Friday, April 4, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Paq© 3 Neckwear Gives Fresh, Sparkling Charm to Spring Suits, Coats By CHERIE NICHOLAS PURKEY Dear Ma: I wish you wud stop worrying about me as I am all right accept for fallen arches, flu, chilblains, a limp in both legs and Indigestion. But 1 feel u lot less like squawking since I talked to an old timer up here who was in the last war and from what he says I gess we have all modern improvements up here now. He says in the last war the draft army just had tents like they wuz camping out with no wooden floors and no electric lights and he says every time you was not In bed you was standing in wet grass or in a mud puddle. • • • He says tents did not have win­ dows and screen doors like we have today and that in rainy INVITE THEM ALL—AND HAVE BAKED POTATOEN weather a soldier (See Recipes Below) had to live like a LET'N SERVE POTATOES mud turtle. He THIN WEEK'H MENU says he didn't see Guests are coming for dinner. You no wooden floors Tomato Broth have your meat and vegetables, and from the time he •Quick DuUhNtufTrd Baked you have planned your dessert You left home until Potatoes have potatoes on hand. But have the army got back from France. It Buttered Meet« you decided how you're going to pre­ is hard for me to beleeve this as this Molded Fruit Naiad pare them? camp is a regular building project Bread - Butter and there is almost as many carpen­ I'll wager you haven't It's an oft- Berry Pie ters here as soldiers. They shood repeated story in kitchens from Beverage have all the buildings finished by Washington to Florida, Maine to Cal­ •Recipe given. the time the war is over, if they get ifornia Because the POTATO Is good weather and don't walk so far such an old standby, you perhaps wait 'til the last minute to decide the unbeater eggs and sugar; mix for nails. • • • its preparation. Then it's too late well. Stir In the sifted dry ingredi­ Army life is a big disserpointment to try "something different’’ ents; mix until smooth. Place mix­ Don't treat the potato as though ture on a floured board; roll until *4 to me ma on account I always had it were the Cinderella of the vegeta­ inch thick, cut into rounds with a an Idea from the story books and ble kingdom. Re­ floured doughnut cutter. Cook in pictures that most soldiers had sad­ ■ I & mm Î Î {j j'w. member. it re­ deep, hot fat <370 degrees F.) until dle horses to ride. I ain't seen no cross stitch and petit point, is an sponds well to golden brown. Drain on soft paper. horse since I got here. It is strictly important spring 1941 message a bunion derby army as I sed be- careful treatment Sprinkle with powdered sugar. for neckwear. The collar and cuff four. 1 wish army uniforms fitted While it is usual­ Idaho Musettes. set below to the right in the group better. What the army needs is ly considered to 6 medium-sized Idaho potatoes is one of the charming new versions. more tailors. I got a hat that is have a bland H cup hot milk Rambler roses are embroidered on big enough for a coat and a coat flavor, proper 2 tablespoons melted fat COR a fashion-right approach to linen in red and black cross stitch. so tight 1 cud use it for a hat cooking will bring • tablespoons buttered crumbs chic and charm for your Easter • • • You will be seeing quantities of out its subtleties. 1 tablespoon grated cheese costume, try the lacy, crisp-white this type of embroidery as the sea­ Thera is no glammer here like in Although there are only three ba­ • eggs neckwear way. It will work like son advances, for petit point, es­ the movies of army life. Almost sic ways of cooking potatoes—bak­ Salt and pepper magic. The new jabots and animated pecially, is being featured on hand­ everybody here needs a shave and ing, boiling or frying them in their Select medium-sized or large po cascades of sheer white, the smart kerchiefs, handbags, and in fact, raw form—there are innumerable tatoes; scrub and bake at 450 de- haircut and this goes for the gen­ detachable lace-trimmed and be- quite generally throughout the erals who are homely old pelicans new and different things to do with grees F. until frilled yokes, likewise the huge im­ mode. this vegetable. each is soft when and don’t look nothing like the gen* maculately white sailor collars that All dressed up and ready to go 1 wonder if you have ever tried you pick it up and crals in pictures accept Wally ■tress the new low-cut, deep-throat­ stepping in the Easter parade is Berry. frankfurter- or sausage-stuffed pota­ squeeze with a ed lines are performing miracles in the smartly clad maiden in the panel • • • toes. potato croquettes, pancake po­ cloth. When done, adding "the touch that tells.’* * portrait to the left. For that fresh- The boys here tell me the training tatoes. Idaho Suzettes or potato remove a piece of You will find the neckwear quest out-of-a-band-box look, Evelyn Al- I am getting is good for me but I doughnuts? skin from the side one of high adventure this spring, drti, American designer, has creat­ If not. resolve to use these reci­ of each potato to do not feel no better than when I fbr fashion is dramatizing the ed a youthful redingote (redingotes started training even if I am in bet ­ pes. I guarantee they'll help you make it boat­ theme. Versatile lingerie touches are “tops" this spring) with a crisp •'get the most out of your potatoes)'* shaped. or cut ter shape like the doctors say. I will carry your costume to dizzy lingerie bib attached to the neck­ wud rather be out of condishun in large potatoes in two, lengthwise. •Quick Dutch-Bluffed Baked heights of allure. line of the dress beneath, Be sure Scoop out the inside, being careful private life than a perfect spesser- Potatoes. There's big news in the revival of to wear a fruit-laden hat with this not to break the shell. Mash the (See picture at top of column) frilly jabots this season, and history ensemble, for fruit trimmings are pulp thoroughly, or put it through 0 medium-sized Idaho potatoes is also repeating itself in the ani­ tremendously important. a ricer. Add butter, salt and milk II link sausages or frankfurters mated white fluttery cascades, the A new trend, and one that is rich Pile the mixture Scrub the potatoes and with an and beat well. kind that will help "lift" any blouse, with possibilities, is the wide use of apple corer make a hole lengthwise lightly back Into the shells. Refill frock or jacketed tailleur right pleated white lingerie frillings in the shell to the top and make a de­ through each potato. Stuff with a into spring. The sheer organdie unique and dramatic ways. You frankfurter or sausage. Bake at 400 pression in the center of each pota­ and Vai lace jabot which cascades can buy these pleatings by the degrees F. for 45 minutes, or until to. Break an egg into each depres­ from a tiny turnover organdie col­ yard at neckwear counters. Newly sion, season with salt and pepper and potatoes are done. lar (pictured above to the left in arrived navy or black suits and : men in the srmy. I sleep good but the group illustrated) is warranted dresses are finished off at throat and For an even richer flavor, stuff sprinkle with buttered crumbs that not for long on account of the rule with a mixture of finely chopped have been combined with grated to give springlike froth and fresh­ wrist with generous rufflings done that makes a soldier get up at day ­ ness to any Easter costume. The in the dandified Regency period sweet Spanish onions and ground cheese. Bake in a slow oven (250- 350 degrees F.) long enough to set break. (I never seen so many sun­ jabot is attached to an organdie manner. meal Put a slice of bacon or salt the egg and brown lightly—for 8 to rises in my life.) Gee ma I am half vestee, so it stays anchored and pork over the potatoes and bake as You can give your bolero frock or through a day's training before you serves as a blouse. 10 minutes. usual. Length of baking time de­ suit a fresh spring uplift by sewing and the folks are out of bed back Belgian Baked Potatoes. pends on size of potatoes. A magic panel in embroidered or­ in a white ruff that extends down home. 1 wud be in better shape for Wash and peel potatoes and cut gandie and lace (shown above to the the front edges of your bolero or Nut relate Croquettes. into eighths lengthwise. Dry Lie- a war if 1 cud sleep an hour longer. right) may be depended upon to even all the way round if you pre­ 2 cups hot mashed potatoes • • • tween towels. Dip cut pieces in melt­ perform magic on any dress, be it fer. As most fashion-alert women % cup cream or milk If I wuz in a war I wud not squawk print or plain, smart navy, unerr­ are aware, the newest dresses are ed shortening and lay in a shallow >4 teaspoon baking powder pan. being sure that they do not but what is the sense getting an ing black or a delectable pastel styled with yokes this spring. For W teaspoon salt overlap. Bake in a quick oven (400 army up so early when there is shade. A clip attachment under the a final swank accent, follow the Pepper to taste degrees F.) until brown on top. Turn nothing to do but just what you bow adjusts to any neckline. Clip outline of the yoke of your frock or 1 cup crushed nuts carefully and continue baking until done the day befour witch cud be it on to your newest frock and pres­ your blouse with crisp white lin­ To the potatoes add the cream or they resemble french-fried potatoes. done better in brighter sunlite any­ to! it will sparkle with lacy loveli­ gerie pleating. Many best shops milk, baking powder, seasoning and Baste them with more shortening how. ness. are featuring this very new idea. half the nuts. Spread mixture on • • during baking. if necessary. When Colored embroidery, especially (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) plate to cool. Shape, roil in nuts I am glad the winter is over. The done, sprinkle with salt and serve and cook in deep, hot fat (990 de­ piping hot first robin was seen in a army chick­ grees F.) until golden brown. Drain en pie here yesterday and four baby Franconia Potatoes. on soft paper. Use uniform medium potatoes. ehicks hatched out of a half dozen Potato Doughnuts. Pare and parboil 10 minutes. Drain, eggs in the mess room last week. 2 cups flour There is a new movement in neck­ place around roast, snd bake 40 min­ Spring can't cum to soon as I have 1H teaspoons salt , lines that will be a dominating in­ utes, or until soft, turning often and had enuff outdoor life in cold weath­ 2 teaspoons baking powder fluence in blouses and dresses from basting with fat in pan so that they I er and do not care for it even if Vs teaspoon nutmeg or cinnamon it does make Egkimoes healthier. now on. The collar opening contin­ will brown. 1 cup riced potatoes • • • ues down to form a low deep slender Old-Fashioned Scalloped Potatoes. 1 tablespoon butter Well, I must close now ma as I point. Some dresses have an extra 4 large potatoes, pared s eggs little camisole device to wear on less have got to go walking again in de­ 1 small onion, thinly sliced I cup sugar formal occasions. The deep-throat­ fense of my country. Cud you send H teaspoon salt Sift flour, salt, baking powder and me some more socks as my feet ed effect is extremely flattering. To Dash of pepper spice together. Put the hot riced wear right through them the first wear at the low point, stunning jew­ Hi tablespoons flour potatoes in a mixing bowl, add the 100 miles? elry clips are being especially de­ 1 tablespoon butter butter and stir until the butter is Love, signed. These will tell a fascinat­ 1% cups milk melted. Cool until lukewarm. Add ing new fashion story. Cut potatoes in ft-inch slices. Oscar. • • e Place potatoes and onions in but­ tered baking dish, OBSERVATION LYNN NAYS: sprinkling each There’s nothing makes a man ycl) layer with salt, "Ouch!" Bnking -potatoes is perhaps the pepper and flour, Like sewing left upon a couch. There is a very smart new-type and dotting with most healthful method of prepar­ —Merrill Chilcote coat being shown which is particular­ butter. Add milk • • • ing them, because steam escapes ly striking in navy. The body line and cover. Bake from them and results in a mealy Add similes: as nonchalant as the is fashioned after the fitted princess in moderate oven product. No valuable minerals average American talking about an lines, to which a knee depth pleated (350 degrees F.) are lost, and, if the skin is also appropriation of $7,000.000,000. flounce of the self fabric is seamed. • • • eaten with the contents, all bene­ 2 hours, or until You can get stunning costume suits fits of the potato are realized. potatoes are tender, uncovering SLIGHT ACHIEVEMENT that have these long coats, worn If you are not quite ready to them during the last 30 minutes of Results are so flimsy over a matching one-piece dress. serve your potatoes when they baking. Serves 4. From things done by