Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 04, 1941, Image 1

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    i-uuor Mema to have about
I011<I1<<I Unci«« Hum's camel with
th. hist alraw, and l,r«,al<i<,nt
Rooaevrit la being urged to crack
down on them something which
ah oil I <1 have iM<«<n done monlha
ugo. it doesn’t take the govern­
ment long to induct hundreds of
thousands of our youth into pre­
paredness rank a and it ahould
tak«< less time to atop labor-em­
ployer aquabblea at a time like
the present críala.
Thia week in passing haa plcaa-
<•<1 thouaunda in southern Oregon.
Enough rain has fallen to make
Irrigation unnecessary for some
time ’Hie fields and mountains
are studded with myriads of flow­
ers, many species strange to the
» < /
Fishing season officially opens
next week, offering the Izaak
Waltons opportunities to get
away over the week-end. The big
Hhaata-Caiicadr Wonderland Fun
Festival is scheduled to start to­
morrow, und many A ah lamiera arc
planning a trek southward.
Music Festival Slated
For April 24 and 25
The l.'lth annual fUKjE Music
Festival will be held her«< A pul
24 and 36, Jackson, Josephine,
and Klamath counties will be re­
Thursday, April 24, has been
act aside for elementary schools
The program will Include a chorus
of unchanged voices totalling «>00
to MM), directed by Mias Louise
W' off, iisslstant piofessor of
music at the college; folk dancing
directed by Mias Virginia Hales,
director of women’s athletics at
the college; a junior orchestra;
directed by Mias Icicle 1-anden,
director of the college orchestra;
a junior high school girls' chorus
directed by Mias Harriett Hill; a
junior high school boys' chorus
directed by Cloyd Riff, director
of vocal music at Granta Paas;
,< junior high mixed chorus, dll
acted by Mias Ullle Darby, music
supervisor of the Klamath Falls
public schools.
Friday. April 25 will be the
high school day and will be com-
IHncd with the H<X’E <<>injM-tltlvc
festival The program includes
the folhrwing: a mixed chorus,dir­
ected by Dr. Theodore Katt, dean
of the school of music at the Un­
iversity of Oregon; a high school
orchestra, composed of members
of the various high sc ho« > la. «br­
ee ted by Miss Lucie Landen. Mix­
ed chorus groups entering th«-
competition will appear on the
program as special
which will be rated by three
judges More choral groups and
soloists will also enter the com­
petitive festival.
----- •-------
Thompson Explains
Selective Service
F. E Thompson, chief clerk of
selective service board No 1.
Jackson county, presented an in­
teresting inside view of the work­
ings and problems in administer­
ing the selective service act, in a
talk before the Lions club Tues­
day evening.
The speaker wax high in his
praise of Colonel Hershey, origin­
ator of the plan, for his care and
understanding tn working out the
details so that each man might
be considered Individually both in
selection and placement In the
service rather than merely an in­
significant unit of the whole. Af­
ter outlining the workings of the
selective service. Thompson an­
swered questions from the group
regarding special cases of defer­
ment, basis of rejections and
many other phases of the act
which are not clearly understood
by the public.
Six basketball letters were
awarded at an assembly gathering
at Ashland high school Monday
morning. Coach Jerry Gastineau
presente«! awards to Charlie Jan-
dreau, Bud Provost, Jim Smith,
Bob Weaver, Chet Fowler and Bob
I)unn. Awards also were given to
Sue Parkinson, yell queen, and
I-ela Griffith, song leader. The
Grizzlies played a total of 23
games, losing six and winning 17.
• Helen Koxtiz of Weed wax a
business caller in Ashlnnd Sat­
• Miss Phyllis Rankin, a Decem­
ber graduate of OCE, will teach
the remainder of the year near
Cottage Grove.
r- ■
and Companion
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
Southern Oregon Miner
To See Their Choice of
the Following
Varsity Theater
(Friday and Saturday)
"PIER 13”
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Please Call at The Miner Office
for Tour Guest Tickets
*11— Pay—* *11 —i Jlai ¿OH—UUny % ¿ay-And ¿ay¿ 9tl
Volume X_________________ ___________ ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941
Departmental activities of the
Ashland chuinber of commerce
were gaining momentum this
week with scheduling of a num­
ber of special sessions during the
next few days.
Tlie industrial development de­
partment, headed by H S. ingle,
is meeting at the Plaza cafe this
noon to formulate preliminary
plans for committee execution.
Members of this committee are
Guy Applewhite, Marshall W«xx1-
ell, Sim Morris. W. M Van V lee t,
Pets Nutter and W A. Snider.
Paul Beare, in charge of the
tourist promotion department, has
«•ailed a meeting for 7 30 p in.
Monday in the chamber offices.
This group includes W D. Jack-
son, H L Hubbard Roy Frazier
Norman Kerr, J. C. Broady and
J F. Keeney.
Tuesday evening, April 8. the
ratrs and taxation department
will convene in the <’hamb«<r of­
fices This session also has been
calle«! for 7:30 p. m. and all mem­
bers are urged to attend. This
Wright, Homer Billings, Mrs. Ol­
lie Easterling, H 8. Aiken, Tom
Simpson, Allen Becker and Frank
VanDyke, driector in charge
The civic affairs department,
hea«le«l by l>r R E Poston, cham­
ber vice president, will meet Wed­
nesday evening at 7:30 in the
chamber offices. Members of this
committee are Kari Nims, Dr W.
J Crandall, C J Raugnman,
Hnrry Mitchell and I. R Barks­
President R I. Flaharty has
urged that preliminary committee
organization be completed as soon
as [Msurible to Insure a rapid start
on the new work program of the
----------- •------------
A tragic accident occurred last I
Saturday when Russell Samuel
Weir, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel R. Weir of Phoenix was
fatally injured when struck by a
car. Evidently he had been in
Berkley's confectionery store in
Phoenix and had just started to
cross the street to a waiting car
when the accident occurred.
Warren Mapes of Route 2, Ash­
land. driver of the car that struck
young Weir, reported that Weir
stepped in front of his car so
suddenly that he had no time to
apply the brakes or to turn out
to avoid the accident. Weir was
carried on the h«xxl of the car
about 50 feet before he rolled off.
The doctor reported that he suf­
fered a fractured skull, a crushed
chest, a broken ieg and severe
bruises. He died without regain­
ing consciousness about a half
hour after the accident.
Since his parents feel that the
accident was seemingly unavoid­
able, no inquest was held.
Funeral services were held in
survived by his parents and six
Conger chapel Tuesday, Rev. Miles
— ’ ‘
Brownrigg officiating.
Russell is I
brothers and sisters.
Number 14
City Supt. Elmer Biegel and
Leo G. Devaney, director of the
Oregon state board of aeronau­
tics, were surveying favorable air­
port locations Wednesday in view
of the possible construction of a
$150,000 defense airport here.
The survey resulted from favor- '
able action of the city council to a
suggestion by the state aeronau­
tics board that the city supply a
I u.
site for a class B defense airport. .
Devaney was in attendance at the
* u
council meeting and stated that
he would be glad to Assist the city
In securing federal aid should an
acceptable site be provided. The '
council voted to make application
to the WPA for the money and if
it is approved all work will be
done by the WPA.
Two of the possible sites inves­
tigated were the old Ashland air­
port and the Ashland golf course
property. It was believed that
either of these locations would
provide the required 4,500-foot ’
landing strip which also must be *
500 feet wide in order to provide
a glide-angle of 30-1 ratio. One
AB0UT 314% BOVS. and 46.67, GIRLS.
factor in favor of Ashland as an
airport site is the good weather,
<ii<ii i
especially the fact that the higher
altitude here results in less winter
Should the port be approved,
the city will supply the site and
will be responsible for its main­
The old cinnabar mine four tenance.
miles southwest of the city has
been reopened and it is reported
that it is being made ready for
heavy wartime production.
Mercury is produced from the
cinnabar and mercury is a valu­
A big sale will mark the open­
able war commodity, the price of ing of the new J.V.W. dime store
which recently has jumped from on the Plaza tomorrow (Satur­
around $55 for a 77-pound flask day) by Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Weit­
to $181 per flask.
Up to the present activity at
Mr. Weitzel is stressing the new
the mine has been limited largely self-service plan and will have a
Under direction of Miss June
to repair work and clearing of large line of new merchandise on
Brasted, girls*
* athletic instructor
caved-in sections of the tunnels. display in the completely recon­
at Ashland high, the Girls' Athlet­
Arrangements also are being made structed store building. One very
ic asocial ion met after school last
I for trucking of the ore to Yreka attractive feature of the new store
night for their monthly spread.
where retorts are available for is the modem fluorescent lights
Members of the GAA met after
Election of Lydia Santini of separation of mercury from the which have been installed through- '
school and spent an hour playing
Leighton Blake, tennis coach at
games and then went to the cafe­ Ashland high school, annouced Weed. Siskiyou County, Californ­ ore.
