Friday, March 14, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 • Dr. and Mrs W J Crandall entertained the Southern Oregon Osteopathic association nt their homo Monday evening. Dr. <’tun­ did! presented u paper entitled “The Heart ” After the bUNlnens meeting Mrs. Crandall served re­ freshments. • Charles Week* spent the week LEGAL NOTICES end In Portland caring for busi­ ness mat lore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court o» the • Mr and Mrs Karl Wooldridge Slate of Oregon for the County visited in Dunsmuir Sunday of Jackson. In the Mutter of the Estate of FOB D. Perozzi, Deceased. The undersigned having beenI MONUMENT ap|H>inted by the above entitled WORK • Mrs Esther Gatos, who teaches at Afton, Ore, visited with rela­ tives in Ashland last week-end. • lira John Spi ingot ol Port land visited with her brother, Frunk Jordan, Munday and Monday, Southern Oregon Miner CHAS M GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ★ * Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1035, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES tin Advance) ONE YEAR $1 50 klk SIX MONTHS I Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 Court ol the Slate ol Oiegon. loi ' the County aforesaid, Executrix! of the Last Will and Testament of D. Perozzi, deceased, and having ■ qualified, notice la hereby given to the creditors of, and ull pci sons having claim* against said deceas­ ed, to present them, verified as re­ quired by law. within six months I ••THE TRUTH WILL r Invite Others to Enjoy It! of iMsiiity and quality, In marble, granite or bronze, or combination» of t llene ma terluls, at holiest prill's, M•** held in Ashland last week-end felt well repaid for to be expected, a late season wa ­ spending a day or two here, as much for the change of Water Prospect Poor ter shortage in some section* of PLIMB1XG — HEATING ** An unusually dry February in i the state could occur, says Work climate as for the tournament itself. The twro factors Oregon even while California ‘ SHEET METAL Considering all storage reser- ! provided a setting for an enjoyable spring holiday. was being deluged has changed J voirs together, the amount of wa­ Buy and Night Herviré the irrigation water picture for ter now in storage ia greater than More people of Oregon and northern California this Anywhere state materially in the past last year at this Umc. but fewer L1THIA PLUMRING und should be encouraged to visit the Rogue river valley at month, according to the March reservoirs are half full or better ! HEATING report of water prospects issued than for several year*. In other this season of the year. After several months of winter by Ph. 4561 Res. Ph. MAfHI Arch Work of Medford. The words, some of the larger ones it should not be difficult to convince them that a visit, snow surveys and water forecasts are well filled now, but the condi­ sponsored cooperatively in tion is not general. no matter how brief, to this favored district will give are this state by the Soil Conservation them a new lease on life and act as a stimulus to them service an dthe state college ex­ Looking at the state by re­ gions. jt appears that the most in getting their own spring w’ork underway. As stated periment station. shortage in prospect now is in Unless conditions as to snow northeastern Oregon, with some in this column a few weeks ago, “What has California in southern Oregon and the cen­ to offer that we haven’t?”—except more nerve in ex­ tral Cascades. Southeastern Ore­ gon and the south central basin ploiting their wares. around Klamath Falls are in The writer believes that Oregonians should get pretty good shape, says Work SUITS PORTLAND, OREGON better acquainted with Oregon before starting out to This preliminary summary of conditions is not intended as a see the rest of the world and what better point could be I iw'ih Beq Mar 31 I final forecast, by any means, as PLAIN DRESSES MAIL ORDERS NOW offered for a starting point than this farthest advanced conditions may change In the next PLAIN COATS BOX OFFICE SALE month. The detailed forecasts for section of the state? J. K GILL'S—MARCH 20th • WANT ADS • SCHUERMAN WITH MODERN PLANT ■ «OAOWAY AT TATlO* ★ ★ ★ Hats Off to Little Westport! The Miner doffs its tile to Coach Stensland and his squad of Westport high school basketball players. Representatives of one of the smallest schools enter­ ing the state “B” tournament, they carried off the highest honors, the coveted championship cup. They might also have been awarded another honor—that of having come the farthest of any team appearing in the tournament—for Westport is located on the lower Co­ lumbia river about midway between Astoria and Rai­ nier. To the casual spectator the Westport team looked far less impressive than other teams, Reedsport, Ar­ lington and Corbett, to name a few, yet they took each of these teams in their stride, emerging with a victory over Corbett to capture the championship. Coach Stensland seems to have instilled a basket­ ball sense in his players that other coaches have been unable to fathom. There is less flash to the Westport boys but they never let down for a second in any of their games here. Being on the small end of the score at the half seemed to be the needed spark to them, for they were more effective in the second half than in the first. It was little wonder that a majority of the crowd was with the Westport boys after their win over Reeds­ port. One could not help feeling that there was cham­ pionship material in that small group of hard-fighting, cool-headed boys from the little high school of 67 stu­ dents, and as the tournament progressed the convic­ tion grew that this was the strongest team appearing on the floor. REMEMBER WHEN ice cream socials were a popular way of raising mon­ ey for a good cause? Each family donated a freezer or cream and a cake or two. You were served at* tables on the lawn decorated by Japanese lanterns. The event was always a success because nobody counted their calories, and that home-made ice cream was the best you ever tasted? Remember? The "Taste” is pleasant when you deal at Litwiller's. DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME C.M.Litwiller (We Never Close) Phone 4541 NIGHTS— Tie. SI.00. Si.SO LopiBoiM .00 MAT’M. —75r. SI 00. SI.SO 1 Nn Tux » each region will be made early in April when Work will make the annual tour of the Irrigation dis­ tricts of the state to confer with ! cooperating agencies. All Informs- Uon will be pooled at that time in I arriving at final forecasts. ------------ •—. . • Tom Foster of Greenapringa was a business caller tn Ashland Monday. OR ANY THREE FOR CJ.QQ FREE PICKUP AND DEIJVERV COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Nlsklymi Blvd COMPANY OF 100 SYMPHONY OtCHESTRA SAN CARLO BALLET H efifrtottt Mondor—"AIDA" Tuetdoy— "Rigoletto" Wedneidoy—"CARMEN" Thur —MADAM BUTTERFLY' Fridoy—"FAUST" Saturday Matinee "TALES OF HOFFMAN" So» E»e—"TROVATORE" Sundoy Mot —"MARTHA" With Ballet Divertitemenfi Are YOU RISKING YOUR RIGHT TO DRIVE? The wise thing is to procure Automobile I,lability and Property Damage insurance before you have an accident. It will safeguard your right to drive as well as protect you from financial loss. A Note To Housewives With spring come those delightful after­ noons out-of-doors, those happy hours in the garden, but there is also extra cleaning and fixing up to be done. However, these chores need not lessen your enjoyment of the season if you make use of the many labor-saving electrical appliances. See your dealer today INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department