Pi '' B^LAN LE MAY W. N.U. Release INSTALLMENT 7 s Pu at A Er m; 19 Ai th U: gat peî rev uni mil me wa th< mi be* an ne be bv m tr la sc Í* st tl t( tt w 11 a t: V t Friday, May 2, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Paa© 6 THE STORY SO FAR: Dusty King and Lew Gordon had built was to start a cattle war In Texas. He herds. Cleve Tanner, manager of «P a vast string of ranches which made this decision against the opposi­ Thorpe's Texas holdings, seemed help­ stretched from Texas to Montana King tion ot Lew Gordon and the tearful less to stop him. In spite of his dar* was killed by his powerful and unscrupu­ pleading of his sweetheart. Jody Gor­ Ing plans. Roper's resources had dwin­ lous competitor. Ben Thorpe. Bill Rop­ don. With the aid ot Dry Camp Pierce dled dangerously low by the Ume winter er. King's adopted eon. undertook to and other outlaw gunmen. Roper con- Caine. And Thorpe seemed not to feel break Thorpe's power. His first step ducted raid after raid upon Thorpe'» the losses inflicted upon him. e » e e e I knows his cattle counts better than CHAPTER X WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK IUCAVYWKIGHT FIGHT IIROAIM'ANT **. . . This is the sixth round of the heavyweight champeenship fight between Joe Louis and Pudge Goops . . . Louis sends another left to the jaw by I aiu I s . . . Now Louis hinds a right to the head by Louis ... Of Goops . . . By Louis . . . It's a terrific battle, folks . . . Both boys are in the center of Louis . . . of the ring ... by Goops ... of Louis . . . It's a right by Louis to the jaw by Louis of Goops , . . There's tho bell! . . . Goops has been down six times so far , . . The crowd is wild . . . Nobody expected Goops would put up such a gume showing! ner. a little trickle of trail cattle me, But—I've been all up and down began to move toward the gather­ By LEMUEL F. PARTON The winter dragged out slowly. this country, and I don't see but ing grounds on the Red. The in­ (Consolidated Features WNU Service.) Roper's plans, bold as they were, what he can come from these sdles helped a lit­ X’ EW YORK.—Maj Gen. Henry H. had been well laid. He had per­ "Well, anyway.” Roper said, “the tle; but the proceeds were principal­ ’ Arnold, chief of the army air ceived from the first that success or border gangs are going good. We'll ly absorbed by debts incurred in corps who has just arrived in Eng­ failure depended upon whether or go on with it, and keep going on . . ." behalf of the individual ranches. The land to serve us tin official observer not he could make his war with "Bill," Shoshone said, "how long improvement in his situation which Tanner self sustaining. To gnaw can you go on, the way it's costing Roper had hoped for did not come. Arnold, Pupil of of tho war, is ubout the •way at the Tanner herds was one you now?” It was deep into March when Tex Wright a, Pioneer only officer thing; to turn their captures into "Not much farther, 1 guess." Long quit remaining in cash was altogether another. In Army Aviation "You going to have to quit?” active serv­ "Look. ” Tex Long said, “ look. ” Roper had hoped that lie could ini­ • • Roper shook his head. "I'll never ice who learned to fly under the per­ tiate his own drives to the north, quit now. Shoshone; 1 can't quit He did not talk easily; whatever sonal supervision of Wilbur and Or ­ “ Seventh round, folks . . . Louis but he had found this out of the While I've got one rider left with he said was matter-of-fact, even Pattern 6H9«. ville Wright at their school In Day­ Is shuffiing around ... He Is star­ now. "I got to pull out of tills question. On the other hand, the me, or no riders. I'll still be work­ ton. Ohio. Just two years previ­ ing ut Goops . . . This is a stare by game." BRIGHT decoration In any trail drivers had found themselves ing on Cleve Tanner. But I think Bill Roper looked at him. without ously the war department had ac­ Louis ... Of Goops . . . Goops is room, this rug crocheted in so vulnerable that none of them we’re going to beat him. Wilce. Aft- cepted delivery of its first batch of not to be outdone and he sends a four strands of string, cnndlewiclc wanted to buy cattle of questiona­ er all, the border gangs—we can expression. "All right. How much airplanes and so his experience as a stare by Goops to Louis by Goops or rags looks like a large chrys­ you figure 1 owe you?” ble ownership. count on them.” flier pretty nearly spans the com- . . . Louis delivers u right uppercut Tex smiled. "Nothing. ” anthemum. Use two shades of a Roper continued to count on his The Thorpe-Tanner organization plete period of army aviation. to the jaw by Louis ... A left by color, with white, gray, tun or A very rare flush