Friday, March 14, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 Positions Open Under Civil Service Exams Friday and Saturday! a. wc hsturm BASEBALL CALL HEARD AT AHS Store Pills Hit By Food Specialists JANDREAU ON ALL-STAR TEAM ' 1 LITHIA Civil service examinations for Much of the $100.000,000 s|M>nt the positions uescnoeu oelow were each year lor "umgstoie V «ta- Charlie Jiindreuu. little forward aniK>unced oy me united States Under supervision of Coach mins could far moie profitably civil service commission today, Jerry Gastineau, former «tar oe uwil lor improving Uie diet oy with the Ashland Grizzlies, was A HOME OWNED THEATRE ^.ppilcations Win be accepted at pitcher at Willamette university, tne addition oi U kh I s that supply the only Aehlander making the : Phone 7 Mil uie commission a \\ muiing ton Ol­ Ashland high school boy« are both vitamins and other food ele­ first team on the all-star quintet ile« not later than tne closing practicing nightly for the coming ments, according to nutrition spe­ recently picked by votes of coach­ ~ uaies specuied. ’Ine salaries aie baseball season. cialists who took (>ait in the 11th es and sports writers in Roseburg, subject to a three and one-had Gastineau plans to secure games annum home intervals conference Grants Pass, Medford and Ash- percent retirement deduction. with several B schools throughout held al the Oregon State college. land. Hesearch chemist, any special­ the valley and also may play Med­ First team selections are Jan- The current craze lor obtaining ized branch, witn salaries ranging ford and Grants Pass Nothing is vitamins in pills was discussed at dreau. A sb land and Fred Oun- irom »-.odo to a year, cum- expected in the way of a winning length and it was generally agreed nette, Medford, foi wards. Ilnnk pie non ox a lour-year college team this year, the season being that this causes a waste oi money ; Herman, Medford, center; Jim course witn major study in chem­ used to build material for next at best, and frequently does not Findlay, Roseburg, and Harold istry or chemical engineering is year It is possible that a league accomplish the emi sought. There Fawcett, Medford, guards required, as wed as responsible between Medford. Ashland, Grants are now at least 20 difierent vita- I Second t«-am positions went to proiessional experience ui chem­ Pass and possibly Klamath Falls nuns known to science, and all Bud Provost, Ashland ami Earl ical investigative work, Quaiuied will be formed for next season are necessary In the diet in vary­ Wiard, Roseburg, forwards; Hoy- persons witn experience involving Only two seniors. Ivan Handles ing amounts. Ten of these are now si Denton, Hoseburg, center, luid with use of recently developed special­ and Bob Weaver, have reported ootainabie in pure form. Johnny Gray, Grunts Pass und ized techniques in chemical re­ for practice. Others are Bill Elam. One speaker pointed to the ab- J Bob Weaver, Ashland, guards search are urged to apply at once. John Bell, Bud Provost, Chet Fow­ Honorable mention was given surdity ot anyone expecting to’ Applications will be rated as re­ ler, Dale Adams. Bill Haines. John und Jim Smith, Ashland and Bill Wall, ceived until Dec. 31, 1941. McCollum. Dick Grubb, Phil Wil­ suppiy himsell with Uie piopei Medford, centers, and Bill H ii - i I. amounts of all of these in pill Associate entomologist in tax­ lis, Lorenc« Barger, Thelbert I Medford, forward. onomy, $3.200 a year. Bureau of Tucker. Dick Finnell, Charlie Jan- form. Even nutrition specialists d<> not yet ‘ know how much of the Jerry ------also—— Those casting votes were Entomology and Plant Quaran­ dreau, Neil Arant. Barney Higgs. tine, department ot agriculture. Owen Griffith. Marvin Gettling various vitamins is needed, nor Gastineau and latrry Hunter, Ash­ to wnal extent excessive amounts land; Huswell Acheson and Bill A four-year college course with and Delbert Landing. of some may be harmful. Hulen. Medford; George Hibluird major study in entomology is re­ Certainly vitamin concentrates i and Hoy Sheedy, Granta Puss, and quired. Applicants must aiso have NEWS FROM with are not a substitute tor a gotxl Jim Watts and Hap Applegatr, completed three years of research Hoseburg. diet, and it further was agreed j experience or of graduate study that those whose diets arc defi- ; [ in the taxonomy of the aculeate I cient are the least able tu pur­ ' Hyinenoptera. Applications must By SCHOOL STUDENTS ALMO NEWS The sixth grade in social studios chase the rather expensive vita-, be on file not later than April 10. gave a series of reports on Uer- min concentrates All the speak ­ 1941. They were divided into ers on this subject agreed that Construction inspection coordi­ many. nator, $3.800 a year. United States four groups: history, farming, the concentrated vitamins are a A $20,000.000 expenditure for Maritime commission. Applicants manufacturing and transportation valuable addition to modern life new locomotives and freight cars may qualify in three optional In their study, they used glass for use in research and for the hus Just been announced by A D. branches: Hull, machinery and slides and film strips showing pic­ prevention or cure of certain well-, McDonald, president of the South­ electrical. Practical experience of tures of the country. They also defined deficiency diseases. ern Pacific company. They also are valuable for us«- at least journeyman mechanic t used the balopticon which reflects Thia outlay, McDonald pointed gmie on the construction