SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 NEWS FROM Southern Oregon Miner Friday, April 25, 1941 II11.T NEWS Attend the Church of Your Choice, Sunday • The Women's Society of Chris­ tian Service met Thursday after­ noon at the hme of Mrs. John De It) SCHOOL STI DENTS W lit The business meeting was CHAS. M. GIFFEN Published Every Friday Rixnn one has had several hap­ presided over by Mrs. Harry De at 167 East Main Street Committees WILLIAM SAVIN py times this month. Mm. Rogers Jarnett, president ASHLAND, OREGON ;ind Mm. Parker each gave us were urged to complete prepara­ Publishers lovely treats. Friday Mrs. Stem­ tions for the bazaar, scheduled * •4 ★ ple gave us a treat as it was to be held May 10, as soon as Entered as second-class Ryle's birthday We thank them possible. Election of officers was SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15, held and the following were elect­ m very much. Church of the RATES First Methodist 1935, at the postoffice at Henry Metz got a little • 1 hite ed by unanimous vote after being (In Advance) Ashland. Oregon, under Nazarene Church rabbit for Easter. Henry takes proposed by the election commit- ONE YEAR »150 the act of March 3, 1879 . tee: Bert rund F. Peteraoii, Pustor President. M is. good care of it. John De Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister SIX MONTHS 80c Fourth luid C Mtrwta Mary Ann Jackson went with : Witt, vice president, M i -, T ★ i Mailed Anywhere in the Surmay^icTiool meets ut 9:45 a. W. Miss Hitchcock and the drill team Quamme; secretary, Mrs United’ States) TELEPHONE 8561 Church school 9 4ft a m when they drilled for the Eastern Gran, and treasurer, Mre. Flor­ m Mina Mary Young will give an ence Clark. The flower fund will add teas in the Intermediate de- Morning worship, 11 o'clock Star last week. in charge of Mrs Donovan partmsnt. Sermon subject, ' "Power of the Room three has a new girl. Her | be “THE TRITÌI MILL J s1, r VOV F ’UEf Ward. Others attending were Morning sermon 11 o'clock on C iom ." name is Peggy Jean Pirtle. Peggy Mesdames Frank Ohlund, Frank the subject, "The Power of the Junior meeting 6:30 p. m came from Klamath Falls. We are I Graves, W. Holmberg ,H Cleven ­ Young Peoples' meeting, 6:30 un Cross," The choir will give very glad to have her in our room. ger. Frank Ward. Walter Bray, P in. Dorothy Faegins has the chick­ Mary Roaecrana. Earl Wall, Ar- anthem. Peoples' meeting 6:30 p, m. Epworth and Wesley la-agues We are very sorry and will thus Pedersen. E Richardson. With reports of disastrous forest fires in the east enpox. Evangelistic meeting. 7:30 p. m. meet ut 6:15 p. m be glad when she is able to conic 1 Robinson, W Dutro, Enzie Wright. Wednesday evening, 7 30 o’clock At 7:30 p. m. the service will and discovery of the giant fir in Clatsop county this to school. O. Bernheisel, Stella Roop and honor all couplca who have been prayer meeting Organization of We had a music program in our past week, attention of the public was briefly drawn room this week. Tommy Upington. Mrs. T. Anderson. Refreshments married 50 years or more, Invi- new church board. served by the hostess. Mrs. tationa have been aent to 15 cou- —• from war and defense news to focus on trees—one of Walker Grubb, Donald Damon, were De Witt Bonnie Frohreich, Lannes Me- i • The Hilt P-TA met Friday af­ plea Mrs Anmibelle Davis wlll our greatest blessings. Larren. Obera Leonard and Durol ternoon at three at the school play Izthengrm a wedding march Foursquare Church for the prelude Mia K. O Smith Fourth und II .Mtreels The fir discovered by Wes Lloyd, a forester for the South each played a violin solo! house The community playground Milton Childers played several was discussed and the P-TA de­ will sing a solo. Th.- Golden Rev. Eduard G. Mkiiltety, Pastor Hawley Pulp and Paper company, was a magnificent and harmonica solos. We enjoyed them cided to take steps to keep the Ring," by Chaminade. Mr. and Sunday school 10 a m H, O. Mrs. Allen O. McGee will King a giant 15r2 feet in diameter four and one-half feet from very much. equipment and grounds in gixxi duet, "Silver Threads Among the Butterfield, su|M»r1ntcildent Wesley Smith is absent from condition A committee. composed the ground, with its lowest limb more than 100 feet room Morning worship 11 a m. five this week. He has the of Frank Graves, Fred Bayliss Gold." The pastor will give an Young People's meeting 6:30 p. address on the aubject. "Threads above the ground and its mighty head tow ering 210 measles. We are glad to have and la>uis Alphonse was appointed of Gold." The choir will sing an rn Mrs E G. Skultety in charge, Edwards, Jeannette Han-| to inspect the playground. appropriate anthem The juiator feet overlooking a grove of spruce. This one fir is esti­ Shirley Evangelistic service 7:45 p m. nah and Herbie Wilson with us, New officers will be installed at and wife will give three awards to Week night services Tuesday mated to contain more than 100,000 board