Friday, April 11, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ★ TELEPHONE 8561 “THE TRUTH W1LLJ Boulevard mid Morton Street* Clurvnee E. McCall. Minister CHAS. M. GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers ¥ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. hiir Phlirnhoc Neighborhood Church vUi vIlUrLIIvb Congregational Trinity Episcopal Church MARIE'S MARIE ’S BEAUTY SALON BUY A HOME NOW! «5 N. Main Nt. <15 MI ihiii | hm > mid anil • Shampoo wW finger wave ream Oil • Permanent» Permiuieni» — < CnsMii und other» other* 50c Church school 9:45 a. in., Mia. Glenn Prescott, superintendent. Regular worship service, 11 a. Dr. ('laude K. Sayre, Vicar tn. Subject of sermon, "How Wide 5-riHiiii dwelling, 3 large 3 -room duelling, is Easter?" Christening, baptism loin lot» conveniently located locutixl to Holy Communion 7 a. m. Please and communion. »chools. Mchool». «1000. notice change of time. Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion «-room duelling, uell well loc- First Presbyterian 11 a. m. Tile choir has prepared -81 MOO. »14x1, |uivrd luivrd »Irret. alcd, street. -81Mrts issued by R A. Work, Med­ Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister ford, In charge of snow surveys /\n and Irrigation water forecasts for Sunday church school 9:45 a. m. the Soil Conservation service and Unbeatable Allen O. McGee, general superin­ OSC experiment station. tendent. Little or no snow was added to Pair Easter morning sermon 11 watersheds during February and j o’clock. "All Hail! His Easter March in most sections. While Greeting." The choir will sing the most soils on watersheds as well | anthem, "Easter Dawn," by Wil­ as in farming areas still are well son. and Mrs. E. O. Smith will soaked from heavy fall and early ■ Try Our Milk luid Crmun sing a solo, "We Shall Meet Be­ winter rains, irrigation water yond." from stream flow and reservoir AN ASHLAND PRODUCT At 6 p. m. the young people supplies will be critically short in will join in the Easter youth wor­ some sections though fully ample ship service at the Pi’esbyterian in others. ----------- •------------ church. At 7:30 the combined choirs of • Miss Betty Home of Chiloquin six churches will give the Easter spent the week-end with her par­ Clover Leaf Dairy cantata, "Hail the Victor." by Al­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Home fred Wooler. This will be a union • Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Robertson Phone «79? service at the Methorist church. visited in Grants Pass Monday. ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES' (In Advance) ONE YEAR.......... |1 50 SIX MONTHS.... .......80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) SET YOU FREE" Shall Strikes Imperil Nation! $2 3 4 5 Individual Man kure» Hoi Oil Nculp Nealp Treatment Phone 7151 Billings Agency Borrowing from the thought of Lincoln, as express­ ed at Gettysburg more than three quarters of a century FOR ago, it may now be said: MONUMENT Eight score and five years ago our fathers WORK brought forth on this continent a new nation, con- . of lieauty and quality, In marble, granile or bronce, or reived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition combination» of the«« ma­ terial», at honest price», »re that all men are created equal. Then it was the crisis of a great civil war—now: it is M. T. BURNS the crisis of totalitarian threat from without and labor I Next to I* O. Phone «301 strife within our own borders that is “testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicat­ IS YOUR PRESENT I4FE ed, can long endure.” INSURANCE ADEqUATE? In these crucial days when the fate of our nation hangs in the balance, when millions of people in Europe Mee already have been deprived of liberty of thought and STEVEN R. action, and when the surviving remnants of democracy are fighting desperately for self preservation, a small minority in the United States is permitted to wreak havoc with the national program of industrial produc­ tion of war materials, vital to defense and aid to Britain. If Hitler were, at the moment, directing affairs of the United States in his own interests, he could ask ko greater show of sympathy and co-operation freedom . . . that government of the people, by the *> than is now being evidenced by the numerous JONES CAN FIX IT people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” strikes in essential defense industries, the violence —Mansfield (Ohio) News-Journal. associated with the Bethlehem Steel and the Inter­ LEO’S Fin« Watch, Clock and Eye national Harvester strikes, the internal dissension G U m llofiulr. u BARBER SHOP in the ranks of organized labor and the revelations Rings made any »Ite you ul*h Work Guaranteed of racketeering methods used in collecting exorb­ First < la»» Hervir« itant initiation fees and dues in connection with construction work on government projects. Haircutting 35c JONES JEWELRY If Nazi, Fascist and Communist hirelings were "ON THE PIXZA" seeking a way to weaken this nation in its determ­ 4» No. Main Hl. ined course to safeguard itself from aggression and also to give all possible aid to Britain and the other 1 embattled democracies, they