SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 Friday, April 25, 1941 Uastiiwau on Mound /or Medford Craters HINDSIGHT ON SPORT« Jerry Gastlneau, Ashland high baseliall and basketball coach, pitched two innings for the Med ford state league Craters Sunday when they downed Yreka of the Northern California league 6-1 nt ! Y reka. Gasllneati formerly was n st nr pitcher foF Willamette university He allowed two of Yreka's three hits, one a scratch In the eighth which drove tn Yreka's only 11111 Steve Crippen handled the first seven innings for the OSL club. MettfOrd ertfiected 13 hits and made one error while Yreka made J three bSngl||^ 111 By I TOl.D YOU SO Friday and Saturday! Drag-out the crying towels. Hoist up the mourning flags. Leighton Blake is quitting his job. Yes, Ashland highs head football, track and tennis coach quits with the expiration of the present school term. And it all might nev­ er have happened if he hadn't taken his Easter vacation at his home in Camas, Wash Not only does Ashland lose a fine eoacn and gentleman but ed­ ucation also suffers for Blake is not quitting here to go elsewhere in the field. He has accepted a position in the Portland omce oi tne Columbia River freight line, a position which offers a consider­ 11 able salary increase. During his year here Blake has made countless friends and will be greatly missed, 'lhe high school will miss him as much as anybody else when next September and luotban season rolls around. With his fire-ladder shift, which in the small space of one season became knowu ail over the state for its effectiveness and dragged AHS from the very depths ot the foot­ ball cellar, he had built up big plans for the 1941 squad. Clark Shaughnessy's famous T forma­ tion and a system of signal call­ ing never before heard of (to our knowledge) was to be a part of the 1941 AHS grid machine. But ali of that is gone now since Blake will not be with us. I His present position was his I first after graduation from Wil­ lamette university where he was a star center on Spec Keene's football squad. He made a big hit here with everyone right off the bat and it's gouig to be tough to get along without him. Tne city of Portland can con- side rttseif mighty lucky for her gain definitely is Ashland's loss, It is the wish of this entire newspaper staff that Leighton Blake meet with every possible success in his new undertaking. 2 MC BATUMI Cesar Romero in “ROMANCE OF The RIO GRANDE PLUS Ann Sothern Lew Ayres 4 in ll MAISIE WAS A LADY” SUN«MON«TUE Errol Flynn Olivia De Haviland AHS Pupils Score High at Marshfield in “SANTA FE TRAIL” -J® i Every Wednesday BARGAIN MATINEE CHECK UP —on your LETTERHEADS and other Office Stationery, your STATEMENTS and other Ruled Forms. We specialize in Fine Printing. See us for Menus, Multiple Color Work, Labels, Etc. No job too large or none too small. Miner Press 165 North Main Street Although this is the first year that Asmand high school has en­ tered students in the southern Oregon district music contest, the xocai school came back from the contest with flying colors. This year's contest was held in Marsh­ field last Saturday. Ratings for Ashland students are as follows: Cornet trio—Winfield Roberson, Mouryne Burton and Don Fla- harty .superior. Violin solos- Ann Crandall and Maxine F'ox, excellent. Cornet solo—Winfield Roberson, excellent. Sousaphone solo—Dick Finnell, excellent. Violin trio—Ann Crandall, Julia Silver and Vivian Freeman, ex­ cellent. Drum ensemble—Dick Flaharty, Bob O’Harra, Betty Sue Reed, ex­ cellent. Clarinet solo—Jimmy Bartelt, good. Saxophone solo—Verna Peter­ son, good. Those eligible to attend the na­ tional regional contest in Tacoma May 16 and 17 are the comet trio, violin trio, drum ensemble, violin solos and comet solo. Army Seeks Horses For Defense Needs Breeders will be given prefer­ ence over dealers in the purchase of horses for defense needs to be conducted in Oregon in May by the army remount service, says information received liy the state department of agriculture. All horses must meet specifications: gentleness; good flesh and good health; good movers at walk, trot and gallop; some breeding, either good rugged thoroughbreds or well made half-breds. Horses bought must be geld­ ings four to eight years old; 15 to 16 hands high; 975 to 1,150 pounds, and bay, brown, black or chestnut in color. Prices range from $150 to $175, Owners are ad­ vised not to bring mares, as only very outstanding mares with reg­ istration papers will be considered. A purchasing agent of the army remount service will be tn Med­ ford at 8 a. m. Thursday, May 1, to contact local horse breeders. I ROGER'M. KYES ~ Dtrsctor. N«l!•!