Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 14, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, March 14, 1941
Page 2
Ix'gionnaires Return From W ar Inspection
Breaks Relations
Dcrrplive Firut Sight
Things urc not always what they
serin; the first appearance de-
I coivcs many; the Intelligence of
few perceives whut has been cure-
' fully hidden in the recesses of the
I mind.—Phaedrus.
Washington, D. C.
Washington. D. C.
Prohibition, after being in the lim­
There is considerable discussion
bo for eight years, again has a po­ in Washington as to whether the gov­
tent lobby on Capitol Hill.
The ernment should subsidize another
Temperance air transport line between New York
Union and other Dry organizations and Lisbon to compete with the Pan-
have launched their most intensive American Clippers over exactly the
campaign since the one that put same route.
over the Eighteenth amendment
In this argument there is tittle
during the last war.
criticism of the marvelous pioneer­
And they are using the same tac­ ing work of Pan-American of plan­
tics. Congress is being barraged ning and putting into execution this
with appeals to "protect" soldiers trans-Atlantic service which, due to
and sailors by prohibiting the sale the war, has become a main reliance
of alcoholic beverages near mili­ for our traffic with Europe, both for
tary reservations, Simultaneously, mail and important government of­
the heat is being put on state legis- ficials and civilians. It is the best,
latures to enact "loc..l option" similar service in the world and
plans for three more sailings a week,
The only thing new in the drive six in all. have been made and
is its slogan. This time it's "Defend financed by the company and ap- I
proved by the government
the Defenders."
1 X mi ' X. •w
No, the argument is neither bad
i A *"*** À
The Dry campaign is well organ­
, W
ized. In the last few weeks thou- service, high rates nor lack of fun
sands of letters have poured in on co-operation with the government. It
Some are written on is the word of evil omen in all
W.C.T.U. stationery, but most are American legislative deliberation.
form letters signed by individuals
There is only one air service op­
obviously connected with Dry organ­ erating between New York and Lis­
Legion Commander Milo Waruer, right, with three other 1-cgionnalrea,
bon. The argument is that govern- shown on their return to America after an elghl-day tour of England.
• • •
: ment, at much greater cost to itself They are enjoying coffee here. Warner said England can win the war
for mail service, should subsidize with American aid. >le will report to a special meeting ot the Legion
Postmaster General Frank Walk­ a much less frequent and initially during March.
er said nothing in his report to con­ certainly less effic'.:.’ service in or-
gress. but he has quietly taken steps ( der that there shot . be competition
to plug up the inflow of foreign on this route.
propaganda via first-class mail.
It is the story of the railroads over
Postal officials were- able to seize again. Any kind of public service,
and burn 15 tons of illegal litera­ such as transportation, has some
ture under the authority that per­ elements of public helplessness-
mits inspection of second and third- some aspect of monopoly. In deal­
class matter without a search war­ ing with early high-handed railroad
rant. First-class mail, however, is operators, our government used two
immune from direct investigation, checks
One was regulation. The
can be examined only on a search other was to encourage and subsi­
dize competition—by parallel rail­
Ordinarily this is a laborious pro­ road lines at first, later by artificial
ceeding. But thanks to the mass of waterways, airplanes and roads and
matter that was seized. Walker found other special advantages for trucks
a way to simplify the job. From the and busses.
seized material were obtained the
The final result of checking by
names of hundreds of persons in all subsidized competition was the
parts of the country who apparent­ mare's nest snarl and tangle of our
ly are on Nazi. Fascist and Japanese inefficient and frequently bankrupt
propaganda lists.
railroad web.
The report of the
Henceforth, under an order quiet­ Coolidge National Transportation
ly issued by Walker, all foreign mail committee, recommending consoli­
addressed to these individuals will dation in three or four single monop­
be subject to a search warrant exam­ olistic systems, showing that the
ination. and if found illegal will be subsidized "competition” idea has
proved disastrous and insisting that
This soundphoto shows his excellence, Lieut. Gen. Sir Denis J. C. K.
Note—Walker wants congress to "the latter (regulation) has been
require that both the senders and re- practiced long enough and sufficient­ Bernard, governor of Bermuda, saluting the honor guard of the U. S.
ceivers of foreign propaganda regis­ ly extended to prove that it domi­ marines on Tucker's island during an historic ceremony In which the
ter their names. A considerable nates competition or any other in­ Tucker's and Morgan's islands were transferred to the Vnitcd States
portion of the literature seized ad­ fluence as the governing law of rail government for air and naval bases.
vocated violent overthrow ot the road practice ..."
The air route business is an ex-
actly similar case in which repeti-
Vice President Henry Wallace has
tion of errors of 70 years ago in
engaged a Spanish-speaking secre­
tary to help him practice his Span­ fumbling toward a solution of the
railroad problems was urged, The
ish. Wallace wanted someone who
present air route has or will ap­
would be available at any moment­
parently soon repay the government
in the office, io the restaurant, in
the handball court. So he turned through postage what it expends for
down a handsome feminine appli­ mail freight—which is the "subsidy"
in question.
cant from the Mexican embassy.
If that mail load is divided up.
bM>K a man instead.
neither company can continue with­
• • •
out great loss.
• • •
Genial Sen. Arthur
one of the most effective orators in
Both Mr. Knudsen and Mr Hill­
the senate His mind is alert, and
the Janus-headed duality
he has a command ot phrases that man,
makes the galleries lean forward to which is managing industrial mobili­
zation. have testified that all is sweet­
hear him.
When he had delivered his major ness and light on the labor front
effort against the lease-lend bill, be They may think so, but hardly any­
retired to the cloak room, lit a cigar, one else in even remote touch with
and leaned back in an upholstered the situation does. Unquestionably,
chair. One of his colleagues con­ important sabotage is being used in
organizational efforts and attempts
gratulated him on the speech.
With a mischievous twinkle. Van­ to increase wages.
denberg replied: “I could have de­
This is notably true in some key
livered just as strong a speech on steel plants in dispute where the per­
the other side.”
centage of spoiled work is rising rap­
Senatorial loungers looked up, and idly and unusually. This is going
Vandenberg added: "I could recite on. It is very costly and destruc­
50 unanswerable reasons why the tive. It creates delays throughout
bill should be passed."
the whole production process. It is in­
conceivable that the government and
• • •
public can stand for that The whole
The President is not losing sight coal industry and much of the steel
A view from an accompanying British war plane high above Great
of domestic problems in the welter industry is threatened with strikes
Rock of Gibraltar, showing another plane on patrol duty,
of foreign affairs—and recently kept
winging high over the harbor, wherein are several men o* war. All are
his very precise undersecretary of from co-operative. The only meth­
state, Sumner Welles, waiting an od to deal with this yet made legal­ on the alert against attack by German planes from the air and German
troops that might be given a "corridor" down to southern Spain by thr
hour while he threshed out a farm ly available to the President, or his
two-headed boy in OPM, is to com­ Fascist government. The Rock, which is one ot the most 'ormidable
relief problem.
fortresses in the world, is Great Britain’s effective western door to the
Representatives John Tolan of mandeer the plant. That means that
California and John Sparkman of government takes it over and runs Mediterranean, through which British commerce and warships flow from
Alabama had called to protest it as an arsenal is run, which in day to day.
against a >25.000.000 cut in farm turn means that labor in that plant
rehabilitation loans, a cut made by is working for government directly.
the budget bureau in the agricul­
All this is being shushed. It has
ture department appropriation.
been badly managed from the be­
The conference was supposed to. ginning,
lt was generally under­
last 15 minutes, but Roosevelt for­ stood between President Wilson, A
got all about the time, became com­ F. of L. President Samuel Gompers
pletely engrossed in the "economic and industry, that the "status quo
shock” to be felt by tenant farmers ante” as between labor and man­
and migrants after defense spend­ agement should remain in defense in-
Thus, except as rising
ing has tapered off.
Meanwhile wlustries.
Welles cooled his heels in an outer costs of living justified higher wages
and the government's two labor
Finally the two congressmen boards decided, neither manage­
beaming ment nor labor was to use the de­
about the President's promise to fense crisis to take advantage of the
have the farm relief cut restored. others.
At the first defiance of this policy,
which happened to occur at the
Able young Rep. Charley Halleck same time on the part of one labor
of Indiana, who nominated Wendell union at one place and one group
Willkie at Philadelphia, broke with of manufacturers at another, the
him on the lend-lease bill, voting government moved decisively and
promptly. It decreed the discharge
against it.
Minnesota’s husky Gov. Harold of the recalcitrant workers. It com­
Stassen is finding no support among mandeered the recalcitrant plant
All the subsurface boiling and
friends of District Attorney Tom
Dewey for his presidential ambi­ rumbling is being shushed by those
Mrs. Peter l.aslcy, 42-year-old farm wife and mother ot Leitchfield,
tions. They Claim Stassen had com­ whose responsibility it is.
Ky., shown in the city hospital at Louisville with the quadruplets born
mitted himself to Dewey before the seems wrong from every angle. To to her at Leitchfield. The babes, which were rushed to Louisville, are
Philadelphia convention, and nurse a casual observer on the sidelines,
(left to right): John, 5% pounds; Mildred, 4 pounds; Martine, 4 pounds,
a grudge because of his flop to. it seems time to get not only
and Beulah, 5 pounds.
You'll Ilk« th« *■> It «H4IHI )UU Inuit tu tho
(•«linff of "rorln* lo t«»” fltn«M and Int»tnal
cl«onlln«M. Not • mlrotlo werbor. but if
t»Ht|M»r«ry cunatlpatlon la eoualnf Indlgoo-
tlon, head«* h»«. Hoff l"«nvH <> At livid I am
will <»rt*ilnly «h» wood«««.** •'Mt» NAAiriCI
J'. R| .It llfi. a
‘i 1 a ni |>r il , n «I
b r I «i M • liberal
oploloo m quinlno I I r M IAMP1 I .
Illi •! M At«
bl««. ■ T
i«c J»t
(fr» Wmfftmr II hoMtfMcbwT
One’s Beit Light
It pays to follow one's best
light; to put God and one’s coun­
try first, and ourselves after-
wards —Nnmucl C. Armstrong.
After reading a strongly worded
British note to Bulgarian Premier
Bogdan Ftloff, George W, Rendel
(shown above!, British minister Io
Bulgaria at Sofia, formally brokr off
diplomatic relations with the Bal­
kan kingdom.
Bermuda Base Site Transferred to U. S.
Guarding The Rock’ From Sea and Air
‘Four of a
Prompt toll« I
Mother—Civs Your CHILO
This Same Expert Carol
At the fir»t sign of the Dionne Quin­
tuplets ratrhing <■•!.! thrir rhvsta and
throat* are rubbod with Children’s
S pr»Uurt i ado to
promptly rrhove the DISTRK8* uf
children's colds and rs’ultmg evughs.
The Quints barn always had the
best of care, so mother you may bo
assured of using just about the BEST
product made when you use Muslorolo.
WORK than an ordinary ''■aire"—
warming, soothing Mu.terole helps
brrak up local congestion. Also made
in Rsgutar ami Extra Strength for
those preferring a stronger product.
Vitamin Makra Plants Grow
Tests made at the California In­
stitute of Technology show that vi­
tamin Bl gives new vigor tu plants.
Political Advertising
Political advertising on the two
major radio chains amounted to
more than >107.000 in 1938.
Giacomo Profili, the
consul In Detroit, Mich.,
was ordered closed by
meni. Profili heads the
sulate In Michigan.
Italian vice
»hour office
thr fovern-
Itallan con-
Three Wise Men
According to legend, the three
Wise men were Gaspar, Melchior
and Balthasar.
Auloa in World
World registration of automobiles
In the world as of 1940 Is estimated
at «M1MB
Mrn. Blame Marlene Dietrick
Marlene Dietrich Is credited with
making trousers popular for women.
Beware Coughs
from common colds
That Hang On
Creotnul&lon relieves promptly be­
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender. In­
flamed bronchial mucous meme­
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomuldon with the un­
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Nothing From Nothing
Nothing can be born of nothing,
nothing can be resolved into noth-
( ing.—Persius.
Forrest C. Donnell was Inaug-
urated Missouri’s forticth governor
after a six weeks’ delay because of
contested election, He is the first Re­
publican governor to crack the MIs-
sonrl capitol’s Democratic ranks
since the Roosevelt landslide In 1932.
This picture shows him at the in­
augural in Jefferson City, Mo., with
Col. Branch Rickey, owner of the
St. Louis Cardinals. Left: Governor
Forrest Donnell, and (right) Col.
She Turned Him Down!
A fellow can’t get anywhere when
he looks uncomfortable I And he’s
bound to, when heartburn, “fullness**
and acid stomach bother him. Hava
ADLA Tablets handy for quick re­
lief. Get them from your druggist
Memory Clings
Experience teaches that a good
memory is generally joined to a
weak judgment.—Montaigne.
TO eiV
NOSf uxors
couch uxors
Left: Ralph Austin Bard of Chi­
cago, who was appointed assistant
secretary of the navy. Right: Rob­
ert A. Lovett of New York, appoint­
ed special assistant to secretary of
war for air.
• Like a beacon light on
the height —the advertise­
ments in newspapers direct
you to newer, better and
easier ways of providing
the things needed or
desired. It shines, this
beacon of newspaper
advertising—and it will be
to your advantage to fol­
low it whenever you
make a purchase.