feet of lum­ again. They were absent last 1 the next meeting and a vote of golden wedding couples, one to the and Friday evenings at 7:45, ber__ enough for 20 houses, and is over 1200 years old. week. thanks and appreciation was giv ­ couple who have liver! longest in Prayer meeting precedes these Eight children from room five Mrs. Ryce for her splendid Jackson county, one to the couple two services Young people in The Oregon Journal in commenting about the tree bought cancer pins from Ruth I en work as president for the past who have been married the long­ charge of Tuesday service. Ager Tuesday morning. We are ' year A fine program was pre­ and the work of the Save-the-Redwoods league remark­ proud to show our friends that we and one to the couple who sented by the Girl Scouts under est, have the largest number of rela- i ed, “Lloyd’s discovery’ is remindful that the world's are helping to fight the terrible | direction of their leader. Miss Lu ­ lives present. Four girls dressed in First Presbyterian cille Gansberg, and was as fol­ greatest trees, the oldest living things, are found on disease. Robert Fowler was host for a lows: A play entitled "Girl Scouts formula will add color to the ser­ vice as they ast ax ushers, Ruth I Church the Pacific coast. Overshadowing them all are the Big buffet luncheon Friday. We are at Camp."; a reading by Annabel Robert lives on a dairy as Graves, and Gladys Quamme was Fioman. Shirley Willard Hetty Jame« II. Edgar, .Minister Trees of California, the Sequoia gigantea, some of glad we liked the good milk and cream given special recognition for hav­ Sue Reed and Isaura Billings. • which are 4,000 years old. There are taller trees, but which he served. completed the greatest num­ Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Clifton, one of our sec­ ing ber of requirements toward her for sheer bulk and age and majesty, none surpasses the ond Xerrell Worship service 11 a. m Dr, graders, won first place in first class badge Others also were Trinity Episcopal John K Howard, guest minister. giant Sequoia. Some of the larger ones, including Gen­ the amateur contest at junior high cited for their work on proficiency No evening service« until fur­ Church Friday evening Xerrell badges Mrs. Bayliss gave a talk eral Sherman Boole. General Grant and Hart, average school ther notice. played "America" on • his slide on the troop which wax organized Dr. Claude E. Muy re. Vicar more than 20 feet in diameter, up to 100 feet. They trombone. We are very proud of here five years ago Scout work r Xerrell. PLUMBING — HEATING were great trees when the pyramids of Egypt were Leonard LeBlanc is visiting us was on display at the meeting Holy Communion 8 a. m SHEET METAL ! The "Girl Scout Chant ” closed the Church school 9 30 a m. for two weeks. He has been going ; I program, after which refresh- a-building. Day und Night Service Sermon and morning prayer to school in Salem since last fall [ | merits were served by the co- 11 a. m. Anywhere “It is sacrilege to consider destroying such trees as and he tells us about his school i I hostesses. Mrs Enzie Wright and Holy Communion Wednesday, L1THIA PLUMBING and up there. He says we work and ! the giant fir discovered by Lloyd, and the giant Sequoi­ Mrs Franklin. HEATING a. m. very hard but we have good • Billy Bemheisel, who is station­ 9:30 Ph. 4561 : 220 Fourth ML Bishop Dagwell will be here as of California. The program of the Save-the-Red- study times too. The boys and girls , ed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on the Wednesday ---- - - - . > evening. April 30, at woods league, to preserve the Big Trees and to extend are glad to have Leonard visit us USS Oklahoma, spent a week vis­ 7:30 to preach a sermon and con­ here. the protection now afforded them in national parks to Ardith Brophy has moved back iting his brother and father here, firm a class. FDR and left Thursday. You are cordially invited to trees in private ownership, should also be extended to to Eagle Point. Black and children worship with us. MONUMENT Diekman will play with • Mrs and Gerald ---------------------------- •------------------------------ some of Oregon’s giant Douglas firs, which are among the Dale Lois spent Saturday in WORK violin class at the college for Ivan Yreka with Mrs. Byrd Grigsby. the most beautiful as well as among the largest trees music festival. of Itemi t y and quality, in • Mr and Mrs. Nye Bernheisel Last Sunday Billy Thompson and children Janet and Jerry of Neighborhood Church marble, Z run Hr or bronza, or on earth.” went fishing with father and mo­ Grants Pass spent the week-end combinations of t tirar nui Congregational ★ ★ ★ ther up on Butte creek. They at the O. Bernheisel home Irrisi«, at honest priera, are Boulevard and Morton Streets fished for trout and then had a • Aldo Ceccatto and children mo ­ Clárame F. Met all. Minister picnic lunch. Then they went to M. T. BURNS Butte Falls to visit the fish hatch­ tored to