of anger came did not have this problem; they took border gangs for two weeks more, Louis . . . A right by Louis . . . three colors. what they wanted and drove what Then, in the middle of February, into Bill Roper's face. "Tex. what's Anyone who ran recall the Louis sends two lefts and a right to e • e the matter with you? ” they wanted, by means of their own he learned that Lee Hamish was status of flying In 1911 will ■P- the jaw by Louis. Goops is down Pattern MUS contains instructions for trail outfits. But Roper could now through. predate "Hap*’ Arnold's exploits Tex Long made a quick, futile . . . He is saved by the bell . . . making rus. illustrations of It and only dispose of cattle for the trail The first word of difficulty came gesture with bis hands. "We used in his tlrsl year of training as a This showing of Goops has upset all stitches; materials needed; color schemes. through ranchers known to be when Dave Shannon pushed a little to be able to jump down on them. young lieutenant, assigned to calculations . . . The crowd is Send order lol scrupulous and established men. bunch of seven hundred head through We can’t do that now. The Bert flight duty from the Infantry, cheering . . . This is a sensational with a record of the river at Mudcat Turn, and found 110 night». 29 This was the strategic purpose be­ Johnson place is studded with ri­ battle! hours In the air. In Ills second Sewing Circle Needlerraft llrpt. hind Roper's rehabilitation of the no vaqueros waiting on the other fles until a man can't take a step. • • year of training he achieved U KIshlh Ave. New York eleven outfits which Tanner had orig- ’ side. Shannon waited three days Every place you'll find out it's the “Now comes the eighth round . . . honor as the tirst winner of the inally seized, and which Roper had before he was forced to turn the same. There isn't going to be any­ Enclose 13 cents In coins tor Pat­ Goops mukes a rush for his corner Mackay trophy awarded for ex­ now put back into the hands of their cattle free and ride. thing more we can do. We went tern No....... •••••• by Goops, lie rushes out straight cellence as a military pilot. In The complete news of what had good for a while. But they got or­ proper owners. These re-established Name ......................................... . ............. at Louis by Goops ... of Louis a day so blustery and cold as to ranchers had not only the sympathy happened never really came. What ganized. now. We're through." Addresa ................................................ ,,, . , . Now Louis floors him with a keep all but 2 of 12 entrants out but the respect of everyone who Roper learned came in bit by bit, Tex Long was only one of Bill terrific left to the nose by Louis , . . of the race he completed a 40- knew anything about Texas cattle. by way of random riders who had Roper's picked gunfighters, but he and two uppercuts by Louis to the mlle flight, originating at College Through these men Roper now had talked with a vaquero here, another was one of the best. As March jaw by Louis . , . Goops Is down Park, Md., at an average speed a safe and sure outlet for the cattle there. drew on. Roper lost four more. . . . He is up . . . He falls into a of 32 miles an hour. Lee Harnish had been pressing recovered by Dry Camp's experts, Into the Big Bend, into the valley clinch of Louis by Goops . . . Louis while the gunfighters under such south with a herd of twelve hundred of the Nueces. Cleve Tanner had Twenty-two years later he again just landed four straight smashes men as Nate Liggett, Tex Daniels, head. He was two days into Mex­ flooded such a power of gunfighters won the trophy as leader of a flight to the head by Louis . . . Ixruis and Hat Crick Tommy supplied a ico. and supposed that he was clear; as Bill Roper would not have be­ of 10 twin-engined bombers from scores a terrific right to eur by much needed protection until they he had never bad much trouble, once he was well below the line. lieved. He had supposed that he Washington, D. C. to Alaska and re­ Louis . . . And a left jab by Louis could get on their feet could outplace and outsmart Tan­ turn. As early as 1911 he prac­ to the face of Goops by Louis . . . But this method, promising as it ner's warrior outfits. But now his ticed at aerial bombardment and Louis gets in two stomach punches was. was slow. Of necessity the raiding forces met everywhere a war department records credit him by Louis , . . Goops goes down men whom Roper backed were cow­ stubborn resistance. with being the pioneer in the sue- . . . Goops has been down eleven men without assets other than their cessful use of the radio for military times ... He hasn't landed a solid