Friday, April 11, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pag© 2 When Ford's River Rouge Plant Closed Ousted by U. S. W G Eleanor Roosevelt ART COLLECTION Washington. D. C. The other morning I spent an ITALIANS BITTER AGAINST hour at the National Gallery of Art DUCE Official and uncensored U. S. re­ looking at the early Italian primi­ ports from Italy tell an amazing tives. What a marvelous collection! story of resentment against Musso­ It seemed to me I had never seen lini. It is so strong that, according so many priceless treasures gath­ to U. S. observers, the present Fas­ ered together in one place. Mr, Da­ cist regime could not remain in of­ vid Finley and his staff are particu­ fice without the support of German larly happy over the fact that they have had between eight and nine troops. thousand visitors daily. So, beauty Most significant of all is the fact does appeal to the American public. that most of the Italian army is In the afternoon, I went to the heartily out of sympathy with II concert at the Library of Congress Duce. and Field Marshal Badoglio, to hear the Budapest String Quar­ ex-chief of staff, does not even at­ tette. which was a joy. tempt to conceal his criticism. Ap­ On the next afternoon. I went to parently Badoglio is so popular that tea at Mrs. Florence Kerr’s with Transfer No. 7.9272 Mussolini cannot touch him, for no the regional directors for the WPA attempt has been made to jail or community service projects. As CARDINAL, robin and barn­ exile him. usual. I was impressed with the swallow join with the red­ The sentiment of the Italian army amount of valuable service which the wing, chickadee, meuduw lark, explains in large part the recent fail­ bulk of the WPA projects render in bluebird and indigo bunting in ures in Albania and North Africa, every field of community life. bringing color to your lawn or gar­ where thousands of Italians have sur­ den. They come in natural size FUND APPEAL rendered. On the other hand, fight­ on this transfer, ready to be traced There seems to be one more fund Sound photo of Adm. Alberto Lals. ing in Ethiopia has been just the op­ to plywood, wallboard or thin lum­ appeal which cannot be ignored. It Italian i,aval attache at Washington, posite, with the Italians putting up whose recall was demanded of the ber. Cut them from the wood with a fierce resistance. This is ex­ Is the Royal Air Force Benevolent i jig, coping or keyhole saw and When the gigantic River Rouge plant of the Ford Motor company— Italian government by the United plained by the fact that the Italian Fund of the U. S. A. Inc. Their paint according to suggestions on offices are at 515 Madison avenue. States, In connection with the at ­ largest single industrial establishment in the world—was completely army in Ethiopia has not been in New York city and they are help­ closed by a strike of the United Auto Workers union, a C. I. O. affiliate, ! tempted sabotage of Italian ships In the pattern. Then place them id touch with conditions in Italy. trees or on bushes to brighten Ute ing the needy dependents of RAF American waters. There are now more Gestapo of- pilots, punners and observers, who tying up $150.000.000 in defense contracta. Photo shows a huge crowd of out-of-doors. workers being addressed by Ruelher and Taylor, leaders. ficers (German secret police) in are killed or disabled in the per­ e e e Rome than in Berlin. Together formance of their duty. Genera! cutout directions are on transfer with about 136,000 Nazi troops, the 7.0272. IS cents. Send order to: I think all of us have been stirred Gestapo are also stationed in every by the extraordinary services of the other key city in Italy. RAF. and you will perhaps be inter­ Al'NT MARTHA It is the Gestapo which has been ested to know that the royalties from Box IM W Kansas City, Mo. particularly active in isolating the the books written by Lawrence of Enclose IS cents fur each pattern American embassy, with the re­ Arabia, were willed by him some desired. Pattern Ne.,,,............. sult that Ambassador Phillips at time before his death to this fund, Name ......................... ................ .. present is able to see few people. which was founded in 1919. He, him­ Address ................................................. . If found talking to Phillips, his old self. enlisted as a mechanic in the Italian friends are warned, then ar­ RAF and was known in the service rested. Even other foreign diplo­ i as Aircraftsman Shaw. mats in Italy have received Gestapo One interesting thing about the warnings not to communicate with fund is that neither in England nor Copenhagen's first bombproof American diplomats. in the United States, does a penny shelter, built a short time ago, is raised go to overhead. The neces ­ Americans, however, are ex­ on the site where Ludvig Holberg, tremely popular with the Italian sary administrative expense is car­ the celebrated Scandinavian au­ people, who remember the efforts of ried on by the small group of peo­ thor, wrote his Epistolae in 1727. President Roosevelt to prevent the ple who were instrumental in set­ In it, says Collier's, Holbert pre­ war in the first place, and to keep ting up the fund. dicted that if men should ever Perhaps, because 1 like flying so Italy from entering the war. Also, learn to fly they would swoop the state department has facilitated much, I often think of that particu­ down upon and attempt to destroy the passage of certain Italo-Amer- lar branch of the military services. great numbers of innocent people icans back to Italy. Their work has I know that even in peace time pilots who, to save themselves, would worry about the care of their fami­ been effective. have to take refuge in holes in the lies in case they “ go west ” The Meanwhile, food scarcity in Italy ground. men who fly daily and nightly across has increased to the point where Count Paul Telekl, the premier Dramatic airview off Punta Arenas harbor. San Jose, Costa Rica, even the upper classes feel the food the enemy lines may meet death almost any time. All we can do is to ahowing the Nazi freighter Eisanbach burning as she goes down. It is who aligned Hungary with the Axis pinch. Poorer people are starving. Uncle Art Sayt: give them the assurance that those alleged that the fires were started by the vessel's own crew members. but fought German domination, was AU the reports indicate that when they leave behind will be cared for. Costa Rican authorities arrested 120 seamen and officers, who were found dead in bed. Authorities said XV ORTH WHILE friendships the break finaUy does come in Italy, he shot himself. DOCK THEATER clapped in Jail on arson charges. ’ ’ can always survive a quur- it wiU be an explosion of major pro­ In driving around the City of rel. But when 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i-------- you bottle up portions. Charleston. S. C., I passed the Dock your feelings they go sour. Street theater, which is one of the The man who never lends AAA CORN BATTLE interesting buildings erected by money has but few friends. But . e o • Inside the agriculture department WPA. The theater is charming and then, he doesn't need so many. ■ savage row is raging between AAA a real effort has been made, I un­ Snap judgments have a way advocates of acreage control and derstand, by certain people to re- of coming unstuck. apostles of larger farm production. | vive and present old plays. I have This time the battle is over corn. ■ been told that they have been charm­ Don't worry when you stum­ A referendum has been set for ingly done, but that the support is ble. Remember that a worm is May 31 to permit farmers to vote not really sufficient to warrant con­ the only creature that can't fall on wheat marketing quotas, and the tinuance of the effort. Audiences just down. dispute is whether to conduct a sim­ do not attend, and so it may be nec- I The snob's hero is the snob ilar election on com. Some of essary to close the doors of the Dock ! who snubs him. Opening Games Claude Wickard's boys say com is Street theater. This seems a sad The English office boy has a threatened with a price decline due waste. It is hard to understand why, New York at Brooklyn new one: He asks for a day off in this city of great culture and j to the loss of export pork markets to evacuate his grandmother St. Louis at Cincinnati in embattled Europe, but experts taste, such a program as has been who has been bombed. carried on is not successful finan ­ contend that pork is in for a big Pittsburgh at Chicago cially. boom under the defense and lend- MIDDLETON GARDENS Boston at Philadelphia lease programs. The sun has not been very kind to Inside fact is that Secretary Wick- us. The other day Miss Thompson a rd has just about decided to caU ■ay alaci the Heart and I walked around Middleton Gar­ off a plebiscite among com-hog Oaa uaeeM u> >*• er .» i I m •«, an like a dens in Valdosta, Ga., in the early kalr ulaaer aa U. heart at th. ■,« itti of 4t.iraaa farmers, unofficially scheduled for .n«art m*n and woman depend on lull ana TablaU la morning bemoaning the fact that m N gss fpM No laialive but made of tba fasuwg- next fall, despite the loud demands artlng medicine« known for arid I ■ »digestion. If lbw no sunlight danced upon the water, FIMNT lx INK dowwa'I prove Iteli-ant botiwe, return from Triple-A boss Rudolph M. [ boUAa 10 M lad r erette UOUBLK JM. Sta. or played through the leaves of the Evans, that one should be held.* trees. However, nothing can really Tuvans, spokesman of the big “cash­ spoil the beauty of those gardens and income” farmers, has been arguing Great Character we enjoyed our walk and came back Character is higher than intel­ that it is just as important to con­ to thank Mrs. Smith, who had invited lect. A great soul will be strong trol com as wheat. Opening Games us into her house. to live, as well as to think.