Friday, April IH, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I About People You Know | • Mr und Mrs Sid lived and daughter were Jacksonville vlsit- ois Sunday. • Mis. Ailema Bonderson of ¡»unamult visited with her mother M in Muriel Neeley thia week. w mins sama i vuige of Junction v.ily visited with her mother,Mra. blank Fchlge last week end. • M i and Mra. H. B Kellum in Medfoid were Sunday guests of al im atmy Lewis and daughters. • Mr und Mrs Steve Whipple and VugUliu Luomis of Medford visited on Easter with Mr. und MAI 4. W. . lieagl Joe Kiel of Myrtle Creek vls- • ited wlth Mr. and Mis. Jo^n Kiel last week end. James Cady, a student at Humboldt state college in Arcata, California »¡»ent Eawler vucation with tils pm villa, Mr and Mia. •M.i.wr- el), Robert, Esther. Carol Harold and Clifford Fowler; Mr. and Mra. Keneth Hartwel and son and Mr. and Mrs Virgil Jackaon. • Miss U>ls Welch, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Will Welch, waa married April 10 to Irvin Roas, son of Mr. and Mrs William T. Rosa of Ilwaco, Wash. Rev. Ward C MacHenry. a former pastor of the Ashland Presbytertan church, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa will make their home in Bellview. • Floyd Putrtam of Eugene vis­ aed won ma daughter, sunn Shirl­ ey Putnam, on Euster. • Miss Mary Powell of Portland sjtent the week end with her par­ ents. • Mr ami Mrs. Albert Pederson, Clara Pederson, and Arwood Hall went to Klamath Falla and Bly Sunday. • M in Mra. Brady, Charles Frank Charles Edwards. Mra Warren, Mra. Wesley Heed, and M in . Verne Tempter atended the Royal Neighbor convention in i'oilUMd thia week. W Mr. and Mrs. O. H Johnson and son of Henley were Sunday visitors al the home of Mr. and M in It L. Burdick. • Mra. Helen Skidmore enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skid- inoie at dinner blaster Sunday • Mr and Mrs O. A MacKinnon ami aon of Medford »pent Easter Sunday with Mia Anna Scheider- citer • Mr. and Mra. (Jordon Duffield of San Lula ‘Obispo, California visited several days thia week with Mr. and Mra? Harley Duf­ field • Mrs Katherine Johnson and daughter of Klamath Falls visited several days with Mr» R. A Barker. • Mr ami Mrs D»uis Dodge have returned home after a visit to U>s Angeles. • Mr. C. R. Bowman attended the Intend Empire Educational Association meeting in Spokane last week Mrs Bowman accoinp- anted him on the trip • Mrs M E Carroll and aon Visited with friend» in Corvada during the spring vacation. • Mra E. O Smith was hontena to the Fortnightly Study club Monday. Mra. C. E Pratt, presided, over the business meeting Mra. J. | P Daugherty reviewed "Out of the Night" by Jan Valtin, and Mra. Walter Herndon reviewed a book written by Rollo Walter Brown. TALENT NEWM • Talent Townsend club will meet Tuesday evening. April 22. at the city hall. An Irish stew potluck supper will be served at 6.30. Club at 7:30 There will be speak­ ing on .the Boy Scout movement. Everyone who is Interested in the Boy Scouts is cordially Invited to attend. • The Talent school band played at the “ 8OCE .......... .................. Wednesday morning at last week. • Mr and Mra Fred Woods mov­ ed ie Ashland laat week. • Joe Walden, local boy haa been called for the draft and will leave Talent Monday. • Mr and Mrs H O Butterfield made a trip to Hyatt lake last week They report very little anow in that vicinity. • Bert Miller of Ashland waa a business caller In Talent Friday. • Myrle Huff of Ashland was a • uest of Mr and Mrs R F. Parks Sunday. • Mrs Alameda Russell of Ash- land visited Mrs. Anna Dickey Sunday. • Fred Hodapp returned to Tai- ent Friday from Redding where he was employed the past two weeks • Ralph Conner visited his par­ enta. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Conner, and other relatives a few days on hla way to Alaska. He waa trans­ ferred from San Francisco , Ralph is in the medical corpa of > the navy. | • Mr. and Mrs. Lee Buckmaster of Lodi. Calif, are visiting rela- J lives here In the valley this week Mrs. Buckmaster formerly was Catherine Estes • Mr. and Mra. Jack Vance of Page 5 HILT NEWS BF.I.I.VIEW NEWN NEWS FROM • Rosemary Bell returned home • The Ladles club met Thursday ' Monday from a week's visit with afternoon at the club house wltn her sutler and husband, Mr. and Mr» 'I QtMMMM as hostess. Fol­ By SCHOOL STUDENTS lowing business, the afternoon Mrs. Aden Miller of Seattle. A few weeks ago, the sixth W M in . W. W. Bowden and infant was spent at cards with Mrs grade Joined uie Juioor Red Cross daughter Mary Lee have returned Vernal Nebeker winning high by paying -wo cents. They got home from the Community hos­ pnze and Mr». Lloyd Lup<-r low theii pins after they paid their Others present were Mesdames pital money Monday, April 14, they • Mrs. Mark True accompanied Fred Haynes. Hay Elliott, Ken­ received a Red Cross calendar, Mrs. W. D. Jackson and Mrs neth Brown, John Kalivet, John the Junior Red Cross songs and Oldenburg of Ashland to Roseburg I »<• Witt, Walter Marika arid the a very attractive poster. Each r'uesuay where they attended a guest of honor, Mrs. A. P. War- month they will give them help­ Refreshments two-day meeting of the South­ lens of Durham. ful suggestions in their studies. were served. western Presbyterial. Five children of the fourth • Mr and Mrs Floyd Parks of • A group or little folks gathered grade ha.c Mien absent with al the home of Mra. Diamond Central Point and Mr and Mr». ; chicken pox and measles. The ix-wis Pankey and Mrs. Emil Newman Friday for an Easter egg chi.dien are Joyce De Vore, John hunt TliOiie present were Howard I GawNman were dinner guests at and Delbert Nelson, Lawrence and Beare, Venita Roberson, Ellen the Walter Davis home Sunday Swingle, and John Payne. Their • Mr. and M in . George Yockel I Mertte Geroy, Ricky Pianka. Ter- j clawsmates are very glad to have ry, Calvin, Doug and Dale New ­ were business visitors in Medford man, Virginia and Marjorie St. them back. Saturday. The girls in Room Five of Un- ' I Clair, Joanne, June, Jimmy and • Mr and Mrs. Robert Bell of coin school challenged the girls in Roger Smith, Ruth Rosecrans, < louiiialh rails spent the week-end Sherill Smith, Shirley Anne Black, room six for a game of baseball, i with Mr. and Mrs. R. E Bell. The score waa six to two in favor Badger spent Patay and Mnky Henderson, Mau- of Hoorn Six. It was a good game. • Mis. Horace r uesday afternoon with Mra. A. rine Ryce, Arthur and Ruth Pe­ The referee was Ione Hills. derson, Donna Lange, Peter and R. Kincaid. On Easter, the fifth grade boys • Tne fair board met with Mr. Lillian Franklin, Jimmy and Val­ >nuis Belangie, area supervisor of the Surplus Marketing adminis­ tration. Charges were for selling such items as gasoline, cigarettes, beer and other non-food commodities in exchange for food stamps "It is unfortunate that there always are a few who try to beat the game," said Belangie. "The vast majority of food retailers in the northwest are doing a com­ mendable job in selling the farm­ ers' surplus crops through the stamp plan and it is with their cooperation that we are going to eliminate the violators from shar­ ing in the stamp business." Penalties for misuse of food stamps include being disbarred from further participation in the plan, jail sentence up to 10 years or fines up to $10.000. Belangie pointed out that the public assistance person using stamps is liable to the same penalties. You can't sue an automobile if it »mashe» into your car and* costly damage. And it’s usele** to sue the owner if be can’t pay any judgment you might get. You’d have to pay the repair bill yourself . . . unle«M you were protected by Collision In.Mirance. Every car owner should have it. We'll gladly tell you how to obtain it economically. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 FIRST N MORE MEN I » BUILD YOUR CREDIT REPUTATION for other Bank Loa ns... money for any purpose when needed An increasing number of men are enjoying the satisfaction and distinction of shirts that have been sent to us for laundering. THEY LOOK NEATER AND STAY NEAT LONGER SEND US YOURS ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 : 31 Water St “For the ideal washday— Just call, That's all." SAVE TIME & RED TAPE » 41 Convenient Branches.., ENJOY LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS arranged to fit your budget G. H. WINNIR, Managar ASHbARD BRRACH FIRST DATIORRb BRAK OF PORTLAND FINANCR YOUR NRW OR USRD CAR WITH THI LIADIR! 41 East Main