Page 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, April 11, 1941 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family REMEDY 1/ CONSTIPATED? Have you ever hoped for an excellent lax­ ative tor your special care that le easy and pleasant to take without unpleasant or embarrassing results? Thousands have, and this cams laxative has been pre­ scribed by their own doctors. These price­ less. pure white tablets are now available to you In our special size battle, sent post­ paid tor only tl 00 Results GUARAN­ TEED or money refunded NATIONAL HEALTH LAB. IM S. La Salle St.. Dept. 103. Chicago, tn. By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP NURSERY STOCK »00.000 fruit and nut trees. 70* varieties. Free 40 psgo catalog. Roses, flowering, shade trees, eta Tualatin Valley Nurseries. Sherwood. Oregon. RABBITS AND SKINS Poultry, rabbits, rabbit skins. Write post card for prices. Prices very high now. Ruby k Co.. 036 S. W. Front, Portland, Oro. RABBIT8 AND RABBIT SKINS WANTED. Overhauser, R. T. Spo­ kane. Glen. 333434. STRAWBERRY PLANTS ROCKHILL EVERBEARING STRAW­ BERRIES. CLUMPS, 15 hundred! large plants 13 hundred postpaid; 12» thousand. Fred Robinson, Rl, Box 33. Yelm, Wash. ________ LALA PALOOZA She Hears the Prisoner’s Song OPPORTUNITY WASHIHQTOM BBAUTY COLUiGN Established 1*1» — MAln 101». Free tools and uniforma Included la our new special low rates on tuition. Why not have a lifetime profession! 1530 Second Ave. Seattle, Wash. THDC. ALWAYS PLENTIFUL FOR JLJDO. HOLER-TRAINED BARBERS MOLER BARBER COLLEGE an S. W. Third Ave. Portland, Ore. TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parte, bodies, tires, hoists ad used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th 4 S. E. Hawthorne. . Portland. Ora SPECIAL REGISTERED KARAKULS: LITERA­ TURE and prices on requesL Gim­ li ns Karakul Farm. Pomeroy, Wash. MESCAL IKE You Can’t Talk to Pa That Way By s . l huntley FILMS g PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Quality Picture Co. Box W3573, Portland. Oregon. TURKEYS DOMES WHITE HOLLAND TURRET FARM. All breeders officially Ore­ gon pullorum tested; eggs now ready. Poults 125 to 145 per 100. Egg prices sent on request. Henry W. Domes, Rickreall. Oregon. BABY CHICKS CHICKS—Leghorns, Hampshire», R I. Reds. U. S. breeding approved. U. S. Pullorum tested, straight er sexed, as low as 17.75 per 100. W.L. cockerels »1.76 per 100. Catalog, Ogdon’s Farms, Hubbard, Oregon. SEEDS CRESTED WHEAT SEED. 11c: Ap­ proved strain, smooth bromo, lie, guaranteed to meet state seed laws for purity and of high germination. Fred Hoffman, R. Mo. 1, Pullman, Wash. By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Highly Special Training I’M “TRAIHlrfTO MARCH WITH c^RAHPA! on an Difference tn Energy The real difference between men Is energy. A strong will, a settled purpose, and invincible determina­ tion, can accomplish almost any­ thing; and in this lies the distinc­ tion between great men and little men.—Thomas Fuller. À By J. MILLAR WATT Stomach QUINTUPLETS CHEST coins use MUSTEROLE for Mother-Give Your CHILD This Same Expert Caret At the first sign of the Dionne Quin­ tuplets catching cold—their chests and throats are rubbed with Children’s Mild Musterole— a product made to promptly relieve the DISTRESS of children's colds and resulting coughs. The Quints have always had the best of care, so mother—you may bo assured of using just about the BEST product made when you use Musterole. MORE than an ordinary “salve”— warming, soothing Musterole helps break up local congestion. Also made in Regular and Extra Strength for those preferring a stronger product. Prosperity anil Adversity Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes, and Adversity is not without comforts and hopes. —Bacon. Mouthfuls HERE’S WHAT TO DO ABOUT rHAlic'YESYIN REPLY L I 4©^SUIMPr If that “washed out,” sluggish feeling le due to temporary constipation, try Garfield Tea tonight. Cleanse Internally this mild, pleasant way. Tire lees quickly — feel. look, work better all day long. 10c—Me at drugstores. GARFIELD TEA For Prompt Relief DURING ENSUING DIVER without opiate* or quinine GARFIELD HEADACHE POWDER 10c 2Sc See doctor if he.idache* persist WNU—13 15—41