Five men are now working at
A few of the bargains offered '
teria where a potluck supper was this week that he expects the lad­ ia, as theme girl and official host­
served Singing and a general der tournament under wav at the ess of the Shasta-Cascade Wond­ the mine which consists of a 60- as opening specials are listed in -
evening of fun was enjoyed by the school to be completed this after­ erland scenic region of northern foot shaft and three levels all of the sale announcement on an in­
girls before they ate.
noon or early next week at which California and southern Oregon, which open out on the side of the side page.
Miss Brasted is planning a gen­ time he will choose his team to wax announced this week by mountain. The mine is reached
eral spring athletic program for represent AHS in the 1941 district Tom L. Stanley, general manag- by taking the old Pacific highway
I er of the Shasta-Cascade Wonder­ west of Jackson Hot springs and
the girls and at present they are tennis league
playing intcrclaxa volley ball, un-
The schedule for the district land association. She will be then turning south on the first
titled "Miss Shasta-Cascade—1941 road which crosses the railroad to
tler the student managership of follows:
Four students at the SOCE
Marjorie Newton.
Tuesday, April 8, Grants Pass Alice of Wonderland" and will the left of the highway.
made a grade point average of 4.
be so proclaimed at opening cer-
vacation, here.
or all A's, during the winter
which will be April 10. 11, 12 and
Saturday, April 12, Klamath I emonies of the 1941 Shasta-Cas-
quarter. These students are Ed­
' Cade Wonderland all-season "Fun
13. softball will be played with Falls at Medford.
mund Dews and Frank King of ■
interclasx teams making up the
Saturday, April 19. Klamath Festival" in Redding and at Toyon
Ashland; Ancil Gunter of Jack­
competition. At the present time Falls at Ashland; Grants Pass at City in the Shasta Dam area this
Easter 1941 will have special sonville, and Harry Stallard of
Saturday and Sunday, April 5
n«» manager haa been elected for Medford.
significance to the people of Ash­ Powers.
thia sport.
Saturday. April 26. Medford at , and 6. The public is invited.
Students who made a grade
Elected with Miss Santini to land and vicinity for not in several
A tennis ladder tournament is Ashland: Klamath Falls st Grants
under way to pick the top five Pass
j officiate as county theme girls years have plans for observance point average of 3.5 or better are
girls who will make up the team
Saturday. May 3. Medford at and hostesses of “Fun Festival” of the period commemorating the Charles Coffin, Marvin Ring and
to meet other squads throughout Grants Pass; Ashland at Klamath events in their home counties of resurrection of Christ been as Helen Westfall of Ashland; Dor­
othy Rees. Eugene ¡Helen Hough,
the valley Competition tentatively Falls
I the Wonderland scenic region comprehensive as this year.
Climaxing a week of activity by Klamath Falls; Bob Deaver and '
lined up by Mias Brasted Includes
Saturday, May 10. Grants Pass were: "Miss Tehama County”,
Medford, having the first girls’ at Ashland; Medford at Klamath Arda Wescott, Gerber; "Mise the Ashland ministerial associa­ Corinne Harwood, Medford; Don
tennis team in several years. Kla­ Falls
Lassen County”, Marjorie Comp­ tion, in which services and special Barnes, Phoenix; and Alberta
math Falls and the Phoenix town
Saturday. May 17. Ashland at ton, Westwood; "Miss Shasta sermons will be featured at par­ Arends. Redwood City. Calif.
team Donna Frazier will manage Medford; Grants Pass at Klamath County", Marjorie Smith, Shasta ticipating churches, a cantata,
Students making a grade point
i Falls
the tennis squad.
