Friday, April 18, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 I (DI THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RABBITS AND SKINS Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young 01 BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN Poultry, rabbits, rabbit aklns. Write post card for prices. Prices very high now. Raby * Co.. *3S B. W. Front, Portland, Ore. RABBITS AND RABBIT SKINS WANTED. Overhaoser, K. 7. Spe- kane. Olea. 2224J4. STRAWBERRY PLANTS ROCKHILL ICVERBEARINQ STRAW­ BERRIES CLUMPS. It hundred; large plants 13 hundred postpaid; 120 thousand. Fred Moblnson. Bl, Boa 32. Yelm, Wash. OPPORTUNITY WASXIWGTOW BBAUTT COLL1Q1 Established 1*13 — MAIn 302». Free tools and uniforms included In our new special low rates on tuition. Why not have a lifetime profession* 1530 Second Ays. Beattie, Wash. TOPC. ALWAYS PLENTIFUL FOR MOLER-TRAINM» HARRERS MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 327 S. W. Third Ave. Fortland. Ora. TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parts, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A 8. E. Hawthorne. By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA They Talk Too Much in Beauty Parlor* ' Y'KNOW, FRANCE9, SOME FRESH GOVE RNMENT MAN IS COMING TO SEE ME ABOUT MY 1934 INCOME TAX - I HOPE I DIDN'T ____ _ DO ANYTHING f I\ WRONG WHY,THEY Y I KNOW-BUT CHECK UP ON I’M SURE I EVERYBODY,/MUSTA MADE COUNTESS ) SOME MISTAKE ------------ BECAUSE I ---- V*______ \ CAN'T ADD TWO __----------------------- AND TWO r-' IT’S ONLY A MATTER OF FORM- YOU'RE PERFECTLY SAFE THANKS, DEARIE! I FEEL RELIEVED — I’LL GIVE YOU A GOOD TIP . 1/ SALLY. AIN'T IT AWFUL! - MRS. IJ MARKEY'S HUSBAND GOT IN AN INCOME TAX JAM AN' THEY GAVE HIM TEN YEARS IN THE JUG! i L \0 VO SEEDS ■ I i o * • o S’MATTER POP—Pa«« It On to the Army I ✓ / Äc 'Hin i J > - Frank Jay Markey Sradicate, Ine. a. FILMS 8 PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Quality Picture Co. Boa W3573, Portland, Oregon. DOMES WHITE HOLLAND TURRET FARM. All breeders officially Ore­ gon pullorum tested; eggs now ready. Poults 325 to 345 per 100. Egg prices sent on request. Manry W. Domes, Rickreall, Oregon. r V 4. SPECIAL REGISTERED KARAKULS: LITERA­ TURE and prices on request. Gim- llns Karakul Farm. Pomeroy, Wash. TURKEYS 7z f Portland, Ore. By C. M. PAYNE CRESTED WHEAT SEED, llo: Ap­ proved strain, smooth brome, 18c, guaranteed to meet state seed laws for purity and of high germination. Fred Hoffman, *. Mo. 1. Pullman, Wash. FARMS FOR SALE ISO Acres all fenced. 35 In Alfalfa. Second growth timber. Well water, buildings, good alfalfa soil, 5 miles from two good towns. Price 33MO cash. H. B. Wollin. Valley, Wash. ESTATE. 2000 acre stock farm, 70 cattle. 14 horses. Equipped, good buildings. 310.000. Barnes * Thayer 313 Pine, Bllensbnrg, Wash. HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS MESCAL IKE Business Going On After Alterations Chopped onions and celery, browned in chopped salt pork, im­ prove the flavor of green beans, stewed tomatoes or carrots. • • • Jerusalem cherry trees require twice as much water as other plants. Set pot with tree in it into water that comes up just over top of pot and let stand until water bubbles up. • • • Word of caution: If you are not going to wear your new hos® promptly, rinse them carefully in warm water. This will prolong their wearing qualities. • • • Add a tablespoon of flour to creamed butter and sugar before adding milk, when making a cake. This coats rhe fat particles and keeps the mixture from curdling. DON’T BE BOSSED POP—Another Try By J. MILLAR WATT BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY • When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as million» do —take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you «tart ths day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturb your night’s rest or interfere with work the next day. Tty Feen-A-Mint, tha chewing gum laxative, yourself It tastes good, it’s handy and economical... a family supply FEEN-A-MINT To J Lights Out! Jack—All the light goes out of my life when I leave you, my dear­ est. Jane—And all the lights in ths room go out when you come to see me, my love. THE WORLD AT ITS WORST ; middle - ages WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICEII Thousands of women are helped to go smil­ ing thru distress pecul­ iar to women—caused by this period tn life— with Lydia E. Pink­ ham's Vegetable Com­ pound— famous for ,___ i. Pinkham's Compound over 60 years. — made especially for women— has helped thousands to relieve such weak, nervous feelings due to thia functional disturbance. Try ltl :::::: :::::::: BARGAINS :::::: :::::::: oèeeôs êoaôeeè! :::::: :::::: :::::: ■Otiti i::::::: —that will save you many a dollar will escape you if you fail to read carefully and regularly the advertising of local merchants » * » George, I Insist on knowing just what you've got tn mind!”