Friday, May 2, 1941 I __________________________ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know ) Page !5 NEWS FROM IAI.ENT NEWN Lincoln School • Mn Allen Millet arrived from Seattie Sumiay to spend a few • Air. and Mis. M A Arnold and fancy woia umi visiting Dciocta M i. Rush found some baby rob- week» with her parents, Mr and Mis. A M Peters visited In John bje lefieaiimcnts were served by >ns in u nest by the school build­ Mrs R. E Bell. 1 Hry over the week-end. ing. He took a step-ladder out • M im L J Reed and daughter I the hostess, • Ml umi Mrs Raymond Huger • T hom attending the annual and let the children ill room two Sylvia returned to their home in of Klamath Falla visited with Mrs. meeting of the Rogue River Bapt cilmb Up and see the baby birds. Grants Pana Sunday after spend­ ing a week with her son-in-law lat association In Klamath Falls 1 ney were Just learning to fly. Mamie Huger laal wek-end Tne find graders in room two and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Elmer • Mt and Mrs Marshall Barbel last week were Rev J R Turn of Granta Paaa, Mrs S N Hazel­ bull, Mrs W E Pearson, Mis (.' wrote letters to Mr. Baughman II i. t,' ton and son, Mrs E J Fraley ami E. Corey, Mrs. R E. Newbry, and Mi Wenner. They wrote to • Mis W I. Moore, who stays son <>f Alameda, Calif., und Mr .ais. b L Brantley, Mis Jack see if they could visit the fire with her daughter, Mrs. Adrian Wolf of Medford, was visiting at and M is Paul Harmsen und Walker, Mis Charles Snyder, i station and the bank. They want her here SundAy afternoon. daughter of Union were called Miss Sue Robards, L. F Ixizier, | | to see how to make a fire sta- • Mi home and Mrs AR. M.l Mr*. Arthur Peters, Mrs. A L . ■ tion and a fire engine to play with hei e by thedeuth of W I Wren und Mrs Frank Smith ‘ l.iey want to see how to make Mi and Mrs Arthur Hamaker Barber. an w Myers entertained I I a vault for their play bank. Warren were picnicking near it hei home last Monday honoring Elroy Clark is painting his of- visited at the Clarence Hartwell I Murphy Sunday home on Grernsprlngs Sunday af- the birthday anniversary of Mrs l i flee desk daik blue. Maud Turnci Others present were i 'Hie Bist graders are learning • Georg,- Mi Collum, who has temoon. I been in Community hospital eight • Mrs J M Wagner is visiting Mts E. II McDougall, Mrs Eliza * sime stunts for play-day. They days suffering from a broken In San Francisco with Dr and I both Walker, Mrs Francis Darby, | I 'lid the knee-dip, cartwheel, som­ shoulder horn­ received when he Mrs l*ora Holden, Mrs. Mae i ersault, Chinese-get-up and many Mrs. Herman Sommer and Mr. fel! from a horse, has been re­ Banta. Mrs Mabel A Roberta, i Others. and Mrs C M Wagner The boys of room five who did mover! to his home and is some • Mr and Mis D A Coffin ami Mrs Carrie Winkler. Miss Ruby not attend the music festival Fn- better. children of Medford were Sunday Tut tier and Mrs Elsie Russell. • lertamed the boys and girls of • The exi < utive board and trust­ guests of Mrs Maude Coffin room six who remained at school. ees of the Upper Valley (Commun­ "IsMiklng for a good buy—«*0 IIII.T NEHM The fifth graders were told that ity club met at the home of Mrs. Huffman.” City, farm and tlm- Byrd Tuesday evening to lier land for »ale. >* Angeles visited the i Witt hostess The afterrwssi was fourth gHMtCTO brought games • first of the week with Mr. and spent playing bridge with M I H from home and they served cook- school composed of the younger les and punch. Everyone had a pupils, presented a specialty num- Mrs Walter Herndon Frank Graven winning the prize ber at the music festival. This • Mis Mollie May, Mrs Nellie for high score and Mrs T Quant­ Jolly time. Some of the girls in room five band was the only one of its kind Johnson and Mrs Ixira ('lurk were um winning low Others present hostesses to members of the Past were Mesdarnes Harry Dr Jamett. danced "Pop Goes the Weasel’’ in there. Miss Pendleton is the Noble Grands club in the IOOF Florence Clark, Maldemar Holm- the music festival The other girls inst ructor. m i and Mro > I »wa i d Graver hall last Friday aftcnxMjn Vice berg, Fred Baylis*. IJoyd Lu per, in this grade danced the "Nor­ President Mrs. Nellie Madsen Arthur Nelson, Mora Bailey, Rus­ wegian Mountain March.” AH of I of Grants Pass called on Bellview the girls enjoyed the music festiv- friends Thursday Mr Graver is presided sel Harris, Frank Ohlund, Antone a former principal of Bellview • Mr and Mrs. C. E Huffman Mrndes, Frank Ward, John Kai al very much. Mr. Wilda, art teacher, made a school. visited over the week-end in Kla­ vett, Walter Pianka, Ray Elliott baseball sjwlling _ chart for the O Miss Maxine W’enaus is ill at math Falls and Fred Haynes Delicious re­ sixth grade in room eight. The her home and unable to resume • Mr and Mrs W A Gran of freshments were served Hilt were callers at the Miner • Toe oewlng club met Wednes­ I room is divided into two teams studies at school. Score last week was 17 to 13 in • M rs. M A Ring was a delegate office Saturday • Mr ami Mrs Robert Herndon day alternoon at the home of Mrs favor of the Boaton Bees. 'Che to the state P-TA meeting in »tonne ih Brown and thorn* who en ­ Bees have won three Kamen and Eugene last week She is presl- and son Wally ami Mr. and Mrs Billy Herndon of Eugene spent joyed a pleasant time there were the Red Sox two games The cap­ I dent of the Bellview P-TA for the Hoy tains are Charlene Roberson for I coming year. the wrek-nd here with Mr and M-esdames < leorge Hiegel, Kar ­ Boston Bees and Bary Christlieb • Beit Peachey left last Satur- C.icvenger, Fulton W’llilams, Mis Walter Herndon lainge, Kenneth Nelson, bari for the Red Sox It is fun to have day with his parents, Mr and Mrs. • Word has been received that old A H Peachey, for Paso Robles, Mrs Bi-ssii- Seaver of Klamath Wall, Iron Rosocrana, Diamond a spelling chart. April 25 nsim six challenged Calif where they will visit for a Falls, a graduate of 8OCE. pass­ Newman and Walter Bray. Dainty refreshments were served by the nsim eight in baseball. The game week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert ed away recently She is survived iku H cmi . Mrs Brown. was very interesting The score Peachey. by her husband and one child • C M Ijtwlller doesn't BMd to • Elmer Jackson and son Jack was four to two in favor of room • Mrs Ijee Port of Applegate eight. Curtis Vail was a very good spent last week with her sister go to Fish lake or any <»ther re­ were Medford visitors Saturday and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin sort to catch fish While fishing • airs Florence Clark, Mrs Fred umpire. The council chose new play­ Dunn Wednesday in Ashland creek from Bayliss and Mrs Stella King drove his back fsirrh. he caught an !«\ to Medford Friday night to attend ground and hall patrol. Beth Gray • Miss Alice Wright entertained the junior-senior piay at St. and Beverly Wycoff are the hall the children of her neighborhood inch steelhead patrol from room six Catherine at her home Sunday afternoon • Floyd Rush of 406 No Main Mary s academy. streH is leaving soon for Alaska • Mr and Mrs Russel Harris Silver and Bobby DeUsle are with a marshmallow roast and to take a [Mist with the Federal and family were in Ashland Sat­ memberi of the playground pa­ picnic trol from that room. urday. ----------- •------------ Communications Bureau “Looking for a good buy—see • Mrs R F Parka of Talent • lien Ollum went to San Fran­ was shopping In Ashland Wednes- cisco on business late last week children Willis and Phyllis of Huffman.” City, farm and tim­ and is expected to return home Hornbrook were guests at the W. day ber land for sale. C. E. Huffman Walker home Sunday evening. • Bom to Mr and Mrs R F Thursday or Friday. Reul Estate, 315 E. Main. • Mi and Mrs St Clair spent • Jim Rack, Mrs Eddie Tellman Farrington on April 30, a (laught­ and daughter Janice and son Gene Saturday in Medford. er and Miss Joan Bennett of Med­ • Mis Maud Wert spent Satur­ NKW8 FROM ford spent Sunday visiting Mr. day