CT&I8IUÍ, Roper bad discounted the quit ot disputed claim to their ground. punch so far by Goops. But he Is Tex Long; but now other news was purposes in an airplane. Sometimes by mortgage loans, but Quite at variance with the out- still in there . . . All the expert coming in. The Graham outfit—the PHXJICIAN, principally by silent partnerships. first of all those that the Roper men ward semblance of this slightly predictions have been upset . . . Roper had now obtained interests had taken—was again in the hands built, silver-haired soldier with his Goops has surprised everybody . . . in nearly a dozen outfits. They of Cleve Tanner; and Nate Liggett, diffident smile, is his forthright ut­ There goes the bell as Louis sends should have been thriving outfits. assigned to protect Graham, had terances and writings concerning the a hard right smash to tho jaw by But Roper found his money drain- Louis. headed for the tall without even a airplane as a war machine. - ing away with unforeseen swiftness, PETEIfMINfP TO report. Hat Crick Tommy was three without hope of any financial re­ “ The only way to prevent air FINO A MHfRVAV weeks missing The Davis outfit, “Ninth found, folks . . . This is turn until the trail should open in invasion Is to attack the Invader TOUFT WATEZ. left under bis protection, had gone one of the greatest heavyweight the spring. Only the Mexican bor­ with superior numbers and HE INVENTE? the way of all loose outfits, and Tan ­ championship fights in history . . . der operations, which depended upon He THE PUMP knock him out of the air. ” ner's cowboys rode the range. Goops Is down again from a left and Lee Harnish, continued to show a APOUNP ISO «C. has been preaching this for right and left and right and right de ­ Dry Camp Pierce was almost the thin trickle of income through the years, his concern having ever livered by Louis to the jaw by Louis last to come in—of those who came winter months. As spring ap­ been for the constant procure­ in at all. ... He is up .. . He Is In very THE 0ETTK WAY lb TREAT proached, Roper found himself near ment of thousands of new. Im­ bad shape ... He has no defense C0W1MITMW PUE TO LKX OF the end of his string. Pierce rode into the Pot Hook proved combat craft, training of and doesn't seem to be able to land PRÜFER •M-K" IN THE PIET 6 TO Camp early in April. He was the Early in February, Shoshone thousands of new pilots, enlist­ a solid punch ... He is certainly CO0XCT THE CAUff Of THE same, small wiry man he always Wilce came south seeking Bill Rop­ ment of tens ot thousands of outclassed, but this is the ninth nouecc with a oeucKXJf had been—his eyes watery, his jaws er, and found him at the Pot Hook ground crew men, swelling of CEREAL, KfUûCC'S --------- , round, folks, and he has upset all poorly shaven ranch. aircraft plants and acquisition a • ALL-MAN... EAT / / the dope by still being in there . . , * Ju ■ '1 of vital raw material for future "Find out anything?” Roper "Bill, I can’t carry these camps Goops is putting up a wunnderful asked. aircraft production. no more. God knows we strung demonstration of courage by Goops Shoshone Wilce rubbed his badly with you while we could We've et Still an active pilot, mounting ad­ . . . He is down again as Louis OF VMATtR. shaved chin with horny fingers. "I beef, beef, beef without salt or flour, ministrative duties have cut down sends a left and a left and a left by don't know as you're going to like we've et bobcat meat, But Bill. this so very good, Bill.” there's no lead in our guns, and his time in the air and restricted his Louis to the jaw . . . Boy, what a activity in two hobbies—cooking fight! "Let’s have the bad news first—I there's no patches in our pants, and writing fiction. Boys who re­ eat it up.” and it's time I got to let the boys Harnish took to the brush As One Thinks member his "Bill Bruce” books, in­ "Now we are starting round ten "God knows there’s enough of it; go. to make out any way they can." the hills. Man is only miserable so far as cluding "Bill Bruce at West Point, ” there ain't any other kind to be Bill Roper looked older than Dusty "Bill Bruce at Flying School," and in the greatest fight for the world he thinks himself so.