Dam City; "Miss Modoc County” "Hail the Victor,” by Wooler. will average of 3. or better are: Ed­
Wilma Thomas, Alturas; "Miss be presented at 7:30 o’clock Eas­ ward Cate. Phyllis Dozier, Lois
Trinity County"; Betty Smallen, ter night at the Methodist church. Firestone. Ruth Froman, Marg­
A chorus of 65 voices drawn aret Lininger, Duain Monroe,Mar­
Weaverville; "Miss Siskiyou Coun­
ty", Betty Klee, Weed; "Miss from choirs of seven churches jorie McNair. Nancy Ring. Earl
has been practicing for several
Churches of Ashland are uniting
The young people's choir of the Jackson County"(Oregon), Betty I weeks and there is promise of a Schilling, Warren Thompson Gay­
lord Vestal.and Shirley Willard,
in Holy Week services at 7:30 Methodist church will give the
I program of unusual merit.
o'clock each evening. Services are Easter music program, "The Re­ ath County "(Oregon), Betty Pat-
The cantata is arranged for so- Ashland; Janet Baxter. Baker;
planned as follows:
deemer.” by Edith Sams, at 7:30 zke, Bly; "Miss Lake County” loists, special choruses and the Norma Jean Wertz, Climax; Ell­
(Oregon), Lucille Harvey, Lake­
en Brown. Crystal; Florence Bush­
Monday evening "The For­ o’clock Palm Sunday evening.
generaf chorus, providing the nell
and Beatrice Galbreath. Eag­
giveness of Calvary." Sermon by Mrs. Cora Bruce is the director view.
Inaugural ceremonies for the
Aileen Brown, Leola Lee
Rev. C. F McCall. Subject, "Fa­ and Mrs. Annabelle Davis is the
a well balanced and
ther, Forgive Them.” In the Pres­ organist. The program begins 1 with first public introduction of the tertainment. Several of. the city's and Woody Mason, Grants Pass;
byterian church.
a silent processional during the "Wonderland Welcomettes" at a best vocalists will handle the Ed Bernston and Bruce Metzger,
Jacksonville; Mildred Rice.Klam-
Tuesday evening —"The Prom organ prelude. Gaylord Vestal will grand ball in Redding Sat. night, special numbers.
ath Falls; Margaret Strain. Lang­
Ise of Calvary." Sermon by C. A. rea«l throughout the program i the April 5. and at an outdoor cer-
Broxtrom. Subject, “Ttxlay Thou life of Christ, which also is told emony at Toyon City in the Sha­ of music in Ashland senior and lois; Betty Dano and Grace Lee,
Shalt Be With Me in Paradise.” in anthems, duets, solos and organ sta Dam area at 2:30 Sunday af­ junior high schools, is directing Marshfield: Charles Boyden, Al-
ternoon, April 6, will formally
In the Baptist church.
the chorus, and Mrs. J. W. McCoy meta Day, Walter Enders, Clifford
Fänger, Leia Henderson, Bessie
The chorus will sing the first open the all-season schedule of is organist.
evening — "The
Kerlinger, Grace Loeffler, Don
Loneliness of Calvary." Sermon by number, "O Uttle Town of Beth­ "Fun Festival" events In the Sha-
O'Hara. Donald Stanley , and
J. R. Turnbull. Subject, "My God, lehem.” This will be followed by A coast-to-coast broadcast will BELLVIEW NEWS
Bertha Wertz. Medford: Mary
My God, Why Hast Thou Forsak­ a solo, “Thou Didst I^eave Thy sta-Cascade Wonderland region.
en Me?" In the Christian church. Throne,” sung by Bill Cook. Cho­ describe the ceremonies at Shasta • Mrs. William Turner, who has Jean Barnes. Phoenix: Kenneth
Thursday evening "The Trial rus. "Christians! Didst Thou See Dam.
been quite ill, is able to be up and Thompson, Portland; Robert Hull
Members of the Shasta County around again.
of Powers: Marian Bean. Prospect
of Calvary.” Sermon by G. W • Them?” Chorus, "At Eve ere the
Maxine Tyrrell. Rogue River; Eu­
Bruce. Subject, "I Thirst." In the Sun was Bet." Chorus, "Rejoice, Council of the Shasta-Cascade • Mrs. Mary Cabler, who
Nazarene church.
I Ye Pure in Heart.” Chorus. "I Wonderland association are in been with her sister, Mrs. Malinda gene Crites, Mildred Henson, Gene
Friday evening "The Triumph Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." charge of arrangements and there King, for several weeks, left Fri­ Perry, and Maxine Rand. Rose­
of Calvary.” Sermon by a preach­ Chorus. "O Thou Eternal God." will be attendance from all nine day for Sacramento where she burg; Ethel Halverson, Saginaw:
Florence Vail, Springfield: and
er for the Presbyterian church. Reading by Maxine Rand, "My counties of the Wonderland reg­ plans to spend a week.
