SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, April 25, 1941 TIPS,. ä NEW IDEAS (jardeners /tn Jlome-rnakeM. TRIM FLOWER GARDEN INSTALLMENT 6 Dusty King and Lew Gordon had built bp a vast string of ranches which stretched from Texas to Montana. King was killed by his powerful and un­ scrupulous competitor. Ben Thorpe. Bill Roper. King's adopted son. undertook CHAPTER VIII—Continued THE STORY SO FAR: to break Thorpe'« power. Hla first was to «tart a cattle war In Texas, made this decision afalnst the opposi­ tion of Lew Gordon and the tearful pleadin« of hit sweetheart. Jody Gordon. With the aid of Dry Camp Pierce and CHAPTER IX other outlaw gunmen, Roper conducted raid after raid upon Thorpe'« herds Clave Tanner, manager of Thorpe'a Tex­ as holdings, seemed helpless to stop him. Gunmen drove off cattle by the thousands. • e 'T'HERE is much value in keep- * ing the flower garden trimmed. Wise gardeners pick bouquets of favorite annuals like Marigold. Zinnia, Petunia, Sweet Peas and Snapdragon with systematic regu­ larity, for the picking promotes continued blooming. Periodic trimming is not best for such small, low-growing edging flowers as Alyssum. A complete cutting, however, will this ...... benefit ................ By R uth W yeth S pears » FASTI SLAIN FABRIC “ INSIDI AND FIGUHtO ROUTSltM .. ■ with ’ • •A I stiff r'* ■ x~-t\ ■ fasts Xk as shown in the sketch, and is covered to mutch th« box. Th* maroon bins tupe edging of th« stand is cemented in pluce in • wuy that you may linci useful in muking many other things, Th« secret is in spreuding the cement evenly on both surfaces, letting it dry, and then vulcanizing the two together with the hcut of the press­ ing iron. "Sometimes it looks like I'm not » even doing that." SPHl AD \\ "If you haven’t accomplished any­ With the fall. Lew Gordon, now in ^RURBIR Cl Mt Nl \\ cur N| DN BOTH SIDiS OF V sole charge of the far-scattered cat­ thing else, you've astonished my cardboard x IDGCS AND THtX TO FIT ne s saia father. He's said uinisvii, himself, aver over nnu and tle holdings he had shared with iduiiT. J BACK OF BIAS OUTBIDS < Dusty King, came to Texas to in­ over, he wouldn't have supposed it type of plant. This treatment may tr TAFt-LIT DRV • • • HAT No question blit b<‘ *• I’Pll*‘»i t” Vu> I .iluni, I.maria, AND THIN PLACt CROWN spect the southern holdings of King- could be done. NOTE' Why not put away Winter things r , /T api ovir idoc I. V Gordon—the breeding ranges from what Cleve Tanner is shaken; he's Lobelia, and Nemesia as well as I J AND PHI 55 WITH all nicely mended? It will be grand la Alyssum. JOIN 8N0» „ ,„ ■ , A WARM IRON Kd them out In perfect order next Full. which all the King-Gordon holdings shaken clear down to his roots. No­ WITH ÇUMNSO Tfirt Mrs. Bpears' Hook 1 show* you how to da Pinks, Cynoglossum, and Dwarf body knows what's what any more, drew their essential sustenance. the moat professional hinds of mending, Bedding Rust Resistant Snap­ Reports kept coming to Bill Roper or what will happen. People who as well as every day household mending. dragon are grown both for cutting E'EMININE headgear usually There Is a simple, quickly made tipper at his constantly shifting bases by thought a year ago that Cleve Tan­ " holds its shupe best if it rests and for garden beauty, but they bag for five garments tn HEWING Hook way of the many riders who kept ner was invincible—they're saying right side up on u stand that fits 8 Send order to: him in topch with his far-spread now that he's coming to the end of too will profit by a thoroughgoing inside the crown, but this is not Mid-.lugust, in the season of driest wild bunch. Inevitably he knew that his string; that if this thing goes "haircut" such us that prescribed true of a man's hat. Its dashing for the smaller, edging favorites. heal— Jody was at the headquarters of the on. Tanner will be through.” MHS. RVTII WYETH SPEAKS lines may be preserved by plac­ It is advisable to pick the flow ­ Into the Potreros, by a little used old Two-Circle, not far from Uvalde. “What else do they «ay?" Drawer 18 ing it upside down in a holder. trail, a black-sombreroed horseman The Two-Circle had been the origi­ Bedturd llllle New York “They're saying that the worst ers of certain popular perennials The man's hat box. shown here, rode. He was a tested gunman, a nal Gordon stand; from this camp renegade« of the trail are working when they are in their prime, to Enclos« ZU cants fur Books Z «nd • proved man whose name was known had been driven the first trail herd together, for the first time—the kill­ prevent their running to seed, und is covered on the outside with ma­ Nam« ............. ........ and feared half the length of the that Dusty King had pushed north. ers. the men who don’t care If they to promote the production of a sec­ roon and blue cotton print and lined with blue chumbray. The Ud ond crop of blossoms in a single Great Trail. Trouble-shooting for Addies« ................................ . Roper knew that she was there. live or die. They «ay they have Delphinium, Sweet Wil­ and the front of the box ure hinged Cleve Tanner now, he was moving Yet the fall dragged on, and No­ money back of them now, and that season. Di- with adhesive tape before the cov­ into the Potreros to find out what had vember passed inSo December be­ even Cleve Tanner, with all his liam, Coreopsis, Perennial ■3 gone wrong with som« of Tanner's fore he went to see her. string of outfits, can't stand up anthus, and Pyrethrum should be ering is pusted on with stiff paste. The stand is made of cardboard, handled in this manner. choicest herds. He had come fast, He had told himself that there was against the everlasting raiding, and changing horses frequently, riding no use in his going to see Jody Gor­ stampeding, and mysterious loss of far Into the night don; but in the end. of course, he cattle, They say he’s lost twenty .nourishing... Loping down the almost invisible went. outfits, just because he couldn't A Quiz With Answers saves time...saves worh...saves trail through the dark, his horse sud­ He rode up to the Two-Circle ranch spare the gunmen to hold the denly dropped from under him. head­ house in late afternoon of a cold range." money ,.. order, today, from Offering Information long into nothingness. The pony "Eleven outfits," Roper said. your grocer. on Various Subjects might have stepped into a prairie “Then it was really you?" dog hole—or it could have been the “Those eleven outfits they speak loop of a rope. But as the dazed of—those were outfits roughed away I mucus, constantly secreted by TAe Questions rider struggled up. his mouth full from little lonely men. on pretenses special glands, which minimizes of dirt a rifle was prodding his bel­ 1. Which science has been called that hadn't any justice or any true the friction while swimming. ly, and a voice was saying, "Don't law. Those outfits are back with the dismal science? you think you might have took the 4. This term, which is applied to 2. Whose inventions made the their owners now." wrong way? ...” a form of halo around the sun, is "But—you admit your wild bunch motion picture an accomplished caused by the refraction of sun­ fact? Is behind all this?" light by myriads of tiny six-aided JTestT exes, far up the lonely Pecos- 3. What makes a fish so slip ­ “Call it that if you want to. I ice crystals floating in the upper pery? One of Cleve Tanner’s-outfit bosses guess there isn't anybody knows as atmosphere. 4. What is the explanation of was talking to the Ranger stationed well as you do what I'm trying to 8. Actium. ‘ sun dogs? at Mustang Point. do." 8. Sixty feet five inches. 5. In what naval battle did Cleo­ “Such a damn' outbust of lawless­ She said in a dead voice, “I nev­ 7. Heinrich Hertz. patra figure? ness has cut loose here as I never er believed it; I couldn't believe it— 8. One hundred year«. 6. What is the standard distance teen before,” he said. until now.” 9. A dog which guarded the from a baseball pitcher's box to The ranger here was Vai McDon­ “Didn't I tell you about it? 1 told gates of Hades. home plate? ald. He had gone out nineteen times you about it before I began. I set 10. The Fascist salute was intro­ 7. Who discovered radio waves? in battle, sometimes against Mexi­ out to break Cleve Tanner; and by 8. In Oliver Wendell Holmes’ fa­ duced by D’Annunzio, the Italian cans, sometimes against the Coman­ Feast - for-the - Least / God. he'll be broken!—if I live." mous poem, how long did the won­ poet. He copied it from a statue ches, and he had hunted white ren­ “ You know Cleve Tanner has put or frescoe, forgetting that ancient derful one horse shay run before egades galore. up five thousand dollars for your ar­ it collapsed? Roman citizens greeted each oth­ Idea and Work “Awfully tough,” he said in his rest?" Success is nothing but a good 9. In ancient mythology Cerber­ er by shaking hands, and only own sympathetic way. Bill Roper chuckled crazily. "All us was what? slaves made the sign which Mus­ idea coupled with hard work.