* Page 4 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Southern Oregon Miner CHAS. M GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers Publiahed Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON ♦ Frank O’Conner Has I* Teaching Position OUR DEMOCRACY-------- iyM.T1 Frank O’Cdhner, graduate of the Southern Oregon College of Education in the December class, j has been placed in u teaching |nr- .'Utlon in the Kerby public school I where he will teach in the upper grades O'Conner is a nephew of Mrs. Hattie Konop of this city, with whom he has made his home the past several years. He left Sunday afternoon for his new work. ON THE JOB ★ Entered as second-class matter February 16, 1935, at the poatoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3,1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR.......... 31.50 SIX MONTHS 80c (Mailed Anywhere in tiie United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 "THE TRI Til W1LI.J- SET vov FREE” President Clarifies Nation’s Stand! I OT WORK IN THE U.S. IS MORE THAN HALF THE UTILIZED ENERGY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD. FROM COAL AND OIL AND WATER POWER. , y T WAS THE HUMAN If a vestige of doubt remained in any minds as to ENERGY, THE this country’s position in the current world struggle i DRIVING SPIRIT,OF for power, the President’s speech at the White House AMERICANS WHICH PUT THIS NATURAL Correspondents association dinner should have dissi­ ENERGY TO WORK pated it, states the industrial News Review. Tnere was no humor in the President s voice. There were no light touenes. He nad grave words to say, and he said tnem gravely. Tnat speech, coming hard on tne heels of congress approval 01 tne iend-ieuse Dill, made our policy ciear as crystal—we are out to destroy dictatoisnip, and tne KJ he urge for more and better WAYS OF making THINGS entire resources ot this nation will be spent ireeiy to HAS INCREASED INOUSTRy’S RESEARCH TECHNICIANS tnat end. He denounced tne nazis by name. He accused 8y MORE THAN 4ooZ IN 2.0 YEARS. them of seexing tne destruction or elective systems oi government on every continent, including our own. tie accused tnem oi seexing to stir up controversies and to create disunion witmn all democracies, including our, own. And he said tnat tney would tail—tnat tne would- be conquerors will tind tnat tne iorces ot democracy, thougn tney may move slowly, will in the end De N atural energy — human energy — research — SKILLED WORKERS —PATRIOTISM .... supreme. BACKGROUND OF NA T/QNAL DEFENSE. Tnat speecn was obviously designed for more than American ears, immediately alter il was made, it was broadcast to tne iar corners oi tne worm, in 1*1 uiiter- tions or industries which are still thinking in terms of ent languages, it went, oy snort wave, to Germany, to business as usual, and are not troubling themselves to tne occupied nations, to /vinca, to boutn America, r or give all-out effort. Even the Administration's strong- ___ I that sacrifices, tms government ieeis, as do tne isritisn, that tne moral pat est critics believe that It it really _ means eiiecL oi 1UV percent support oi tne democracies war financial and otherwise, must be shared by all. is almost as important in some ways as will be its ma­ SEWS FROM i fodlls and flowering almond Mar­ terial eiiect. it is no secret tnat nntain expects tnat lys and Jacquie made corsages the teacher and for themselves School for revolts in the conquered nations will eventually be a By Washington HAPPY PAT SCHOOL STUDENTS major factor contributing to Hitler s collapse. Tne fact Room one celebrated Marilee Pat, Oh Pat! Why sing so loud ? birthday Friday and Mrs. tnat the United btates nas actually intervened in tne Mason's Mason gave each of us a little Pat, Oh Pat! war, even thougn only as a non-belligerent, is expected birthday cake with a pink candle Why are you so proud ? it. We played games and hud Pat. Oh Pat! to give new hope to tne millions of people who now live a on very I Whose bird are you ? Ume. I Donald nice as virtual prisoners of the nazi-fascist system. Damon visited his aunt Pat. Oh Pat! What do you do? in Bend recently. Even though it it is significant tnat tne rresident had little to say snowed most of the way home | Children, Oh children! I love to sing aloud. concerning tne world alter the war. Tne Anole empna- from Bend, he said he had a very trip We are glad that Don­ Children, Oh children! sis, nere and in England, is now being placed upon vic­ nice I know I am so proud. ald could take such a nice trip. tory. Tnat dominates all oiiicial tninxing and planning. We are very sorry that Patricia - Virginia Clary, Rex Morgan is moving away. We will < Robert Fowler. Tnere is little time tor discussion about tne world Kathan Mrs. Knox and Miss Terrill of miss Patricia very much. She is | Rogue River were guests in our order of the future. That must wait. going to attend Lincoln school. They We have our finger painting room Monday afternoon Highly important were the President’s words to pictures up in our room. We en­ teach boys and girls in Rogue industry and labor. He delinitely took tne stand £hat joyed painting them so much and I River. r f f they are very pretty. many nave wanted him to take for months—he said we We think Donnie Cui lop and Robert Fow­ enjoyed the picture "Wheat ler brought a sphinx moth to tnat all must work naruer and longer, tnat all must ex­ and Flour” very much. It was school March 25 Its very interesting and helpful to us. pect smaller profits. He said, in effect, that all must Kama Henson returned from q wings Tuesday, are like velvet. The boys it on a fence post. They sacrifice, and that nothing will be permitted to stand trip to Roseburg Monday. She found brought It for nature study class stayed there a week visiting her in the way of the swiftest possible consummation of grandparents and brother. Mrs. Huffman was in Alaska 15 . Mrs. Henson came to school years. She brought back many the aid-to-tfie-democracies program. 