Subject, “It Is Finished." In the Peace I Ix<ave With You.” The ion The general public is Invited. • Mrs. Hicks of Ashland was a Bill Richardson, Hollywood, Calif.
,----------- •------------
auditorium lights are turned off There will be music, entertain­ dinner guest of Mrs. I. E. Dead-
Congregational church.
This week of union services will and out of the silence comes the ment and special arrangements mond .Friday.
climax on Sunday evening when voice of the reader, Gaylord Ves­ for sightseeing tours of Shasta • Kenneth Bell has returned to
Funeral services for S. A. Van
his work after being off several Hardenburg, Ashland resident for
the choirs of cooperating churches tal, followed by the solo, “My Dam.
will give an Easter enntata, “Hail Reddemer and My Lord,” sung
days, having had a tonsilectomy. 20 years, were held at the J. P.
He was in a hospital in Klamath Dodge and Sons Funeral chapel
the Victor," by Alfred Wooler. A by Bill Willits. Organ solo, ’Ada­ JAMES WILLIAM KINKADE
chorus of approximately 65 voices gio from the Moonlight Sonata,"
Funeral services were held Falls.
Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Hard­
will present the cantata at 7:30 played by Mrs. Annabelle Davis. Thursday afternoon at the Litwil-1 • Mrs. Addie Heninger left last enburg was born in St. Louis, Mo.
o'clock at the Methodist church. This is followed by a solo, "The ler Funeral home for James W. Thursday for an extended trip to Feb. 2, 1877 and passed away at
Young people of the cooperat­ Magdalene," by Lois White. The Kinkade who passed away at Kia-1 Montana and to Chicago where the Southern Pacific hospital in
ing churches will hold an Easter chorus singB, "Christ. "Hie Lord. math Falls, April 1. Although a; she will visit with her daughter. San Francisco March 29. He is
Youth rally In the Presbyterian Is Risen Today." A trio, Ida Wil­ native of Kentucky he had spent | She plans to be gone eight or nine survived by his widow and four
church at 6:15 to 7:10 on Easter lard, Isaura Billings and Betty the last nine years In Ashland. He HUE) ths.
children: Mrs. Fern Martin, Stock-
Sue Reed, will sing, "O Jesus, is survived by nine children: J • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parks from ton, Calif.; Mrs. May Rowden,
Sunday evening.
----------- •------------
Thou Art Standing." The evenning T. of Waldren, Ark.; Alvin of Central Point were dinner guests Rocky Point; Mrs. Anna Young,
• Mrs. Mary Childers of Klam­ prayer will be given by the pastor. Seattle; Williard Kinkade and Sunday at the Walter Davis home. Lathrop, Calif., and Wayne Hard­
ath Falls was a visitor at the J. Offering service, “Rise Up, O Mrs. S. R. Brummelle of Barns­ »<r«t Parks is a sister of Mrs. enburg. Ashland.
The Masons
H. Morse home the first of the Men of God.” Benediction in verse dall, Okla; Archie Kinkade. Mrs. Davis.
were in charge of the service, with
read by Gaylord Vestal.
L. L. Arnett and Mrs N. H. I • Mrs. George Helms was a bus- Dr. Claude B. Sayre, chaplain,
--------------- -•----------------
Church of Klamath Falls; Mrs. I iness visitor in Medford Monday, speaking.
• Miss Ruby Turner of Bellview,
a graduate of SOCE at mid-year, I • Mrs. Harry Lavage and chil­ A. R. Oliver of Vallejo, Calif., and • Rev. Young of the Lutheran
The Miner for prompt, profi­
will teach In Tillamook county In dren have left for a trip to South Mrs. Glen Johnston of San Jose, church of Medford conducted
(Continued on Page 8)
cient printing.
I Dakota.
fl" ì
Big Sale Marks
JVW Store Opening
GAA Members Enjoy
Monthly Spread
Blake Announces
AHS Tennis Sched
Shasta-Cascade I
At Shasta Dam Apr. 6
------- •-------
Honor Students For
Winter Quarter Cited
Cantata To Climax
Easter Observance
------- •-------
Churches Plan United : Young Peoples Choir
Holy Week Services To Present Cantata
----- •—
--- - •-----