had certain ani­ mals to report on In art we drew pictures of animals. We have had two tests in animal study. We all like this kind of study. I report­ ed on the bat.—Kama Henson. Paula Ostrander returned Mon­ day to school after having had the flu We all mi-sied her and are glad she is back in room four. We are sorry that Shirley Weit­ zel has to be absent from school on account of rheumatic fever. Dwight Schneider also is absent with a badly infected foot. His, parents took him to Sacramento for care. Barbara Dawson is absent be­ cause of measles We hope all our I sick will soon be back in school , in room six. The P-TA met at the Washlng- tn school Thursday, May 8 Miss P. Geiser, part-time school nurse, spoke on health The first graders sang "His Garden " Sandra Schu- I erman. Margaret Clary and Nancy Graber spoke Mother’s day pieces. The 60 members of the twirling team performed. The Washington school chorus sang two numbers. "Amaryllis” and “Mammy's Little Coal Black Coon." Room six gave “For Mother on Her Day,” a Mother's day playlet. Room two i sang a Mother's day song and pre- ; sented a May pole dance. Re­ freshments were served. Mrs. Schneider who was to have given a report on the P-TA meeting in Eugene was unable to be present. -------------- •-------------- ) ) FLOWERS TALENT NEWS 'The Original Mother's Day Express ihe senti­ ment of the flay In a whimsical, heartwarm­ ing way—m Frink and I Graves Those who attended were was to have been given at 4 p. m. Marylyn Dunaway. in Lithia park was postponed un­ family sjient Saturday at Lincoln. Lois Vieira, Babe Bemheisel, John Kallvet, til this coming Sunday This was • Gladys RSSd >>f Klamath Fall» Jean Henderson, Helen Bemheisel, to have been the first event of ■pant last week vixiting her par­ Ashland's program observing na­ ent». Mr. and Mr». Delbert God­ Arthur Pedersen, Rosalie Graves tional music week. and the two young hostesses, Au­ dard and other relative». -------------- •—----------- • Mr and Mrs Al Sherrard mov­ drey and Annabelle Graves. Spon­ • Subscribe for The Miner today. sors of the party were Mrs. Ar ­ ed to the home of their daughter, Pedersen and Dr. Edwin Mr». Ray Lewis. where Mrs I thur Richardson. The evening was Sherrard is confined to her bed spent playing games, with Babe with iilne»». Bemheisel winning at Chinker • The operetta, "Rose of the ; Check. Jean Henderson at “Pin Danube,” which was presented the Tulip in the Basket," and Lois Friday evening, wax enjoyed by a Vieira at counting the beans in a large audience There was a fine j jar. Refreshments were served. performance by those who took • The Women's Society of Chris- part ! tian Service met Thursday at the • In a recent team-typing contest home of the president, Mrs. Harry conducted by Una Inrh, Talent De Jamett. Mrs. Holmberg read placed second in the amateur di- I the secretary report in the ab­ vision for speed. Nine schools com- I sence of Mrs T. Quamme. who peted and the showing made by I was ill. Mrs Frank Graves read the Taletit school is very credit- I from the Psalms, and the prayer. able. Plans were completed for the ba­ • Dale O'Harra of Ashland and zaar at which motion pictures are Olive Hill visited Opal Hill at to be presented by Mrs. Fred Bay- Chiloquin Sunday. i liss. Those who attended the • Mrs May Dobbins has taken meeting were Mesdames Harry over the auto court recently va­ De Jamett, John De Witt, E. Rob­ cated by Mr. and Mrs. Al Sher­ inson. Arthur Pedersen. T. An­ rard who had charge for the past derson, A Samuelson, W. Holm­ year berg. W. Dutro, O. Bemheisel. • The Home Economics club of Frank Ward. Donovan Ward. the grange will meet at the home Walter Bray. Russel Harris. Ar­ of Mrs Irene Wells at Medford thur