—Emer­ For a time he seemed to have I always think that it must seem son. Wickard convinced. Up to a month ■ very odd to have strangers wander­ Chicago at Cleveland ago, Wickard was planning to slap ing around your garden. But she Detroit at St. Louis a 10 per cent curb on this year’s told us that though they marked with com crop by declaring marketing care “private residence” outside the Washington at Boston quotas, with stiff penalty taxes on house, people come in if they leave Philadelphia at New York excess production. The matter was the doors unlocked. One morning to be put up to com-hog farmers the maid heard some people in the in a referendum next fall. Concluding a three-year term as dining room and, on coming in, president of the Daughters of the However, Wickard now takes the found them examining some silver. The 1941 major league baseball season will open April 15. This year American Revolution, Mrs. Henry M. position espoused by small farm1 Of course, in Europe certain champions, particularly Milo Per­ houses with wonderful collections of teams face changing personnels, as players are called Into the army. Robert Jr. (above) will preside at the organization's fiftieth congress kins, aggressive chief of the Sur­ paintings, prints and furniture were Among leading players subject to call are Bob Feller, Cleveland Indians; The plus Marketing administration, that open to the public at certain times, Henry Greenberg, Detroit Tigers; John Rigney, Chicago White Sox; and in Washington, April 14-19. D.A.R. has 143,000 members. rising meat, poultry and dairy but never do I remember the fami­ Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox. prices will prevent a surplus this lies' living quarters open while they year, since farmers always fatten up were at home. When one owns their stock when prices justify it. works of art, there is an obligation Also, it is certain that a consid­ to let the public see them. But it erable portion of the huge 700,000,- seems to me, that the public has a 000-bushel carryover of com from certain obligation in return to re­ last year will be bought for foreign spect the privacy of the owners. shipment under the lend-lease pro­ Mrs. George Huntington drove gram. The Commodity Credit cor­ with us well on the road to Savan­ poration, which owns, or has under nah, and then we pulled up under loan, about 500,000,000 bushels of the some trees and ate a delicious picnic carryover, is st ongly banking on lunch. She feels as I do, that food eaten out of doors always has a bet­ this. So it looks as if Evans, who has ter flavor. I always rejoice when been warning farmers of a corn the time comes when we can have quota election this year, will have to breakfast and lunch on the porch at the White House. eat his words. A Axis Ship Burned by Crew Off Costa Rica Prophetic Author • • • Major Leagues Open Baseball Season 1). A. R. Convenes NATIONAL LEAGUE INDIGESTION AMERICAN LEAGUE I Strengthen Pan-American Solidarity Writers’ Meet MERCHANTS •Your Advertising Dollar * * * i We practically always eat on the . porch of my cottage at Hyde Park. The President likes to go even one step further and has the table put right out on the lawn. It may be a I trifle disconcerting if it begins to rain or, if towards evening, the mos­ quitoes begin to bite. From Savannah to Valdosta, we went through the turpentine coun­ Pan-American day, first observed 1« years ago, will be celebrated try. I can not help feeling that the April 14 in every independent country In the Western hemisphere. Map big slashes made in the trees must shows shortest distances between points in the Americas and the Old Stettinius wants to pay the addi­ be harmful to them, but they tell me World. With the airplane reducing these distances to hours, co-operation that the same trees are used for a between the Americas becomes increasingly Important. tional dividends. Labor wants to get number of years. DIVIDENDS VS. WAGES More altruistic than most big business leaders is Dollar-a-Year Man Edward Stettinius, chairman of the giant U. S. Steel corporation, which maintains cordial relations with SWOC, a C.I.O. union. Last year U. S. Steel paid stockholders 1100.000.000. This year it should pay about SIS«. 000.000. But now the Steel Workers union Is demanding a wage boost. the additional pay. buys something more than space and circulation in the columns of this news­ paper. It buys space and circulation plus the favor­ able consideration of our readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons, Writers from both Americas will attend the Inter-American writers* meet at Rio Pierdras, Puerto Rico, April 14-24. A. MacLeish (above) will head U. 8. group.