whimsy. Lyonnaise Potatoes. are ready to come out of the —Merrill Chilcote Patriotic emblems are proving an oven, cover them with a towvl so 4 teaspoons butter or bacon fat Enchanting Blouses • • • endless source of inspiration for dec­ that moisture will be absorbed, 2 onions, sliced The new blouses are simply en­ New York has had a drugstore orative motifs in costume design. and at the same time warmth 3 cups cooked potatoes ■trike which crippled the drugstores Flags, stars, eagles, nautical insig­ chanting. They are frilled, tucked will be retained. Salt and pepper so badly they were unable to handle nia seen in bright embroidery or in and lace-trimmed in fascinating pro­ 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley anything but drugs and medical sup­ Sweet potatoes bake in less fusion. Their feminine frou frou is glittering colorful jewels. They lend Heat the fat In a frying pan and plies. distractingly pretty. On the Easter time than white potatoes. enchantment to new fashions in end­ It is important to retain vita­ cook the onions in it a few min­ parade they will appear in endless • • • less ways. Here you see a stun­ procession, adding winsomeness to min C in potatoes, as well as in utes. Add the potatoes and cook The Turks closed the Straits ning white rayon hi-hat turban and the legions of navy suits and caped ■lowly, stirring occasionally until all all vegetables. In order to do to the crooks, as it were. matching scarf. This twosome is costume ensembles. ■ides of the potatoes are golden this, store them in a cool place; • • • inexpensive, and at the same time brown. Season with salt and pep­ peel just before cooking; cook Hank Ford says that a flivver air per. Press flat with knife and shake plane will soon be as easy to op­ is good looking and decidedly prac­ whole, if possible; have the water Pale Coats, Pale Furg over low fire until brown on bottom erate as the first auto used to be. tical boiling rapidly before plunging Beige coats are taking unto them­ Turn like an omelet Serve on a But it's going to seem strange to them in; use a small amount of Thoroughly American In color and selves fur trimmings in delicate hot platter with finely chopped pars­ see the air full of Lizzies with feath­ cooking water; cook only until design, these decorative pieces give tones to match. Reefer fronts of ley sprinkled over the top. tender. ers on 'em. wardrobes that pro-America look! furs are chic (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) I Patriotic Emblems Low-Cut Necklines Tell New Fashion Story Deep Pleated Flounces Popular on Navy Coats Pattern 6902 ’T'HE knitted jerkin—the weB- * dressed woman’s standby for variety in her wardrobe. Add this one to yours—it’s in a simple pat­ tern stitch that’s quickly done. • • • Pattern «902 contains Instructions tor making the jerkin in sizes 12-14 and 16-18; illustrations of it and of stitches, mate­ rials needed. Send order to: Sewing Circle Neeaieeraft Dept. «2 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents tn coins for Pat­ tern No................. .. Name Address ................................................ Truth Is Hardy Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day, like a football, and it will be round and full at evening.—Oliver Wendell Holmes. CAN’T TON SLEEP? If it weren't for heartburn and “full­ ness" caused by acid stomach, you might get some rest! ADLA Tablets contain Bismdth and Carbonates for quick relief. Ask your druggist for ADLA Tablets tomorrow. Selfish Enjoyment The man who enjoys something exclusively commonly excludes himself from true enjoyment of it —Thoreau. 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Thsy ars apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid snd othsr impuritiss from ths lite-givtoe blood. You may Buffer nesting bscksehe, headache, dlxxinese, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling—(eel constantly tired, nervous, ell worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some­ times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Desn's Pill*. Doon’s help ths kidneys to peso off harmful excess body waste. They hsve hsd mors than half a century of public approval. Are recom­ mended by grateful users everywhere. A m L gUMr MMzvJs/wxr AM rwtyleuin f < D oan spills