of pictures on a screen It is better with the diets of infants or young out, la In addition to the pur­ ocean-going vessels is required, as than glass slides or film strips be­ children under many conditions chase of 40 diesel-electric switch­ With well as four years of experience cause any kind of pictures can be In all such cases, however, the ing engines, at a coal of $2.900.000 vitamins are properly given under since the first of the year. in supervisory capacity. Applica­ used ri In art, the children ar« making the direction or advice of a phy­ tions will be rated as received The current exjianslon program a mural. It will show different sician. or at least one well train«-«! until further notice. includes orders for 40 of Southern student nurse, $288 a year, in­ scenes in central Europe The in the field of nutrition Pacific's unique cab-aheud steam cluding quarters, subsistence, laun- , scenes will be in Holland. Austria, Where used as a "shotgun pre­ locomotives, among the heaviest dry and medical attention Ap­ Switzerland. Czechoslovakia and scription for what ails you" vita­ and most powerful in the world, proximately 50 students will bej Germany. min concentrates are tittle better Miss Ady. the college art teach­ than the old patent medicines and for 10 steam streamline«! lo­ enrolled on Sept. 1. 1941 in the, comotives of the famous Daylight training course at the St. Eliza­ er, told the children about Ger­ even though highly valuable when type, at a total cost of about $11,- very interesting, man art It was beths hospital school of nursing.. properly used, it was said. Many 000,000 It also provides for ap­ Washington. D. C. Graduation | Miss Hales told them about her of th« conditions they are used to proximately 2300 freight cars from an accredited high school1 trip to Europe cure could easily have been pre- _____ _______ Walter Walker ia a new boy in vented by wise selection of food, coating about $9.000.000 giving a four-year course which "These Important additions of included certain subjects is re­ the fourth grade at Lincoln school. it was agreed. new equipment are being made quired. Applicants must have t He came on March I from the —----------•------------- for the primary purpose of keep­ reached their 18tb but must not Jackson school tn Medford. The START TRACK REASON ing pace with current increase in have passed their 30th birthday boys and girls of room five are About 40 boys have reported to transportation requirements due Applications must be filed not very glad to have Walter with Coach i'cighton Blake in answer to national defense and of antici­ them. later than April 7, 1941, Alta Mae Johnstone brought a to his call for track material at pating the increases yet to coine Full information as to the re­ Mutine,-« Saturday luid quirements for these examinations turtle shell to show the second j Ashland high The boys are work­ as the defense program develops." Sunday only McDonald said. grade Wednesday. ing out every night at the 8OCE i may be obtained at the post office. athletic field [»ending completion i Since the early 1920 s the rail- of track facilities at Walter I*hil- I | roads have spent approximately lips field. An effort Will be made ' 10 billion dollars for plant im­ • Dr. and Mrs O. W Bruce and to secure the city bulldozer to provements. Stronger tracks now Homer Killings drove to Portland make the college field fit for fur­ carry locomotives of greater pow­ Monday and returned Wednesday. ther track practice and Blake is er, hauling at greater speeds long­ While there they attended the trying to secure meets for his er trains of cars of greater capac­ cabinet meeting of Bishop Bruce charges. ity, s<> that the efficiency of the Baxter Mrs. W. H Willard also ---------------------•--------------------- railroads, as me.isured by tons of accompanied them as far as Eu­ • After spending the past three freight carried one mile by the gene where she visited her daugh­ months in Los Angeles, Mr. and average train per hour, has in- ter. Mrs. H. O. Butterfield have re-, I creased about HO percent since • Mrs H A Miller of Green­ V, «■< r* home knnto is« A aklan.i * 1921.'* turned Ll to ♦ their In Ashland. springs shopped here Saturday. Friday, Saturday ELLERY QUEEN, MASTER DETECTIVE Ralph Bellamy Margaret Lindsay THE TULSA KID •1 T i FINGER/ LEFT HAND" LOY ■mi uusn ■M MflVYN DOUGLAS «•’¿J PL VS William Bond in 44 DOOMED CARAVAN” Lincoln School Don Red Barry New S. I*. Equipment To Cost 20 Millions Sunday, Monday and Tuesday BUCK PRIVATES The Andrew Sisters Leo (ostello Boh Abbott Wednesday and Thursday DIME NIGHTS IN A ROMANCE THAT SPANNED TWO CONTINENTS... HUPÍOMJ aBAY GENE TIERNEY • WED & THUR • Lew Ayres Lionel Barrymore in 441 Plus “The Villain Still Pursued Her” Spring Is Here! Your car should now have a complete check-up on our SUN MOTOR TESTER AND SUN COMBUSTION TESTER These units will quickly determine the exact operating efficiency of your engine. For safe, economical transportation you want to know the true condition, which is quickly determined with our modern scientific equipment. Drive in to our service department and watch the tests on your car. SEE THE WHIRLING FLY-WHEEL IN YOUR MOTOR STOPPED WITH STROBOSCOPIC LIGHT That means precision timing. precision with these Testers. Everything is R. L. CROSBY BARGAIN IC a MATINEE *□<* Every Wednesday Certified Phone 3911 TEXACO Service Marfak Lubrication Mechanical Service Main and Helman i SELBY CHEVROLET CO. 100 East Main i Ashland, Oregon