• of pursuant tv low and Street” at the Uthla Theatre the old thefry of Sunday, Mondai mid • Tu«<«dii> . C apital supply and de­ Virginia Bruce Am.mni of capital clock paid up I l.SQO.UOO 00 mand is no long­ Plus INCOME er effective and Net ptomiume received during therefore should lhe year _ I ZZZ be scrapped. In io rest, Ji*islands and ranis roceUpd Kyes ....... g the .«a. MM, TIMS They accept the Income huts at tear sourree economic theory that supply should received during the year ... 44 045 Mu Total Income I S.OM.NIX) go on and, in fact, should be in­ Pete Be least ro, the Wild Wop creased regardless of demand. from Weed, returns to Medford DISBl MSF.MENTS They also believe that what can­ armory to meet Dangerous Danny Not l«*aaaa paid dur log the year with Including adjustment . I l.teJS,?IR.IR not be absorbed by natural de­ McShain in the top main event of Gimmiaaluna and aalariaa eapenoea paid mand should be paid for by the the wrestling card Monday night, Don Red Barry dur tag tbe year Mil. ms as government. Such ideas are la­ April 28 Those who remember the Ta «a«. licensee and t< during tha year -~*w ao.m.n AI-NO THE NEWS belled "progressive” or •‘modern.” previous scrap between these two Dtatdanda paid oa capital cteck during tha year »N.OOOOO The very practical idea of inter­ unorthodox g rappiers will not Amount of all othee e age gd* •rt.oia.n play of supply and demand, as a want to miss this one. Total eapendituree , I phenomenon of progress, is called Both Bek'astro and McShain ADMITTED ASiETS Sunday, Monday "conservative.” will stop at nothing to win a Value of real as tai a owned Most of us old-fashioned folks match and they have no brother­ (■»arkel «aloe) ..... .. I and Tuesday Loans on arortgagao and aellaleaal, can remember when grandmother ly love for each other. etc. Cowboy Dude Chick comes back Value had to have a Skinner satin dress. of bun «la owned (a mor Hand I Grandmother’s demand built a to face Tiger rsakoff. the Bul­ Value of stocks owned (market value) I great industry which flourished garian bad boy, in the middle go. 1 >.i> ■« banka aad oa hand ............ for many years. However, grand­ It will be a question of whether Premiuma la gonpe o| cpliecti«** written Sinrg BnpeeirtMr >0, 1*40 mother suddenly decided she was Chick's lariat spin can cope with Interact and rente due and accrued. tired of Skinner satin and wanted the bad manners of the big Bul­ Other asoata (net) garian. Total admitted eeaete II something different. As a result of A pair of clever boys open the grandmother’s decision, the great LIABILITIES mills producing that brand of satin card at 8:30 p. m. when Ernie Ctwea claims lor l«*eaes unpaid of unearned premftMno on have stood idle as landmarks of a Piluso and Gust Johnson take to Amount ail outstanding riska ... ....... community no longer in demand. the mat. Doe fur «ommteeion and bee kora go Al! other liabilllioe -- This didn’t mean, however, that Total llabiliUno. eacept capital I grandmother ran around in her Buck Hammer, New Capital paid ap ___ , .Matinee« Saturday and Surplue over all liabilllioe I. ROS. W 7 TH petticoat. It meant that she had Surplue ae regarde polu»tedders . Ii wyw:’» Sunday only chosen a new material for making Coach at Klamath Total____ ___________ 4iY.MJ.aM U her dresses. Silk, cotton, and other BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE YEAB Kenneth (Buck) Hammer was materials have taken the place of Net premiums received during the year |71.M4«0 last week selected to replace Ar ­ Skinner satin. New mills have Net loeoee paid during tbe yea»—...— DA.M7 •• Wednesday and flourished and new fortunes have thur (Snowy) Gustafson as head Name of Coatpaay t Meyehaate Fire Aeooranee football coach at Klamath Union Corporation of Naw Yntk. been built. This new group quick­ Thursday school for next year. Ham­ Name of Prweideat I AlhtJ A. kluoar ly grasped the fact that grand­ high Name of Secretary t Herbert F. Rohrbeeb. mer, a star lineman at Oregon St clot or y reeldent attorney fot •ereiee < Ho«. Betb mother’s ideas about material had State college, has been line coach II Thompeow. Conun'r of Inewewe. Salem. changed. They took advantage of at Klamath Falls since 1936. O m . this opportunity and prospered. Gustafson, mentor since 1937 at Mills that made Skinner satin Klamath Falls, has been called to i • The M!n«*r for Quality Printing became a thing of the past. In the army where he is a first lieu­ their place came great new mills, tenant located at Monterey. adding , to the progress in dress I Kai bl«* Slie 25c Hammer, a married man, is of I or 8 Ea. Itolb materials. This sort of thing is go­ draft age but not in the reserves. 5c Extra fur l*iMi