and Sunday in Ashland at the and Mrs W H. Fraley and Mrs home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Rosecrans and children at Francis. Washington School l)on Hilt, and Don Rosecrans in the • Mr and Mrs O Bemheisel and children Helen, Norman and Al­ Yreka General hospital. By SCHOOL NTI’IIKNTN • Henry De Clerck and Frank lan, and Deastillo Bemheisel, Ward attended the Industrial Em­ spent the week-end at McCloud. A Iota Luchterhand who moved ployees' Union convention in Med­ • Mrs Henry De Clerck and sons to Klamath Falla came to visit us ford Saturday and Mrs. Florent Van De Weghe Friday. • Mr and Mrs E<1 Ekwall and and children were in Yreka Sat­ Roy Rogers made a bird hotel. Mr. and Mrs Wait Foster attend- urday. We ho|>e all the rooms will be soon ■*! the show in Ashland last Wed­ • Billy Gran and Jack Eddy at­ taken tended a show in Yreka Sunday. nesday evening. We have five birthdays to cel- • Mr and Mrs Fred Bayliss Horton Geroy, who spent Satur­>- this month We expect to drove to Medford laid. Wednesday day night in Yreka with friends, hnve some happy times io bring their son Billy home for returned home with them. Clarence Sibley is a new pupil Lhe two-day vacation. • Mr and Mrs Jim Purvis were in the second grade He came here • Mr and Mrs W. Gran were in Ashland Saturday. from Nevada County in California ousinesa visitors • to Medford Clarence lives on the Nutter place Saturday. WILSON MARSHALL BARBER and walks to school He tells us • Norman and Ernest Dutro, [ Private funeral services were it is one anti one-half miles. Horton Geroy and Billy Gran at- Robert Oden is eight years old tended the track meet in Yreka held Sunday afternoon at the Lit- willer Funeral home for Wilson today- May Day He brought a Saturday afternoon Ernest Dutro, Marshall Barber, 77, who passed beautiful Imsket of rosea to school. running in the unlimited division, away Friday morning Previous It is on the teacher’s desk. took first place in the 440 and to his coming to Ashland in 1910 All the children made May bas­ placed third in the 100-yard dash. where he and his wife have op- kets at school. • Dr I-ackin, district superin­ the Barber Convalescent In the Washington School there tendent of the Redwocal Shasta erated home. he was editor of "The are two baseball teams Their division, held a meeting at the Greensboro Patriot North Car­ names are the Dirty Shirts and Hilt Community church Monday olina for 16 years. ” in Survivors in­ the White Socks They play every evening. clude his wife, four daughters. Tuesday night at 3:20. A Scout committee meeting was Mrs. laicile Hazelton and Mrs. Room five defeated room six held at the Club hotel Thursday i I Gertrude Fraley of Alameda. Cal . 10 to 0 It was played Wednesday evening Mrs Josephine Talent of Wash­ afternoon. Only one half of an Inn­ • Mr. Runtz of Medford visited ington. D. C. and Mrs. Mildred ing was played It will lie finished In Hilt Tuesday. Harmsen of Union, and one son, this afternoon. Gerald Kerr made • Mrs. Frances Brownlee Marshall Barber of Grants Pass two home nine. Robert Fowler made one home run and David Scofield marie one home run also Joanna Brown is absent from school with asthma. We are very sorry she is out of school We all want her to come back as soon as she can. At the Music Festival around sixty went to be in it Most of them were in the chorus. Some were violin players. They all on­ joyed going. It was on Thursday and Friday. Room Six has a new pupil. Her name is Jean Underhill. She came 1 from California We are glad to have her. Room Six has been answerin? Richard Mishke’s letter. We re­ ceived a letter from him from South America By S< WOOL NTI DENTS • • Rev C. E Irunham of Baker, tor many years pastor of the Baptist church in Ashland, is spending a few days here on bus­ iness and visiting at the home of his son, Dr. Clyde Dunham. • Miss Helen Westfall of this year's graduating class at SfXJE will teach the first and second grades in Prospect the coming school year. v J, M. Carpenter of the Med­ ford navy recruiting station at­ tended the Ta ent grange Thurs­ day evening and mowed several reels of Interesting films of our navy They were enjoyed by all. • A conferenc<- of the sub-district Methodist church was held at the Talent church Monday evening Ministers and delegates fron> Grants Pass, Gold Hi'l, Medford and Ashland were present besides those of the local church, A busi- ness meeting was held at ; 5 p. m. and wax followed by a potluck supper served to about 40 per- sons. About 70 people attended i the later services. Rev Knotts of Medford delivered the evening message The Ashland choir fur­ nished special music. • The Talent school presents on •rid'.'* night the operetta, "Rose of Danube,” In the school gym. About 30 students are in the cast of the two-act musical comedy. Students having leading roles are as fol ows: John Childers. Dale Dobbins, Leda Klimek, Lyda May Baylor. Manda Tx>u HI1!. Mon»-- Montgomery. Earl Jones, Sharon Vnndcrwa’ A’i^e Wooten. Davis Young. Agnes Lacy, Lloyd Lacy. ■ Bob Marcus and Jerry Locke Members of the chortle are Mabel Romanger, Helen Romanger. Mil-, dred Works. Ruth Williams. Mar-1 gie Currie, Ruth Purdue. Juanita McKenzie, Arils Williams. Dorothy Schuler. Julia Klimek. Georye Gleims. Harry Withrow Bob Do­ ran, Jerry Stevens, Edward Wal­ ters and Bob Slagel. • Minnie Dobbins, high school student, was admitted to the Ash­ land Community hospital Satur­ day for an emergency operation. • Mr Engle of th»- Engle & Thomas insurance agency of Ash­ land was transacting business in Talent Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs George Hartley and family were entertained at dinner Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Hartf Weagant. • Mrs I-ouise Wilkinson, who spent the winter at the home of her daughter. Mrs Claude Jones, returned to her home at Dead Indian soda springs. • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brown and daughter Opal of the Willow Springs area were calling on friends here Monday evening. • M and son Jack spent Sunday at their ranch near Trail. • Mr. and Mrs Roy Ibiruc of Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of Kings Highway and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey and children were picnicking at Gold Ray dam Sunday. • Mrs. Beit Simmons was shop­ ping in Medford Tuesday after­ noon. • Mr. and Mrs Ray Lewis have moved to Prospect where Mr. Lewis is employed in a sawmill. • i k ing several fireplaces in Ashland. EXAMINER COMING A traveling examiner of operat­ ors and chauffeurs will be on duty between the hours of 1 and 5 p. m., May 9. at the Ashland city hall. All those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars are asked to get in touch with the examiner during these hours. PROTECTION! For your FAMILY GUESTS. YOURSELF Medical aid and similar ex­ pense* incident to Injurie* rweived while riding in your car. This can be added to your auto liability insurance at *mall cost. IM) IT NOW! (ALL US TODAY! INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East .Main it I' Tknfíto the ,he brilliant new sound You are invited to emoy .notion picture romantic travels < Carol Hughes on admission charge. ! There is no ca’s beauty spots. To Visit Our New Store in the Lithia Hotel Building. /Ilia IN PERSON COMMANDER A. W. SCOTT Friday and Saturday Specials S£. $5.98 Featuring cre|M*s and wash silks, in sizes 14 to 44 $2.98 Blouse* I urge selection regular $2.98 blou*es, silk and chiffons, In sizes 14 to 44. $2.25 BETTY JANE SHOP Now Located in the Lithia Hotel Bldg Follow the John King and thrill pavked circuit of Amen- Carol Hugh«» shown HERE fc30KM. WED. MAY7 ASHLAND ARMORY DOOR PRIZES FREE Nothing to buy. This absorb­ ing show is free. Ask your local T| Z 1/ P Tf I | X l\ t I 5 Greyhound agent for as many tickets as you need. Commander Scott is a famous world trav­ eler and radio per­ sonality. He will re­ late his thrilling ad­ ventures and unusual experiences in many­ parts of the world. You’ll enjoy this grand, educational entertainment.