FRIDAY, MAR. 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 101 ioi Pacje 7 ICI THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | BIG TOP *3rrr walked By ED WHEELAN vniu \siiv - from ‘nie LOT To Hift ppwaie car 1CL' Syxxj'Sine. C ome I O«N A THIRD 1NTÇ PC ST IN 11 lT.DON'T I - SO in » v'v/n » \NHV SHOULD 1 v/ANT T o V/RECK IT CLEAN" UI h /APE V\] you T o ' I you TRVINQ trying To \NRECK THE SHOW ? UZAGCH ME , buT I VMOW THAT .'/OURE UP 1Ö SOME GORT OF dirt / work , and we we got TO HAVE A SHOWDOWN MOW!•' ------- /•; LOOK HERE.’SlLK" FOWLER, rve GOT THE GOODS OH you this time : i know / TOO MAN/ STRANGE THINGS HAVE BEEN HAPPENING AROUND W/ HERE TO ATTRIBUTE THEM TO (//< B RUT. JEFF. 1 CAN EXPLAIN ' EVERYTHING , Ui>6T PLAIN I HARD LUCK sa CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WATCHES FOR SALE ELGIN R»t»llt Perket Watch»« S3 00 WRIST M 00. FREE LIST O. M. CAMPBELL MIS Clarluaa Ar»., Lt»» Angela«, Calif. NURSERY STOCK 100,000 fruit and nut tree*. T»* varieties. Frve 40 psge catalog. Roses, flowering, shade trees, etc. Tualatin Valley Nurserlee. Sherwood, Oregon. ’ FILM SERVICE Excellent work and fast service. Any < or 4 exposure roll developed, t sparkling prints and >ne 6x7 enlarge­ ment. (Your choice). 25c coin. Fre* film mailer with every order. Our work must please you or money re­ funded The Picture Mill. Box »11, Portland. Oregon. e- — - a 'zA XÍ y SPECIAL - /J BLANKETS, Army rejects, Mx«4-4 lb. 100% virgin wool, kakki color. Price 11.60 postpaid any place In (J. 8. Many other bargains. Portland Wool­ en Mills—remnant counter 6639 Io. Baltimore Ave., Portland, Ore. ( V Si FARM • < Kry Syndic «I» Inr By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA Just Another King Tut FOR SALE—400-ACRE DAIRY AND wheat ranch, atock, machinery. M. Blackwood, Sprague, Wash. RABBITS Poultry, rabbit*, rabbit skin*. Get highest prices. Ruby 4k Co. 1*16 8. W. Front, Portland. Oregon SPECIAL REGISTERED KARAKULS: LITERA­ TURE and prices on request Olm- 11ns Karc-ul Farm. Pomeroy, Wash. DUCKS-GEESE Duckling*, goslings, geese, hatching eggs, bantams, cornlsh hens. Duck Paras. Boute 14, Portland. Ore. STRAWBERRY PLANTS STRAWBERRIES—ROC.HILL. Th* finest everbearing strawberry grow*. Big solid fruit. Dandy canners. Get crop first year. Prices on request. A Michell. Bt. 1, Box 45«, Bead, BABY CHICKS By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Just as Natural as Could Be! Pure Hanson White Leghorns als* New Hampshires. Write for our low prices. Gehring's Poultry Fann, Sil­ verton, Oregon. HOUNDS Varment HOUNDS. NEW BREED, Will sell cheap. Tom Shuey, Oak­ ridge, Oregon. WELDING SCHOOL WELDING. Nlght-day Classes. Coma Training. »313 B. B. Foster *0*4. Portland. Oro. Western Welding and Training. BU. 5460. MESCAL IKE As Usual By s . l huntley The protestor’» secretary »aw a magnificent blonde carrying some papers enter the office smiling sweetly. "Listen, you,” snarled the jealous ’ secretary, "If you try to muscle in on my territory I’ll plant you among the potatoes.” "Oh, don’t mind me.” answered the other. "I’m only the professor'» wife." Black L>eaf40 Hl'/ k ILL!5 k LICE À Time Goes On Come what may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day.—Shakespeare. DONT BE BOSSED By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Long Intermission BY YOUR LAXATIVE —R ELI EVI CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY • When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do es million» do-take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like * million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your night’s mt or interfere with work th* next day. Tty Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yourself It testes good, if» handy and economical...a family supply NO, sir ! "THERE'S AN INTERVAL OP TWO YEARS BETWEEN THE FIRSTAND SECONO HALF! FEEN-A-MINT Defeat Our Ills Joy, temperance, and repose, slam the door on the doctor’s nose. —Longfellow. UP THS LING Watch Your Kidneys/ THE MANTEL CLOCK Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Want« Your kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from th« blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do not act as Nature Intended—fail to re­ move impurities thst, it retained, may poison the system and upset the whois body machinery. Symptoms may bo nagging backache, persistent headacne, attacks of dixxineea, getting up nights, swelling, puffin««« under the eyes—• feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis­ order are sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment Is wiser than neglect. Use Doan's Pill*. Doan's have been winning new friends for more than forty years. They have a Bation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask yowr mighborl •*e»o»ee *<<<«• ••••••• D oans P ills ::::::: eeeeeee :::::: •s»e»e •••••• :::::: Toi »•«•eoe • • • • » » e eeeeeee • •••e ce eeeeeee •>•»•«• G ood M erchandise Gn B* CONSISTENTLY AdrertW » BUY ADVERTISED COOP» « TIME SIGNAL TC WINCH