Friday, April 11, 1941 I SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 BELLVIEW NEWH To Install New j G I’-TA Hirers April 18 About People You Know • Rev. and Mrs C. A Brostrom visited in Grunts Puss Bunday. I • Mrs. L. I< Stilson of Sacramen­ ! to visited her parents, Mr, and Mis. L. R Holbrook, several days , this week. I • A. W Swingle of Hun Francis­ co has returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young. • Tiie P-TA of Washington school had an interesting meeting last Friday afternoon. Following several features given by school children, Dr. Arthur Taylor spoke on "Children of Democracy.** The following officers were elected: President, Mrs C. L Wolff, vice president, Mrs. A. L. Schneider; secretary, Mr» Chester Correy. mid treasurer, Mrs Stanley Leon­ ard. Mrs Schneider was elected delegate to attend the P-TA con­ vention in Eugene April 22 and 23. i A social hour concluded the af­ ternoon Mrs Schneider. Mrs Ut- willer and Mrs Correy were host­ esses • Mrs Roy Ully of Lincoln vis- Red several days with Mr, and Mrs Jesse Lilly. • George Bchroedter of I-a Can­ ada. Calif was ii week-end guest at the Charles M Giffen home • W H Fox of Hilt was a busi­ ness caller here Saturday • Mr and Mrs. (Charles Hogue, who spent the winter In Phoenix. Artz, have returned home • Earl Hobbs of l-aknvlew spent the week end with Mr and Mrs N W Heard • The Christian Missionary so­ ciety will meet April 17 nt the home of Mrs Earl Rogers • Mrs. G H Hess visited with friends and relatives in Roseburg last week, • J E Merritt and Mrs Dale Walls went to Medford Humlay to see Billy Merritt, who had been injured In nn auto wreck the day before. • Guy Newton of Monmouth vis- lied Mr. and Mrs. Gary Newton «uesday. • Among those going to Shasta dam Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C B. Howard, Denver Kincaid, Mrs T. A Morris and Mr. and Mrs. John Pcfley. • A fine musical program under direction of Miss laicle Landen was given at the IJncoln P-TA inc.-dog Friday afternoon. A busi- nes meeting followed in which the following officers were elect­ ed. President, Mrs. Charles Mua- cutt; vice president, Mrs. R. E. Van Vlcet; second vice president, Mrs Dave Kerr; secretary, Mrs. Monte Wray, and treasurer, Mrs Marion Carter Light refreshments were served at conclusion of the meeting. Bruner of Yuba Hazel ‘ “ • Miss " City is visiting in Aah)an ono**» T ater ^^ hoi electric 9^ $ Charlene Roberson, Glen De Vore, Lois Rowton and George Fullerton of room eight are ab­ sent because of illness. Mary Lou­ ise Hahn went to Scappoose, Ore., to visit her father. ------------_•------------- MRS. EMMA CAMPBELL I $147,782,488.32 MEMBER egg Funeral services were held at the Litwiller Funeral chapel Thursday, April 3 for Mrs. Em­ ma Campbell. She was bom Sept- 14, 1868 in Hartville, O. and pass­ ed away at Ashland March 31. She is survived by her husband, L. W. Campbell, and five children: Mrs. Fem McComb and Mrs. A. M. Ramey, Portland; Rev. Paul Campbell of Lynden, Wash.; Mrs. F. M. Stratton, Weed, Calif, and Evan Campbell of Marshfield. Her son, Rev. Paul Campbell, officiated at the services and interment was in Mountain View cemetery. 136,126,241.07 Total Liabilities By SCHOOL STUDENTS Come in and get your new’ tires or that recapped job NOW while our supply lasts. Use of the telephone puts a friendly, cheery, personal note into countless human messages. We who serve your telephone want you to feel the constant presence of the “Voice with a Smile” in every department of LIABILITIES , DON’T USE OLD TIRES! R E S O U R C E S I REV. EDGAR RESIGNS DRIVE SAFELY! Phone 3911 • Relatives have received word • Delegates to the Southwest Or- e Mias Roberta Wertz, teacher in of the death of Fred Patterson, Ton Presbyterial society held at Crook county, visited with her sis­ former resident and pioneer in Ro.teburg Tuesday and Wednes- ter, Mias Norma Jean Wertz, last thia section of the country. He uuy included Mrs. W D. Jackson, Saturday. whs an uncle of Mrs John Potter ,.ir Mark True. Mrs. Virgil Jack- • Corporal Karl Holbrook of Fort of this city. son and Mrs James H Edgar. • Be.lview P-TA will meet Fri­ • Milo O’Harra spent the week- Mis. Edgar is president of the Ord, Calif is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. L. R Holbrook, thia day afternoon, April 18. There will end in I?,« Angeles on business. oi I'anization. week. be installation <»f officers and re­ ports from the county council Meeting. Mrs R D. Reynolds and ■ a Mis. A M Ring were named del­ egates to attend the county coun- » < i meeting at Howurd school next Wednesday. • Mrs. Mary Cabler returned Sunday night fioin a week's visit to S icraniento . She is planning to spend several weeks with her sis­ ter. Mrs. Mallnda King. • Mr. and Mrs W. O. Martin weer dinner guests at the Roy Talbot home Sunday. ★ • Mias Opal Eastman of Medford spent the week-end with Miss Chur oUe Hamilton. • L. D Meservey left last week for a visit to his old home in Michigan. He has been away for 32 years. • Aunt Jane McCoy returned to her home in Ashland Monday af­ ter spending the past 10 days with Mrs. Mallnda King. • Alice Metcalf is staying in Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $47,881,649.37 Medford this week with her sis­ ter. Mrs. Alford Randle. United States hjonmi ( aii at par or 35,893,4o5.67 $83,775,105.04 • Mr and Mrs Mark Keltz have sold their ranch and plan to move Municipal Bonds and Warrants 4,424,259.27 9 sometime in May. Other Bonds .... 6,452,286.10 • Mr and Mrs Harry Farmer and Donald Farmer have returned Loans and Discounts—Money at Work in Oregon 49,687,682.38 to their home at Nubieber, Calif, Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ............................... 225,000.00 after spending last week with relatives here. Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures............. 2,739,813.40 • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bennett and Other Real Estate.................................................... 1.00 Mrs. Beulah Bennett of Medford were dinner guests Sunday of Mr Customers’ Liability on Acceptances .... 22,163.25 and Mrs Roscoe Applegate. Interest Earned...................................................... 358,747.95 • Mrs. Walter Hash attended a Other Resources...................................................... county committee meeting in Med­ 97,429.93 ford Monday for the extension unit • The home extension unit met Total Resources $147,782,488.32 last Friday for an all-day meet­ ing. A covered dish luncheon was served at 1 o’clock. Mrs. Hash and Mrs. Laninl were hostesses. Mrs. Brier-Jones gave a talk on Capital................................. $3,000,000.00 intestinal hygiene part I and part Surplus............................... 4,500,000.00 LI will be given next meeting The unit gave a shower for Mrs. Janes. Undivided Profits .... 1,203,157.62 Mrs. Heilmeyer, Mrs. Laninl and Reserves for Contingencies 1,821,005.44 10,524,163.06 Mrs. Ring were appointed on the nominating committee. Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, Etc 521,601.00 • Victor Lanini from Eugene Acceptances............................ spent last week-end with his par­ 22,163.25 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lanini. Interest Collected in Advance 537,838.63 (Continued on page 8) ------------- •------------- Other Liabilities 50,481.31 o Now on Display at your Dealer’s or your COPCO store I