Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 04, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday, April 4, 1941
Tarpon Evoluting?
Scientists believe the turpon
may bo undergoing a strunge evo­
lution. An examination of their air
bladders has shown a large
amount of lung tissue, proving that
yeth peaks
the fish are not entirely dependent
upon their gills for oxygen. This
lar tradition and the footboard was may be the reason why they can
much too high to display tlie quilt chunge from salt to fresh water
Npread to advantage. What a dif­ und vice versa. Tho tarpon is the
ference in the effect when the only fish that is known to have
board was cut down und the crisp passed through the canal, 40 miles
frills of dotted Swiss were uddeiil or so of which is fresh water.
Surely, any quilt that is worth
piecing is worth this extra touch.
• • •
fab cMoHte-maJieM.
By R
Dusty King and Lew Gordon were
Joint owners ot the vast King-Gordon
range which «tretched from Texas to
Montana. When building up this string
of ranches, they continually had to tight
the unscrupulous Ben Thorpe Thorpe ri-
• • I
valed Kins Gordon tn power and yealth.
but ha had gained his position through
wholesale cattle rustling and gunplay.
TYielr opposing Interests came to a show­
down when the Government announced
the auctioning of the valuable Crying
Wolt land In Montana
King bld high
to beat out Thorpe. Bill Roper. King s
adopted «on. raced home to tell pretty
Jody Gordon the good news. A rider soon
brought the news that Dusty King had
been killed.
“We’re going to carry the war into
¡'the other camp. Lew. For every
outfit that Ben Thorpe has grabbed
by force of arms, he’s going to lose
NOTE' It you have an old Iron hod th»t
two; for every head that has come
you would like Io cut down, SEWING nook
3 Irli* how; 10 senta postpaid. You may
into his herds by rustle and raid,
alau want Mrs. Spears' Ihrra Favorita
two head of his are going to be
Quilt l’alterna. One, called the Ann ltut-
missing when he makes his roundup
lcdge. was «ketched froip an original tn
First thing. I’m going to
the reconatrucled Hullvdge Tavern at New
Salem, llllnol«. and It 1« i>o««lble that Ann
break Cleve Tanner down in Texas.
may have been making the«« quilt blocks
After that—”
UILTS do not belong to any when Abo Lincoln came courting The
Lew Gordon looked Bill Roper
one period and there doesn’t other two patterns are the Whirl Wind and
hard in the eye, smiled a little, and seem to be the slightest indication tho Kaleidoscope. Set ot three patterns
shook his head. His voice was slow that the old art of making them is with directions mailed tor 10 cents Send
and deep, stubbornly emphatic, as dying out. Most quilts today are order to:
a granite cliff is emphatic. “No. planned as bedspreads and have a
We've never gone outside the law color scheme to harmonize with
Drawer IS
yet, and while I live we never will. other decorations. If a variety of
Bedford Hill*
New York
We play the straight game always; figured scraps are used in the
Encloae 10 cent« for Book 3 and 10
and if we lose—that's in the hands piecing, one dominant plain color
cents lor eel ot 3 quill block patterns.
, of things beyond us.”
is generally repeated in each
Bill Roper angered. “I know how block to give the design unity.
Addre»« ...........
feel about it," he said, keeping
j his voice down. "You swayed Dusty Again, one color is combined with
, that way always. If you'd looked white throughout the entire quilt.
Some quilts have elaborate pieced
at it different, the guns would have borders; others are finished with a
been out years ago—and it would band of white with the dominant
have been Ben Thorpe that went color used as an edge binding. A
Azhar university at Cairo, Egypt,
down. As it is—Dusty King Is dead. bias striped material makes the is the world's oldest. It is pre­
Now you want me to drift on as we binding of the quilt in the Whirl paring to celebrute its 1,000th an­
always drifted on. and I'm supposed Wind pattern shown here.
niversary this year. This univer­
to forget that Dusty's out there un­
The beauty of any quilt is en­ sity is the center of Moslem
der a pile of stones. Well, I’m not hanced if it is set off with a val­ learning and Moslem authority,
going to play it that way. Gordon.” ance around the bed. They knew and attracts students from all Mos­
"While you’re with King-Gordon.” that in the days of the four-poster lem countries, such as Arabia, In­
Lew said slowly, “you’ll play it as and the rule applies still. The dia, Malaya, China, the Philip­
I say you'll play it"
bed in the sketch had no particu- pines and the Balkans.
"If you want to buy me out." Rop­
er said, “you can do, it at your
own price. Because I’m going to do
exactly what I tell you I'm going to
Virtue’s Complexion
Quiz With Answers
do; I wouldn't run a sneak on you.
Once he saw a youth blushing,
Offering Information
and addressed him, “Courage, my
“You figure." Lew Gordon said in­
boy; that is the complexion of vir­
on Various Subject»
credulously, “that you. one young­
tue?’—Diogenes Laertius.
ster on horseback, can smash up
Ben Thorpe? You wouldn’t last forty
from a Spanish word meaning
The Question»
seconds longer than a celluloid col­
1. Was Capt. Miles Standish one what?
lar on a dead gambler.”
6. What President of the United
of the Pilgrim Fathers?
"There'll be a few go with me.”
2. Who was killed by Aaron States was bom on July fourth?
Roper said.
7. What place is known as the
quick and
Burr in the famous duel?
' Who?"
3. What is the exact length of Gibraltar of the East?
easy to prepare I S I nourishing
8. Is there more sunlight at the
“Dry Camp Pierce for one: Lee time taken by the earth in making
I i i •conomka/ s «i order, today,
equator than at the poles?
Hamish. Tex Daniels. Tex Long; in its revolution around the sun?
from your grocer.
9. What is the smallest of all
all, maybe fifty men that I think I
4. Next to oxygen, what is the
know where to get"
chief elementary constituent of flowering plants?
Lew Gordon looked as if he would the earth’s crust?
The Answer»
6. The word guerrilla is derived
explode. "You’re naming the most
vicious outlaws on the plains.” he
1. Capt. Miles Standish was not
said. “If you ever get those men
a Pilgrim, he was brought along
together, it will be the most infernal
for protection.
wild bunch that ever—”
2. Alexander Hamilton.
"By God." said Bill Roper. ”1'11
3. The trip takes 365 days, 3
show you how to clean a range or
hours. 48 minutes and 46 seconds.
break a range; I'm telling you I
4. Silicon.
don't care which."
5. War (guerra).
e. Calvin Coolidge.
Lew Gordon slapped bis hand on
7. Singapore.
the table; it fell with a dull and
heavy wallop, but so hard it
8. No. A recent study showed
seemed the top of the table would VI ANY people want quick re- that each pole has 65 more hours
suits in the flower garden, of sunlight per year than the
“No. No, by God! Not under my and for them the lists of annual equator.
9. The smallest of all flowering
brand. Not in a hundred years . . ,” flowers offer effective aid.
A highly satisfactory, and eco­ plants belong to the genus Wolffln.
"Then draw up the terms of the
Feast -for - the - Least
nomical hedge, for instance, can They are aquatic, have no roots
Gordon was silent again.. for a
long time. He seemed very old, Ì from seed. Kochia is the plant. and shape of the head of a pin.
Conditions Change
very tired.
“Reckon you’re man A single packet of Kochia seed
If matters go badly now, they
enough to make your own decisions.
will not always be so.—Horace.
along the front or side of the yard.
For a flowering hedge, Four
"Thanks, Lew.”
“But do me one last favor—will o'clock will produce attractively
you? Don't decide here and now. within two months after seed is
A judge was pointing out that a
Take a couple of days to think it planted.
witness was not necessarily to be
over. It's for your own good. But
regarded as untruthful because he
I’m asking it as a favor to me ...” beautify the yard, and at the same
Cranky? R os II om ?
altered a previous statement.
Bill Roper dropped his eyes, and
Can’s slsepT Tiro
•aally? B«c«u«o of
for a moment or two he hesitated.
dlatreaa of monthly
“I’ll take an hour,” he decided in the first summer. The fastest- I entered this court today I could
Thon try
growing and most dependable an­ have sworn that I had my watch
Lydia K. Pinkham« Vegetable Com­
'Then, by God. King-Gordon has
come to its split-up”
Silence again before Dry Camp
said. “And I suppose I'm expected
to just kind of stand aside and stay
out of it and see how you work it
out, huh? Well, I won’t do it. Bill.”
"You’re in this. Dry Camp.”
"How am I in it?"
’T’ve got to have me an outfit.
It's got to be made up of boys
that aren't afraid of Ben Thorpe or
all hell; boys that haven't got any­
thing more to lose. I'll need near
fifty men. But to start off with I
want Lee Harnish, and Tex Daniels
and Tex Long; Nate Liggett—Dave
“Wow!” said Dry Camp. "You get
those four or five in the same bunch,
they'll eat each other alive.”
"That’s the kind I want,” Bill
Roper said. "I want a wild bunch
such as the West has never seen
"And me—what am I supposed to
“You — you’re heading south,
You're going back to Texas and
They buried Dusty King five miles
south of Ogallala, beside the Great
Trail which he himself had pi­
oneered, They thought he would
want to rest out there in the open
plain, near enough to the cattle trail
so that the rumble of hoofs would
sometimes come to him through the
Over his grave they piled boul­
ders. after the fashion of the prairie
men. Bill Roper himself fitted a
cross of railroad ties, the most dur­
able and massive timber available
at Ogallala.
After that was all done, and night
had come on. and everybody had
gone back to town. Bill Roper went
back to that lonely cross and squat­
ted on his heels against the pile of
After a while a ridden horse came
toward the cross at a walk; and
Bill Roper remained motionless, un­
seen against the stones, as the horse­
man came up.
The rider stepped to the ground
and walked slowly toward the cross,
the reins of his pony on his arm.
“Quien es?"
Roper said. “Oh, hello.
Dry Camp Pierce came and sat
down beside Bill at the foot of the
stones. "Find out anything, in the
“Hell, no."
“No,” Dry Camp repeated after
“No, and they won't”
“You talk mighty sure. Dry
“I talk mighty sure because I am
mighty sure. Nobody saw Dusty
killed except the three men
done it; and one other man.”
Bill Roper's hand shot out
caught Dry Camp's lean arm in •
grip that bit like a trap. "Who was
There was a silence, sharp and
hard, before Bill said.
"How is it you haven't told any-
body this?”
“Haven't bad any chance to talk
to you.” Dry Camp said. "I’m tell­
ing you now. ain’t I?”
"Who was It?”
"Cleve Tanner; and Walk Lash­
am, and Ben Thorpe."
Dry Camp took a match out of
“You’re in this, Dry Camp.”
the pocket of his cowhide vest and
chewed the end.
you’re going to start rounding ’em
"You see—” he searched for his in."
words painfully, after the manner
“What you offering these boys?”
of men who are much alone—
“Horses and grub, and what other
“Dusty, he tied his horse out back
stuff we’ll need. Not another thing.”
of the Lone Star Bar, in the angle
They sat silent for a long time
of the wagon shed. There's a kind
of a comer there, like you ean’t see
“All right.” Dry Camp said. ”1’11
into it from any place, hardly; and
what with it getting dark—”
In the starlight Bill Roper swung
“Where were you?”
"I was in Bailey's Harness Shop, down in front of the little shack
next door. I saw Dusty turn off the which served King-Gordon as a load­
walk, and walk back between the ing-foreman’s office at their Ogal­
buildings. I’d been watching for lala pens. Within. Bill Roper found
him, because I wanted to speak to Lew Gordon sitting alone.
him a minute. I went back through
”1 just talked to a man,” Roper
the harness shop, and I was just go­ said, “that saw the killing.’’
ing out the back door. And then bell
Gordon was instantly alert. "Who
bust in the wagon shed angle.”
was it?”
"The time it happened,” Bill
“He’s a man that can’t come for­
Roper said, “there must have still ward, because he’s already an out­
been a little light”
law in his own right But Dusty
“Enough to see by, all right. These was killed by Ben Thorpe, and
three varmints steps out of the shed
Walk Lasham, and Cleve Tanner,
quick and quiet Dusty knew what
the three working together. Walk
be was up against all right His Lasham bore down Dusty’s gun.”
gun come out; but Walk Lasham
They looked at each other for a
grabs bis gun arm with his left hand long moment.
and bears down like be was wres­
“This man that told you this—
Bill Roper walked slowly to the
tling him. Then the whole works
we’ve got to get hold of him; his
seems to blow up, as all three of
Gordons' tall bouse, on its rise at
story has to go to the authorities.
the edge of the town, and let him­
’em let loose. They just stood and
self in softly. He wanted desperate­
throwed it into him, and it seemed
Roper shook his head. “He’ll hang ly to talk to Jody Gordon; but it
like he was never going to fall. Ben
Thorpe pumped two more shots aft­ if they lay bands on him. Anyway, was nearly midnight, and be couldn't
nobody would believe him against make up his mind to wake her.
er Dusty was down, and dead.”
That was all the story. Both of these three.”
As it happened, decision was un­
Lew Gordon made a gesture at necessary. In the fireplace some
them seemed to recognize that there
were no questions to ask, nothing to once impatient and weary. "Wher- lengths of cottonwood log still
ever we turn we hit some snag burned, and before the fire Jody
”1 promise you this. Bill:” Dry of lawlessness,” he said. "There’s lounged upon a buffalo robe, wide
Camp said at last. “I can’t go up too many men afraid to stand for­ awake.
“You’ve been a long time.”
and testify against these men. You ward and face out the law. Seems
know why. If I let it be known like nothing is done open and above-
“I know.” He stopped beside her,
half raised her in his arms, and
that I’m here, that’s the finish of board any more.”
But that would be all
"Never was, since I remember,” kissed her lingeringly. Her arms
right. Only, what court, that we Roper said. ’T’ve got a couple of and her lips clung, making it diffi­
got, would believe me against ways in mind right now. I'm going cult for him to think of the road be
had chosen. But presently he
on the warpath, Lew.”
Bill Roper said, “There isn’t any­
Gordon had been fiddling with a sat beside her on the buffalo robe,
thing you can do, I don’t suppose.” pencil, and now he threw it on the and turned his eyes to the coals.
“There’s some stuff we have to
"Oh, yes, there is. There’s one table in front of him. “We’re figur­
thing I can do. I'll have to kind of ing you to take over the Crying talk about, Jody.”
“I can think of better things to
bide my time, and make it sure; Wolf. Bill. Dusty’s half of King-
but—I’m going to get me these three Gordon naturally will stand in your do with firelight than just talk.”
“Jody — King-Gordon is splitting
name now; Dusty never paid any
“No, you ain’t,” Bill Roper said. attention to any other kin. But the up.”
Jody brought herself up on one
“We’re going to go at this thing a Crying Wolf was where he figured
“Why, Bill—what do you
different way. Trouble with you, for you to go and work; and there elbow.
you’re figuring these three men as isn’t any call to change that, now.” mean?”
"Dusty’s share comes to me, as
just three men. They ain’t They
“You can count me out of the
you know. I—I’m taking it out"
got the biggest string of tough out­
Crying Wolf, Lew.”
"You’re—Bill, you must be loco!”
fits in the country, and they spread
“What do you want to do?”
“Maybe. I’m going against Ben
all the way from the Rio Grande
“We’re going to branch out a new Thorpe.”
to the Rosebud, and beyond. We
” Roper said. “We’re going to
“But—but—” Jody was at a loss
got to bust up the whole works, if
have a warrior outfit. And I’m its for words.
we want to get any place."
"Since the trail began, he's stood
Dry Camp was silent for several new boss.”
“I don’t get you.
for everything we're against. Four
minutes. “What you alm to do?”
“I aim to start in Texas, where
Cleve Tanner runs Thorpe's breed­
ing outfits in the Big Bend; I sim
to tie into him piece by piece, till
Ben Thorpe is smashed out of the
“Lew Gordon will never stand
of the biggest rustling gangs in the
country are directly hooked up with
him, if it could be proved. He’s
■topped at nothing, and where he
couldn't force his way he's bought
his way. But now—he's gone too
Oldest University
Most delicious "bag"
Of the Sea SOn...
Van (amp's
Pork» nd BE ANS
Five Men Proved Ready to
Profit by Judge's Advice
rNervous Restless
nuals for cutting include the Zin­
nias, Marigolds, Bachelor Buttons
and Petunias. There are tall, me­
dium, and dwarf varieties of each.
Most widely used of fast-grow­
ing annual vines is Heavenly Blue
Morning Glory, whose giant, soft-
blue flowers are in a class by
themselves. It is well to scratch
the coat of Heavenly Blue seeds
before planting them to speed
their otherwise slow germination.
in my pocket. But then I remem­
bered I had left it in the bath­
Pinkham'« Compound la famous
room at home.”
for relieving pain of Irregular perioda
and cranky nervouene» due to euch
When the judge got home that
disturbance«. Ono of tho most effec­
night his wife said: “Why all thia
tive medicine« you run buy t-xlay
for thl« purpose — made rrprciaUy
bother about your watch—sending
for women. WORTH TH YIN QI
five men for it?"
“Good Heavens!" said the judge*
"I never sent anyone! What aid
you do?"
Misspent Time
"I gave It to the first one who
There is no remedy for time mis­
came; he knew just where It was." spent.—Sir Aubrey do Vere.
than the average ot
the 4 other largest-
selling cigarettes
tested—less than any
of them — according
to Independent sci­
entific teats of the
smoke Itself.
C A IVI E L ieb "