Friday, April 18, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 TO TANGLE IN SEASON OPENER AHS NETTERS FACE PELICANS ARSITV HINDSIGHT A * *4.1 IK H UVIKUI RdUi«'$4 ON SPORT’ Ashland high school's tennis team will meet the strong Klam- : uth Falla Pelican« on the high, school court« Saturday afternoon,, weather permitting Leighton ! Blake'« racqueteer« were victor- j ious over Grant« Pa«« In their i only match to date. Representing Ashland will be Charlie Jandreau in number one poHition, Bud Provoat a« number two, number three will la« Jack j Merritt, Dick Finnell number four and in the fifth position will ' be Li.Mar Ormond Through an error last week, the fact that Ashland won both dou- ble« mutches from Grant« l*uas was omitted. Another event in Ashland high school «ports will be the dual track meet with Klamath I .,. . there April 24 Coach Blake wax unable to give a list of entries at this writing. 111 Friday and Saturday! JX BIC FiATUMI Al CAPP'S fsaiteri al fastesy ta Ufa aa tke itraaa! Granville OWEN Martha O'DRISCOLL Edgar KENNEDY Johnnie MORRIS MEN! * \ TK6AL W0B09Y NO'S! \ * IAN HUNTER ROLAND YOUNG Reyis aMGaidinei-BillieBarke AN M-G-M PICTURE • WED & THUR • Gone With The Wind NOTHING CUT BUT THE PRICE MISS CHRISTLIEB HONORED AT STATE UNIVERSITY Marilyn Christlieb, Ashland, was awarded a letter at the Uni­ versity of Oregon for participating in sports. Miss Christlieb, a graduate of Ashland high school, is a senior majoring in physical education at the university. She is the daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Christ­ lieb. She is a member of Amphib­ ian, womens’ swimming honorary. ------------ •------------ LOLITA PIERSON INITIATED INTO HONORARY SOCIETY Lolita Pierson, Ashland, has been initiated into Pi Lambda Theta, women’s education honor­ ary, at the University of Oregon. Miss Pierson, a graduate of Ashland high school, is a junior majoring in music at the univer­ sity. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Pierson. By 1 TOLD YOU SO Whether or not weekly wrest- lmg matches, which resume next Monday alter a four-month layoff, will continue to be held at Med- ford armory each week depends entirely on the support ox the taxis. Promoter Mack Lillard will be- gin the weekly festivities April 21 on a trial basis only, which will continue five or six weeks. If the tans show enough enthusiasm dur- uig this trial period to warrant continuation of these matches Lai- lard will do just that; otherwise, valley fans will have to go to Klamath Falls where Lillard pro­ motes wrestling every Tuesday evening. Mat bugs can't blame Lilian! for his decision, either, since the impressario dropped a tidy sum during 1940 through Medford grapple cards. 1939 was no money­ making year as far as Lillard was concerned while 1938 showed a slim profit. Taking the wrestling cards away from Medfoni will be taking money out of the pockets of Ash­ land business men. Lillard spends close to $400 a year in Ashland alone for advertising and almost everytime the grapplers go thru to Klamath Falls they stop in some Ashland eating house for a meal and those with families have, in the past, stayed in Ashland tounst camps and bought Ashland groceries. This, of course, is in addition to money dropped in Medford. If any guy deserves support of the public in an undertaking, that guy is Lillard. He is one of the grandest fellows Hindsight has ever known, having been ac­ quainted with him almost all of. the writer's life, and he is a right smart promoter. Several fans, in the past, have complained to I Told You So about Lillard bringing so many j faces back to Medford. What they do not know is that those men Lillard brings to Medford are the best possible to secure in the jun­ ior heavyweight division and often the men Lillard puts in the pre­ liminary spots are top notch wrestlers who hold down main event positions in the arenas of big cities all over the United States. So, come on wrestling fans, and let’s set aside all the Monday nights for a trip to Medford to take in the wrestling matches, Prices are kept down to where all can afford to a swell evening’s entertainment and at the same time see some of the country’s best athletes in