24 and she listened to the interesting things Mrs. Lee brot So the policy has been finally established. The de­ March fourth grade children read She some of them to school to show rooms five and six. There were for art, too. bate, is over, and even the opponents of the lend-lease stayed Monday we made some animals pictures, a walrus tusk with hand plan admit that public sentiment is overwhelmingly out of clay. We had lots of fun. carving, a carved bat, two totem of us marie cats and dogs. poles. Eskimo boots, shoes and behind it. Now the real job begins—to make and sup­ Some We have modeled in clay for a gloves. The pictures were actual ply the weapons Britain and Greece and China must I !r,ng time. We like it very much. photographs enlarged and tinted. We were all very interested in a have. That calls for greater industrial productivity Nancy Beers entered the fourth picture of Will Rogers and Wiley i grade last week from Keno. She than we have so far obtained. It calls for a ship-build­ was in our third grade last year. Post taken just five hours before fata! crash. We thank both ing drive of unprecedented proportions. Further, it The Room Five club had the fol-1 their I lowing program March 25 in the ' Mrs. Huffman and Mrs. Lee for may very likely call for use of the American navy to : Washington school: Star Spangled ' their kindness. Dorothy Fagin of Weston, Ore. convoy merchant ships to England—it is obvious that ■ Banner; report, "Orchard Smudg- visited six Tuesday. She is j ing,' by Jacquie Don Lowe and our weapons will be of no use if the ships bearing them Jerry Kerr; flower quiz; waltz a cousin room to Darlene Love and are sunk by the dozen in the Atlantic. I and minuet records, and apprecia­ plana to make her home here. tion note to Donald Wren for a The President’s request for a $7,000,000,000 appro­ gavel. HORAE INSPECTION SLATED This week the flower arrange- Inspection for army horses will priation to put the lend-lease plan into effect, was un­ I I ments are being made by Jacquie be held in Medford May 1. Those questionably designed as a dramatic gesture. It is Lowe, Marlys Wilcox, Virgina Cla- who have horses to sell should see the county‘agent. The army is of­ ________ that at least _____ __ .v ,, O' anc* Barbara Mesenger. Some known two j years must t_____ pass before it will good prices but horses must be possiblefor our factories to produce that value of quinie. "«EJ S-nXei-s^daT fering meet desired qualifications and ” T7 ' • —-»_____________________ « _________ _____ • be over j les, marigolds,^ pear blossoms^ daf-' undergo a thorough examination. goods ■ for England —some think a the war - will before the appropriation is exhausted. The President e" 3 apparently preferred to ask for a tremendous appro­ priation at once, rather than to request smaller sums at intervals over a period of time, in order to show the dictators that we really mean business. The tide is moving swiftly now. Watch for crack­ downs on labor if it gets out of hand. Pressure of the strongest kind probably will be applied to organiza- I Cleaning Specials REMEMBER WHEN - mother always baked the family’s bread? She set the pan of dough at night to rise until morning. For half a day the smell of baking bread filled the house, whetting appetites. Crisp strips of crust baked over the edges of the tins and, sizzling hot with butter, were giv­ en to the children. Oven-hot bread for dinner. Remember ? doesn’t take a lot. of "Dough” here be­ cause our "cnist” I m thin. DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME C.M.UtwUJer Friday. March 2«, 1941 (We Never Close) Phone 4541 30c I 35c CASH & CARRY FREE PICK-UP DELIVERY SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS 3for85e | 3 for $1.00 STANDARD CLEANERS “If it can be done, 1«3 East Main WILL REMODEL or build your new home Good moderately priced car accepted in exebnngr for labor. F. II Kramer, 1 em­ bower Apt. No 2. MARIE’S BEAUTY SALON BUY A HOME NOW! 5-r<>om dwelling, .1 large lota con willen I l.v located to schoobi. 31000. II-room dwelling, well loc­ ated, punsi street. -HI mimi . FOR MONUMENT INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS WORK of beauty and quality, In marble, g runite or bronze, or combinili Ions of the««* iiiii teriuls, ul hone«! priera, aer Billings Agency M. T. BURNS REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main Nest to P. O. 0 Phone 63«I 1 IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE | issi BAM ■ ADEQUATE? Sc« STEVEN R. I uneatable Pair SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 • METROPOLITAN LIFE INMI K VN( 4 < <» Try Our Milk ¡uid Cream AN ASHLAND PRODUCT Clover Leaf Dairy Phone 8732 WHEN THEY'RE ALL GOOD 4 F I i But You Can’t Lose When It comes to De- ciding on a 1941 Electric Refrigerator. • THEY'RE ALL GOOD; they're all priced in proportion to monufacturing costs; and the only problem is to select one big enough for family needs. It $ a fact that an 8 cubic-foot refrig­ erator costs about the same os the 6 cu­ bic-foot of last year and what a lot of satisfaction in knowing there'll be plenty of room for that watermelon and that crate of berries you "picked up at such a bar­ gain," (Set your local electric dealer.) NOW is the TIME To Buy Your Electric REFRIGERATOR I * "In 1941 Electric Refrig­ erators you'll find twice the value for half the cost. «