— The foreman of the outfit that was right. I'll put up ten thousand for 10. Who introduced the Fascist solini adopted. Balzac. busted up was fit to be tied. “I his arrest There isn't going to be salute? tell you, we’re being stolen blind.” any arrest, and he knows that, too." The Answers he raved. “Not just a calf here “I can’t believe it,” she kept say­ FOR PERFECT BISCUITS... USE Economics. 1. and there, either—they take 'em in ing over and over. "I can’t believe ■ i i---------------------------------- Thomas A. Edison. 1. swoops and bunches. It’s the bold­ it even yet" 3. Its body is covered with a est thing I’ve ever seen. Even when "You can't believe what?” there's no chance of getting clear “That you're an outlaw—a wild He pulled up his horse a few with any cattle, they’re game to bunch boss—thrown In with the ug­ yards from the kitchen gallery. stampede a cut herd that it's took liest killers this range has ever seen, weeks to round up, and scatter it December day. The sky was low or any range—” from hell to—” and heavy, and the bitter norther He said ironically, “Don't hard­ “This is one of Ben Thorpe's out­ had brought a scud of hard snow a ly see how I could use second rate A doctor’s telephone rang when fits? No?" long way to throw it sharply in his men.” he was trying to go to sleep. The "Does that mean—” face. “Reports have come in,” Jody caller was in a wild state of alarm. “Well? How many times has Cleve He pulled up his horse a few yards said wonderingly, “from over eight "My wife, doctor!" he shouted. Tanner passed out the word. 'The from the kitchen gallery, then sat hundred miles of country; they’re •’It’s her appendix. You’d better Rangers be damned?’ He's put more there looking at the house, his sheep­ beginning to call it a rustlers' war, come round quick.” obstructions in the way of things skin hunched about his throat a final showdown between the wild "Keep her quiet in bed,” said I we was trying to do than any other Even now, having come this far. he bunch and lawful men. An<| you—” the doctor, "and I’ll come around one man. Who was it had the legis­ almost made up his mind to go “What about me?” tomorrow. She hasn't got appen­ lature cut down our pay until we away. “Oh, Billy, it's unbearable! That dicitis.” practically ride for nothing, and fur­ Then Jody Gordon stepped out on you—you've turned yourself into the The husband became even wild­ nish all our own stuff?” the gallery in a whippy woolen dress festering point of all that struggle, er, however, insisting that the doc­ One's Neighbor “The question here is whether and stood estimating the uninvited and hate, and Lawless gunning—” Lost or Won tor should come at once. we’re going to have any law, or are horseman through the dusk. Some­ The most pious may not live The next dreadful thing to • He had to grin at that, unhappy "Look here,” said the doctor at we going to have—” thing like the strike of a buffalo as be was. “Didn't realize I was last, "you know that I took out in peace, if it does not please his battle lost is a battle won.—Wel­ wicked neighbor.—Schiller. lington. "From what I heard,” McDonald lance went through Bill Roper; it festering,” he said. her appendix three years ago, and said, “Cleve Tanner has left it be was so long since he had seen that "You had everything," she said, nobody has two appendixes." known that he's the biggest end of one slim little figure that could so “and you threw it away . . .” "Ever heard of anybody having the law himself. Go talk to Cleve change everything under the sky, He had only heard her say that two wives?" asked the husband. Tanner if you want law.” for him. once before; but. In memory, he "My understanding is,” the fore­ A split pole fence separated them; had heard it so often since that her man argued, "that the Rangers are and after a moment she came words had the ring of a familiar supposed to—” across the few yards of space, song. “I'm sorry that we can't ever and are still miserable with stomach "I’ll move out and straighten up leaning sideways against the bitter your little old range,” McDonald wind, and stood gripping a bar of see things the same," Bill said. "I gaa 1 Spoils your sleep, and you hardly said. "I’ll be glad to. Just as soon the fence as she peered up into his started out to get Cleve Tanner, and I'll get him. After Tanner, Walk dare eat ADLA Tablets bring as I get orders from headquarters. face. Lasham; and after Walk La sham, QUICK relief. Your druggist has "I knew it was you,” she said. I’m waiting for them right orders UY now!” "Child," said Bill Roper, “you get Ben Thorpe. But when it comes to ADLA Tablets. Get them today. But the weeks rolled by, and head­ back in that house. You’ll freeze!" saying I had everything before I i "Then you put up your horse and started in, I guess maybe that isn't quarters was curiously still . . . Simple Adversity who can Btand prosperity, there A« Man Wishes so.” come in.” • Adversity is sometimes hard are a hundred that will stand ad- Men willingly believe what they Jody said hotly, “There wasn't "Is your father here?” End of summer; a welcome end— wish.