Friday, April 25, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RABBITS AND SKINS Poultry, rabbits, rabbit skins. Write post card for prices. Prices very high now. Baby A Co.. 935 8. W. Psont, Portland, Oro. OPPORTUNITY WAgHIMOTOM BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN BBAUTT COLLI»« Established 1013 — MAIn 3029. Free tools and uniforms Included la our new special low rates on tuition. Why not have a lifetime profession? 1520 Second Ave. Seattle, Wash. Tone, always plentiful for HOLER-TRAIN EII B \ RBERB MOLER BARBER COLLEGE «37 8. W. Third Ave. Fortland, Ora. TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parte, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A 8. E. Hawthorne. Portland, Ore» SPECIAL REGISTERED KARAKULS: LITERA­ TURE and prices on request. Glm- 11ns Karakul Farm. Pomeroy, Wash. FILMS LALA PALOOZA She Does Some Fast Thinking By RUBE GOLDBERG TURKEYS DOMES WHITE HOLLAND TURKEY FARM, All breeders officially Ore­ gon pullorum tested: eggs now ready. Poults 325 to 345 per 100. Egg prices sent on request. Henry W. Domes, BlckreaU, Oregon. 1 ijf" PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Quality Picture Co. Box W3573, Portland, Oregon. SEEDS CRESTED WHEAT SEED, lie: Ap­ proved strain, smooth brome, 18c, guaranteed to meet state seed laws for purity and of high germination. Fred Hoffman, B. Mo. 1, Pullman, Wash. 1 l> * ! i FOR SALE S’MATTER POP—Alert Supporting Column Good! By C. M, PAYNE OKAY, POP; LETÔ GET 0 Acres, 1* miles center of Spokane. 30 acres cult., dark soil. 12 acres al­ falfa, pasture, wood, good house and barn, lights, water. 32300.00 terms C. T. Olson, Colbert, Wash. MESCAL IKE Call Up Again Sometime blL HUNTLEY KIU5 APHIS By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Cleaned Up Spray with "Black Leaf 40.” One ounce makes six gallons of effective aphis spray. Use "Black Leaf 40” on aphis, leafhop­ pers, leaf miners, young sucking bugs, lace bugs, mealy bugs and most thripe, wherever found on flowers» trees or shrubs, or garden crops. By-Products * CorperstMa «orated LOOK IOS TH« HAT ON TH« HCKÍGI DON’T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY • When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as million! do-take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like • million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night’s rest or interfere with work the next day. TYy Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, younelf. It tastes good, if a handy and economical... a family supply --------------- — ----------------- costs only to T». Mil tyOfr.t. I.r ? SWEATER FEEN-A-MINTioi MERCHANTS •Your Advertising Dollar • •II • ••• buys something more thart space and circulation in the columns of this news­ paper. It buys space and circulation plus the favor­ able consideration of our readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons.