TJL fTI MLlU A WALlU H Li VIRE TU LNlWHÇl Friday and Saturday! :ljLuUJ4| ’ TO ODICIEN Y0U1 HEARTBEAT/ ITBEL VANCE'S »»»»»tioiai Lloyd Nolan in “PIER * t Friday, April 4, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 ................. ~=i Whei a Prwdiih Divorcee Shakes Loose Her Inhibitions.. BELIAIEW NEWS Prizes Offered For (Continued from page 1) church services at the home of Fire Control Slogans Mr and Mts. Ed Grimm Monday High school students through­ • Tile piny. "Look Who's Here,” I evening. out tne state are invited to take presented by the Hilt P-TA at tiie • Mr and Mrs. Leslie Lusk of part in a forest fire prevention nail Friday evening drew n good Glendale and Denver Kincaid were slogan contest now beUig spoil-| 111 attendance and was greatly en- dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and sored by the state board of for­ By I TOLD YOU SO I joyed. Those ui the cast were Mrs Mrs. A R. Kincaid. estry, the school of forestry at J-LJ1.I~--J~ - -- -- -------- — Virginia Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. • Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stenrud OSC, and the Oregon Forest j Vernal Nebeker, Jack Clark, Mis and Mrs. Stenrud’s mother, Mrs. Fire Association, Prospects for an Ashland entry Edward Ekwall, Mrs. Lucy Men­ Andrew Sorensen, left Wednes­ The state has been divided into | in the Southern Oregon baseball des. Marina Cunial and Elizabeth day morning for Mrs. Sorensen’s eight districts, with a f~ $5 cash ! league are dark and gloomy this home in Clark's Grave, Miiui. prize offered in each and a $10' year, what with no place to play. Brobeck acta. Tony Marin play­ Thev plan to visit Mrs. Stenrud’s grand prize. Each slogan is to And then, too, there still is the er! Between three solo selections on his ac­ brother aiui family at Denver en­ curry a message about protect­ awful taste in the mouths of of­ cordion and Miss Joyce Clawson route. Mrs. Sorensen has spent ing 'orests from their worst ene­ ficials which was left over from of Hornbrook the winter with Mr. and Mrs. my, fire. Each student may sub­ last season. No news as yet has electric guitar. played solos on her mit one slogan, which is to be drifted up to this end of the val­ Stenrud. The play wax followed by a • The birthday club surprised submitted in Ills or her hand­ ley regarding formation of a dance and refreshments were serv­ writing, together with name,date Southern Oregon league but, no Miss Gladys Whitson Sunday eve­ ed by Mrs John Kallvert and Mrs. ning with a party in honor of her address, county, high school and doubt, such will take place before Enzie Wright. birthday anniversary. Those pre­ class numerals. Slogans are to too long. • The 1 juliex club met Thursday < f f sent were Mr. and Mrs. A. R. be mailed to the School of Fores­ afternoon at the club house with Medford’s state league Craters Mrs. W. Holmberg us hostess. A Kincaid. Mrs. J. E. Gowland, Mrs. try, Corvallis, Oregon, not later are now holding daily workouts in delightful afternoon wax spent Ella True. Mias Marie Walker, than April 28. —•------------ preparation for the season which playing cards, with Mrs Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. I^ewis Pankey, Mr. and • Lincoln P-TA is having a spe­ will open at Medford against the Nelson taking high prize and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Stenrud. Mrs. Andrew cial musical program this after­ Albany Alco-Oaks. The date is set T. Quaniine, low. Others present Sorensen and guest of honor, Miss noon at 3 o'clock. After the busi­ for April 11 but officials of the were Mexilnmes Florence Clark. Whitson. The evening was spent ness session Mrs. L. O. Lutz will league have authorized Medford, Fred Haynes. Vernul Nebeker, Klamath Fulls and Albany to shift Lloyd Luper, Ray Elliott, John in playing games. Refreshments be in charge of the social hour. were served and " Miss Whitaon • Born to Mr and Mrs. William dates to suit themselves and al­ Kallvet, Frank Ohlund, (¡rank was presented with a beautiful Manley on March 25 at Oakland, ready negotiations are under way Graves and Russel Harris. Re­ gift from the club. Calif., a son. The baby’s mother to move the Albany date up to freshments were served. • Mr and Mrs. A. R Kincaid formerly was Noreen Walton of the 10th, which will be Saturday • JHine» and Warren Bayliss night. The fact that the state came