Friday, May 2, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 itDOMMBHH^MMBOl THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RABBITS AND SKINS | Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young [ Poultry, rabbit», rabbit »kin». Writ* post card fry price». Price» very high now. Baby k Co.. 935 S. W. Front, Portland, Or». OPPORTUNITY WASHINGTON BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN BNAUTY COLL1Q1 Established 191k — MAIn 3029. Free tool» and uniform» Included la our new «pedal low rate» on tuition. Why not have a lifetime profeaalonT 1530 Bacond Av». Beattl«. Wash. TF'lRC. ALWAYS PLENTIFUL FOR JVD0< MOLER 1 R 81NEI» B 8RBERS MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 337 B. W. Third Av». Portland, Ora. TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty .Motor», axel» part a. bodlea, tires, hoists and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY Portland. Ora. 10th & 8. E. Hawthorne FILMS 8 PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portlands larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Quality Picture Co­ Box W3573, Portland. Oregon. TURKEYS LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG A Practical Idea DOMES WHITE HOLLAND TURKEY FARM, All breeders officially Ore­ gon pullnrum tested; eggs now ready. Poults »25 to 145 per 100. Egg prices sent on request. Menry W. Domas, Blckreall, Oregon. SEEDS CRESTED WHEAT SEED. 11c: Ap­ proved strain, smooth brome, 18c, guaranteed to meet state seed laws for purity and of high germination. Fred Hoffman, B. Mo. 1, Pullman, Wash. FOR SALE 40-A FARM, 2J ml. NW Albany, Ben­ ton co. All farm land; lies nice; crop In. Mod. 3 bdr. house, clear. 8. K. Thomas,, Bt. 4, Albany, Ore. S’MATTER POP—The Blitzkrieg Seeaawed! By C. M. PAYNE DAIRIY AND STOCK RANCH. 1000 A., 7 ml. from McMinnville, good road, 135 A cultivated. 18 ml. woven wire fence, 8 rm, house, bath and nook, full basement, furnace. Grade B barn 32x82, silo, barn 40x60, barn 40x90, other bldgs. Spring water piped to house, many streams and springs, good hunting and fishing. Electricity, phone. Price »25,000, terms. Courtesy to brokers. J. Zu Ketch 133 So. Baker St., McMinnville, Oregon. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, MEATS and HARDWARE stock and fixtures for sale. Doing »30,000 business. Low rent. Located in best part of Twlnn Falls Tract. Write C. B. Klcock. Castleford, Idaho. GREAT OPPORTUNITY for right couple, RESTAURANT and FOUN­ TAIN. with private dining room. In heart of county seat town. Half way point between Lewiston. LaGrande on NEW highway almost finished. Trade for small farm or sell. »1,000 will handle Ad. Gustavo, Bnterprise, Ore. NURSERY STOCK 15" GOLDEN BERKMAN ARBORUITEA ........... ............ 9 Be »• PYRMID ARBORUITEA_____ ,165 10’ BLACK LOCUST.—............. 75o FOB nursery, enclose check, order immediately. A. Bdw. Balzer Bursar­ ies, B3313 Sprague, Spokane, Wash. 3 DENTAL PLATES ' I MESCAL IKE »y «. l . huntuty Time to Act > DENTISTRY on CREDIT TERMS r»a» 5, to, is »I m H u to r«r D r . H arry S emler , Dc+diti fight / L »IISKY BLOC -3«s 8 MORRISON - PORTIAND. ORE Your Stomach Can’t Talk but it complains when abused! Parties with late eating and drinking can up­ set the strongest stomach. Try ADL A Tablets for quick relief from acid stomach and heartburn. Get ADLA Tablets from your druggist Due to Fail Those who plot the destruction of others often fall themselves.— Phaedrus. POP—Modern Technique in Camouflage By J. MILLAR WATT I AM CAMOUFLAGING it ! RAZOR BLADES • ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE • OUTSTANDING BLADE VALUE « BLADES KENT“S r&ra “TAKING THE COUNTRY BY STORM** KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST • CUPPLSS C4SMPANY - ST. LOUIS. MO. • Evil From Habit How many unjust and wicked things are done from mere habit.— Terence. TO ORDER • Advertising creates new wealth by showing people new and better way» of living, and as it creates new wealth it con­ tributes to the prosperity of everyone touched by the flow of money which is set up. In this way, don't you see, advertising is a social force which is working in the interest of every one of us every day of the year, bringing us new wealth to use and enjoy.