Friday, April 4, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 I NEWS FROM Southern Oregon Miner CHAS. M. GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ♦ ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3,1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR...........»150 SIX MONTHS......... 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) A TELEPHONE 8561 SET YOU FREE” ••THE TRUTH W1LLX- A WorthwhileV isit! I I I Lincoln School By SCHOOL STUDENTS Wednesday morning, March 2«. the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades went to the college assem­ bly. They saw a demount mt mn of what the blind people can do. Pierce Knox, a blind man played the xylophone. There was another man who read some of the Braille book to them, and told them what time it was.- He told the correct time by feeling the hands It was a very interesting program, Some time ago _ the sixth _ grade wrote letters to Ruth Elliott who lives in the mountains and can't get down to come to school and to Mrs. Bushnell, a former student teacher in room eight A few days ago the room received letters from tlupn telling how much they en­ joyed the letters. The children were glad to hear from them, Room 6 has new student teach- ers. Their names are: Miss Betty Dano, Miss Delta Winffrey, Mr. Charles Coffin, and Mr. Tommy Hensler. Dwight Vicars moved to Klam­ ath Falls where he will go to Riv­ erside school. The boys and girls of room six hope that Dwight will like the school. On March 31, room six was challenged by room five in a game of basketball. It was a hard game. One side would get ahead and then the other one would. When the bell rang, the score was 3 to 3. On March 31. some of the child­ ren of the Ashland public schools played at the Civic club building. The piece that the Lincoln school presented was "God Bless Amer­ ica". Some of the players from room six were Roger Hall. Ronald Nance. Bill Starnes. Robert Mont­ gomery, Carl Surber and Elmer Biegel. On Monday. March 31, the fourth grade of Lincoln School made Easter bunnies in art class Mr. Wllda. their art teacher, showed them how to make the bunnies look very pretty. After the children finished the bunnies, Mr. Wilda put them up on the bulletin board On Monday, March 31, Miss■ Muriel Samuelson taught the girls of room Five a new game called "Bat-Bair*. The girls enjoyed it very much. Mr. Rush found a baby toad on the playground. He gave it to the second grade to take care of. Miss Bow ran has taught the second grade boys to play long ball. ----------- b-r NEWS FROM Our Churches BUY A HOME — NOW! First Methodist Church Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister ’"""SonuHine”Tias—"SaIcr^T—H'e enjoyed going to the Open knows but that some of their enthusiastic boosters or a talk on each of the Seven Words Fini ( la*«» Service journalists may in time include our lovely capitol as House. Richard Adams is going to move uttered by Jesus. You may come go at will. If you car. attend one of that state’s attractions. Before that happens it to Liberty Street. He will stay the and Haircutting 35c of the year at Washington two or three of the meditations might be well for Oregonians to lay a stronger claim rest or only one you will be welcome, School You are cordially invited to to the state plant by giving it a thorough inspection. Room 3- Patricia Kathan has moved a- I worship with us. 4» No. Main Nt. Anyone will be well repaid for the visit, which, by the way We miss Patricia very much. ise McLeod. They were both fro­ Donald Damon went to Lake ­ way, may be made on Sunday since there are intelli­ view a few days ago. He had a zen to death in the recent blizz­ ard. They started for home after gent young guides there to show you the way. very nice trip. - • A • Billings Agency ■ FOR MONUMENT WORK of beauty and quality. In marble, granite or limn re, or combinations of these ma­ terials, at honest prices, see M. T. BURNS Next to I*. O. J - - - ---- Walker Grubb is back with us - A again, after having been out with the measles , Bonnie Frohneich played a vio­ lin solo Monday evening at the Civic Club house. She played very of Pinehurst were business callers nicely. We are reading a very interest­ in Ashland Monday. ing book-' The Big Top”. It tells •Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Tilton, Mr. all about wild animals and their and Mrs. G. H. Yeo and Mrs. Jim habits. Davis spent the week end in Animals are divided into two Klamath Falls visiting Mr. and groups. The flesh eaters, which Mrs. John Fowler. eat meat are lions, leopards and •Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. hyenas. Marske of Dunsmuir on March The plant eaters which eat 29, a son. Mr. Marske is a son of plants and roots and fruit are Mrs. A. A. Marske of this city. giraffes, elephants, hippopotamus •Those attending the Epworth and rhincoeros. League convention all or part of An elephant can carry a load the time at Cottage Grove last that weighs one thousand pounds. week end included Dr. and Mrs. An elephant's foot that was George W. Bruce, Wilma and Ruth brought to America from Africa Froman, Ida Willard, Mildred Rice was 67% inches around. Laura and Homer Billings. » Darol South brought a news­ •Mr and Mrs. G. H. Gearhart paper from Langford, No. Dak. of Klamath Falls visited with Mr. showing a picture of two of his and Mrs. Ned Mars and Mrs. Mill­ little schoolmates with whom he er over the week end. used to go to school Their names •Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Erwin and were Kenneth Nickerson and Lou- daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Reed and daughter were Jackson- vile visitors Sunday. • The Who Do class of the Meth- odit church met at the home of Mrs. S. B. McNair last Friday afternoon. After a business and devotional meeting, Mrs. M. A. Ring, program chairman took charge. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. E. Chamberlain and Mrs. W. M. Herbert. - . About People You Know | •Miss Myra West has returned trom a visit to her aunt in Mac- vowell, Calif. •The members of the Presbyter­ ian enuren held a covered dish din­ ner and their annual meeting on Wednesday evening. The various officials of the church organizat­ ions presented reports of the work. •Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Lee have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen Lee, to Staniey Johnson of Central Vall­ ey, the son of Mrs. Engie Johnson ot Portland. The Rev. Brewster Adams of the Baptist church In Reno performed tne ceremony on March 29. •Walter Love and Harry Chip­ man drove to Mount Shasta City Sunday. • The birthday anniversary of Maniy Brower was observed Sun­ day at a birthday dinner. Those enjoying the event were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Darby, Mr.and Mrs. William Allison, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Herb­ ert, Philip Hoxie, Mrs. D. M. Brower, Miss Voda Brower, Miss Velma Brower, and Larry Hunter. •A. A. Madden transacted bus­ iness several days in Portland last week. •Mr. and Mrs. C. W. DeCarlow STEVEN IL SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 I * REMEMBER WHEN —the Brussels carpet had to be taken up and beaten every spring? It was hung over the clothes line and pounded with the carpet beater until not a wisp of dust followed a stroke. Then father put in the evening on his knees, stretching the carpet tight and tacking it along the edge. Carpet cleaning was an event. Remem­ ber? Event” will have pleasant memories if entrusted to our care. DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME (We Never Close) Phone 4541 CASH & CARRY SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS 3for85e | 3 for $1.00 STANDARD CLEANERS “If it can be done, we can do it” METROPOIJTAN IJFE INSURANCE CO. KI Mow ’em Down After Y O U K Mower is CONDITIONED at FIX IT SHOP MADE for ONE MAN AT A TIME that's yoaf pick (hr doth (.* ___ ;._, r ­ (from liun dred* I ... I take your mesaure (about 30) ... then my expert tailor* think only of glorifying your individuality and pernon- •lily . . . because I »elf — CUSTOM TAILORED DAVIS CLOTHES guaranteed to fit, wear and »atiafy •.. inaured free against damage. • I " " I attending a 4H Club meeting, fALENT NEWS shortly before the blizzard, lost their way in the blinding storm • Raymond Morris and family and after wandering for some moved from the Bradley place on time, they perished. We are very Wagner creek into the Lindley sorry to hear about this sad trag- house in Talent. edy. • Andy Correll of near Trail Room 5 Club had the following called on friends here Tuesday program April 1: afternoon. 1. Star Spangled Banner. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Unruh of I 2. Choosing of the name “Happy t'rospect visited friends here Hat- Room Club”. urday. Mr. Unruh is employed 3. Spelling contest. with the Skeeters logging outfit. 4. Arithmetic Race. • Victor Anderson of Fort Can­ 5. Book contest. by, Wash, spent the week-end 6. April Fool Joke. with his mother, Mrs. Bernice The April fool joke was won by Anderson. Donnie Cullop and Harold Smith. • Mrs. H. J. Black of Ashland The drill team girls are learning has purchased the Signal Oil sta­ many new drills and ways of tion on the new highway south I twirling. We don’t drop our bat­ of town. ons as much as we did • Billy Breese, Benny, Leonard ------------ •------------ and Betty Jo Morrow spent Sat­ • The young people of the Pres­ urday on the Greenspnngs pic­ byterian church enjoyed a fine nicking. party at the church last Satur­ • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyer of day evening. The Rainbow class Hilt visited at th home of- his entertained the group. Mrs. J. H. nfbther, Mrs. Laura Boyer and Edgar spoke on the work of the brothers Leslie and Archie. Christian Endeavor. • Mrs Clarence Holdrige made a business trip to Ashland Mon« day. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Homes of Ashland called on relatives here Tuesday. • Mrs. Gladys Reed left Monday for Tacoma where she will join her husband who is in training camp. • Indies of the Townsend club are making a quilt to be sold at a Townsend meeting in the near fu­ ture. A quilting bee was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Davidson last Wednesday and Thursday. Those who attended were Mrs. Spencer Hackler, Mrs. J. C. Williams, Mrs. Floyd Young, Mrs. Anna Dickey, FREE PICK-UP Mrs. Harvey Walters, Mrs. W. V. DELIVERY Bates, Mrs. Roy Cofman and Mrs. Ottinger. • Miss Delta Thompson of Ash- land visited friends in Talent Sun- day afternoon. • The state conference of the Epworth League was held at Cot­ tage Grove last week Attending from Talent were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holdrige, Mrs. Lloyd Lacy, Ruby Dobbins, Ixiis Thomp­ son, Elva Thompson, Agnes I^acy, Opal Lacy, Barbara Terrill and 163 Kant Main Beulah Balderstone. Phone 6281 • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maxon moved Into their new home on Hai road avenue last week. i Cleaning Specials .M v<™ . Kr-HrsT INNI RANCE ADEQUATEt 1 Nee 1 • Phone 6361 LEON G. SHAH YON Ph 6176 Ashland, One Cent SALE! NOW at the East Side Pharmacy Exceptional Valii^ Check up the Sales Sheet left at your door.