Gilbepg, Frank Graves. W. May 13. Mm. Wells is a former Gran. Fred Haynes, Frank Oh- resident of Talent. lund. Stella Roop and Florence • Mrs Wallace Burkhart of Port­ Clark. Refreshments were served. land called at the home of Mr. The next meeting is to be held and Mis. Joe Tryon Friday. Mrs at the home of Mrs. Fred Haynes. Tryon is an aunt of Mrs. Burk­ • A nine-pound daughter was hart. bom to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bem­ • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McMa­ heisel at the Yreka General hos­ han are having an addition built pital Wednesday morning. April 30. Mi, Bemheisel and daughter ■ to their home. • Mrs. Floyd Clark and Miss Lot­ Carmen Louise came home Tues-, I tie Beswick of Ashland called on day evening. friends in Talent Sunday after­ • A daughter was bom to Mr I noon. and Mrs. Joe Foggiotto at the Hilt I • Minnie Dobbins returned home hospital Friday morning. from the Community hospital in • An anniversary party was giv- Ashland Sunday after being a en last Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. George Wright on their 39th an- patient there for a week. • Mm Roy Estes and Mrs Joe niversary at the home of their Harrison were shopping in Med­ daughter, Mrs. Edward Ekwall. ford Saturday. Attending were the guests of • Mrs Lloyd T-acv called on honor, Mr. and Mrs, Wright, friends in Valley View Thursday Charles nti.l Claude Wright. Mr. (Continueo on page 8) afternoon. • Miss Genevieve V. Patterson, daughter of Mrs. Thornton W. Wiley of Ashland and William J Miller of Dunsmuir were recently married in Reno, Nevada. They will make their home in Dunsmuir. r PLUMBING — HEATING SHEET METAL Day and Night Service Anywhere UTHIA PLUMBING and HEATIN'» Ph. 1.561 : 220 Fourth St. FOR MONUMENT WORK of beauty and quality, in marble, granite or bronne, or combinations of these ma­ terials, at honest prices, see M. T. BURNS Phone 6361 Next to P. O. IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 • METROPOUT AN UFE INSURANCE CO. An Ì Unbeatable Pair Try Our Milk and Cream AN ASHLAND PRODUCT Clover Leaf Dairy Phone 6732 A Light, Clean, Convenient Place to Shop for Good Things to Eat at Lowest Prices FREE DELIVERY SHRIMP—5-oz. Dry Pack, 2 cans 25c SHRIMP—o’/t-oz. extra large Standby Brand, 2 cans WHITE MEAT TUNA can STANDBY FRUIT COCKTAIL—lge can Small size 3 cans TOMATOES—No. 2,/j tin, Special, 3 for CORN, PEAS and BEANS 3 cans FLOUR COFFEE A good family 1 05 grade. 49-lb. Sk. ■ Hills, Folgers, Max­ well House, Schillings and Alpine, Ib. 28c, 2 Ibs. 55c. Sanka, Ib. Drifted Snow or J 74 Swansdown 49 ■ One pound Bakers Breakfast Cocoa 19c Vt-lb. Cake Bakers Chocolate 19c, both for Cleaning Specials Hi, Spike, bring your mitt!”... Let’s sleep out in Skinny’s yard tonight!"—pressing af­ fairs, handled man-to-man over the telephone. Later, those interests will branch out. Not Skinny and Spike down the street, but Chicago, Vancouver, New York, Buenos Aires. The telephone “talks” all languages, serves countless needs. Bell System research is con­ stantly finding ways to make it still more useful. CASH & CARRY THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 163 East Main Phone 6281 29c 25c LADY WASHINGTON BEANS—5 lbs 25c Extra Fancy Blue Rose Rice— 4 lbs 25c 50 pounds No. 2 Potatoes 38c Virginia Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs 17c CABBAGE—solid heads Pound 3c Other Fresh Vegetables and Berries SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS “If it can be done. 33C POPCORN—large yellow, guaranteed to pop, 4 pounds FREE PICK-UP DELIVERY 3for85e I 3 for $1.00 STANDARD CLEANERS 35c 15c 14c 25c 25c 25c REMEMBER THE PLACE : « STEARNS PLAZA GROCERY Meat Market. Adjoining 61 NORTH MAIN DIAL 4131