home flout school for apring were ii> Medford Monday on ! Ashland. • Mrs. Helen Hallman of Hilt league will be playing only Sun­ vacations last week business. • Mrs. Herman Helm who under­ was a business visitor in Ashland day games I unless the three • Miss Jane Wcxkle and Miss above mentionued teams elect to I Eleanor Goft spent lust week as went a minor operation at the Saturday. Community hospital last Friday •Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Pine were change dates) will mean more guests at the Bayliss home ’I hey njorning has returned to her home honored on their Stith wedding outside ball teams brought to accompanied James mid Warren anniversary, March 29 when Medford and will enable the val­ Bayliss to Crater Like Thursday and is recovering satisfactorily. ley fans to see some good exhibi­ • Kenneth Reynolds, small son of friends and relatives gathered to tions. will mark the first for a day of skiing. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reynolds, had help them celebrate. The Rev. year in This • Fred Bayliss attended the Cal- the loop for Klamath the misfortune of falling Sunday C. F. Me Call, minister of the Con­ ifomia-Oregon Hereford breeders Already Medford is shooting gregational church paid tribute to and receiving a fractured arm. meeting in Medford lust Wednes- them with a fine address. Mr. and off about what they will do to day. • A special election has been Mrs. league eoinjietition and for Pine were married in Law ­ called for April 18 at the Bellview rence, Kansas. March 29,1885. goodness sake, let’s hope they • Mrs. Bill Fraley came home Wednesday hum the Yreka < len school house for the purpose of have been residents of Ash­ are right for once. eral hospital where «he had been voting on consolidation of the They f f < land for the past 20 years. Prev­ spending a few days having a Bellview school district with the ious Mack Lilliard, up until last De ­ to that they had lived in throat infection treated. Ashland district. The polls will the states Kansas, California, cember wrestling promoter in • Bill Slingsby of Granada was open at 4 o’clock p. m. and close Nevada, and of Idaho. Medford, evidently doesn't plan at 7 p. m. Notices have been to do anything about the fact that an over night guest at the W. A posted by the clerk. Mrs. Charles • Paul Jones of Fort Canby visit­ Ashland and Medford fans are Gran home Wednesday. Anderson, and all voters will have ed with his parents over the week­ starved for the want of some • Mr. and Mrs. W A Gran ruid the privilege of expresing them­ end. matches. The mat impreasario told son Billy and Bill Slingaby at­ selves on this important measure. • Guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hindsight some time ago that he tended a show in Ashland Wed­ The Bellview school board met Thompson over the week-end were planned on resuming the weekly nesday evening. last Wednesday night and re- Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Thompson and grunt and groan some time ta • Mr and Mrs. Hay Vieira and elected Madeleine Pendleton as sons of Tule Lake, Calif. March but he didn't say which nephew, Sonny Gurd, were in Ash­ teacher of the primary room and • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Guetzlaff of March. However, Lillard is stag­ land Saturday. Ruth Dews to teach the intermed­ Gold Hill called on Mr. and Mrs. ing weekly tussles in Klamath • The Hilt Boy Scout troop 25 camped at the old CCC camp Sat­ iate room. If consolidation is ac­ Ted Guetzlaff Tuesday. Falls every Tuesday evening. urday night, spending Saturday complished. these contracts will • Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wardrip f « r and Sunday In camp. Those who be void as the Ashland school of Grants Pass visited several Fight fans will sit close to thetr board would then hire the teach­ days with Mr. and Mrs. Allen radios tonight when Ix>u Nova went were Horton Geroy. Senior McGee this ers for the Bellview school. and Max Baer climb into the ring patrol leader, BUI Gran, patrol • Homer Moore, as director of • Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bar- at Madison Square Garden. Bet­ leader, Joseph Van De Weghe, the Talent Irrigation company, at­ ber and family of Grants Pass tors have it that Baer will get the Max Ryce, Junior Henderson. Nor- tended a meeting of the directors were dinner guests of Mr. and