Mt. Shasta Saturday to Next to I*. O. I'hour 6361 see his mother who has been in "Attend the church of your Last week oil companies in Texas and New York ery.. Billy says when the baby fish the Mt. Shasta hospital with pneu­ choice" should mean something in are big enough they will be put announced wage increases affecting thousands of back in the creek. After awhile monia. Ashland and should fill all church­ Willis Burton, scout of the St. es each Sunday during the next 4 IS YOUR PRESENT IJFE I workers. This week the Standard Oil company has an­ they will swim back down the • Louis Browns, called on Raymond five weeks. We welcome all to our river to the ocean. nounced a half-cent hike in gasoline prices for the Pa­ Ben Dawson went up to Steam­ Coleman Saturday. Raymond wax part of these services. INSURANCE ADEQUATE? leave some time this week for Church school 9:45 a. m. cific states. Is this the shadow of coming events—the boat to visit during Easter vaca­ to Mayfield, Ky. Hee Sermon service 11 a. m. Judge ; J Steamboat is up in the moun­ gathering momentum of inflation, or is there yet the tion. tains above the Applegate valley. • Mr and Mrs. W Gran and son C. O. Presnail will be our supply Billy drove to Mt Shasta Satur­ speaker. means and the willingness to check the upward trend Carl Williams has a new little day STEVEN R. to attend the baseball game. ------------ •------------ puppy for a pet. His name is Tip in prices? • Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Holmberg • Mr and Mrs David Reed of HI Toe of Susanville were in Hilt over the The Dalles were week-end guests A similar movement was developing in the steel The second grade is learning a week-end. of Dr. and Mrs. George W Bruce May Day song and dance. They PHONE 4711 industry after steel workers were granted a 10-cents- will learn to wind a May pole too. • Mr. and Mrs Philip J Smith • formerly of Grants Paas, are now an-hour wage increase (putting present- wage levels 50 Room srx held a baby contest GOLDEN CHAIN GARDEN Cut flowers, potted plants, an­ residents of Ashland. METROPOLITAN UFE Tuesday Eaqh one brought in his percent higher than in 1929), but Leon Henderson, INSURANCE CXI. baby picture. We guessed the nual and perennial plants ever­ • Mr. and Mrs J. P. Hoagland federal price administrator, without warning froze name of each. Marcella Pretty­ green shrubs J. Larkin Grubb, are visiting Mr. and Mrs Whitey Weaver in Port Orford. national steel prices before the price rise occurred. Ad­ man won the prize for guessing 271 Morton St. Phone 4161 the most. Barbara Dawson was mitting that price ceilings may be necessary, does it voted best looking girl, Skippy not follow that to be successful, must cover all basic Rush as best looking boy and fat­ test baby, Norma June Simmonds commodities and include wages as well? as the funniest. It was fun to see how much, or how little, we had It seems that it is taking both capital and labor an changed. Washington School Save The Trees! Prices Must Be Kept In Hand! SCHUERMAN unduly long time to realize that we are dealing with an emergency and that the line must be drawn between profits and profiteering. I K Shingling weather is here May we suggest that you make arrangements now for the necessary re-shingling of your build­ ings while prices are low and mechanics available MONTHLY PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED Estimates Without Obligation Call 3291 ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Oak Street at Railroad REMEMBER WHEN 'twas Sunday on the farm? Father hitched a couple of best steppers to the surrey and drove the family to church. Sometimes you asked the preacher to Sunday dinner. Sis­ ter's beau came along and usually stayed for supper, too. Remember? i IP BUDGET yOu DOWN J Electrical Refrigeration GOOD ADVICE ^While driving around, you've probably seen those Southern Pacific signs that say, "next time, try the train". Lots of people have taken that friendly advice. We know an automobile is handy, but the train offers real advantages— particularly on long trips. Try the train, next time. We think you’ll be glad you did. —will prove an effective ally in helping you bal­ ance your summer food budget, even in the face of advancing prices. An electric refrigerator enables you to cut your food costs by allowing you to buy larger quantities of perishable foods and by cutting to a minimum any food losses dur­ ing the summer heat. Then, too, remember the convenience of an abundant supply of ice cubes and the means of preparing many novel chilled desserts. See your dealer today! Precious memories abide when loved ones are entrusted to our care. DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home C.M.Lltwiller We Never Clos e Phone 4541 The Friendly Southern Pacific See your local 8.P. agent or write J. A. ORMANDY, G.n Paaa. Agent, 622 Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. 2iL Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”