Friday, March 14, 1941 Page 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT COINS WANTED—1909 H V. D B Cento: alow other coin« UtANK CAI »KT WILSON, 751 N. Dearborn Street, Chicat«, lllinoi«. NURSERY STOCK BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN 100,000 fruit and nut trees. Free 40 page catalog. I varieties. Roses, flowering, shade trees, etc. Tualatin Valley Nurseries. Sherwood. Oregon. STOCK FOR SALE ABERDQEN-ANQUS HULLS AND COWS. J. A. Hcollard, Chehalis. Washington. OPPORTUNITY Grow Mushrooms, cellar or Khed. Ws buy. Guaranteed Market. Free Book. Fide Mushroom Co., Dept-A. Bona ____ 4S44 Foster. Portland. OLD GOLD HELL your old jewelry and dental gold direct to oldest and largest re­ finery In Northwest. You will profit. Speyer Smelting * Refining Co.. 225 Medical-Dental Bldg. Seattle. Wash­ ington. ___ FILM SERVICE LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG Boy Meet» Girl ROMANCE ! ROMANCE ! - AH, THE SWEETNESS ANO BEAUTY OF LOVE ? A BOY ANO A GIRL ! NOTHING ELSE COUNTS WHEN A MAN MEETS A WOMAN . THE WHOLE WORLD LOOKS HEY ! 1 LOOK WHERE YA . YOU DUMBELL! YOU Excellent work and fast service. Any 4 or 4 exposure roll developed, I sparkling prints and one 5x7 enlarge­ ment, (Your choice). 25c coin. Pre« film mailer with every order. Our work must please you or money re­ funded The Picture Mill, Box »11, Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL GOIN’? BEAUTIFUL AM BLANKETS, Army reject«. ««x«4-4 lb. 100% virgin wool, kakkl color. Price 13 50 postpaid any place In U. 8. Many other bargains. Portland Wool­ en Mills—rsmnant counter. 6839 Io. Baltimore Ave., Portland, Ore. FARM FOR SALE—4O0-ACRE DAIRY AND wheat ranch, stock, machinery. M. Blackwood, Sprague, Wash. CHICKENS CHIX-Hanson W. L. and New Hamps. Circular. Gehring's Poultry Farm, Silverton, Ore. Frank Jay Markey Syndicate. Inc. By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Ever Hear of a Pu»h With Amplification RABBITS Poultry, rabbits, rabbit skins. Get hlgheet prices. Ruby & Co. 9*5 S. W. Front, Portland, Oregon SPECIAL REGISTERED KARAKULS: LITERA­ TURE and prices on request. Glm- llns Karakul Farm. Pomeroy, Wash. Frank Stevens, Broker SPECIALIZING In Alfalfa. Grain and Grazing Landa, Dairy, Sheep and Cattle llanchsa JOSEPH OREGON DUCKS-GEESE Ducklings, goslings, geese, hatching eggs, bantams, Cornish hens. Duck eggs, bantums. Cornish hens. Duck Perm, Bouts 14, Portland. Ore. STRAWBERRY PLANTS MESCAL IKE It Won’t Be Long Now By S. L. HUNTLEY STRAWBERRIES—ROCKHILL. Ths finest everbearing strawberry grown. Big solid fruit. Dandy canners. Get crop first year. Prices on request. C. A ITlckell, Bt. 1, Box 456, Bend, Ore. TREES CHINESE ELM. Large « ft. size, 5 trees $5.00. Bex Denleoa Wureery, Troutdale, Oregon. CUSTOM HATCHING Hanson White Leghorn and New Hampshire Chicks, Poults. Turkey Custom Hatching 3c per egg. Hen eggs 2c each. Gehring Hatchery, Silverton, Oregon. FARMS FOR SALE Grain, Stock and general farming lands for sale In Klickitat County. Wash. Send for our list of properties. O. B. Crooks, Goldendale, Wash. HOMES AND FARMS IN NORTHWEST By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Or Something Will Happ Washington. Mild climate, ample rainfall, fertile soil, good markets. Information gladly. Bnchauan Bealty Mount Vernon, Wash. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR AND NOTHING D r . H arry S emler , Alisiv aioG • 3ac a mowbison Dentiti ■ pobtiano owt If President-Elect Diea If the President-elect dies, the twentieth amendment provides that the vice-president-elect shall become President at the beginning of the term for which the President-elect was elected. Women Airplane Pilots Women airplane pilots numbered 755 as of July 1, 1939, of which number 73 had commercial licenses, 26 limited commercial licenses, 433 private licenses and 223 solo li­ censes. Amuiement Marriage Marriage resembles a pair of shears so joined that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any­ one who comes between them. 1$ GIVEN PICTURE BOOK TO LOOK AT, AT AUNT SUE'S HOUSE WHILE MOTHER AND AUNT SUE ARE BUSY IN KITCHEN AFTER EXAMINING EVERYTHING CRAMS IT ALL SOMEHOW BACK INTO CUP­ BOARD AND CLOSES DOOR WITH HIS FEET ••You're gonna haft* shave or ciao leave your bowling ball at the alley! ABANDONS PICTURE BOOK AT ONCE ANO SETS OUT LOOKING FOR HIS OWN KIND OF ENTERTAINMENT SPENDS SEVERAL MINUTES CLICKr ING LIGHT SWITCH ON AND OFF CLIMBS UP IN EASY CHAIR AND FINDS THE BOUNCING PRETTY GOOD • CLIMBS UP AND DOWN CHAIRS,PAUS­ ING LONG ENOUGH AT DESK TO WRITe AN IMAGINARY LET­ TER ON SOME NOTE PAPER THERE DISCOVERS A CUP­ BOARD, AND PULLS OUT A MASS OF OLD MUSIC,SNAPSHOT ALBUMS.BOXES OF ODDS AND ENDS.ETC. RETURNS TO BOOK AT LAST, AND GETS PRAISED WHEN MOTHER AND AUNT SUE COME IN,FOR SITTING AND AMUS­ ING HIMSELF SO QUIETLY WNU—13 11—41 Miserable with backache? Vy/HEN kidneys function badly and vV you suffer a nagging backache, with ditziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up at ight,- when you feel tired, nervous,, II upset... use Doan's Pills. Doan $ are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Ask yow neighbor! DOAN SPILLS