Friday, April 25, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER MIHM ALLEN HOHTEHM TO , About People You Knyw Lincoln School --- •--- • Bert Peachey has completed repair work on telephone line 64« The cable under the railroad was cause of the trouble. • Bellview P-TA had a fair sized crowd at the meeting Friday af­ ternoon. Mrs. R. D. Reynolds acted as installing officer. Re- ports were given during the busi­ ness meeting and at the close of the afternoon, refreshments were served by Mrs Davis tn the cafe­ teria. • The 4-H cooking club held a meeting Tuesday evening at the home of the leader, Mrs. R. D. Reynolds. • Miss Ixiis Welch became the bride of Mr. Irwin Roas at Ilwaco. Wash , recently. Minx Welch at­ tended the Bellview school, Ash­ land high school and a Medford business college. Mr. and Mrs Rosa will be at home to their friends at the Neil ranch in Bellview • Clyde Wade, former resident of Bellview, died Thursday eve­ ning at Medford. His widow Is the former Bess York • A six-pound baby was bom Sunday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker. The baby has been namel Priscilla Darlene. ___ Mrs Walker is now at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. Z Walker. They plan to soon return with their baby to their home at Alamosa, Colo. • Bellview home extension unit will meet May 2. Mrs. Jacqueline Jones, home demonstration agent, I will be present to give the second lesson on intestinal hygiene. Dur­ ing business meeting election of officers will be held. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud returned to their home here from Clarks Grove. Minn., where they An Unbeatable Pair Try Our Milk and (imam AN ASHLAND PRODUCT had gone to take Mrs. Stenrud's mother home. She had spent the past several months out here with the Stenrud family. • Miss Rita Bowden returned home from Hornbrook last week, where she spent two weeks visit­ ing her grandparents while her mother. Mrs. Bowden, was in the hospital with her new baby. Mary Lee. • RE Bell and Kenneth were at their home here over last week­ end. Lynne DeMille, of Klam­ ath Falls, visited with the Bell family and other Bellview friends. • Mrs W O. Martin is confined to her home with flu and is un­ able to resume her work at Per­ rine's store. • Mrs Ralph Hall of Oakland spent a few days with Mrs Malin- da King, her mother, last week. She was called here by the death of Mrs Hibbs • Mrs Pendleton's room in the Bellview school is to present a special rhythm band number at the music festival. • Mrs. J. E Gowladn and Mrs. Archie Kincaid attended the fun­ eral of Clyde Wade in Medford. <■ You can't sue automobile If It smashes into your car and cans«» costly damage. And It’s useless to sue the owner if he can't pay any Judgment you might get. You'd have to pay the repair bill yourself . . . unless you were protected by Collision Insurance. Every car owner should have It. We’ll gladly tell you how to obtain It economically. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Billings Agency ( lover Leaf Dairy Phone 6782 * * * * *■ - *i*s*u-irtn.rjxn-n. HEAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main JONEPH KERR I MARTHA GILLETTE GUILD Funeral services were held I The Martha Gillette guild of Monday, April 14 at the Utwiller the Presbyterian church held Its F uneral home for Joseph Kerr. monthly meeting Friday evening Rev E. J Wine assisted by a friend of the family, Rev Johnson at the home of Miss Florence a Mr len, with Miss Edith Bork assist­ from California, officiated. ing hostess Miss Edna Goneen Kerr was bom Aug 23. 1863 in led the devotions. Miss Bork, ’ East Brook, Pa and passed away president, announced the following In Ashland Saturday morning, committees: Mrs. Arthur Wick, ; April 12 He had been a resident service; Miss Edna Goheen, pro­ of Ashland for 36 years He is gram; Mias Ewtelia Hays, sew­ survived by his widow, one daugh­ mg; Grace Renzema and ter, Mrs Azalea Askren of Bar­ Mrs Virgil Jackson, church Mrs stow, one son. William Kerr, of W Jr Jackson, Mrs Mark True Ashland, and a brother and sister and Mrs James H. Edgar gave In Ohio. reports on the Southwest Pres- bytetial recently held at Roseburg • Born to Mr and Mrs Archie Miss Mary Young, missionary Roberts, April 21, a daughter from Korea, told of her work there and showed pictures • lly SCHOOL STUDENTS i • Senator George W Dunn and lAl.t.M NEWN l.iere is a new boy in room I five. Mr. and Mrs R E. Detrick at­ He is from Los Angeles He came i tended a Masonic lodge meeting • Mi anil Mrs Rex Nicodemus, >.o Lincoln school 1 nut eday. April III for Hand last week. wiio have been living in the Gard- 17. The boys and girls are very • Noel Tayloi spent several een visiting her son. Elvis Coch­ • Mr