Un** of Oregon Library > > > 1 i Volume X growing In England beards are because of a shortage of razor blades — here it is Just the SOCE whisker contest. 111 o4x'iatlnted by the general chair- These winners who are eligible for 1 r / man : competition in the northwest con­ Tickets are on sale at the Ingle Had- i’ll committee Austin test at Tacoma are girls' glee Drug store for the musical pro­ Ashland, chairman; lunch club; boys' quartet; high school gram to be presented tonight in dock, committee. Jake Fisher, Oakridge, a cappeila choir; Bill Willits, tenor the Junior high gymnasium Thr soloist; Marilee Erwin, soprano, program la sponsored by the com- I chairman; sanitary committee, John Childers, Talent and Jack and the comet trio. blned schcsils of Ashland Funds Ashland, co-chairmen; The program has been planned derived will be used to help de­ Hanel, bleacher committee, Gordon Boice, and will be directed by the follow­ fray expenses In sending Ashland Wasco and Chester Robertson, ing music supervisors and instruc­ com|*etltors to Tacoma where they tors: Harriet Hill, Gordon Tripp, will enter the northwest, music I Eagle Point, co-chairmen; lawn committee, Robert Hharyon, Ash ­ Ixicie Landen. Eunice Hager and contest. Thr high rating won in ■ land. chairman; senior bench com ­ Maxine Conover. the stall- district contest by these mittee, Don Barnes. Phoenix and Funds from this program will entrants should merit the unre- Thomas Hensler, Medford, co- make possible the participation of stricted support of t in­ clUzens of chairmen; tennis court committee, the Ashland winners in the north­ Ashland IjiVeme Johnston, Medford and west music contest in Tacoma. I > > Charles Coffin, Ashland, co-chair­ General admission tickets have For all our Ills we blame the men. been on sale by the students and government, and the present ad- In the afternoon various student these may be reserved at the Ingle the ministration is coming in for laxly contests will be held These Drug company. lion's share If FDR calls for contests and the Judges for each The program: action in some feasible prepared­ follow: Beard growing contest 1. Washington Grade Orchestra ness movement, he is criticized, if judges, President Redford, D. V. a. May Flowers..............Norman our hogs get the cholera, he Hales and W W. Weils; dirty b. Allegiance ....... Norman should not have restricted the cords contest Judges. Jeannette 2. Washington Grade Chorus raising of porkies, and even Smith. Ida O'Brien and Myrtle a. Amaryllis ...... Ghys strikes arc all his fault His clear Funkhouser; rag day contest for b Mammy's Li l Coal Black sighted understanding of thr cris­ women judges, Arthur Taylor. R Coon .................................. Bellam is existing In Europe and the dan­ W McNeal and Otto Wllda 3. Lincoln Grade Orchestra gers that imperil our own country Other activities during the af­ a. First Chorale.................... Isaac are disvalucd. Government spend­ ternoon will consist of a horseshoe 4. Lincoln Grade Chorus ing and the inevitable taxation to contest for men and women, a a. Dance of the Reed Flutes follow arc radically disapproved tennis match of mixed doubles and Mrs. Franklin I). Roosevelt was greeted at the Medford airport April 20 by a delegation from the 20- ................................ Tschaikovsky but we ar«* wondering how many a softball game for men and wo­ 80 Club and prewsited with a box of pri-M-ried pears. Mrs. Roosevelt indhated that she would eak in 5. Grade School Band people in England tca! chamber A city clean-up week was dis ­ nhw of ^commerce a. In Italy__________ Boyd ned. the day. like Christmas, has For Music Week whtre he is to serve as first lieu­ cussed at a meeting of the coun­ officials are turning 1 tneir atten- tenant, b God Is a Spirit. Scholin-Gore tMTomr commercialised And. by was injured in a car wreck cil Tuesday evening and the dates to prospects for the 1941 The library along with other tian 9. Comet Trio the way. a few weeks hence, we before reaching his destination. of the clean-up period will be an­ a Three of a Kind Buchtel will be called u|x>n to honor civic organizations in Ashland is July Fourth celebration in Ash­ Near Monmouth the Walker car doing its part to achieve the slo­ land, following an Attendance hit a soft shoulder and rolled over nounced in the near future. 10. High School Orchestra father. fizzle Wednesday night and a re- twice. Dr. Walker suffered severe The problem of infringements a. Hungarian Dances Nos. 3 and Philadelphia has the distinction gan of national music week scheduling of a new public meet­ cuts; Mrs. Walker, a wrenched on the city garbage franchise by "Make good music familiar." 6 ............. Brahms of being the first city to obaerve ing date. b. The Swan............ Saint-Saëns back and shoulder and many truck driven was raised by Dewey Mother's day. Miss Anna Jarvis There are many fine books at the Chamber directors, in session bruises, and the baby a bruised Van Curler, garbage collector and 11. Tenor Solo Bill Willits was the originator, and thr first public library dealing with the operator. City Attorney Frank J. a. The Spirit Flower observance was held on May 10. j subject of music. It is hoped that yesterday noon, heard a report eye. ........................... Campbell-Tipton Dr. Walker was able to report Van Dyke pointed out that the 1908 Her mother died in 1906, and the fine musical programs this from R. I. Flaharty, president city had the right to grant an ex- 12. Soprano Solo that five persons showed up for week have given Ashland resi ­ Marilee Erwin for duty Saturday. on Sunday, May 9, 1907. Miss Jar­ elusive franchise according to the —<---------- a. Life ....................... Curran vis invited a friend to remember dents an increased hunger for fine the orignal meeting. He added city charter and that he had ap- 13. Junior High Band with her the annivrrsary of her music so that their interest will that Chief of Police C. P. Talent Rev. Peterson Given plied to the public utilities com­ a. Colosseum Overture mother’s death On May 10. 1913, continue beyond music week, has agreed to deputize the Ash­ mission for a corroboration of the .—......... ..................... De Lamater a resolution passed the Senate and Reading txx>ks on music is one land Trail Riders to insure attend­ Birthday Surprise city's franchise. b. Stout-Hearted Men Romberg thc House of Representatives to I way that leads to a greater ap- ance for next Tuesday night. The Rev. B. F. Peterson was guest Membership of the advertising 14. Boys' Quartet meeting itself will be held in the make the second Sunday in May I predation of this fine art. of honor at a surprise birthday a. Battle of Jericho Printed below is a partial list council chambers of the city hall, party Friday evening. When ev­ and band committees, which had a national day "dedicated to the not previously been selected, was .................................. Bartholomew memory of the beat mother in the of books at the library on this starting at 8 p.m. erything was arranged at the b. An Evening's Pastorale Shaw subject The librarians will gladly i Only matters of a routine nat­ church, several members went to announced by Mayor Wiley as fol­ world YOUR mother." lows, advertising. Koozer, Woodell c. Ezekiel Saw de Wheel ure were brought before the dir ­ show you a complete list and OLD TIMER the parsonage insisting that Rev. and Applewhite; band, Crandall, ...........-.................. -......... Burleigh guide you in your selection of ectors. yesterday. Committee and Peterson go to the church to hear ------------•------------ 15. High School A Capella Choir departmental reports were given, a song they were practicing. When Taylor and Daugherty. Ixxjks. I a. Madam Jeannette....... Murray a review of industrial prospects the Peterson family arrived at i'niirf /111