action. • ----------- e--------- lliuinv Sa, l<-h, aiMivr, luid lliui- ny MeShain, Pacific coast jun­ ior heavy weight champion, will meet in the one hour nuiiii event at the Medford armory Monday night inaugaruting the IDA I wrestling «u-UMon there. County P-TA Meet Held Wednesday The county P-TA convention was held in Howard school near Medford on Wednesday. In the morning session new county offi­ cers were elected for the coming year These include Mrs.w A. H. Puhi of Medford, president: Mrs Jay Terrill of Talent, vice presi­ dent; Mrs. Joe W. Johnson of Medford, secretary; Mrs p. H Stansbury of Ashland, treasurer; Mrs H H Elhart. Ashland, first director and Mrs. R. I. Flaharty, Ashland, second director. In the afternoon the county superintendent. C. R. Bowman, discussed ’’Education in the World Today." The state convention will be held in Eugene April 22 to 24. and i 21 delegate« from this county are planning to attend. ------------ •------------ MISS KI TH HXRDY MARRIED LAST WEEK Miss Ruth Hardy, daughter of Mr and Mrs. P. R Hardy of Ash­ land. became the bride of Wood­ row W. Kitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchell of Oakland. Calif. Saturday, April 12 in The Little Chapel of the Flowers’’ in Berkeley. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her cousin, Mrs. Carl Olson, was matron of honor and Miss Hortense Smith and Miss Jacqueline Madden were brides­ maids Crane Kitchel, brother of the bridegromm. was best man. Following the ceremony a re­ ception was given in the Women's Civic club building. Mr and Mrs Kitchel motored to Timberline Many Reservations Lodge for their honeymoon, and upon their return they will be at For Music Festival home in Oakland where Twenty-six schools have already Kitchel is practicing law. signified their intention of enter­ ing the SOCE Music Festival, un­ TO ATTEND DENTAL MEET der the direction of Miss Louise and Mrs. G. B. Hull plan Wood tuff, of the College music to Dr. leave Saturday for San Fran­ department. This festival will be cisco where Dr. Hull will attend held at the college Thursday and a meeting of the California State Friday, April 24 and 25. Dental association Monday and The musical activities will in­ After the convention clude a junior band, demonstra­ Tuesday. plan to visit with Dr E G. tions of physical education danc­ they at Carmel. Calif, who was ing. rhythm band, a choral group, a Everett former Ashland resident. demonstrations of violin classes and choir groups from grades three to nine, an unchanged voice chorus, a boys’ mixed chorus, and a junior high school orchestra. From the advanced reservations, a total of 1395 students already plan to enter the festival. The following schools will be represent­ ed Antelope. Applegate, Ashland Lincoln School. Ashland Washing­ ton school, Ashland Junior high school, Bellview, Butte Falls. Cen­ tral Point, Dimmick, Eagle Point, Evans Valley, Gold Hill, Grants Pass, Jacksonville, Klamath Falls, Lone Pine, Medford. North Pine­ hurst. Oak Grove, Phoenix. Pro­ spect, Rogue River, Sams Valley, Talent, Wagner Creek. Wilderville, Willow Springs, and Wolf Creek. AT 8:30 EVERY (grizzlies To Meet Tiger Nine Today SAVICH " AND nu McSHAIN TO TOP ARMORY CARD Ernie I*iluso. popular Klamath Falls favorite, has been signed by Promoter Mack Lillard to meet the Bulgarian roughneck. Tiger Taakoff. in the middle event of the inaugural 1941 wrestling card at Medford armory Monday night. Opening the card at 8:30 p. m will be a pair of newcomers to Medford, Johnny Nemanic And Gust Johnson Danny Savich, former grid ace from University of Utah, will op- pose Dangerous Danny MeShain, Pacific coast Junior heavyweight champion, in the top one hour main event. Savich has just re­ turned from a successful campaign in Hawaii and weighs 205 pounds He will outweigh the champion about 20 pounds in a match that should really see the fur fly. Friday, Saturday KING OF THE LUMBER JACKS Wlth John Payne ami («loria Dixon Tin« “PONY POST” with John Mack Brown Jerry Giiatineau's Ashland high baseball team will go to the ¡«mt for the third time this season when they croan bats with Med­ ford high'« Tigers on the Med­ ford diamond at 3:30 this after­ noon Til«’ GilZZllcs have ¡><