—Caesar. one thing in all the world you didn't upon a man; but for one man versity.—Carlyle. "He's in San Antonio.” Cleve Tanner himself, the Cleve have—or couldn't have had—before "I don ’ t think he ’ d want me here, Tanner who represented Ben Thorp« you chose this crazy way!” in the south, master of breeding Jody.” “I didn’t have you,” he told her. "Lew Gordon has never turned grounds, the man who controlled the “If I had had you, I guess I would roots of all Ben Thorpe's plains or­ away any rider without a cup of have you yet Things don't shift ganization, was talking to the Unit­ coffee; not yet.” and change so easy as that—not in He gave in then, and stepped ed States Marshal at San Antonio. the part of the world I know.” "There hasn’t been such a wave of down. He tied his horse to the fence, He was pulling on his gloves now, and followed her into the house. outlawry since the horse Indians buttoning his sheepskin coat In The fire in the big wood range was put down. Damnation, man! what was left of the light the It's set us back ten years ... I made the room a dazing contrast to shadows lay heavy upon his face As know what your policy has been. the cold sweep of the prairie; he he stood there, he could have been Your idea is to let us fight it out for threw his coat open, but did not take Dusty King himself—the man who ourselves, against Mexico, against it off. had broken a hundred long and "Of course, ” Jody said, “ we keep the Indians, against all hell. But I weary trails; except that Dusty King tell you, this thing comes from in­ hearing about you.” had perhaps never looked so old. “ That's too bad. I expect you side; this thing might be something Her voice came to him as if from wouldn’t be hearing anything good.” that I couldn’t beat without help.” a distance. "And when you’re "No. ” The United States Marshal at San through," she said—“what are you Silence again. He didn ’ t know Antonio smiled to himself a little going to have left?” smile; and he said, "Seems like this why he had come; there wasn’t any­ "Far as I know," Bill Roper said, thing he could say. He stood by the must be a terrible bad thing for you, “I’m not going to have anything stove, his eyes brooding on the iron. Cleve?” Deep in the pockets of his coat left. God knows I’ve got very little than the average of the 4 other largest-selling "I’m telling you—” there was a trembling in his slack left now.” He was glad she didn’t "Go ahead and tell me. You’re a fingers, not caused by cold. It was know how his resources had dwin­ cigarettes tested—less than any of them-according Ben Thorpe man, ain’t you? A right a strange and uncomfortable thing dled, how close to the end he really leading Ben Thorpe man. Well— stood. to be so near this girl again, and to Independent scientific tests of the smoke Itself maybe I’ll tell you a couple of Her voice rose sharply. "Can’t yet to be so far away. things, some day ...” “Still,” Jody said, “you seem to you see there’s no hope in this There was law in Texa«, even in be getting done what you set out ghastly thing? Thorpe's grip is un­ breakable.” She came close to him, those days; but there was no such to do.” and her words came through her law as could stand against the com­ teeth. "It’s your very life you’re bined renegade« of the long trail, throwing away!” with behind them a lawyer who Perhaps he misunderstood her could delay forever in the court«; then; for he grinned. “Maybe,” he and a reckless expenditure of mon­ said, “that would be the least I ey, the «ource of which some im­ could lose; the very least of all. ..’’ peded, but which was not definitely (TO BE CONTINUED) known. Presently it began to appear that the tough, notoriously trouble-mak­ ing outfits under Cleve Tanner were not holding together as they always had before. Here and there men were beginning to desert the Tanner outfits — sometimes fired because they had failed, sometimes volun­ tarily deserting to the ranks of the raiders who were now almost open­ ly punishing the Thorpe-Tanner holdings. r Delicious down on the form.. ASK ANOTHER Van (amp's PorkandBEANS Proving That Doctors Don't Know Everything X CLABBER GIRL ADDS JOY TO YOUR MEALS FERRY’S So You’ve Tried Everything? SEEDS THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS