Friday, March 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 HILT NEWN a ARSITY *uit< h it viiant tNiw^t ; 111 By 1 TOLD YOU SO • FRIDAY AND • • SATURDAY • THELAW HAS COME! One man brings justice ... to the most lawless of Western-. towns! 'UNREAL REALITIES HINDSIGHT ON SPORT« IN THIS AMAZING AMERICA VISITOR FROM THE SKT~> Centuries ago ■ monstrous meteor smashed into the desert with a crash that in one second displaced as much earth as was dug from the Panama Canal. Meteor Crater, near c'aajv« Diablo, Arnona, is the result. The height of poor sportsman­ ship was exhibited in a Salem restaurant last Saturday night when a group of Salem boys stormed tne eating place and at­ tempted to gain possession of lhe basketball trophy won earlier in the evening by Astoria in a 35 to 32 overtime game. Nearly 100 Salemites gathered outside the restaurant and booed the Astoria team, which was in­ side eating.. A tew of the poor sports went inside and picked fights with the winners and sev­ eral broken windows along with other damage resulted. Six cops were sent to the scene and as many boys were placed under ar­ rest. It was necessary take the Asturians to their hotel in a police car rather than risk bodily harm 41 PASSENGER by the poor losers. TOURING CAR~> The council of the city of Salem Greyhound's streamlined Super­ has ordered an investigation and Coaches are often called America s Coach Wally Palmberg of the "out • of - town" cars They are big, Fishermen has said that he would luxurious 41-passenger limousines, not take another team to the state complete with chauffeurs. Air condi­ tournament until steps were taken tioning insures comfort summer and to assure him that his boys would winter. not again be subjected to such hu­ ' / miliation and unsportsmanlike conduct. It gets to be a great thing when a team cannot go to the tournament and win trom a team that doea not have to win from a league to get to make the trip and then be subjected to such an outrage. Salem is having a hard enough time to keep the yearly tourna­ ment and this outbreak will not be beneficial to their cause. And the Oregon High School Athletic association has a ruling that any school members or townspeople who participate in a riot can cause suspension of that team from the BELLVIEW NEWS OHSAA for one year. This pen­ (Continued from page 1) alty will be inflicted on Salem if the OHSAA cares to go the limit. met with Mrs. Walter Hash last Thursday in connection with the r e » Russell Hawk, candidate for work on comforters for Great ' pitcher on Ashland high'9 1941 Britain. The birthday anniversary baseball team, bellowed like a of Mrs Gladys Knott also was mad bull when, upon returning observed. from the state hoop tournament, • Mr. and Mrs. A. R Kincaid, he found that his name was not Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8tenrud and included in the list of turnouts for Mrs. Sorenson were Sunday after-I the team, published last Friday. noon visitors in Medford. r r • Betty Dunn has been absent Leighton Blake, AHS football from school for the past few days coach, can hardly wait for com- suffering from measles. pletion of the new $50,000 Walter • Miss Esther Wade, who has Phillips field and the coming of been employed at Dunsmuir, has next football season. It is a possi- returned to her home and will en­ zility that the Grizzlies will have ter Southern Oregon College of a system of calling signals entire­ I Education. ly different from anything around • Hot lunches for Bellview pupils here in the past, or any place else will be served each day until close for that matter. And Blake says it of school. There are only about 36 will be well to watch the pitching I served dally now since the seventh of tiny Charlie Jandreau in the and eighth grades are being trans­ coming gridiron wars. ported to junior high school in fit Ashland. This department wonders if • Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and our good friend Bill Hulen of Mrs. J. J. Walker arrived home the Medford Mail Tribune saw Friday from Anacortes, Wash, the column headed Sport Gags where they had been called by the in the Central Point American serious illness of the infant son of dated March 6. If he didn't, Mr. and Mrs David Walker The we suggest he look it up. baby is much better. HOME GROWN <- AFRICAN LIONS At F.l Moult, Californio. there's « (arm where the only livedock Mined is lions. Far from their native Africa these wild heists are horn and raised to earn a living for themselves in very un lionlike fashion—as high-salaried movie stan! BATTLE ABOVE <- THE CLOUDS The most famous ''battle shove the clouds" was fought on land almost 50 years before airplanes were in­ vented The summit of Lookout Mountain, near Cbntunooga. Tn- ntnrt. where rival armies battled dur­ ing the Civil War. can today he reached without t struggle, without even an effort, on die world s steepest incline railway. Pacific T & T Pays Heavy County Tax Hïsmrtf Located Between the Plaza Cafe and McNair’s Drug Store Friday, Saturday “SIX LESSONS FROM MADAME LAZONGA with Lupe Velez, Helen Parrish, Leon Errol Plus “THE WILDCAT OF TUCSON” with Bill Elliott AI-SO NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday BANK DICK” With W. C. Fields and Una Merkel Matinees Saturday and Munday only Wednesday and Thursday DIME NIGHTS Equi|)|M-(! both with tools and experience we can save you hours of "down time” when trouble conics to your heavy machinery. Our electric and acetylene weldings are well known through­ out southern Oregon and northern California because they will really stand up under punishment. When something breaks, just PHONE 458« OR SEE OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, A SHI-A ND "Ur Ixiild Storage Tanka' PHONE 4586 DAVIS The Worlds Biggest Clothing Store M LliK >•> « Kl"tBS la right here in town and it in featuring a complete line of TIXEDOS “ 777717 and FORMAL DRESS wear. Custom- Made for no more than ready-made coat. Lady Davla Custom Coats, Suits and Slacks are tailored to YOUR measurements at prices surpris- ingly moderate. 41 conven^s’ï*s ALL GUARANTEED TO FIT, WEAK AM) ------ --------------- satisfy . . . IN SI RED FREE AGAINST DAM- AGE Coat, and Sults Priced From Every Wednesday $25.00 LEON o . sharyon Ph 6176 Ashland, 4 ■ “THE EXPERT WELDING AND REPAIRING ON SAWMILL OR LOGGING EQUIPMENT Ashland’s NEW 10c STORE • Funeral services for the 11- yvttr-old eon of Mr. anil Mia John Michelon, who passed nwity last Monday, were held in Yreka Sat­ urday morning. The church wiu filled to capacity with friends ami | i vlativea for the aervicea. Members of the Weed Sone of Italy were pall bearera. • Ruth Roaecrana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald RoaecriuiM, was taken to the Medford Com­ munity hospital Friday for a mas- toid operation. . • Mr. and Mm Elmer Jackson arc the proud parenta of a aon born Friday morning at the Yreka General hospital Both mother and son are doing very well and are expected to be home early next week. • Mrs • ‘•"KKy Miller returned Friday afternoon from it week's trip to Seattle to visit her father and other relatives. She was ac­ comiauiled on her trip hy two ladles from Medford. • Mrs Arthur Pedersen received jvord Monday of the death of her mother who lived near Narvik. Norway. This is the first word Mrs Pedersen has received since the German occupation of thia territory. The deep and sincere sympathy of the community goea to Mrs Pederson tn her recent bereavement, • Billy Gran and Raymond Cole­ man drove to Ashland Sunday to attend a show. • Mr and Mrs Hoy Clevenger and son Bobby visited relatives in Neno, Ore. over the week-end. • While visiting In Ashland Sat­ I urday, Mrs George llelgul was taken ill and rushed to the Ash­ land Community hospital fur an appendectomy. • Mrs. Earle Temple of Sacra­ mento spent last week in Hilt on business Mrs. Temple drove up Saturday and they returned home Sunday. • Mrs E<| Adams and Mrs Nora Bailey are taking over the instruc­ tion of the third and fourth grades at the Hilt grammar school due to the over ciowllii, of the two over-crowding rooms i under ____ _ Mina ___ _ Gansberg and •Miss Hunt Mrs Adams am id Mrs Bailey will alternate in the work, 0M teaching morning classes and the other afternoon classes • Mrs Bill Fraley returned Sat­ urday from the hospital where she was being treated for a throat ailment. Real and personal property tax­ es totaling $25,682.44 were paid last week by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, accord­ ing to H 9 Al kins, manager. Total operating property taxes now being paid by the company In Oregon are $790,835 25. which, with federal, franchise and other miscellaneous taxes, make the ------ - ---- ® ______ company's tax bill on its 1940 op­ Build health with natural vita­ • Mrs I* R. Hardy la vlalting erations in Oregon total $1,550,- 821, or more than 83c per month min It complex. East Side Phar­ in Han Franctaco with her daugh- per telephone. macy. WATCH FOR THE OPENING! TOM-TOM HOUND THE TOTEM POLE, YOU TOOTS ond TOOTISI »'s d^fitsr...MaskW Large Crowd Attends Hilt Boy's Funeral FIRST PORGANO