Friday, March 21, ,1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Military Influence Predominant In Juvenile Clothes for Spring Page 3 TIPS PATTERNS Gardeners I By CHERIE NICHOLAS SEWIING COKCLE NEW SWEET PEAS NEW, more vigorous, longer- PRIVATE PURKEY WRITES blooming, heat-resistant sweet AGAIN pea family has been introduced to Dear Ma— the gardening world. It is the Weil when 1 first got called'In the spring flowering sweet pea. draft 1 was told no soldiers wud be Because of their newness, spring sent to Europe and that I was Just flowering sweet peas are as yet going to get a year’s training just In available in only seven colors. case but everything I here on the Three All-American prize-winners radio sounds like I am not up here were introduced last year: Rose Just for flzzfcal kulshur. ! see the pink, blue, and lavender. The new leaac-lend bill Is all but past and all ones this year are white, clear I am still wondering is if 1 go with pink, light lavender, and mauve. the lease. The new sweet peas are grown just like other types nr>w in gen­ Nobody in my divishun seems to eral use. They may be planted no what the lease-lend bill is ail outdoors as soon as the soil can about except that It is for all aid to be worked. For best results the England short of war and the boys soil should be spaded to a depth of say you can be a midget in this 18 inches, and the lower 12 inches army and not be too short for war, mixed with fertilizer, preferably so I gess if war comes there Is no well-rotted manure. The trench way out for me, mom. should then be filled with the soil­ • • • fertilizer mixture to within six I arn still getting a lot of ii.struck- inches of the top, and the seed shuns In how to saloot and from al) planted one inch deep in this shal­ the emphassias low trench. put on sa looting 1 After vines are well established gess there are they should be watered thoroughly some people who once every five to seven days, and are so old fasn- the flowers picked regularly. A HAT’S new In children’s fash ions? To tell the story would require endless recital, for design- era of Juvenile modes have found at command so many contributing sources of Ideas that they have been inspired to do and to dare this sea­ son. Perhaps most exciting of all Is the rush of patriotic themes preva­ lent In al) the apparel for the young­ er generation. Emblazoned stars, eagles with wide-spread wings, flags unfurled, ships, anchors and other nautical insignia, braidings, epau­ lets. sailor collars, officers’ capes and brass-buttoned coats, colors red. white and blue In the true American way hold endless fascination tor youngsters, especially when they adorn their very own coats and dresses and stylish cape outfits as they do this season. What could be more attractive, we ask. In the way of new spring ensembles for school-faring sisters than the cunning two-sister cape models shown In the Illustration herewith? To fully sense the charm of these clever cape outfits, one must visualize them in their own original bright colorings (matching red wool capes, hats, and skirts with navy Jackets) as displayed at a pre­ view of American-designed fashions presented In connection with a se­ ries of breakfast style clinics held in the great Merchandise Murt of Chicago. Pace-making fashion events are these clinics which thou­ sands of merchants and buyers at­ tend each season In search of de­ pendable authoritative forecasts which these style shows present. The two coats in the picture shared applause with the cape suits. Their message is buttons. Rows and rows of 'em! Bright metal ones a la mllltaire are favorites. ened they think this war is going to be as polite as the last one. I am gradually getting used to going around with a gun. At first this felt very funny as al) my life 1 was brung up to avoid weapons. • • • The life here is pretty confining as I sed before and how 1 wud like a week end auto trip to no place spe­ cial! It wud also be a big kick to be abel to talk back to people whenever I wanted to like In sivilian life. Up here If you talk back to anybuddy you wind up In the gard house • • • W Smart Hats It you arc fashion-alert and have a yen for exploiting "the latest," you will choose to wear with your spring suit or ensemble a coolie hat as pic­ tured above, for Chinese Influence is noted throughout costume design thia season. This bnku coolie is in bachelor blue, a color slated for spring success. In this instance there is a side cluster of tiny gros­ grain bows and an under-chin loop. Colors as varied as a kaleidoscope give to the other hat a definite this- season aspect, for current fashion fairly shouts color, color, color! This dashing beret is made of black, pale and deep rose, purple, green and yellow grosgrain ribbon stitched to­ gether in a pinwheel treatment Children adore buttons, and three rows of them as used on the new aqua Shetland wool coat pictured to the right is enough to triple any lit­ tle girl's Joy. The pretty eyelet em­ broidered collar helps make this coat an Important spring fashion, for white collared coals are featured for both adults and little folks. The nautical Influence can be seen In the coat pictured in the inset. Navy Shetland with a red and white trimmed sailor collar and two rows of glittering silver buttons Is the formula adopted by the designer of this smart and attractive model. The pendulum has swung back to sailor dresses. Both children and grown-ups will wear huge white lin­ gerie sailor collars with their new spring frocks. The top color for spring Is navy in coats, dresses and capes. Amusing it is to see the way chil­ dren's fashions this year copy those of their elders. An adult fashion that repeats in miniature for little daughters of the household Is the print-with-plain costume. Cunning versions for tots are pleated-skirt print dresses tipped with capes (na­ vy or pastel wools) lined throughout with the print of the dress. Influences other than the navy or the army that make for versatility in styling are South American trends that bring vivid color Into play. Dude ranch fashions also delight tots. There are lariat ties, cowboy fringe trims and studded leather belts. (Heleaaed b, W**t*rn Newapapar Union.) Footwear Features Colors, Low Heels Glamorized by style designers, low heeled shoes will lead the fash­ ion parade this spring. Newest mod­ els have been given flippant touches to make them more attractive. The great emphasis on color is perhaps their most outstanding fea­ ture: the more color the merrier. Sandals or step-in oxfords in a glow­ ing tan, pale blond or smart wine red shade will enliven even the so-1 berest black or navy blue suit Tan tones are slightly favored over other colors. They range from the grayed twig tana, soft cocoa and tortoise, to khaki. This last color is especially smart in combination with black patent leather, with khaki gabardine used through the center of the shoe. Wedges are renamed "lifts" and are recommended for country and sports wear. Soft cocoa-colored suede is used for one of the dressier shoe styles known as a Capri sandal. Something a little different is even done to the navy blue oxford. Here the navy influence is definitely mak­ ing itself felt One o-rford of navy blue calf and gabardine has three narrow folds of white calf across the toe. Similar bands of white cross the back of the heel. For the final touch, the shoelaces have flat leather ends with a small white star design in the center. Hand-Crocheted Hats Inexpensive to Make 1 got reprimmandid for smoking cigarettes while marching The cap­ lin was very sore and sed It wuz against the rules and he sed II was bad for my lungs also What made him sore was when I asked him not to worry about my lungs but start worrying about my feet. • • • Well, mom. now I know why they went over my teeth so carefuly in the draft test 1 could not under­ stand why the doctors made so much fuss about my teeth but it Is al) clere now since 1 got some of the beef the army uses in beef stew The cows they get It from must be half ele­ phant, ma. I wish Mr Nuddson of the defense bored wud do something about getting sharper knifes for sol­ diers. If this army I if* dont do nothing else for me. mom. it will make me appreshiate good coffee 1 gess they use tobacco leaves for coffee in the army The boys say the cook dont know how to make coffee which I gess has ben true al) through the history of armie« and navies and I dont see why the U. S dont have a secretary of coffee Just like a secre­ tary of war so a cup of java will taste like a cup of java and not like a hot brake smells. * • • I still got that chance to Join a tank corpse like I wrote you but dont worry as they are still using ice wagons for tanks and I wud look pretty going to war in an Ice wagon, wudn't I, ma? Well this is all for now so 1 close with love. Oscar. • • • THE CHILDREN'8 HOUR Between the dark and the daylight. When the night is beginning to lower. Comes a pause in the day’s occupa­ tion That is known as the Children's Hour. I see there beside the loudspeaker The innocent, sweet little dears 'While stories of gangsters and bump-offs Are brought to their infantile ears. four until seven they sit there— Enslaved by the programs' ap­ peal. And hear of the gats and the gun molls And terrible mobsters who squeal. Leather From the Sea Today there is a source of leath­ er supply formerly unknown. It is the sea. The casing or lining of a whale’s stomach provides a thousand square feet or more of strong leather which tans well. The skins of young sharks make a leather excellent for women’s shoes because it takes dye perfect­ ly. The hide of the manatee, or sea cow, is another source of leather suitable for footwear, while porpoise hide (which is ac­ tually the skin of the beluga or white whale) is naturally water­ proof. Rays of different kinds, very common in tropical seas, provide a fine and flexible leather and many other fish are being experi­ mented upon. The difficulty is that in the case of most fish the skin is very thin and hard to remove without damage, while the tanning is also a matter requiring much care. afternoon. The skirt is slim and paneled. The bodice u made with smooth shoulder yokes and just enough gathers to ensure correct bust fit. And the neckline of this dress (design No. 8877) is unusual­ ly good. When you see how beautifully it fits and how good it feels, you’ll repeat this pattern time after time, in flat crepe, spun rayon, silk print and sheers. • • • Pattern No. *877 la designed for size* 36. 38. 40, 42. 44. 48. 48. 50 and 52. Size 38 require*, with three-quarter aleevea, 4’fc yard* of 30-lnch material; abort aleevea, 4% yard*; 2',i yarda trimming. Send or­ der to: SEWING CIRCI.E PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Monlzomery Ave. San Francisco Calif. Enclose 15 cents in coin* for Pattern No........................ Size.............. Name ............. ................................. . Address ........... ......................................... There's the Rub—Pete Had Lived Within That Distance A traveler was wandering across the Rockies in search of a man to whom he had been given a letter of introduction. After a long and tedious jour­ ney he hailed a wild-looking fel­ low who was smoking outside ■ shack. ‘Does Hard Pete live near here?” asked the traveler. "No,” said the man. “Then can you tell me where I can find his friend and neighbor, Rough-House Joe?” “I’m Rough-House Joel” “Well, they told me Hard Pets lived within gunshot of you. “He did.” HIS is the kind of dress in which large women look best, because it is skillfully designed to accentuate height, place emphasis at the top, and make curves look attractive, not heavy. It’s very simple—just the type you like best and wear most—a basic style ap­ propriate for general wear and T ASK ME O ANOTHER ( The Questions A Quiz With Answers Offering Information on Various Subjects YOUR child same expert care used when QUINTUPLETS CATCH COLO •---------------- ------------------------- -* I 9. The recent presidential inaug­ uration was the forty-fifth, yet only 152 years have passed since the first, in 1789. Inaugurations oc- | curring every four years, why is it the forty-fifth, instead of the thirty-eighth? 10. Will a warm, dry wind evapo­ rate more moisture than the heat of the sun? 1. How far back has the exist­ ence of cheese been traced? 2. What animal in that kingdom has the largest brain in proportion to its size? 3. Who is known as the father and liberator of six countries? 4. What two major religions ab­ solutely forbid the use of wine or The Aniwen other intoxicating liquors? 5. What language was spoken by 1. To the year 2000 B. C. Jesus? 2. The ant. 6. What is the Quirinal in Rome? 3. Bolivar (known as the father 7. How old is the Dominion of and liberator of Panama, Peru, Canada? Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador 8. A person having strabismus and Bolivia. is afflicted with what? 4. Mohammedanism and Bud­ dhism, whose adherents constitute one-fourth of the human race. 5. Aramaic. A Bit Mixed 6. The royal palace (also the name of the hill upon which the Cross marriages between two palace is situated). 7. In 1763 the Treaty of Paris families produce some queer mix- ups, but the situation create^ by ceded French Canada to England; an American takes some beating. on July 1, 1867, the British North He married the daughter of his America act created the Dominion own daughter's husband by an­ of Canada. 8. Crossed eyes or walleyes. other wife, thus making him the 9. The inaugurations of vice son-in-law of his son-in-law. His daughter, therefore, became presidents succeeding to the presi­ his stepmother-in-law • and his dency are included. 10. A dry, warm wind will not bride her own stepmother. His wife has just given birth to only evaporate more moisture • daughter. She is her step-grand- from the surface of a lake than mother's sister, her own mother’s the heat of the sun, but it will also step-aunt, and her father’s step­ melt snow many times faster than the hottest sunshine. sister-in-law. Phew! At the first sign of a cheat cold — the Quintuplets’ throats and chests are nibbed with Children’s Mild Musterole —a product made to promptly relieve the DISTRESS of children’s colds and resulting bronchial and croupy coughs. Relief usually comes quickly because Musterole is MORE than an ordinary “salve.” It helps break up local eon- Sstion. As Musterole is used on the lints you may be sure you are using Just about the BEST product made. Also in Regular and Extra Strength for those preferring a stronger product. CHILDREN'S MUSTEROtF IIF The Narrow View If a man take no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand.—Confucius. Dad Can’t Take K Any More! He used to be able to put away big meals and laugh and joke all evening. Not so good now, after 501 If acid stomach, ‘‘fullness,’’ heartburn cause discomfort get ADLA Tablets. Your druggist has them. Short-Lived Joy The joy that isn’t shared with another dies young. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU From EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR AND SLOWER BURNING Cowboys and horses and rustlers, Love and the wages of sin. Kidnapers, death and destruction, Maniacs, arson and gin. The serial, ah, how it grips ’em! Enveloping all in its power; If the kids ain't in Jail when they're fifteen Then no thanks to the air "Chil­ dren's Hour." —Mary Holland Gordon. • • • Probably whenever anything goes wrong with Hitler he ex­ claims, "It must be something 1 hate!” • • • We take no stock in Fiorello La­ Sailors, turbans, brimmed hats all Guardia’s statement that he will not done In hand crochet—here's news run for mayor of New York again. that is news. Ask your milliner to His auto siren is in too good shape show you some of the new crochets. and his Are helmet Isn’t nearly worn If hats are not all-crochet, then the out. crochet idea is interpreted through • « • trimming, such as crochet applique, Add similes: he looked as bat­ yarn pompons, and huge twists of tered as if be had been protect­ bright wen) varn. ed by the Nasis. SUITS ME FROM EVERY ANGLE. CAMELS LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested —less than any of them—according to independent scientific tests of the smoke Itself. SMOKE SO MUCH COOLER, MILDER EXTRA MILD AND I GO FOR THAT EXTRA FLAVOR THE SMOKE'S THE THIHG! BOB DONAHUE—Ac* Path* newsreel cameraman. He followa th* newa th* world ov*r with cam*ra.„with Camel*! CAMEL- THE SLOWER-BURNING CIGARETTE