Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 14, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday, March 14, 1941
About People You Know
• Mr. and Mis. I*. R Hardy have
announced the engagement of I
their daughter, Ruth, to Wood row ;
W. Kltchei, son of Mr and Mrs.
Ford Kilcheil of Oakland, Calli.
Miss Hardy was graduated from
ttiv iocal ingh school in 103») ami
the University of Oregon in 11140
Nile now is a student at Dorothy
Durham in San Fl ancisco. Mr.
KilcheU received his It A degree in
1034 and ills LLB degree in 1937
Hom the Univcisity oi California
ut Berkeley. He now is practicing
law in Man Francisco, 'i tie young
couple will be married April 12
In lieikeiey at the kittle Cnapel
oi the Flowers.
• Mis Wcyburn Kenyon wus the
guest of honor al a birthday din­
ner at the home of Mrs. Gladysc
Gale lust Sunday. Guests Included
Mr und Mis. Ai Bini.nd. BUiy
Slack nini Mr and Mis. W. Kan
yon und children.
• Bob Weaver, Mullin Herrin,
Chet Fowler und Bud Provost at­
tended the basketitull tournament
in .Salem thia week.
• The .1 8 Wvybrandt family of
Klamath Falla visited in Ashland
Baturday ami Sunday.
• Mrs Doi a Biuce of Okanogan,
Wash, visited Mr. und Mrs. Don
Bruce lust week.
• Miss Betty Grace Robbins, who
teaches in Bums Valley, visited
with Miss Alice Hurker over the
• Cliff Bromley and Bill Miller
of Klamath Funs visited in Ash­
land several days this week.
• Mr and Mrs Jack Wulker en­
tertained at a delightful party in
honor of Mr. und Mrs Angus Todd
of Oakland, Calif last Saturday
evening. Guests present were Mr.
und Mrs Angus Todd, Mr. and
Mrs E O. Ught, Mrs Charles
Sturgill, Miss Olivia Todd and
Mr and Mrs. Robert Brantley.
• After s|H-nding the past week
in Portland visiting her mother, |
Mrs. L m Wllmeth has returned
• Mis E II U-nnox of Valley
View was a business visitor here
• Mlsu Norma Ebnothcr of Pros-
pect visited last week-end wlth
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F,
• W W Bell und family have
moved to Portland.
• Mr. and Mis. John Wilkinson
went to Medford Sunday to visit
wan friends.
• Clem Anderson of Kirby was
in Ashland over the week-end vis­
aing his fumily.
• The William Ford family mov­
ed to Dunsmuir Suturduy.
• Mr. und Mrs Clyde Caton and
cniidren visited with Mr and Mrs
doo Caton Bunday in Eugene.
• Doni Provost went to Grants
i ass i'ueaday on business.
• Mrs H. H Elhart spoke at the
Junior-Senior P-TA meeting in
MeUiurd Tuesday.
• Jolm Chipley und son of Grants
i ass visited with friends in Ash­
land lust week-end.
• Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce left
aionouy for Portland,
• Hairy Chipman, Mrs. W. J.
Chipman, Mrs. Leone Tutor and
Wader U>ve went to Red Bluff
Bunday Mis. Tutor, who had been
visiting here, went to her home at
Ml Shasta, Calif
• Bld Reed left Monday o>, a bus­
iness trip in the east.
• Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Van Hardcnbcrg on March IS, a
V After visiting several days with
her lather, C. J. Perrine, Miss
Nellie Perrine resumed her teach­
ing duties at Rogue River Monday.
• Mr. und Mrs Bob Heath and
daughter of Weed, und former
Asmand residents, visited with
relatives und friends here last
• MISS Hazel Bruner of Yuba
City, Calif visited last week with
her mother, Mrs. Mary Bruner.
• Mr and Mrs Max Marvin vis­
ited with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Nut­
ter last week-end.
• Mrs. Dave Kerr visited several
days with her brother, veme Tho­
mas and family at Yreka.
• Mr an<l Mrs A. W. Lewis vis­
ited last week end with Mr and
Mrs E L Kincaid.
• Joe Jacoba of San Francisco,
while here on business recently,
called on Ned Mars.
• Carl Fehige left Monday for a
business trip to Portland.
• Mr and Mrs. William Powell
visited in Ashland Sunday with
Mr. und Mrs Eamie Childreth.
• Mr. and Mrs. George King of
the Grccnsprings visited with Ash­
land friends Saturday and Sunday.
he has been taking a course in
air conditioning and electricity.
• Mrs. Ray lx-wis was shopping
in Medford Tuesday afternoon.
• Mr. and Mrs Roland Parks and
daughter Tommy of Sprague Riv­
er visited at the home of Mr,
Purks' patents. Mr and Mrs. R.
F Parks, over the week-end.
• Mrs Anna Dickey attended the
runeral of Samuel Tryer al Med­
ford Wednesday afternoon
• Mia Olive Nostrum and Mrs
Muy Leavitt of Ashland called on
friends here Wednesday.
• Mr and Mrs. Bill Hotchkiss
have moved from the Paul Quack­
enbush property, recently pur­
chased by Axel Amundson, into
the Amundson house near the city
• Mr. and Mrs Wayne Cowdrey
and children Carl and Shirley
spent the week-end at Seiad Val­
ley. Calif , visiting Mrs. Cowdrey's
parents, Mr and Mrs. George
• The Methodist church held spe­
cial meetings each evening last
week with sermons by Evangelist
Talent Club Sponsors
Scout Organization
Page 5
• HILTS NEWS • Our Churches
Eighty guests assembled at the
Club hotel Monday evening to at­
tend the Scout banquet in honor
of four of our local young men
who are leaving this week to train
for army service. The guests of
honor were Waldemar Ohlund,
Court land Rose, Alfred Gilley and
Curtis Gilley.
The splendid dinner was pre-
pared by Mrs Sam Dunaway and
her mother, Mrs. Dumas William
Tallis, scoutmaster, introduced the
speakers of the evening, Joseph
Correa of Yreka and Mr. Hurley,
county high school superintendent,
also of Yreka.
Immediately following dinner,
Court of Honor was held by the
recently re-organized troop 25.
Fred Jones, scoutmaster of Horn­
brook troop, presented a five-year
service badge to Curtis Gilley‘who
is a member of that troop. Bill
Tallis presented the following
awards to local boys: Tenderfoot
to Max Ryce, Remo Trinca, Allen
Beniheisel and Raymond Blanch­
ard; second class to Norman
Bernhelsel; first class to Andomar
De Chick. Henry De Cler< k. Tony
Marin. Claude Wright, Gino Mich-
eison Billy Gran; life badge to
Horton Geroy; merit badges to
Horton Geroy, 11. Donald Geroy,
4, Bill Gran, 3 and Henry De
Clerck 1. Henry De Clerck also
was awarded a pin for a year of
perfect attendance. Gino Michel­
son was unable to be present for
the evening to receive his badge in
person, due to the sudden death of
his 11-year-old brother Monday
morning following a brief illness.
Church of Christ
Second and B Streets
<;. Alton Brostrom, Minister
Bible school 0:45 a. m. L. U.
Gi esham, superintendent. Classes
foi everyone.
Morning worship service at 11
a m Special music by choir. Ser- ,
mon by Evangelist John Barney
Subject, "The Church of Christ." ,
Meetings of the college and
high school Christian Endeavor
societies at 6:30 p. rn.
Evening evangelistic service at
7:30 o'clock. Special music. Evan­
gelist Barney will discuss "The
Christ in Phophecy."
Evangelistic services will be
held each night of the week ex- .
e«p( Saturday.
First Methodist
Trinity Episcopal
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
Dr. Claude E. Bay re. Vicar
Sunday school meets at 9:45 a
m., Allen O. McGee, general sup­
Morning sermon 11 o'clock, sub­
ject, "Jesus gives His third lesson
about the Cross" (Matt. 26:6-13).
The adult choir under leadership
of Mias Maxine Conover will sing
an anthem appropriate for the
morning. Mrs. Allen McGee will
sing "My Jesus, I Love Thee."
Epworth and Wesley Ix-agues
meet at 6:15 p. m.
Evening sermon 7:30 o'clock.
Subject, "Some 'Comes' of Scrip­
ture." The young peoples choir
under leadership of Mrs. Cora
Bruce will sing an anthem and
lead the congregational singing.
, Prayer meeting Wednesday at
7:30 p. m. Scripture lesson for
next Wednesday evening is the
15th chapter of the book of Reve­
Holy CommunionT^^^ri^^^"”
Church school 9:30 a. m.
Sermon and morning prayer
11 a. m.
Holy Communion 9:30 a. m.
Wednesday and 11:30 a. m. Thurs­
day, after which there will be a
luncheon and program in the par­
ish house.
Devotional service at 7:30 p. m.
Friday Dr. Clyde Dunham will
give a talk. Choir rehearsal after
this service.
You are cordially invited to
worship with us.
odist church last Friday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farmer
and Donald Farmer returned last
week fiom a few days visit in
Nubieber, Calif.
• Mrs. Preston and daughter
James II. Edgar, Minister
Ruth from Hornbrook spent Mon­
day with her daughter Mrs. A M
Sunday rsctrool 9:45 a. m.
Worship service 11 a m. Dr.
• Miss Aileen Inlow who is teach-
K. Howard, guest minister.
j ing at Gold Hill spent the week­
No evening services until fur­
end with her parents, Mr. and
ther notice.
I Mrs. Vai Inlow.
• Mrs. Daniel Farmer and infant
daughter returned from the Com­
munity hospital Sunday.
• Floy Samford attended a meet-
j ing of the DAV at Medford Tues-
I day evening.
. • Louise Martin
I school at Medford after being out
• Mrs. Olive Allison spent the two weeks caring for Jimmie
week-end visiting Mr. and Mm. Korth.
Earle Temple in Sacramento. Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kincaid
Temple returned to Hilt with Mm. spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
AlLison to attend some business and Mrs. Charles Howard of Neil
• Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gran and • The 323 telephone subscribers
son Billy and Gerald G<xxlwin at­ held a meeting Tuesday evening
tended a show in Ashland Satur- at the home of R. L. Pankey.
day evening.
Walter Davis is a new subscriber
• Mrs. Maude Wert spent Friday and the phone number is 3237.
and Saturday in Medford and • Mr and Mrs. A. R. Kincaid
attended a standardization meet- '
• Mr and Mrs. M F. Geroy and ing at the Neil Creek school
family spent Saturday in Yreka. Tuesday morning.
Miss MaEmma Geroy of Medford I • The Dead Indian sewing club
spent the week-end with her I met Wednesday with Mrs. Walter
. Hash to finish comforters for
• Mr. and Mm. George Goodwin I Great Britain.
and son Gerald and Billy Gran • Miss Helen Dunn returned to
motored to Fort Jones and Etna her school at Jacksonville Sunday
| evening after spending the week­
• Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hord drove end with her parents, Mr. and
to Yreka Thursday to have the Mrs Ed Dunn.
bone specialist from San Francis­ • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ford and
co check on the progress of the son spent Friday with Mr. and
hip injury which Mr. Hord suf- Mrs Floyd Samford.
They re­
feied over a year ago.
turned to their home at Dunsmuir
• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vieira were Saturday,
in Yreka Saturday.
• Lois and Agnes White and
• Mm. Del Bagley of Sacramento Nancy Ring spent Sunday at
and her small daughter Sherry are Crescent City.
visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs.
Richard Williams.
First Presbyterian
• Tl>e Talent club held its regu­
lar meeting at the city hall. Mr.
Welks of Medford was the princi-
l*al S|u.*akcr.
One oi the issues
brought up was the sponsorship of
the local Boy I4cout organization
which was adopted by the approv­
al of all Mr. Bchuffield was elect­
ed scout muster, Guy Hayes chair­
man, Lyle Tame finance and O.
K. McCurtain, Archie Ealas and
neth, spent the week-end at Duns­
Ray Garland committeemen Sev­
muir with their daughter and son-
en Boy Scouts were present. Sand­
in-law, Mr. and Mm Melvin Con-
wiches and coffee were served to
the large attendance.
• Bellview P-TA will meet Fri-
• Mrs J 1 Tryon returned home
day, March 21, the meeting to be
Tuesday from the hospital in
in charge of the dads of the P-TA. where she hail been a «
Willis Byrd and Jesse Walker will
patient for the past week
be in charge of the program and
• Talent Home Extension unit
R D. Reynolds, Claude Moore and
met at the city hall Wednesday in
Theo. Wenaus will be on the kitch­
an all-day meeting. Miss Brier had
en committee. The election of of­
churge of the meeting The topic
ficers also will take place at this
for discussion was "Intestinal Hy­
giene." A covered dish luncheon
• Mr and Mrs. D. F. Korth and
was served at noon. There was a
son Jimmie and infant son Charles
good attendance.
Donald returned to their home at
• Mr and Mrs. Leonard Chesnut, BEIXVIEW NEWS
Burney, Calif. Mm. Korth spent
recently married, moved to Phoe­
the past four weeks with her
nix last week. Before going to
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O Mar­
housekeeping they were given a
canned food shower with labels
• Mm. Ted Huff who underwent a
removed from the cans. Those at­
major operation at the Commun­
tending were Elva and Lois • George Yockel want to Eugene ity hospital Saturday morning is
Thompson, Mrs. Clarence Hold­ Tuesday on a business trip.
recovering nicely.
ridge, Agnes and Lloyd Lacy, Ly- • The Bellview 4-H club girls • Miss Betty Ring who is teach­
da Baylor, Barbara Terrill, Char­ met Monday at the home of Mm. ing at Umpqua spent the week­
les Rusho, Beulah Balderstone, R. D. Reynolds and reorganized end with her parents. Mr. and
Loraine Minear, Ruby Dobbins their club. Mm. Boe being unable Mrs A M Ring.
and Jack Wally.
to head the club, Mrs. Reynolds • Mm. Floyd Samford was chair­
• Charles Skeeters spent the was chosen as the new leader.
man of the kitchen committee in
week end at Prospect visiting his • Mr. and Mrs R. D. Reynolds an all-day meeting of the World
brother Everett.
and two sons, Wendel and Ken-Service Women held at the Meth-
• Mr. and Mrs. Howard Homes
have leased a ranch of Earl Bosi-
wick in Valley View and moved
there this week.
• Mrs. Walter Gingerich under­
went an emergency operation of,
the appendix at Community hospi-.
tai in Ashland Saturday evening.
• Harold
returned '
home from Chicago Sunday where
You pick the eloth
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Ph 6176 Ashland,
Utilities Co.
Bellview Dads To
Stage P-TA Meeting
Mut t/OUl
REPUTATION for other
Bank Loans... money for
any purpose when needed
41 Convenient Branches...
Anyone Will
Tell You !!
that. Pete's
Pays for three years insurance
on $1,000 dwelling or household
goods inside Ashland city limits.
Lower rates if building qualifies
are really somethin’—and
coupled with a hamburger
make a swell combination
for these sunny days.
Pete’s Lunch
240 East Main Street
Phone 8751
arranged to fit your budget
O. H. WINNER, Managar