—Sannazaro. I heavyweight champecnship in years had. What do you want to know But now, one moonless night, a band King had ever looked; his face was other breath-taking juvenile works, first?” reported as of at least sixty men like granite, with hard lines cut into will regret the recent idleness of . . . Joe Louis sends a left to the head by Louis . . . Goops is down "How’s Thorpe making out up struck from no place, scattering the it by the weather. his pen. . . . He's up ... I never saw such above?” herd, and blazing down on Harnish's "Okay." he sai4 "1 understand spirit . . . Such courage by Goops "I saw him in Dodge City; he riders almost before they could take how you feel. Dry Camp." was throwing money around with a to the saddle. There had been a RONOUNCED feeling of good-will . . . Such fighting nerve and spirit Dry Camp's anger was gone as . Bam! . . . Goops is OUT!” shovel in each hand. You know sharp running fight as Harnish and toward a nation where she has what 1 think? I think he can go his half-dozen boys took to the brush quickly as it had come. "Bill,” he been most hospitably received, sen­ May Warn of Disordered away and forget Tanner, and write and the hills. Unsatisfied with sei­ said pleadingly, "it’s only—it's on­ timent born of local pride and a high PROBLEM FOR WASHINGTON Kidney Action ly — ” everything he has in Texas right zure of the herd, the unknown band „ c- > sense of hon- (A picture made entirely of hair Modern Ilfs with Its hurry snd worry. Braztltan Senhora orable pre . "It's only that you've had a lot of off the books, and never know the had spent three days trying to hunt Irregular habits. Improper sating ana from the heads of members ot the drinking—Its risk ot sxposurs and Infse- men out working for us." Bill Roper Chriatena Ship in ferment. Roosevelt family will be presented difference!” down Harnish's riders. lion—throws heavy strain On tha work said more reasonably. Roper locked his hands behind his of tho kidneys. They ara apt to become to the President. — News item.) Lee Hamish himself, wounded in Spirit ol Good-Will over-tased and fall to filler atoeoa and head and stared at the ceiling. the first skirmish, had had a hard . “Near fifty men,” Dry Camp said. and other impurities from tbs life-glvlaa Sometimes it seemed to him that time getting clear; it was not known blood. "How many you got working the gesture which Senhora Peixoto Please save your combings, Mrs. R., You may suffer nesting barkaeha, trying to break Tanner was like try­ whether or not all of his riders now?” employed in breaking the bottle con­ For Democrats declare headarhe. dlsaineaa, getting up nights, ing to empty the Rio Grande with were elsewhere accounted for. taining champagne over the bow of That they would like the Hyde Park leg palna, swelling feel ronetantly Dry Camp Pierce hesitated. tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signa a hand dipper. The apparently un­ branch After an elapse of several weeks, "Not a damned man,” Bill Roper the new Moore-McCormack passen­ "f kuln< y or blmldrr disorder are some­ bounded resources of Ben Thorpe in an Indian-faced vaquero came hunt­ said bitterly. "And now you quit ger liner, Rio de Janeiro, as it slid times burning, scanty or too frequent Immortalized in hair. urination. the middle country and in the north, ing Bill Roper; he carried a writ­ Dusty King.” down the ways in the shipyard at Try Poan’s Pills. Doan’s help ths out of reach of the south Texas war, ten message from Lee Hamish: kidneys to pass ot! harmful airaaa body "Look you here,” Dry Camp said. Chester, Pa., the other day. So act­ Young John could pull a forelock waste. They have had more than half a made up a vast reservoir which out— century of public approval. Are recom­ "I’ve strung with you when I ing, she represented her husband. Tanner could draw on without limit. "This thing is finished up. Don’t mended by grateful uaora every where. Commander Ernani Do Amaral Frank, Junior, some can spare, wouldn't have strung with any other Ask your twigbbor/ "How is Tanner himself making let anybody tell you it was Cleve man, let alone an upstart kid. I'U Peixoto, governor of the state of But what, oh, what, can Jimmy do out?” Tanners men busted into us. What To place his quota there? say this for you—you’ve made a Rio de Janeiro—for which the vessel "Bill, I’ve been all up and down hes done, this Tanner has put some -X. Y. Z. game fight. But kid, take my word was named—as well as her father, • • the north and east part of Texas; bunches of Mex renegades up to Getulio Vargas, president of Brazil. for it — they're too big. and they're and I can't see where we’ve ac­ landing on us, they work with the MOVIE VERIHCTH too strong.” A petite, vivid woman, who Yakis, and his Indian scouts have complished a damned thing.” "That Night in Rio.”