Friday, April 11, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 J’VILLE WINS OVER AHS NINE Friday and Saturday! X MC »MTUBEI paired with fighting punch and power! Filmed in Technicolor Forest Fire Fight Takes Large Sum Jackie Cooper “GALLANT SONS” SUN* MON* TUE A METSO -GOLD WYN MA YEH PICTURE WITH OSCAR BOMOLKA FELIX BiESSAiT EVE ARDEN J Every Wednesday BARGAIN MATINEE 15c. GEORGE ROBERT HARGADINE Funeral services were held last Friday afternoon for George Rob­ ert Hargadine at the Litwiller Funeral home with Rev. C. A. Brostrom in charge. Casket bear­ ers were C. A. Youngs, A. H. Beagle, W. J. Beagle, Noel Tay­ lor, Ben Bowers and H. Hosier. Mr. Hargadine was a native of Ashland, having been bom here Sept. 9, 1865. He is survived by his wife and one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Ogilvie of San Francisco “Claret” “Well I do de-“CLARET” iM-ats all the service I have gotten at PETE'S LUNCH” said the man to his friend. “Why don’t you eat there?” Pete's Lunch EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER Friday, Saturday I “BEHIND THE NEWS” With Coincident with th«* adoption of a comprehensive forestry program and by th«* Oregon legislature, cornea publication of th«* results of a. study by Dr. W H. Dreecon, ag- I and rlcultural economist at Oregon Stat«* college, entitled "Fl none-! ing Fir«* Protection for Timber Lands tinder Oregon laiws.” I Some of Dr. Dreeaon’a findings, i made available prior to publica­ tion, are refl««cte|MMilng «lai«' for weekly wrestling cards at Medford armory. Lillard said he would attempt to get Ihuigerous Danny Mc- Nhala to meet sonn* good op- |HMient If |MM»ail»le. Jacksonville's Redskins evened the score for a previous beating when they trimmed the Ashland high Grtzxlies baseliall team 8-4 at Jackmui’ille Monday. Ashland won the other contest 7-4. Errors and bad first and fifth innings contributed to Ashland's defeat, along with an injury suf­ fered by the hard-hitting catcher, Joe Peterson, in the first frame. McGinty, third twseman for the Indians, came home under a long fly and slid into Peterson, who was unable to continue the game. Jandreau, Ashland pitcher, con­ nected with the longest hit of the day, a triple: Russ Hawk hit a pair of doubles and Bud Provost slammed a two-base hit. Score bv innings: RHE Ashland ... 000 200 2 4 8 5 J’ville 400 040 0 8 5 2 ------------ •------------ TALENT NEWS • Vaughn Garman was injured at the local sawmill Saturday. He was caught between two rolling logs. His injuries were very paui- ful but an x-ray examination at the Ashland Community hospital showed no bones broken. He is confmed at his home and is rapid­ ly recovering. • The Home Economics club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Har­ vey Walters in an all-day meeting. • The YGA met in Talent Wed­ nesday evening. • Lyle Tame is spending the week at his ranch on Dead Indian. • The concert by the high school band and orchestra at the gym Friday night was enjoyed by a well filled house. Mr. Myers, mu­ sical instructor, is to be highly praised for the efficient manner in which the concert was con­ ducted. Interest shown in music at the school is something of which we as citizens should be proud. • Donald and Joe Walden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carol and family near Trail Sun­ day. • Talent Scouts will aid with col­ oring and hiding eggs for the Easter hunt in Lithia park Sun­ day morning. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Levander of the Bagley orchard left Tuesday morning on a business trip to Bend. • Mrs. Bill Hotchkiss made a trip to Klamath Falls Tuesday and brought back a load of grain. , • William Boyd of Crescent City was a Talent visitor last week. ! Boyd formerly resided here. • Supt. C. R. Bowman visited the Talent school Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Eaton were shopping in Medford Monday af­ ternoon. • Earl Jones was admitted to the Community hospital in Ashland Sunday evening for an emergency appendectomy. Earl carries the Mail Tribune in the Wagner Creek district. • Mr .and Mrs. Archie Fems called at the home of Mr. and • Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey Sunday, afternoon. • Miss Velma Newlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Newlin, and Lowell Caldwell of St. Helena, 1 Calif, were united in marriage at 8 o’clock Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Joseph Knotts of the Methodist church in Medford read the ser-1 vice. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Newlin home with 20 guests attending. The couple left Sunday morning for St. Helena where they will make their home. • Talent grange celebrated its 13th anniversary Thursday night of last week. A covered-dish din­ ner opened the meeting. A huge birthday cake baked by Mrs. Har­ vey Walters was the centerpiece for the table. It was divided into four parts, one for the 75th anni-1 versary of the founding of the national grange, one for the 13th anniversary of Talent grange, a third part for members having birthdays during the first quarter and the fourth dedicated to Eas­ ter. A good program followed, opened by W. W. Robinson, who gave a talk on the history of the national grange. Many others par­ ticipated in the program. ------------ •------------ BELLVIEW NEWS (Continued from page five) Victor has been called to draft for April 9, to report at Portland. • Helen Kruger is confined to her home this week with measles. • Kenneth Wenaus who is em­ ployed at Dunsmuir in the round­ house was taken to the Southern Pacific hospital at San Francisco last week for an appendectomy, • The boys’ 4-H club met Friday night at the home of their leader, Homer Moore. County Club Lead­ er Francis met with the club. • Mrs. Floy Samford was called to Arizona last week by the illness of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dill. • J. Z. Walker and son Tom have purchased the 10-acre tract of land adjoining the Walker ranch from H. G. Enders. • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coats of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Peterson of Portland visited Wed­ nesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis. Mrs. Coats and Mrs. Wallis are cousins. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson of Bakersfield, Calif, were guests at the Wade Wallis home Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs Wallis are cousins. • Upper Valley Community club will give an entertainment April ’ W W W« . . >■! PETER MI NCIE, SERGEANT, USA CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street)