sox beat off him and Mr. Nova man Bernheisel, Bud Harri«. and manager at Talent Tuesday Mrs. W. M. Barber Sunday. The is inclined to agree, as is this Charles Vieira, Raymond Blanch- dinner honored the birthday anni­ department. Whichever way it ard and Remo Trinca. afternoon. • Mrs. Ted Huff who underwent versaries of Marshall Barber and goes, it should be the "fight of the • Monday evening the Scout an operation recently, had a slight his daughter, Rose Marie. century” and fight lovers are ad­ group and their friends enjoyed relapse but is recovering nicely • Mrs P. D. McDougal of Lake­ vised not to miss the blow-by-blow a wienie roast at the camp. Spe­ cial entertainment was provided now. Mrs. Dellomar from Klam­ view is spending the week visiting report. by Tony Marin and his accordion. ath Falls, mother of Mrs. Huff, is in the homes of her daughters. • Mr and Mrs. Roy Clevenger living with her daughter this win­ Mrs. Kelly Parsons and Mrs. Cart ter. Fehige. HINDSIGHT • HILTS NEWS • ON SPORT« I C leaning WITH MODERN ^UtHnin SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS OR ANY THREE FOR $ J.QO FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd WEDNESDAY Night Only A MID-WEEK SPECIAL “PAL NIGHT 2 Admissions for the Price of One 2—BIG HITS—2 • Miss Marie Marshall left Wed­ nesday for Waldport, being called i there by the illness of a friend. She plans to return Monday. • Mrs. G. B. Hess attended the I RR Union auxiliary state meeting I held In Eugene Monday. • The Church of Christ had a covered dish supper Wednesday evening. After the supper the reg­ ular mid-week program followed. • Miss Lolita Pierson, daughter ■ of Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Pierson , of Ashland, was on the honor roll for the winter term at the Uni-, versity of Oregon. She is major-1 Ing in music. 1 A HOME OW NED THEATRE Phone 75« I Friday, Saturday WHERE DID YOU GET THAT GIRL with Helen Parrish Eddie Quillan Joe Brown Jr. DANGER AHEAD With Benfru of the Mounted ALSO THE NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ESCAPE TO GLORY with Pat O’Brian Constance Bennett Matine«*» Saturday suit Sunday only Wednesday and Thursday DIME NIGHTS A were In Medford and Ashland Sat­ urday. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker wore in Ashland Saturday where Mrs. Walker was trented for nasal trouble. Court Proceedings PLANT RUTH HUSSEY LITHIA Phone 633« Mar. 29—Donald George Ebbe of Medford. No registration certifi­ cate. Pled guilty as charged. Fined S3 plus court costs. Mar. 31 — Edward Corey of Rogue River. Drunk on public highway. Fined $15 and costa. A 10-day jail sentence was sus­ pended ------------ •------------ MRS. LAURA V. EDWARDS Mrs. Laura V. Edwards, former resident of Ashland, passer] away March 30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Swanson, in New York City. She is survived by her daughter, a granddaughter, Laura Lee Swanson, three sisters, Mrs. L. A. Phillips and Mrs. A. Belle Anderson of Ashland and Mrs. Dora E. A. Wright of Seattle. ------------ •------------ LUCY KATHERINE TAYLOR Funeral services were held at Marshfield Monday afternoon for Lucy Katherine Taylor, 13-year- old daughter of Dr. Arthur S. Taylor of the SOCE faculty and Mrs. Taylor. She was bom July 3, 1927 in Ashland and passed away here on March 28. Surviving are her parents and one sister, Georgia. Rev. Ralph E. Clark of the First Presbyterian church of Marshfield officiated at the ser­ vices and burial was in the Coos River cemetery. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bums and baby daughter of Dunsmuir are visiting for a few days with the M. T. Bums family. OPENING CEREMONIES Of SHASTA CASCADE WONDERLAND 1941 FUN FESTIVAL Saturday Evening, April 5, GRAND BALL HONORING WINNERS 1»lt CONTEST Ball Room Golden Eagle Hotel, Redding Sunday, April 6 at 2:30 in Toyon Proclaiming“Alice Of Wonderland” MISS LAKE COUNTY MISS TRINITY MISS KLAMATH COUNTY MISS I,ASSEN MISS JACKSON COUNTY MISS SISKIYOU MISS TEHAMA COUNTY MISS MODOC MISS SHASTA COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY Commander A. W. Srott, Retired Officer Royal Air Force and Radio Commentator Master of Ceremonies. John B. Hughes In Radio Coast to Coast Broadcast. Come and Spend the Dav Inspecting Mighty Shasta Dam A FULL DAY GIVEN OVER TO RECOGNITION OF THF. PROGRESS AND PUBLICITY OF THE GREAT SHASTA-CASCADE WONDERLAND.