and Mrs F I 1'iny m l ran and family at Chiloquin for a seven are Ione Hile. Louise Schill­ of Bellview. They moved to Med­ son of Roseburg were guests of couple of weeks, returned home ing, Wllbtir Watson and Dale ford six years ago. He is survived by hl» widow, one brother and one Mr and Mrs V H Perry Sunday. Hunday. Watson. • Mrs William Ford and son of • Mrs Decker of Ashland pur­ During the science class on sister. Dunsmuir visited in Ashland sev­ chased most of the stock of Mr. April 21, room six had a set of eral days with Mr and Mrs M and Mrs Al Hherard's variety glass slides They showed the for­ MRS. NEI,LIE HI BBS T. Burns Funeral services were held last store The Hhrrards are retiring mation of Igneous rocks. Mr. Cof- | • Mr and Mrs P H. Provost and from the business they have been fin had samples of rocks to show Friday for Mrs Nedie Hibbs at Mrs Earl Jones went to Medford operating for the past year. fo »he class. the Litwiller Funeral home chape). Hunday to visit with friends The girls in room eight were Rev. R E. Schmidt was bi charge. • Mr and Mrs Rudy Conner are • The Home Builders class of the having their house reshingled and challenged by the girls in room Interment was at the Hill ceme­ Methodist church will meet to­ the interior redecorated. seven to a game of baseball. It tery night at the home of Mrs. 8 B • Mr and Mrs Wayne Holdrige was a very interesting game. The • McNair, 361 Scenic Drive and children of Hood River were score wax six to three in favor of • Bom to Mr. and Mrs. John • Bom to Mr and Mrs Clyde week-end visitors at the home of room eight. Walker, April 20, a daughter. Brown, April 21, a daughter. The boys of room eight were They are from Colorado and are Mr. Holdrige'» parents, Mr and • Mr and Mrs Ham Brown of Mrs Clarence Holdrige. challenged by the boys of room visiting at the J. Z. Walker home Corvallis were week end guests of • Mrs Clarence Homes of Ash- six to a game of baseball, Tuesday in Bellview. Mr and Mrs R L. Crosby land visited relatives here Tues­ April 15. Room eight won, 5 to 6, • Carl Frhlgr s|x-nt several days day but room six was ahead first and ard She came from Klamath Falls. in Portland this week on business • Mr and Mrs I^eo Buckrr.axter | nearly won. • Mrs Bessie Horton of Long of Ixxli, Calif who spent the past The second grade has a new The second grade's polyphemus Beach, Calif has returned to her week with Mr and Mrs Roy Es­ girl Her name is Virginia l'ritch- moth laid some eggs. home after a visit with Mr. and tes, returned to their home Mon­ Mrs Bill Holder day • Mr ami Mrs George B Icen- • Riley Niswamer, who has been hower visit«! with friends In Med­ on a business trip in the northern ford Hunday part of the state, returned home • Mr and Mrs John Edwards of Tuesday .Marshfield were week-end guests • Mrs George I’helfer was a of Mrs Frank Dickey. business caller In Medford Thurs- • Mr and Mis John Fowler of day Klamath Falls and Miss Margaret • Mrs Becker of Ashland visit- Davis were week-end guests of «1 her son Verne Decker Mr and * Mrs “ C “ F Tilton family Sunday • Miss Ixris Volz, daughter of • A large crowd attended Mr and Mrs J. ................ H Voix of Muit- open house program which nomah, Ore, was married to Charles O Hoxie at Reno, Nev., given Friday night at the school gym The band, orchestra and April 18 Mr Hoxie is a highway grade school choruses under the department foreman at Siskiyou, direction of Mr. Myers and Gynei where they will make their home. Powell, were greatly enjoyed by • Rev and Mrs James H Edgar the audience The girls' physical went to Granta Pass Friday to at­ education department under direc­ tend a Presbyterian meeting. tion of Jean Larson presented • Among those attending the demonstrations of badminton and Job's Daughters convention in girls' basketball highlighted the Klamath Falla last week were Alice Jane Cary. Barbara Cary. drill team Exhibits of the past year's work were on display Re­ Ixris White. Margaret Bamthouse. Clara Ann Roberson. Mrs Frank freshments were served by the P-TA, concluding the evening's Wenzel and Mrs Ha) McNair. successful open house affair. ------------- a- ,. BELLVIEW NEWH Page 5 BAPTISTS IN SESSION The Rogue River Baptist asso- elation of southern Oregon is in session in Klamath Falls, The meeting started „ yesterday ------- . and will last through today in this the 65th annual session. Rev J. R Turnbull preached the sermon Thursday morning A large num­ ber of delegates from Ashland are in attendance Mrs. Arthur Peters of Ashland is secretary. • GOLDEN (HAIN GARDEN Cut flowers, potted plants, an­ nual and perennial plants ever­ green shrubs J Larkin Grubb, 271 Morton St. Phone 4161. ------------ • — • The Miner for Quality Printing