V"" « Complaints are coming In that this column is growing shorter each week, which unquestionably is true Personally we thought to give room to more lm|M>rtant things, ami to evade the extra task of writing, but we CAN say tilings here even though that prlv- liege is iri- ventory of the production firms, luc Erwin, soprano soloist ami home owned busineaaes employing Clark Willits, tenor soloist. Win­ Ashland people, using Ashland ners of this rating arc entitled to raw materials, [laying rent and compete in the regional contest luxes In Ashland. sup|M>rting Ash- In Tacoma. Wash., May 16 and 17 hinds churches and educational in­ and plans are being made for an stitutions and in many other ways Ashlnnd representation there The Southern Orrgi n College of helping to make ami keep our city u pleasant place In wh^ch to live? Education was originator of the high school music festival in Ore­ 111 gon and this contest marked the The price of gasoline has ad­ 15th annual festival at the colli e vanced a half cent per gallon and The afternixm program began that means fewer and shorter with numbers by a select orches- trips Into this beautiful country t nr composed of st udenti from Ashland, Grants Pass, Klamath r / < One of our exchanges in elnb- Falls and Medford high schools orating upon the beauties of his Tills orchestra of approximately respective locality says that 75 students was directed by Miss spring is second only to fall for Lucie l^anden of the college music splendor. If we're lo be able to department. This was followed by absorb more natural sublimity, selections from the Ashland gir's we ll have to become acclimated chorus and the mixed chorus of Ashland. Grants Pass. Klamath before autumn. Falls and Medford The program 1 1 1 concluded with selections by the Tlir Port Orford Post, in quot­ combined mixed choruses from 15 ing Roy Fugate, predatory ani­ high schixrls in Jackson, Josephine mal and lodrtit control head, says ami Klamath counties This group "Coyotes cause one of our biggest contained approximately 600 voic­ problems tx-cause they are resjsai- es and was directed bv Dr Theo slble for a greater total loss of dore Kratt, dean of the school of Hve stock and poultry than any music at the University of Oregon other predatory animal." There Ratings of the chorudes are as seems to be a big over-production follows: Ashland girls' chorus, of two-legged coyotes just now, class B, I: Ashland mixed chorus according to the way national de­ das» B, I; Grants Pass mixed fense Is Irving hampered by chorus, class B, II; Klamath Falls strikes, sabotage and subversive mixed chorus, class A. II. and activities. Medford mixed chorus, class B. I. Results of the morning competi­ 1 1 f According to the latest Gallup tion are: Class A girls ensemble poll, most A mcricana prefer a from Klamath Falls. II; class B, "no shotting" war even if some boys' quartet from Ashland, I, of our ahl|M are sunk Here's hop­ and boys' quartet from Medford, ing we don't become involved in II. class C, Jacksonville, III. Ratings for soloists for the com­ as lengthy and disastrous an "in­ cident“ as the China-Japan affair. petitive festival are as follows; Girls class A. Anna Lee Zell, Kia- • NOME HIGH ( LANS RHETORIC math Kalla. til to. I. Jacqueline Mr- Ker. Klamath Falls, soprano. II; To the Editor: Girls class B, Marilee Erwin, Ash­ < reman. Ixsrking over some newspaper land. soprano. I; J« clippings we found one said to be Medford, soprano, II; Betty Mid­ a copy of a prayer delivered by a dleton, Ashland, contralto. HI; negro preacher Here it la: girls class C, Gloria Holmes. Chil­ oquin. soprano. II Boys class A, "O l-awd, give Thy servant, this Charles Klamath Falls, mawnln', de eye ob de eagle and bass, I; Currier, boys class B, Ralph dll- de wisdom ob de owl; more, Ashland, baas, II; Tom Connect his soul wid de Gos; ipel- Jones. Grants Pass. bass. II; Mi­ tclefoam in de central skies; Caro Ion, Grants Pass, tenor, ‘ Eliminate his brow wid de min chael I; Bill Wihits. Ashland, tenor, I; ob de heaven; boys class C, Allen Horton. Chilo­ Saturate his haht wid love foh quin, I. de people; Classes of the schools are based Turpentine his 'magination; on the total enrollment in the Grease his lips wid possum; Ixxisen him wid de sledge ham­ school. • mer of Thy power; la'ctrify his brain wid de 'light n of Thy Word; Put 'petual motion in his arnia; Fill him plum full of de dyna- Approximately $250,000 will go mite of glory; 'Nolnt him all ober wid de kcro- into the newly-created "motor ve­ hicle accident fund" during the sene oil ob salvation And sot him on fire! Amen" coming two years when Oregon What effect such a fiery pro­ drivers contribute 50 cents each nouncement had on the congrega­ as they obtain their drivers' li- MOM for the 1941-1943 H md M tion Is to be imagined. period. OLD TIMER The fund is set up by law en- ------------ •— acted by the 1941 legislative an- sembly taxing each operator a fee of 50 cents in addition to the regular fee of one dollar for his April 25 GiTtniileM^Browcr driver's license. The fund thus created will be was fined $7 including costs for driving a car with no operators used to defray hospitalization ex- license. penscs of indigent persons injured April 28 Jay H. Sandborn of in automobile accidents. Bellflour, Calif posted $7 50 bail No change has been made in Charged with passing with insuf­ the driver examination law this ficient clearance year and al) drivers holding cur­ April 26 Vai J. Fisher of Med­ rent licenses may renew without ford fined costs for passing with taking any examination except | insufficient clearance. those applicants who are 70 years | April 29 Berson L Smith of of age or older, and those who Prospect paid $5 50 including were not licensed during the 1939- costs for having no registration 1941 period. card. ----------- •------------ • Mary Ann Delaman 1« ill with menale» thia week. *7a £ay-/btd £ay¿ 9tl Free Travel Program Billed At Armory Residents of Ashland will be guests of Pacific Greyhound Lines at 7:30 Wednesday evening, May 7 when the beautiful technicolor film "This Amazing America" will be presented in the Ashland I armory. The screen story starts during a broadcast of the radio quiz pro­ gram, "This Amazing America." Grant Withers plays MC of the program John King and Carol Hughes, contestants, each win a Circle Tour of the United States, during which a romance develops. I An equally entertaining treat ' will be provided bv the personal i appearance of Commander A. W i Scott, famed world traveler and radio personality. He will relnte his thrilling adventures and un­ usual experiences in many parts of the world. 1 Free tickets may be obtained from the local Greyhound agent.' Goldenweds Guests Of Methodist Church Eight couples married 50 or more years were royally enter­ tained at the Methodist church Sunday evening. After a social hour the group went into the au­ ditorium for the regular church service. As they entered. Mrs. crank l>avis played Lohengrin's •vedding march. Other special mu- deal numbers during the service were a solo, "The Golden Ring,” by Mrs. E. O. Smith; song, “Shep­ herd, Hear Us." by the choir; duet. "Silver Threads Among the Gold,” Mr. and Mrs. Allen McGee, ind solo, "The Easterner's Pray­ er," Mrs. Jean Byers. The pastor .'x>k for his theme “Threads of Gold.” Mi. and Mrs. Van Dyke receiv- rd the award for the couple living ongest in Jackson county. Mr >nd Mrs. W H. Wenner the award for having the most relatives pre­ sent, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Am­ brose the award for having been married the longest. Mrs. Cora Bruce. Mrs. An behe Davis and Mrs. Callie Bri were on the reception co Mrs. Will Dodge, Mrs. aude