could pursue no more Mow ’em Down S-P ‘Shasta’ Has New effective course than to foment the disunity being evi­ After YOUR .Mower la Cafe-Lounge Car FREE PICK-UP denced by strikes in defense industries, or in the pro- CASH & CARRY CONDITIONED al Southern Pacific's "Shasta", DELIVERY duction of materials necessary to the steady maximum overnight train between southern output of these industries. Oregon cities and San Francisco, FIX IT SHOP has been Improved by the addl- But it is not Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin who is di­ l lion of a new cafe-lounge car, ac- recting the course of this nation—nor are Nazi, Fas­ ; cording to A. 8. Rosenbaum, dis- 1 trlct freight and passenger agent. GUY W. HUNT cist or Communist agents or sympathizers assumed to Funeral services were held in The new car, fresh from the have a voice of authority in either of the antagonistic shops, haw separate compartments Salem this week for Guy W Hunt labor organizations. for both dining and lounging. It who passed away at his home in Mr Hunt is completely air-conditioned and Jacksonville Monday It is President Franklin D. Roosevelt who is the has been beautified with new in­ was bom in Illinois July 11, 1881. executive head of this nation and also commander in terior color schemes and lighting After a long residence in Salem, arrangements. The lounge has he and Mrs Hunt moved to Jack­ “If it can be done, 169 East Main chief of its military forces. j ' deep-cushioned chairs and a radio. sonville two years ago Survivors we can do it” Phone «»Ml A recent statement by President Roosevelt bears) are his wife, one daughter. Mrs. • Dean Pieper was a business Jacob Weitzel of Ashland, three repeating, for the emphasis it merits: sisters and two brothers. X ‘ visitor in Medford Monday. “The determination of America ... must not be • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams obstructed by unnecessary strikes by workers, by of Medford were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. short-sighted management, or by deliberate sabo­ T. Newbry in Valley View. After tage. . . . Let me make it clear that the nation is dinner the group attended the musical program given by the calling for the sacrifice of some privileges but not young people’s choir of the Meth­ for the sacrifice of fundamental rights. That kind odist church. of sacrifice is for the common national protection and welfare; for our defense against the most ruthless brutality in history; for the ultimate vic­ tory of a way of life now so violently menaced.” And President Roosevelt also said: “Wise labor leaders and wise business managers will realize how necessary it is to their own existence to make common sacrifices for this great common cause.” Germany has no labor unions. Russia has no labor unions. Italy has no labor unions. The privilege of groups to organize and bargain collectively, and the “right” to strike, are accorded only to people who are adjudged capable of self government and who evidence willingness to proceed, in orderly manner, to exercise their privileges and rights under the law. Did you ever stop to count the many blessingH The time is again at hand for every American, in electricity brings you? There’s light for living, THAT’S whatever capacity he may serve, to at least tempo­ reading, working; power that gets your work rarily put bickering, greed and self interest in the GOOD ADVICE done quickly—even when you go outside your background and to once more become “dedicated to the While driving around, you ’ ve home, electricity is working for you in street great task that lies before us . . . and to highly resolve probably teen those Southern that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of lights, stores, m ivies. Pacific signs that say, "next SCHUERMAN Cleaning Specials SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS I 3 for 85c I 3 for $1.00 STANDARD CLEANERS Tireless...Inexhaustible...Electricity Saves Money, Work and Time! time, try the train”. Lots of people have taken that friendly advice. We know an automobile is handy, but the train offer, real advantages— particularly on long trips. BEGINNING THIS SEVENTH YEAR OF SERVICE ... WE PLEDGE ANEW— Always to serve our clients as their needs require and their wishes dictate; to put service before price, quality before profit; to be guides and counselors to those we serve; seek­ ing always to act in their best interests; to be honorable and fair in all our dealings and never violate what once we have promised. Try the train, next time. We think you’ll be glad you did. s- DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home C.M.LItwIller We Never Ciotte—Phone 4541 I The Friendly Southern Pacific Ste your local 8.P. agant or wrlta J. A. ORMAND Y, Gan. Paaa. Agent, 622 Pacific Building, Portland, Ora. Electricity has brought a better life for everyone. Electricity Is man’s greatest servant—and his least expensive one. I Here in Ashland, electrical service has steadily decreased in expense through the years, yet steadily increased in usefulness. Everyone can live electrically now—and enjoy life more. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”