—an insult to “ You think so? ” Bill Roper said, has made a delightful impres­ WNU—13 “You don’t know what you’re talk­ spotted where we make our cross­ 18—41 South America dono in techni­ "I know so. I don’t know what sion upon those concerned in ings. Seems like theres anyway a ing about!” color. making the current visit of the "You know what I think?” Wilce dozen bands of them havent got any­ you had, made men like Lee Har- • • • distinguished Brazilian pair an persisted. "I think there's more cat­ thing else to do but lay watching nish and Dave Shannon and Nate But if "Rebecca” was the year's Liggett throw in with you, but they important hands - across - the - tle in this country than the world those crossings, and wait us out. best picture, as voted, then we’ll sphere event, the senhora holds “About half of them is carrying did—the damnedest wild bunch Tex­ has any use for. I don't think you take Mickey Mouse every time. And a degree in law, the result of can bother any man any more, just new American guns and plenty am­ as ever seen. Half the renegades of we thought Ginger Rogers as Kitty the Long Trail, and your part of study at the University of Bra ­ munition. They got our hide nailed by fooling with his cattle.” Foyle in the movie of that name Will sil, a profession, however, In “Never mind what you think. to the fence all right and we are King-Gordon, has gone into beating just another movie performer who Cleve Tanner. And where are we which she has never practiced. through.” Let’s have what you know.” hadn’t read the book. now?” Marrying soon after graduation "I nosed around and tried to fipd • • • It was a long time before Roper • A BUSINESS she eventually became secretary “Well?" out what promises Tanner’s been There are a lot of people in thia to her father, a position she making for cattle on spring deliv­ saw Lee Harnish again. He did not organization which wants “We aren’t any place! Kid, I tell country who will stand for most now holds. Her hosts in New eries. I didn’t learn everything. No­ accept Harnish’s statements off­ you we’re beat, and we’re long to get the most for the anything that may come through the York have found her a fluent body learns everything. But I got hand; but when he had conferred beat!" with Dave Shannon, money sets up standards and others of war emergency as long as it doesn't speaker of English. enough to total up.” April melted into May, and Roper the border men in whom he be- interfere with bingo. by which to judge what Shoshone Wilce hesitated, and had nothing to fight with any more. This acquirement has made her of lieved, he was forced to accede that • • » didn’t say any more until he had Those units of his wild bunch that value to her husband as an inter­ is offered to it, just as in A recent newsreel showed a bunch got a cigarette rolled. In the mid­ the border-running phase of the at­ had not quit had not been heard preter when our idiom and more in­ Washington the govern­ tack on Tanner was done. dle of rolling his cigarette he went from at all; he knew already that volved diction carry him beyond his of rookies leaping from planes in As February drew to a close, the ment maintains a Bureau a parachute training test. Each car ­ into a coughing fit, and spilled the the ones who had completely failed. depth. No one, it seems, has yet tobacco, so that he had to start over big herds were once more being Cleve Tanner prospered, seemingly; found her at a loss on economic, so­ ried two chutes In case the first of Standards. thrown together for the trail. From again. and all was well with Ben Thorpe. cial, or political questions—in fine one didn’t work. In this picture one the eleven rehabilitated outfits in •You can have your own "Bill,” he said at last, “Cleve Bill Roper waited at the Pot Hook she is a brilliantly accomplished lad pulled both chutes. which Roper was now silent part- "Would you do that?” the girl Tanner’s going to drive more cattle Bureau of Standards, too. now, trying to think of some way woman. Practical, too. When it be­ this year than he’s ever drove be­ that he had missed. King-Gor­ came clear that certain handwork ahead asked her boy friend. Just consult the advertis­ “Would II” he frankly exclaimed. fore. In just one bunch alone he don denied him, and Lew Gordon arts in Europe no longer would be ing columns of your news­ aims to deliver fifteen thousand head expressedly would advance nothing available to American buyers she “Say, I’d pull both cords and yell for somebody to throw me a third. ” paper. They safeguard on the banks of the Red!” more against Dusty King's share of founded the Fundacao Anchieta in • s • "He’s crazy!” Roper shouted. “He the partnership which had been bro­ Rio de Janeiro which gives free your purchasing power It must seem funny to London can’t do it—it’s impossible!” ken by death . , training in fine needlework to Brazil­ every day of every year. not to have any American nota- "Well—he thinks he can. He ian women. (TO HE CONTINUED) around this week. A I r * « ------ /-W hv L4 • • • That Naö