Friday, March 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER t————————————————— - ■---------- -. i About People You Know • Geurge Hurd went to Portland . took the Miner family for a ride tuai week to gel lux xtudcnt in- ' Sunday afternoon introducing miui'iur ruling He look advanced them to some of the fine scenery ingnl training al ikiuinetii Oregon in the Rogue river vuliey. Cutiege ot htducaUon. • Charles Slurgill Is busy this • Mr. and Mr«. B F. Sturm, tor- week improving the golf course mer iMUdenta <>r Awn land anu now With his previous experience In oi Uiuvine, Cum., viaited ut me caring for tne college giounds, the gt ceria will be kept in fine condi­ r*. n. t'lovuai Home mix week. • Min« Grace Lee la visiting in tion. ’Hie club room also will be Mtuisniieid with friends and tela- Improved. • Miss Maxine Conover had as UVVM, her guest Tuesday night her cou­ • min Mabel Hansen of Junction lily visited last week-end with sin, Miss Adele Conover of Waits­ burg Wash., who was returning hei tuouier, Mrs. Emma Hager. home from u visit in San Fran­ • Vv lit Hodge and C. M iaiwlllei cisco. were speakers al a runeiai direc* • Guests nt the P. it. Hardy tom meeting tieid tn Medford last home thia week are Mr. and Mrs. week. Jim Mutiny and ililldieii of Flint, • mum Elizabeth 1). Palmer has Mich returned home after visiting aev- Build health with natural vita­ eral weeks in Sun Francisco. min It complex. East Side Phar­ • Walter Kimmell, instructor in macy. Redding high school, and bls wile • Woixlcraft Thimble club mem- visited Mr ami Mrs. C. C Hartley hers entertained their husbands and Wilmer i'oley lust week-end. at a covrred dish dinner Thursday • J, C. Barnard, u former res­ evening at the home of Mrs. Anna ident of Ashland and now of lx>s Meaaar. Angeles, visited friends here a • Guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. tew days last week. Alex Smith at Sunday dinner were • iron Halfhill, Jack Peterson, Mr and Mrs Chester Applegate, Stan Davis. Everett Nance, War- Ernest Applegate and Helen and ren Applewhite, Murk Smith and Vernon Kruger. Bert swartsley, students of DSC • Sunday guests of Mrs. Payton are spending the spring vacation Ward and Mrs Pauline Robinson here. were Mr. und Mrs. George Ward • O R Edward« of Hilt, Calif Jr. of Los Angeles and Mr. and recently purchased a home in Aah- Mis George Oium of Medford. • Boni to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd land. • Mrs. Dan Wall has left for S.-lliy on Murch 17, a IOC pound Bremerton, Wash, to make her son. home there where her husband la —•------- « TALENT NEWS employed. • Mrs. Irene Foster, teacher | in Klamath Falls,und her daught­ er spent the week .•nd rn Ash­ land | • M um Pearl Sherlock, director of Christian education in the • The following teachers for 1941- Oregon conference was the guest 42 have been elected: Superintend­ of mis lloincr Billings on iocs ent. Roy B.- Parr; commercial and day Mlles Sherlock is one of the music, Mary Bugar; science and teachers in the leadership train­ coach. Dexter Russell; first grade, ing School being < 'inducted at Frances Fitzgerald; second and Medford this week. third grades, Jeanette Gore; • The Martha Gillette guild of fourth and fifth grades, Gynel tne Presbyterian church met at Powell; fifth and sixth grades, the home of Mrs. J. W. McCoy Cecilia Cord, and seventh and for the election of officers last eighth grades, Mr Meyers. Mias Friday evening. Mias Edith Bork was elected president; Miss Jua­ nita bemmer, vice president; and Miss Marie Prescott, secretary­ treasurer. • Captain H R Jordan, who has been stationed at Portland, visited several days last week at the H. K. Jordan home. He wus enroute to New Cumberland, Pa., where he will be in charge of an army signal depot. • Le Roy Undner attended the Sheriffs' pQMe banquet and busi­ ness meeting at Medford last Fri­ day. • The Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary is giving a food sale at the Ashland Groceteria Saturday morning. • The regular meeting of the vet­ erans and auxiliary will be held Monday night, March 24, in the Veterans hall. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Allin returned home this week from a two months visit in Long Beach, Sacramento and Modesto. • Forty people attended the birth­ day dinner sponsored by the aux­ iliary to the American legion last Saturday evening at the Legion hal). Mrs. Beminghauscn made the birthday cake, which had 22 can­ dies on it. After dinner an inter­ esting program was given followed by games and cards. • Don Cook, who attends Univer­ sity of Oregon medical school in Portland, is visiting in Ashland this week. • Dr. C. A. Haines plans to re­ turn today from a business trip to San Francisco. • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Billings Talent Teachers Named for Year l,arson and Miss Clark resigned to accept positions In the northern part of the state. • Mis. Joe Duncan and Mrs Frank Duncan were Medford shoppers Saturday. • Lyle Tame made a trip to his lunch on Dead Indian Wednesday. • Among those selected for the nxet draft call Is Wilson Klimek of Talent. • Mrs Joe Tryon, who returned home from the hospital in Medford Thursday, is improving nicely. • Axel Amundson, who has been a patient at the Community hos­ pital in Ashland for the past month returned home Monday. Mrs. Lilly Burnett is caring for him. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of Yam«ey camp were week-end guests of Mr. Cook's parents, Mr, and Mrs Elmer Cook • Mrs Walter Gingerich returned home Tuesday from the Commun­ ity hospital In Ashland where she underwent a major operation. • Bill Hotchkiss made a business trip to Klamath Falls Sunday, • Mr and Mrs. Charles Estes of Crescent City and Will Clark of Toledo, Ore. spent the week-end in the valley with relatives and friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Willard Miles of Ashland were calling on friends here Saturday They formerly re­ sided in Talent. • Will Lindsey of Ashland was a business caller In Talent Satur­ day afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs George Eads left Tuesday for Berkeley, Calif, to visit their daughter and family. • Mr and Mrs. Victor Milbum of Thompson creek called on friends . here Tuesday, • Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey and' daughter Shirley and Mrs. H. F. Parks made a business trip to Seiad Valley, Calif. Monday. • Mr and Mrs Joe Oscar of Ashland were in Talent Monday shopping and calling on friends Page 5 First Methodist Church Our Churches Church of Christ Second and B Streets ('. Alton Broetrom, Minister Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday church schoo^TiSTwTth Allen O. McGee, superintendent. Cordell Hull made this significant remark, "Religious education is the very heart of national de­ fense." Morning sermon at 11 o'clock on the subject, "Jesus gives the fourth lesson about the cross” The choir will sing an appropriate anthem and Dr. C. F Tilton will sing a solo, The Old Rugged I Cross.” Epworth and Wesley Leagues at 6:15 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Sermon subject, "Uttermost Sal­ vation.” The young peoples choir will sing "The Lord is Good," by Ruth Dale. Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday evening 7:30 with the 16th chapter of Revelations as the scripture lesson. Bible school 9:45 a. m. L. U. Giesham general superintendent. Classis for everyone Merle Bea­ gle is platform superintendent for the day. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Anthem, "Cast Thy Burden on the Lord" from "Elijah” by Mendel- ssohn, choir. Ladies trio, "The Holy City.” Sermon by Evangelist John A Barney; subject, “Hori­ zons of Hope.” At 6:30 p. m., meetings of the high school and college Christian Endeavor societies Ronald Whit­ ed Is high school leader. Evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m Special music numbers, sermon by Evangelist Barney. Subject, "The Crucible of Calvary." Evangelistic services will be held each night of next week ex­ cept Saturday. Tuesday night is * * men's night, Mednesday family «■ night. ------- ----------------- Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 a. m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. Wednesday. Holy Communion 11:30 a. m. Thursday. There will be a lunch­ eon after this service and a talk by Dr. Sayre. Litany and talk 7:30 Friday evening. Choir rehearsal after this service. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. First Presbyterian Church James H. Edgar, Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. Dr. John K. Howard, guest minister. No evening services until fur­ ther notice. • Mrs. Frank Davis entertained the Fortnightly Study club at her home Monday. Mrs William Sny­ der told the origin of St. Patrick's day. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Frank J. Van Dyke and Mrs. Wil­ liam Rice for their clever figur­ ines The business meeting was presided over by Mrs. Carol Pratt; Mrs. Carlton Elhart presented a paper on Puerto Rico, and Mrs. Ralph Billings reviewed the book "Frontier Doctor” by Urling C. Coe Mrs B. C. Forsythe and Mrs. George Briscoe presided at the tea table. 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